32 research outputs found

    Teachers' intercultural sensitivity and beliefs about cultural differences in the school context

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    Predmet ovog rada su uverenja nastavnika razredne nastave u vezi sa učenicima kulturnog porekla različitog od većinskog. Uverenja nastavnika o kulturnim razlikama i učenicima manjinskog kulturnog porekla su relativno često bila predmet istraživanja. Međutim, prethodne studije nisu situirale svoje razmatranje na preseku teorijskih doprinosa različitih disciplina koje su usredsređene na proučavanje interkulturne1 interakcije i percepcije kulturnog „drugog”. Stoga su u uvodnom delu ovog rada prikazani i kritički razmatrani međusobno povezani doprinosi različitih disciplina. Prvi segment uvoda obuhvata značenja i određenja multikulturnog i interkulturnog obrazovanja, alternativne obrazovne pristupe, kao i teorijska objašnjenja pozicije učenika manjinskog porekla u obrazovanju (perspektiva o deficitu, opozicionom kulturnom identitetu i referentnom okviru, perspektiva o kulturnim razlikama, pristupi usredsređeni na pitanje sistemske reprodukcije nejednakosti u obrazovnom kontekstu). U drugom segmentu analizirani su odabrani koncepti i teorijski modeli koji su dizajnirani da objasne ishode u interkulturnoj interakciji. Poseban naglasak bio je na kritičkom razmatranju Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti Miltona Beneta. Konačno, u trećem segmentu uvodnog poglavlja predstavili smo i razmotrili različite konceptualizacije uverenja i srodnih konstrukata o kulturnim grupama u okviru socijalne psihologije, kao i percepciju kulturnog drugog u kulturalnoj psihologiji. Deo ovog segmenta čini i selektivan pregled rezultata dosadašnjih istraživanja o uverenjima nastavnika i studenata učiteljskih fakulteta o kulturnim razlikama. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da unapredi razumevanje u vezi sa tim kako nastavnici opažaju i interpretiraju kulturne razlike, da osvetli njihova eksplicitna i implicitna uverenja o učenicima manjinskog porekla, kao i da Razvojni model interkulturne osetljivosti bude kritički preispitan, kako sa stanovišta logičke konzistentnosti pretpostavki modela, tako i spram nalaza sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja. Iz ciljeva su izvedena tri istraživačka pitanja: a) koje će osnovne teme o 1 U okviru privatne prepiske sa prof. dr Ivanom Klajnom je ukazano da bi prikladnije bilo koristiti izraze multikulturno i interkulturno umesto multikulturalno ili interkulturalno. Sa druge strane, termin interkulturalno je zadržan u okviru naslova rada, s obzirom na to da je Veće naučnih oblasti društveno-humanističkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu donelo je odluku kojom se daje saglasnost na predlog teme doktorske disertacije sa ovim naslovom. učenicima manjinskog kulturnog porekla, njihovim porodicama i zajednicama biti zastupljene u iskazima nastavnika; b) da li će identifikovane teme biti kvalitativno distinktivne za poduzorke nastavnika koji su različitog nivoa interkulturne osetljivosti; c) da li će se identifikovane teme u iskazima o mađarskoj grupi kvalitativno razlikovati od tema identifikovanih u iskazima o romskoj grupi. Eksplicirano je da bi u skladu sa teorijskim pretpostavkama Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti bili oni nalazi koji ukazuju na zajednički obrazac uverenja o različitim kulturnim grupama unutar svakog od poduzorka (nivoa interkulturne osetljivosti), kao i na distinktivne, specifične obrasce za svaki poduzorak. Uzorak su sačinjavala 42 učitelja iz Vojvodine. Prikupljanje podataka je podrazumevalo dve sukcesivne faze. U prvoj fazi učitelji su učestvovali u realizaciji polustrukturiranih intervjua i iznosili svoje utiske u vezi sa hipotetičkom situacijom – kritičnim incidentom sa romskim ili alternativno sa mađarskim učenikom. U narednoj fazi (približno šest meseci nakon prve faze), sagovornicima je prosleđena elektronska verzija Inventara interkulturnog razvoja (IDI®). Na osnovu rezultata na Inventaru interkulturnog razvoja formirana su dva poduzorka: jedan koji su sačinjavali ispitanici na stadijumima poricanja i odbrane i drugi sa ispitanicima na stadijumu minimizacije. Pristup analizi podataka zasnivao se u najvećoj meri na kombinaciji induktivnog pristupa kvalitativnoj tematskoj analizi i utemeljene teorije zasnovane na konstruktivističkim principima. Odlučeno