1,243 research outputs found
Universal measurability and the Hochschild class of the Chern character
We study notions of measurability for singular traces, and characterise universal measurability for operators in Dixmier ideals. This measurability result is then applied to improve on the various proofs of Connes\u27 identification of the Hochschild class of the Chern character of Dixmier summable spectral triples. The measurability results show that the identification of the Hochschild class is independent of the choice of singular trace. As a corollary we obtain strong information on the asymptotics of the eigenvalues of operators naturally associated to spectral triples (A, H, D) and Hochschild cycles for A
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency associated hemolysis in COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine: New case reports coming out.
Afra TP et al comment our recent report entitled: \u201cacute hemolysis by hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was observed in G6PD-deficient patient with severe COVID-19 related lung injury\u201d [1,2]. Afra et al. underlight \u201dconfounding factors and inconsistencies\u201d in our conclusion, linking acute drop in Hb in COVID-19 patient with suspected G6PD and HCQ treatment. We respectfully disagree with comments from Afra et al. Our case report was the first one of a series, linking G6PD deficiency with HCQ/CQ treatment for COVID19 infection such as Kuiper ME et al. or Beauverd Y et al. or Maillart et al. [3\u20135]. In our case, we observed an acute drop of Hb values associated with the appearance of hemoglo-binuria and abnormalities in red cell morphology at the blood smear within 48 h after patient hospital admission and the introduction of HCQ treatment. Our patient was transfused and HCQ was withdrawn with stabilization of Hb values. Thus, this was not a spontaneous re-covery of Hb values as suspected by Afra et al. (see Fig. 1 in De Fran-ceschi L et al 2020) [2]. In addition, hemoglobinuria is a hallmark of intravascular hemolysis, which characterizes drug induced acute he-molysis in G6PD patients [6]. Otherwise, drug induced hemolytic an-emia in patients with healthy red cells is general an extravascular he-molysis without hemoglobinuria. Italy is an endemic area for G6PD deficiency [6]. Our patient was suspected for G6PD deficiency based on previous hemolytic events re-corded in patient history. To fully answer the question raised by Afra et al., we have evaluated G6PD activity in our patients at 8 weeks after hospital discharge. As expected we found G6PD deficiency with normal complete blood count analysis and normal reticulocyte count (43.500 retics/uL). Collectively our results and the post-recovery determination of G6PD support the link between acute hemolysis and HCQ/CQ treatment in COVID-19 patient
Acute hemolysis by hydroxycloroquine was observed in G6PD-deficient patient with severe COVD-19 related lung injury.
Our patient might be affected by Mediterannean variant of G6PD deficiency, which is more sensitive to pro-oxidant drugs compared to African G6PD A variant. No conclusive data are available on the possible pro-hemolytic impact of CQ/HCQ on patient with G6PD deficiency [3\u20135]. In COVID-19 emergency we believe it is important to warning the possible hemolytic effects of CQ/HCQ in patients with G6PD deficiency. Thus, the acute drop in Hb levels in the early days of CQ/HCQ treatment of COVID19 symptomatic patient should be considere
What We Mean When We Talk About Adherence In Respiratory Medicine
The Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG; www.effectivenessevaluation.org) supported the Expert Adherence Panel Meeting at which many of the concepts presented in this paper were first discussed. REG also supported the manuscript submission costs. ALD, EvG, and MdB have received funding from the European Community's 7th Framework (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 282593. Teva supported the meeting costs at which the concepts in this paper were discussed by the co-authors and the open access publication fee for this article. The authors had full editorial control over the ideas presented.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Effects of training on reticulated reactive platelets and erytrocyte fragments in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis.
