14 research outputs found

    Unethical labour practices in MNEs' business worldwide

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    The article considers the emerging unethical cases in multinational companies' business worldwide  regarding the right to work and its dimensions. They refer to working conditions, the availability of child labor, discrimination in pay and employment, as well as regarding attitude towards women and girls. Specific cases about Bulgaria and Europe are elaborated.  Finally, measures taken by different stakeholders to minimize or eliminate the practices discussed are presented

    Female expatriates’ barriers – myths and reality

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    Sending expatriates on international assignments today continues to be a serious challenge for organizations. Alongside the growing need for overseas employees, women are still under-represented (or even discriminated) compared to men. And while both men and women are capable of performing the various aspects of international job, there are additional challenges for the latter. The article examines the main barriers for women to get an international assignment. Basic myths about the reluctance of women due to the presence of family and "dual careers", as well as objective reasons such as the "glass ceiling" in the organization, are discussed. At the end, possible ways to overcome the barriers are presented

    Global business companies' ethical behaviour: Universalism vs relativism

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    In the context of globalization, managing an organization affects communities, citizens and customers, employees, and different civil society associations. It concerns awareness of choices which managers make and that affect people's lives. The article examines how to deal with such situations in terms of universalism and relativism in international management, with the accompanying benefits and criticisms of each one. It also presents conveying the impact of organizations' activities in the daily lives of diverse populations around the world is, whose interests or even existence may at great extent be absent from the organization's decision-making. Measures for fostering ethical behaviour are also presented, respectively at international, national, community and intra-company levels. At the finale, we also highlight the main concerns about "best" rules and their applicability

    Opportunities for financing Bulgarian cultural organizations (chitalishta)

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    Cultural resources are enormous, they are renewable and they must be considered as significant social and economic development drivers. In recent years, their contribution to a higher quality of life has been recognized at various levels. This is not the case with their financing. Financial solutions are still far from affordable and accessable. In this regard, the article examines the possibilities for financing the typical Bulgarian cultural institutions, namely the Chitalishte. First, the ways and methods of financing existing in the EU and in the world are presented.  After that, the real possibilities for them are evaluated in the Bulgarian context

    Properties of obturations and obturation materials, associated with the development of secondary caries

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    The main part of dentists` work is associated with the operative treatment of dental caries, aiming at the sta­bilization of the process and restoration of the natural anatomy and function of the teeth with artificial ma­terials. With the emergence of restorative dental medicine came the questions related to the survival rate of the restorations, the reasons for their replacement and the possibilities for control and management of the factors, leading to activation and progression of the carious process.The aim of the literature overview is to study the most common reasons, leading to a decrease of the surviv­al rate of different restorations within the conditions of the mouth cavity. It analyzes factors with direct and indirect importance for the development of secondary caries and the longevity of obturations, such as po­lymerization shrinkage, accumulation of dental biofilm, micropermeability, marginal adaptation, micro­gap, etc

    After pandemic cultural institutions’ management in the context of culture- development relation – the case of Bulgarian folklore ensemble

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    The paper discusses Bulgarian folklore dance ensemble as cultural institution in Covid-19 reality and its impact on development. Therefore, it considers the challenges imposed by the pandemic and the opportunities that  came along it. The analysis has showed that to have better and more significant impact, the ensemble must alleviate its internal weaknesses and explore new directions of creative work, different audiences, digitalization, wide partnerships, etc. Despite the increased awareness of the role of culture for local development, much can still be done to improve and mainstream across policy areas. Hence, the paper presents several clear policy measures to reinvest in culture and deliver a richer, more vibrant, and more diverse cultural sector, both at national and institutional level in order to boost its contribution to local development

    A qualitative exploration of psychoanalytic psychotherapists' experiences working with young people who have perverse sexual fantasies and/or engage in harmful sexual behaviour

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    Objective: This study explores psychoanalytic psychotherapists’ (CPTs) experiences of working with young people (aged 14-25) who have perverse sexual fantasies, and/or engage in harmful sexual behaviour. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five qualified CPTs working at the Portman Clinic. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was employed to analyse the transcribed data. Results: IPA revealed 5 superordinate themes: 1. CPTs view perversion as an entrenched solution to emotional pain; 2. ''…it’s very, very disturbing to get hold of the aggressive, perverse part of the patient''; 3. In CPTs’ views, starting psychotherapy significantly increases the risk of harm to self and others, and it cannot be contained individually; 4. CPTs' gender matters; and 5. “an antidote to the disturbance” Conclusions: These findings have significant implications for clinical practice, emphasising the need to structure services with an awareness of the high risk involved, and the need for supervision and team support. They also highlight the benefits of long-term, open-ended treatment for these patients. Finally, it was revealed that having expertise in how to work with the aggressive part of these patient was another major necessity for all professionals working with these patients. Key words: Perversion, sexual offending behaviours, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, counter-transference, adolescents

    The Impact of Nursing Care in the Intensive Care Unit

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    As the population ages, the number of patients with more than one chronic disease increases, leading to a greater need for medical care. As a result, the demand for emergency and intensive care in recent years has become increasingly critical. It is advanced practice nurses who play a key role in patient care, and the drive to strengthen the workforce necessitates an increase in their involvement. The independence of advanced practice nurses and their impact on patient outcomes after critical care are of interest. The important role of nurses in the provision of health care has recently been recognized. Critical care needs inter-professional teams that provide collaborative health care, which includes the need for trained nurses. Expert and specialized care for the most seriously ill or injured patients in intensive care units (ICUs) and hospitals is provided by intensive care nurses. Working as part of a multidisciplinary team, they are experienced professionals who are highly skilled and safety-critical. The greatest responsibility for the care and treatment of patients in a critical or unstable clinical situation in the intensive care unit rests with the nurse. Her primary activities are the management and coordination of nursing care through assessments, therapies, and critical interventions. Based on the best available scientific evidence, clinical experience, and patient preferences, the nurse makes important clinical decisions in the intensive care unit