je da će biti uzeti u obzir kako sadržaj iskaza ispitanika (šta je ono o čemu ispitanici govore), tako i procesi opisivanja, objašnjavanja, opravdavanja i pozicioniranja sagovornika (kako izražavaju svoje predstave). Rezultati ovog istraživanja podupiru zaključke kritičke analize teorijskih pretpostavki Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti predstavljene u okviru uvodnog poglavlja. Oba poduzorka su ispoljila zajedničke tendencije ka hijerarhijskom vrednovanju i kontrastiranju različitih grupa, kao i obrazac umanjivanja značaja razlika i naglašavanja karakteristika koje su opažene kao univerzalno ljudske. Odabrane kulturne grupe (romska i mađarska) su sagledane kao međusobno veoma različite i unutar istog poduzorka: romska kulturna grupa iz perspektive kognitivnih i nekognitivnih deficita; mađarska kulturna grupa iz perspektive sklonosti ka homogenom grupisanju i preferiranju pripadnika sopstvene grupe. Percepciju kulturnih grupa u velikoj meri je oblikovala deljena socijalna reprezentacija o specifičnoj grupi, dok je razvojni stadijum interkulturne senzitivnosti bio od manjeg značaja. Postojale su, međutim, uočljive razlike među poduzorcima u pogledu učestalosti, intenziteta i eksplicitnosti hijerarhijske evaluacije grupa, pre svega kada je reč o percepciji romske kulturne grupe. U okviru poduzorka poricanja i odbrane ove tendencije su bile eksplicitnije, sagovornici su iznosili ekstremnije primere, negativne sudove i bili su skloniji hijerarhijskom vrednovanju i navođenju socio-bioloških objašnjenja razlika. Smatramo da je osnovni doprinos ovog istraživanja u domenu razvoja teorije. Naši nalazi i kritičko razmatranje pretpostavki Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti sugerišu da je ovaj model potrebno delimično rekonceptualizovati. Naime, stadijume ili faze pretpostavljenog jednosmernog razvoja interkulturne senzitivnosti trebalo bi razmatrati kao različite procese koji se mogu odvijati i simultano. Takođe smatramo da bi bilo potrebno da model inkorporira ideju da je percepcija kulturne grupe po pravilu, makar u izvesnoj meri, oblikovana deljenom socijalnom reprezentacijom. Zaključili smo i da bi dva diskutovana modela sadržaja stereotipa trebalo da budu udružena kako bi na zadovoljavajući način objasnili percepciju manjinskih kulturnih grupa koje su izložene intenzivnim i negativnim procenama (romska kulturna grupa u ovom istraživanju)The subject of this paper are the beliefs of primary school teachers about cultural minority pupils. Teachers' beliefs about cultural differences and minority pupils were a relatively common point of research prior to this study. However, former studies did not base their analysis on the cross-section of the theoretical contributions of different disciplines focused on intercultural interaction and perception of the cultural "other". Therefore, in the introductory part of this thesis their interrelated contributions were presented and critically examined. The first segment of the introduction comprises meanings and definitions of multicultural and intercultural education, alternative educational approaches, as well as theoretical explanations for the status of minority pupils in education (the deficit perspective, oppositional cultural identity and frame of reference, the cultural difference perspective, approaches focusing on systematic reproduction of inequality in the educational context). In the second segment, the selected concepts and theoretical models designed to explain outcomes in intercultural interaction were examined. The main emphasis is on critical examination of Milton Bennett’s Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. Lastly, in the third segment, we present and assess conceptualizations of beliefs and related constructs about cultural groups in social psychology, as well as the perception of the cultural other in cultural psychology. One part of this segment also includes a selective review of prior research findings about the beliefs of teachers and students of teacher-training faculties about cultural differences in the school context. The research aims at enhancing our understanding of teachers' perception and interpretation of cultural differences, revealing their explicit and implicit beliefs about minority pupils and critically examining the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity - both the logical consistency of the assumptions of the