Background: training is a documented effective treatment in patients affected from peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Platelet activation plays a pivotal role in atherosclerosis progression and cardiovascular events. Reticulated platelets (IPF) reflects activity of bone marrow , recently they have been associated to cardiovascular complications and atherosclerosis with unstable conditions (e.g. acute coronary syndrome). Presence of a width blood red cell distribution is considered recently as a prognostic factor for coronary artery disease, a high RDW value depends greatly on presence of red blood cells fragmentation (FRC); this parameter may depend on different conditions such as inflammation, and oxidation and is connected with different risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes. Few data can be found for patients with peripheral arterial disease on training. We aimed to evaluate the effects of aerobic training on IPF and FRC at rest and after maximal walking exercise before and after training. Methods and Results: we enrolled 12 patients with intermittent claudication. They were submitted to a 15 days aerobic training period (cycling and treadmill exercise under maximal walking capacity). IPF, MPV, PLT count and FRC were analyzed at rest, 1 hour after maximal treadmill test and after 24 hours, these evaluations were performed at the beginning and at the end of the training period. The Lab parameters were analyzed with impedentiometry, fluorimetry (oxazyne) and optical methods (Sysmex Xn-1000, Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan). Walking distance was measured with treadmill (3,2 km/h, 2-10% slope), maximal test was prolonged to the maximal tolerated claudication pain. Platelets count was within normal range (216,9 \ub1 40 109/l ) and did not changed throughout the study; also MPV was unchanged (11,6\ub11,9 vs 11.45\ub10,8 fl ) before and after the training ; plateletcrit was slightly reduced (0,246\ub10,061 vs 0,282 \ub10,018 %). IPF count (figure) slightly changed during maximal stress at the beginning of training with increase after 24 hours; after training the count decreased significantly (*p<0,05) at rest and 1 hour after, while it increased significantly after 24 hours (** p<0,05 vs rest ad vs 24 h-pre) but less than before training. FRC decreased after triaining (0,381\ub10,121 vs 0,542\ub10,220 %; p<0,05), maximal test slightly increased FRC after 1 hour , no significant change after 24 hours. At the end of training, absolute walking distance increased (450\ub1180 vs 250\ub1108 m; p<0,05). Discussion: training reduces IPF in patients with peripheral arterial disease, IPF increase after acute maximal test and this phenomenon can be attenuated by training. We also observed a reduction in FRC. Presence of FRC in these patients may be caused by mechanical forces throughout a large surface of atherosclerotic plaques fragmenting red cells, ischemia reperfusion in claudication is another mechanism that can elicit formation of FRC and in addition high oxidative stress may contribute. IPF are associated with an increase platelets activity and a higher turnover; in this pathology both these condition can be found associated with oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Training improves oxidation, inflammation and endothelium function with favorable effects on platelets activation and turnover, furthermore these parameters may influence also FRC count. Conclusion: training in PAD patients reduces IPF and FRC with potential improvement in risk profile for atherosclerosis progression and reduction of cardiovascular events. References: 1. Cesari F, Marcucci R, Gori AM, et al . Reticulated platelets predict cardiovascular death in acute coronary syndrome patients. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2013; 109: 846-853. 2. Hoffmann JJ . Reticulated platelets: analytical aspects and clinical utility. Clin Chem Lab. 2014; 52: 1107-17. 3. Bujak K, Wasilewski J, Osadnik T, et al. Prognostic role of red blood cell distribution width in coronary artery disease: a review of the pathophysiology. Disease Markers 2015, vol 1 ; 1-12
A new abdominal wall reconstruction strategy for giant incisional hernia
Scopul lucrării. Tratamentul chirurgical al herniei incizionale gigante cu “pierdere dreptului la domiciliu” reprezintă o provocare pentru
echipa chirurgicală grație riscurilor și complicațiilor perioperatorii asociate manevrei chirurgicale. Scopul studiului este optimizarea
rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical al herniilor incizionale gigante prin implementarea tehniciii novaționale de reconstrucție peretelui
Materiale și metode. În perioada 2019-2023 am utilizat tehnica de separare posterioară a componentelor cu eliberarea muşchiului
transvers abdominal (TAR) la 12 pacienţi cu hernii incizionale gigante. Repartiţia defectelor parietale conform clasificării EHS (2009):
M1W3 (n=1), M2W3 (n=2), M3W3 (n=4), M4W3 ( n=2), M5W3 (n=1) și L2W3 (n=2). Dimensiunea medie a lăţimii defectului parietal
a constituit 15,5 cm (interval 12,5-24,5 cm). Tehnica chirurgicală prevede deschiderea tecilor mușchilor drepți abdominali, disecția
retromusculară tip Rives-Stoppa, eliberarea componentului fascial transvers medial de la linia semilunară și crearea unui spațiu
preperitoneal avascular extins cranial pînă la tendonul central al diafragmului, inferior în spaţiul Retzius şi în plan lateral pînă la
psoas. Augmentația protetică prevede crearea planului de rezistența prin montarea plasei chirurgicale de mari dimensiuni în poziție
Rezultate. Durata medie a intervenţiei 140,8±20.1 min (interval 130-187 min). Mediana spitalizării 10 zile (interval 6-22 zile). Complicaţii
parietale au fost instalate la 4 pacienţi. Timpul mediu de urmărire a fost 12 luni fără recurenţă.
Concluzii. Tehnica de separare posterioară a componentelor completată cu augmentația protetică şi restaurarea liniei albe reprezintă
o direcţie inovatoare de reconstrucție a peretelui abdominal. TAR oferă soluția eficientă în tratamentul eventraţiilor voluminoase şi
asigură restabilirea structurală și funcțională a peretelui abdominal.Aim of study. Giant incisional hernia repair is a complex and challenging issue due to preoperative risks and high complication rate.