    Sem analysis of the endodontic cavity wall after removal of restorative materials used as temporary restoration

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    Aim: The aim of the present in vitro study was to analyze the endodontic cavity walls for presence of remnants of conventional glass ionomer cement and flowable light cure composite used as temporary restorative materials of endodontically treated teeth. The dentine surface of the access cavity was observed with scanning electron microscopy after the final removal of the temporary restoration using high-speed turbine and diamond bur or ultrasonic device and diamond tip.Materials and methods: Twenty-one extracted intact human molars were selected for this study. Endodontic access, enlargement of the coronal one third of the root canals and standard irrigation were performed. Teeth were then restored with two different materials – conventional glass ionomer cement (Ketac Molar Easymix, 3M ESPE, USA) and flowable light cure composite (Vertise flow, KERR, USA) and divided in four groups according to the method of removal and type of material used for temporary restoration. One sample, positive for temporary material remnants, was used as a control group. After the removal of the restorative material, all specimens were prepared for SEM examination. Scanning Electron Microscopy (Prisma E SEM, Thermo Scientific, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) was used to examine the surface morphology of the samples. The samples were sputter-coated with gold using vacuum evaporator (JEOL JFC-1200). The images were recorded at 20 kV acceleration using various magnifications (×150, ×500, and ×1000).Results and conclusions: Remnants were detected in all specimens, regardless of the material for temporary restoration or method of removal

    Opticky indukované rozpouštění a difúze Ag do amorfních tenkých vrstev systémů Ge-S a Ge-Ga-S

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    CB RAM paměti představují jeden z nových, často zkoumaných druhů pamětí, jejichž spínání probíhá na bázi vytváření a zpětnému přerušování vodivého můstku s násobně vyšší vodivostí, než je vodivost elektrolytu. Tato disertační práce se zabývá výzkumem amorfních tenkých vrstev Ge-Ga-S jakožto potenciálních elektrolytů pro CB RAM paměti.CB RAM memories are one type of brand new memories that are often researched in these days. They are based on formation and interruption of highly conductive filament through of a few orders less conductive electrolyte. This work deals with research of amorphous thin films of Ge-Ga-S for pottential application in CB RAM memories.Fakulta chemicko-technologickáZasedání zahájil předseda zkušební komise pro obhajobu disertační práce prof. Ing. Ladislav Koudelka, DrSc. a konstatoval, že oponent disertační práce RNDr. Jiří Zavadil, CSc. se omluvil z jednání komise. Konstatoval přitom, že zbývající dva oponenti jsou jednání přítomni a nepřítomný oponent podal kladný posudek a doporučuje přijetí práce k obhajobě. Následně navrhnul dle Studijního a zkušebního řádu Univerzity Pardubice hlasování o tom, zda členové komise souhlasí za těchto podmínek s obhajobou. Komise jednomyslným hlasováním rozhodla o konání obhajoby i za nepřítomnosti jednoho z oponentů. Dále pak představil členům komise Ing. Sylvyi Valkovou ze studijního směru 2808V003 "Chemie a technologie anorganických materiálů", která předložila k obhajobě disertační práci s názvem: "Opticky indukované rozpouštění a difúze Ag do amorfních tenkých vrstev systémů Ge-S a Ge-Ga-S" a seznámil členy komise s doporučením školitele prof. Ing. Tomáše Wágnera, DrSc. a stanoviskem vedoucího školicího pracoviště k předložené práci. Následně pak doktorandka seznámil komisi s předmětem a výsledky své disertační práce. Po referátu doktorandky následovalo projednání oponentských posudků. Oba oponenti postupně přečetli své posudky a předseda komise přečetl posudek Dr. Zavadila. Doktorandka zodpověděla postupně jejich dotazy a diskutovala jejich připomínky. V diskusi po projednání oponentských posudků byla pozornost zaměřena na otázky ideálních spínacích křivek z hlediska funkčnosti spínacích cel. Prof. Koudelka vznesl dotaz na výsledky získané z Ramanových spekter, kde byly současně přítomny vazby Ge-Ge a S-S u použitého chalkogenidového skla. Diskutována byla též nevhodnost pojmu gradace indexu lomu a možnosti jeho nahrazení pojmem vhodnějším. Ing. Navrátil vznesl dotaz na vhodnost dotace skel galliem a závěry z experimentů. Po skončení veřejné rozpravy proběhlo neveřejné zasedání komise, na kterém došlo po debatě k hlasování. Z přítomných 7 členů komise se 7 vyjádřilo pro výsledek obhajoby "splněno" a udělení vědecké hodnosti doktor (Ph.D.) Ing. Sylvyi Valkové. Předseda komise poté seznámil doktorandku s výsledkem hlasování komise, poděkoval členům komise i oponentům za jejich účast na obhajobě a ukončil jednání komise. Souvislost mezi výsledky uvedenými v disertační práci a předkládanými publikacemi: Obě dvě přiložené publikace doktorandky souvisí s předloženou disertační prací. Vyjádření komise k podílu studenta na předkládaných publikacích: Podíl doktorandky na uvedených publikacích je nepochybný