model, as well as its consistency with the research findings. Three research questions were derived from these aims: a) What are the main themes pertaining to cultural minority pupils, their parents and communities; b) Is there a qualitative distinction between the identified themes for the two subsamples characterized by different levels of intercultural sensitivity; c) Is there a qualitative distinction between the identified themes regarding the Hungarian minority group and the identified themes regarding the Roma minority group. It is stated that, in order for the given findings to be in accordance with the assumptions of the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, they should point to the existence of a common pattern of beliefs about different cultural groups within each subsample (level of intercultural sensitivity), as well as to the presence of distinctive, specific patterns for each subsample. The sample consists of 42 primary school teachers from the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Data collection was organized in two successive phases. In the first phase, the teachers participated in semi-structured interviews and offered their insight about the hypothetical situation - critical incident with a Roma pupil or a Hungarian pupil, alternatively. In the following phase (approximately six months after) an online version of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) was distributed to the participants. Based on the participants' IDI® score, two subsamples were formed. The first subsample consists of teachers in denial and defense stages, whereas the second subsample consists of participants in a minimization stage. Analysis and interpretation of the data were based on a predominantly inductive approach to qualitative thematic analysis and a constructivist approach to grounded theory. The decision was made to take into account the content of statements (what participants were saying), as well as participants’ processes of describing, explaining, justifying and positioning interlocutors (how they expressed their views). The results support the conclusions of critical analysis based on the theoretical assumptions the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, presented in the introductory chapter. Both subsamples exhibit common tendencies towards hierarchical evaluation and contrasting of different groups, as well as the patterns of minimizing differences and emphasizing characteristics that were perceived as universally human. The selected cultural groups (Roma and Hungarian) were perceived very differently even within the same subsample: Roma cultural group from the perspective of cognitive and non-cognitive deficits; Hungarian cultural group from the perspective of tendencies towards homogeneous grouping and in-group preferences. Perception of the two cultural groups was strongly influenced by the social representation of the specific cultural group, whereas the developmental stage of intercultural sensitivity appeared to be of smaller significance. There were, however, notable differences between the subsamples in terms of frequency, intensity and explicitness of the hierarchical evaluation of groups, primarily in regard to the perception of the Roma cultural group. Within the subsample of denial and defense the tendency was more explicit; participants conveyed more extreme examples, negative judgments, were more prone to hierarchical evaluation and offered socio-biological explanations of differences. We believe that this study principally contributes to the development of theory. Firstly, our findings, as well as critical examination of the assumptions of the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, suggest that the model should be partially re-conceptualized. Namely, stages or phases in the presumed unidirectional developmental progression of intercultural sensitivity should be addressed as different processes that could be simultaneous. Further, it is suggested that the Model should incorporate the notion that perception of specific cultural groups is shaped by a shared social representation, at least to some extent. We also conclude that the two discussed models of stereotype content should be combined in order to offer a satisfactory explanation to the perception of cultural minority groups that are exposed to intense negative judgment (the Roma cultural group in our research