The aim of the study is to improve the results of giant incisional hernia repair by implementing an innovative technique of abdominal
wall reconstruction.
Materials and methods. During the period from 2019 to 2022 we used the posterior component separation technique with transverse
abdominis muscle release (TAR) in 12 patients with giant ventral incisional hernias. According to EHS (2009) classification, the hernias
were classified as type EHS (2009): M1W3 (n=1), M2W3 (n=2), M3W3 (n=4), M4W3 (n=2), M5W3 (n=1) și L2W3 (n=2).The average
width of the defect was 15.5 cm (range 12.5-24.5 cm). The procedure includes a Rives-Stoppa retro-rectus dissection followed by
the transversus abdominis release medial to the linea semilunaris and wide plane of pre-peritoneal dissection extended from the
subxiphoid are towards the space of Retzius. The prosthetic augmentation of abdominal wall is done by placement of a large surgical
mesh in preperitoneal fashion.
Results. The mean operating time was 140.8±20.1 min (range 130-187 min). The average length of hospital stay was 10 days (range
6-22 days). We observed 4 cases of various types of wound complications. Patients were evaluated at a median follow up of 12
months without recurrence.
Conclusions. Posterior component separation technique with transverse abdominis muscle release augmented by surgical mesh
represents a novel approach to ventral hernia. TAR is a versatile technique that provides high-level functionality of the abdominal wall
and offers a reliable solution for complex incisional hernias
Relaxation process in a regime of quantum chaos
We show that the quantum relaxation process in a classically chaotic open
dynamical system is characterized by a quantum relaxation time scale t_q. This
scale is much shorter than the Heisenberg time and much larger than the
Ehrenfest time: t_q ~ g^alpha where g is the conductance of the system and the
exponent alpha is close to 1/2. As a result, quantum and classical decay
probabilities remain close up to values P ~ exp(-sqrt(g)) similarly to the case
of open disordered systems.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 4 figures discussion of the relations between time
scale t_q and weak localization correction and between dynamical and
disordered systems is adde
Thermodynamics of aggregation of two proteins
We investigate aggregation mechanism of two proteins in a thermodynamically
unambiguous manner by considering the finite size effect of free energy
landscape of HP lattice protein model. Multi-Self-Overlap-Ensemble Monte Carlo
method is used for numerical calculations. We find that a dimer can be formed
spontaneously as a thermodynamically stable state when the system is small
enough. It implies the possibility that the aggregation of proteins in a cell
is triggered when they are confined in a small region by, for example, being
surrounded by other macromolecules.We also find that the dimer exhibits a
transition between unstable state and metastable state in the infinite system.Comment: jpsj2.cls, 7 pages, 14 figures; misconfigurations of Fig.Nos.
Teachers developing assessment for learning: impact on student achievement
While it is generally acknowledged that increased use of formative assessment (or assessment for learning) leads to higher quality learning, it is often claimed that the pressure in schools to improve the results achieved by students in externally-set tests and examinations precludes its use. This paper reports on the achievement of secondary school students who worked in classrooms where teachers made time to develop formative assessment strategies. A total of 24 teachers (2 science and 2 mathematics teachers, in each of six schools in two LEAs) were supported over a six-month period in exploring and planning their approach to formative assessment, and then, beginning in September 1999, the teachers put these plans into action with selected classes. In order to compute effect sizes, a measure of prior attainment and at least one comparison group was established for each class (typically either an equivalent class taught in the previous year by the same teacher, or a parallel class taught by another teacher). The mean effect size was 0.32
Alignment and preliminary outcomes of an ELT-size instrument to a very large telescope: LINC-NIRVANA at LBT
LINC-NIRVANA (LN) is a high resolution, near infrared imager that uses a
multiple field-of-view, layer-oriented, multi-conjugate AO system, consisting
of four multi-pyramid wavefront sensors (two for each arm of the Large
Binocular Telescope, each conjugated to a different altitude). The system
employs up to 40 star probes, looking at up to 20 natural guide stars
simultaneously. Its final goal is to perform Fizeau interferometric imaging,
thereby achieving ELT-like spatial resolution (22.8 m baseline resolution). For
this reason, LN is also equipped with a fringe tracker, a beam combiner and a
NIR science camera, for a total of more than 250 optical components and an
overall size of approximately 6x4x4.5 meters. This paper describes the
tradeoffs evaluated in order to achieve the alignment of the system to the
telescope. We note that LN is comparable in size to planned ELT
instrumentation. The impact of such alignment strategies will be compared and
the selected procedure, where the LBT telescope is, in fact, aligned to the
instrument, will be described. Furthermore, results coming from early
night-time commissioning of the system will be presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 pages, AO4ELT5 Proceedings, 201
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