    Employment barriers for persons with physical disability in Serbia

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    Особе са инвалидитетом које живе у Србији, суочене су са различитим социјалним и психолошким препрекама, које смањују могућност њиховог активног учешћа у кључним сферама друштвеног живота, остављајући бројне негативне последице, како на квалитет живота самих особа које имају неки облик инвалидитета, тако и чланова њихових породица. Један од кључних проблема са којим се суочавају особе са инвалидитетом које живе на територији наше земље, јесте и дуготрајно одржање изузетно високе стопе незапослености припадника ове популације. Досадашња истраживања показују да се број запослених особа које имају неку врсту инвалидитета, није повећао у значајнијој мери ни након петогодишње примене „Закона о професионалној рехабилитацији и запошљавању особа са инвалидитетом“, чиме су највише погођена лица са тежим облицима и/или степеном инвалидитета, међу којима су неретко и особе које имају неко оштећење (или недостатак) доњих и/или горњих екстремитета, односно телесни инвалидитет. Основни циљ израде ове докторске дисертације био је утврђивање разлика у ставовима о кључним узроцима који доприносе дуготрајном одржању високе стопе незапослености особа са телесним инвалидитетом у Србији, при чему је посебан акценат био стављен на утицај тзв. субјективних фактора који доприносе смањеној мотивацији припадника ове популације да траже посао. Резултати емпиријског истраживања показују да особе са телесним инвалидитетом као кључне факторе дуготрајног одржања високе стопе незапослености припадника ове популације у Србији, виде у постојању великог броја различитих социјалних и психолошких препрека, међу којима као најзначајније издвајају: постојање великог броја архитектонских баријера, широку распрострањеност предрасуда и (ауто)стереотипа о радној способности особа са телесним инвалидитетом, недовољну развијеност услуга/сервиса подршке намењених припадницима ове популације, као и слабу примену средстава асистивних технологија. Утврђено је и да су услуге персоналне асистенције и специјализованог градског превоза доступне свега једној трећини припадника ове популације, који изражавају потребу за њиховим коришћењем..Persons with disability who are living in Serbia often meet various social and psychological barriers, which diminish their possibility to actively participate in key spheres of social life and count for numerous negative consequences on them and on the lives of their families. One of the key problems facing the persons with disability in our country is the long-term persistence of high unemployment rate of people from this social group. The research shows that the employment rate of persons with some form of disability did not rise significantly, even five years after “The Law of Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disability“ was passed. The ones especially affected by this are persons with more severe forms and/or levels of disability, often including those with some kind of upper and/or lower limb defects orlesions, i.e. physical disabilities. The primary goal of this thesis is to determine the differences in attitudes and stances on the key causes which contribute to the long-term persistence of high unemployment rate of persons with disability in Serbia, especially emphasizing the effect of the co-called “subjective” factors leading to lower motivation for job-seeking of persons from this social group. The results of empirical research show that persons with physical disability see their long-term persistence of high unemployment rate in Serbia as being the consequence of several key factors, coming from the existence of a number of social and psychological barriers, such as: numerous architectural barriers, widely spread prejudice and (auto)stereotypes about the disabled persons’ ability to work, inadequately developed network of service and support for the persons from this social group, and insufficient application of means of assistive technologies. They also show that the services of personal assistance and specialized public transport are available to only one in three disabled persons that need to utilize them..

    Approaches and strategies for multicultural teacher education - Experiences from the United States of America

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    The paper discusses different approaches and strategies for educating teachers in the United States of America for work in multicultural schools, bearing in mind teacher efficiency. The first part of the paper contains theoretical considerations on the basic competences of teachers for multicultural education, provides an overview of the key questions that need to be answered in the process of developing multicultural teacher education and presents the effects of multicultural education programmes aimed at eliminating prejudice and establishing the pedagogy of equality. The second part of the paper lists strategies for the multicultural education of teachers who are members of the majority population and discusses the educational effects of these strategies. The third part of the paper discusses the approaches based on the model of cross- cultural teacher development that facilitate the understanding of teacher behaviour and their resistance to change, as well as the adapting and sequencing of courses for future teachers. The concluding part of the paper offers recommendations for enhancing multicultural teacher education

    How school psychologists see their professional role?

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    U ovom istraživanju nastojali smo da ustanovimo kako školski psiholozi u Srbiji vide svoju profesionalnu ulogu u kontekstu reforme obrazovanja i zakonskih promena. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 105 školskih psihologa iz osnovnih škola sa teritorije Srbije. Podaci o različitim aspektima uloge psihologa prikupljeni su pomoću upitnika. Kao izuzetno značajne delatnosti školskog psihologa procenjene su individualno i grupno savetovanje učenika, profesionalno usavršavanje, saradnja sa roditeljima i pomoć u učenju i podrška razvoju učenika. Školski psiholozi smatraju da u svom radu da više vremena treba da posvete upravo onim delatnostima koje su ocenili kao izuzetno značajne. Kao specifično psihološke delatnosti, psiholozi izdvajaju psihološku procenu, individualno i grupno savetovanje i pružanje konsultativnih usluga. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da školski psiholozi kao najznačajnije delatnosti u svom radu percipiraju upravo one delatnosti koje su u Pravilniku o programu svih oblika rada stručnih saradnika iz 2012. godine navedene kao specifični stručni poslovi za psihologe u obrazovanju. Ujedno to su delatnosti kojima ispitivani školski psiholozi žele da posvete najveći deo radnog vremena, što pokazuje da novi pravilnih odgovara aktuelnim potrebama školskih psihologa. .In this research we tried to determine how school psychologists in Serbia perceive their professional role in the context of the educational reforms and legal changes. The sample included 105 elementary school psychologists from Serbia. The data were gathered by the use of a questionnaire. Individual and group counseling were estimated as the most important activities of a school psychologist. Then follow professional in-service training, cooperation with parents and assistance in studying together with supporting the development of the student. School psychologists think that they should pay more attention to the activities labeled as the most important. As a specifically psychological the respondents stressed psychological assessment, individual and group counseling and consultancy services. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that school psychologists perceive as the most important those activities which are cited in the Regulations of All Forms of Work of Professional School Counselors from 2012 as specific expert activities of psychologists in education. At the same time these are the activities to which the psychologists want to devote most of their working time, which means that the new Regulations meet the current needs of the psychologists

    Congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear - uncommon clinical presentation

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    Introduction. Congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear is un uncommon and yet not well-defined disease. Only few cases of cholesteatoma in the fossa ovalis with unusual clinical presentation have been reported in medical literature. Case report. We reported a 16-year-old girl with congenital cholesteatoma in the fossa ovalis with minimal clinical presentation. A small mass was found occluding the fossa ovalis and mimicking otosclerotic process within tympanic cavity. The operation started as stapedotomy, and when the process was confirmed it converted to mastoidectomy via the retroauricular approach. Conclusion. The diagnosis of congenital cholesteatoma in children should always be considered, even if the clinical symptoms imitate other ear disorders, in our case otosclerosis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179055: Cochlear implantation impact on education of deaf and hearing-impaired

    Assessing wheat performance using environmental information

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    The partial least squares (PLS) regression model was applied to wheat data set with objective to determining the most relevant environmental variables that explained biomass per plant and grain yield genotype x environment interaction (GEI) effects. The data set had 25 wheat genotypes (20 landraces + 5 cultivars) tested for 4 years in two different water regimes: rainfed and drought. Environmental variables such as maximum soil temperature at 5 cm in April and May, soil moisture in the top 75 cm in March, and sun hours per day in May accounted for a sizeable proportion of GEI for biomass per plant. Similar results were obtained for grain yield: maximum soil temperature at 5 cm in April, May and June, and sun hours per day in May were related to the factor that explained the largest portion (>38%) of the GEI. Generally, wheat landraces are able to better exploit environments with higher temperatures and lower water availability during vegetative growth (March-June) than cultivars

    Komparativne vrednosti osobina pšenice kod individualnih biljaka i biljaka u usevu

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    The aim of this study was to compare the average values of quantitative traits of wheat varieties in individual plants and in plants within crop (550 plants / m2). Field experiments were set up in Banja Luka during the season 2007/08, with eight wheat varieties: Oganj, Kristina, Nonijus, Stojanka, Mihelka, NS 565, Tina, and Grand. The follow traits were analyzed: plants height, spike length, spike mass, grain mass/spike, grain number/spike and grain yield. The highest grain yield had variety NS 565 (6.920 kg/ha), while the lowest grain yield had variety Tina (5.411 kg/ha). It was surprising that the lowest values for traits grain mass/spike and grain number/spike were found in individual plants of variety NS 565, which formed the highest grain yield. From the other side, high value for number of grains per spike was observed in individual plants of variety Tina, which formed the lowest grain yield. For wheat breeders, these results indicate that individual plants with the low values of grain mass/spike and grain number/spike could give high grain yield in later generations, and oppositely, i.e. key factor for high yield is the number of spikes per hectar.Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se uporede prosečne vrednosti kvantitativnih osobina sorti pšenice kod individualnih biljaka i kod biljaka u usevu (550 biljaka/m2). Postavljeni su poljski ogledi u Banja Luci tokom 2007/08 godine sa osam sorti pšenice: Oganj, Kristina, Nonijus, Stojanka, Mihelka, NS 565, Tina i Grand. Analizirane su sledeće osobine: visina biljaka, dužina klasa, masa klasa, masa zrna po klasu, broj zrna po klasu i prinos zrna. Najveći prinos zrna u usevu imala je sorta NS 565 (6.920 kg/ha), a najmanji Tina (5.411 kg/ha). Iznenađujuće je da su najmanje vrednosti za osobine masa zrna po klasu i broj zrna po klasu imale individualne biljke sorte NS 565, koja je imala najveći prinos zrna. S druge strane, sorta Tina je imala visoke vrednosti za broj zrna po klasu kod individualnih biljaka, iako je obrazovala najmanji prinos zrna. Ovi rezultati ukazuju selekcionarima pšenice da individualne biljke sa malom masom zrna po klasu i malim brojem zrna po klasu mogu imati visok prinos zrna u usevu i obrnuto, odnosno da je ključni parametar za visok prinos broj klasova po hektaru

    Agronomske osobine golozrnog ječma u poređenju sa plevičastim

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    In recent times the interest in the use of naked barley in direct human consumption and industrial processing has been increased. This is, first of all, based on the fact that naked barley presents a rich source of nutritive plant fibres and that it is not necessary to remove hull mechanically. Naked barley cultivation had not been tradition in Serbia, and therefore naked barley breeding programmes have been implemented in our institutes since 1990s. Tested germplasm originating from Asia, Africa and America was introduced, crosses were performed and first inbreds and varieties of naked barley were derived. This paper presents some agronomic traits of introduced naked barley germplasm from the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) ) and domestic naked barley lines of a recent development in comparison with covered barley varieties under agroecological conditions of eastern Serbia.Poslednjih desetak godina u svetu raste interes za upotrebom golozrnog ječma u direktnoj ljudskoj ishrani i industrijskoj preradi. Razlog za to je pre svega što golozrni ječam predstavlja bogat izvor rastvorljivih biljnih vlakana i da nije potrebno mehanički odvajati plevice. U Srbiji ne postoji tradicija gajenja ovog varijeteta ječma zbog čega su u domaćim institutima devedesetih godina prošlog veka zasnovani programi oplemenjivanja golozrnog ječma. Introdukovana je i testirana germplazma iz Azije, Afrike i Amerike, izvršena su ukrštanja i stvorene prve linije i sorte golozrnog ječma. U radu su prikazane neke agronomske osobine linija golozrnog ječma proeklom iz Мeđunarodnog Centra za poljoprivredna istraživanja u sušnim reonima (ICARDA), Sirija, i novostvorenih linija golozrnog ječma u poređenju sa sortama plevičastog ječma u agroekološkim uslovima istočne Srbije

    Influence of mechanochemical activation on the thermal behavior of pyrophyllite

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    The effect of mechanical milling on the thermal behavior of pyrophyllite ore from a deposit in Parsovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Particle size distribution. The thermal behavior of the material was followed by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis and correlated to its microstructural properties. The Williamson-Hall model was used to calculate the crystallite size and microstrain. Mechanochemical treatment of pyrophyllite ore produced a substantial structural modification, mainly along the c axis, resulting in disorder and partial degradation of the crystal structure of the ore. The particle size diminution, induced defects, and microstrain in the crystal lattice cause decrease in the peak intensity until the final disappearance. As confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and particle-size-distribution analysis, the surface area and the agglomeration is more pronounced as grinding time increases. Dehydroxylation of the minerals in the unmilled ore was realized at 716oC confirm by FTIR analysis. The endothermic peak that corresponds to dehydroxylation is shifted toward lower temperatures and becomes broad giving rise to the formation of amorphous SiO2 as milling time increases

    High-Resolution AMS Dating of Architecture, Boulder Artworks and the Transition to Farming at Lepenski Vir

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    The archaeological site of Lepenski Vir is widely known after its remarkable stone art sculptures that represent a unique and unprecedented case of Holocene hunter-gatherer creativity. These artworks were found largely associated with equally unique trapezoidal limestone building floors around their centrally located rectangular stone-lined hearths. A debate has raged since the discovery of the site about the chronological place of various discovered features. While over years different views from that of the excavator about the stratigraphy and chronology of the site have been put forward, some major disagreements about the chronological position of the features that make this site a key point of reference in European Prehistory persist. Despite challenges of re-analyzing the site's stratigraphy from the original excavation records, taphonomic problems, and issues of reservoir offsets when providing radiocarbon measurements on human and dog bones, our targeted AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) dating of various contexts from this site with the application of Bayesian statistical modelling allows us to propose with confidence a new and sound chronological framework and provide formal estimates for several key developments represented in the archaeological record of Lepenski Vir that help us in understanding the transition of last foragers to first farmers in southeast Europe as a whole