267 research outputs found

    Spin Relaxation in a Quantized Hall Regime in Presence of a Disorder

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    We study the spin relaxation (SR) of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the quantized Hall regime and discuss the role of spatial inhomogeneity effects on the relaxation. The results are obtained for small filling factors (ν1\nu\ll 1) or when the filling factor is close to an integer. In either case SR times are essentially determined by a smooth random potential. For small ν\nu we predict a "magneto-confinement" resonance manifested in the enhancement of the SR rate when the Zeeman energy is close to the spacing of confinement sublevels in the low-energy wing of the disorder-broadened Landau level. In the resonant region the BB-dependence of the SR time has a peculiar non-monotonic shape. If ν2n+1\nu\simeq 2n+1, the SR is going non-exponentially. Under typical conditions the calculated SR times range from 10810^{-8} to 10610^{-6} s.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in JETP Letter


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    This Final Project focused mainly on making cigarettes smoke cleaner prototype applied on closed space with the use of fuzzy logic controller. Concept method is were to feed a censor signal from AF � 30 and TGS 2442, then simultaneously display the resulting feedback on the display Monitor on PC. The comparable value of censor will then processed by a fuzzy logic control system that had been fixed with the program and the resulting signal will be fed to the system to control the performance of exhaust fan as a response to the Room Exhaust Ventilation System. Fuzzy feed from the program formed as a DC source voltage to the PWM circuit, thus PWM circuit will control Buck regulator that control the Exhaust fan. The final result derived from this Final Project are the ability of the system to detect air condition on the prototype room from the exposure of Cigarettes Smoke and CO gas from 0% to 100% so that the crude air can be lessened by adjusting the air amount through the Ventilation system and by adding Ionisator with 20 KV High Voltage AC as the CO gas and Cigarettes Smoke�s Gas damperer so that the air wil be more suitble for the user�s health. Keyword : Gas Smoke and CO Sensor, PWM, Buck Regulator

    High-Resolution Phonocardiogram Parameters

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    The article describes the results of studying and analyzing phonocardiograms (PCGs) obtained during a physiological experiment with Blu-ray standard equipment. It provides the findings of a spectral and spectral-time analysis for signals with a sampling frequency of 10, 44.1 and 192 kHz. It shows that the differences in the PCG spectra of identical signals are unreliable. The article specifies the onset and disappearance moments of the harmonic components of heart sounds. It also provides recommendations on the sampling frequency and bit resolution of digitized PCG signals for telemetric systems


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    Crisis intervention merupakan suatu pendekatan guna membantu seseorang dalam mengatasi situasi krisis, yang memungkinkan individu tersebut untuk kembali ketahap semula, atau tahap yang lebih baik. Dengan memakai crisis teory and intervention pada unit keluarga, maka dokter akan menyadari betapa pentingnya pendekatan keluarga sebagai suatu sistem, dan individu sebagai subsistem. bahwa krisis dimulai pada saat remaja tersebut mulai menyadari akan kehamilannya. Umumnya keluarga akan mulai mencoba menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan mencari bantuan di Iuar keluarga setelah satu/dua minggu ia mengetahui adanya kehamilan. Hari-hari pertama setelah mengetahui masalah ini, keluarga masih belum bergerak, karena ia terpaku akibat syok, disertai rasa sedih, benci, menyangkal, tidak percaya, dan putus asa. Bila konseling dilakukan pada saat ini, dimana masih jelas terjadi ketidakseimbangan individu maupun antar individu, maka konseler (dokter) hendaknya melakukan pendekatan yang lebih terarah dan aktif. Pada saat ini dokter sebagai konseler, hendaknya membantu keluarga untuk mengenal perasaan-perasaan yang ada, memusatkan dan menjernihkan alur komunikasi, mencoba menilai dan mengerti situasi konkrit yang dihadapi. Setelah melewati fase dini dari intervensi maka keluarga dibawa ke suatu fase pemecah masalah. Dalam fase ini pendekatan dapat dilakukan dari dua sudut, yaitu dari sudut kognitiv dan afektiv. Setelah fase krisis emosional yang dalam telah mencair, keluarga dapat mempertimbangkan secara realistik pilihan¬pilihan yang ada. Meskipun kehamilan bagi seorang wanita merupakan peristiwa yang sangat pribadi namun keputusan tentang nasib kehamilan itu sendiri tidak dapat dilepaskan dari keseluruhan konteks keluarga. Remaja yang hamil tidak berada dalam ruang vakum. keluarga merupakan kekuatan yang mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam terjadinya, mempertahankan dan penyelesaian suatu krisis. Oleh karena itu dalam konsultasi sedapat mungkin seluruh anggota keluarga diikut sertakan. Penting juga difikirkan untuk melibatkan teman laki-lakinya atau keluarga laki-lakinya. Sebab adanya kehamilan akan menempatkan gadis tersebut pada titik batas antara keluarga sendiri (family of origin) dan keluarga yang menimbulkan kehamilan (family of procreation). Kata kunci : Pregnancy outside marriang

    A mobile full-time daily system for fetal monitoring

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    The article describes a mobile hardware and software system designed for daily monitoring of the state of fetal and maternal cardiovascular systems. The assessment is carried out by means of recording and further online analysis of acoustic data, obtained from the abdominal surface of a pregnant woman’s body. The components and operating principles of the hardware and software system designed are described. The results of experimental studies aimed at assessing the applicability of a method of acoustic data analysis implemented in the system developed are shown. The results obtained have been compared with the results obtained using cardiotocography


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    Alloxan causes the formation of reactive oxygen through the reduction process of alloxan (dialuric acid) in the β cells of pancreas. Free radicals cause damage  and decrease catalase enzyme activity. Black cumin seeds extract which contain carotenoids, thymoquinone, carvacrol, 4-terpineol, t-anethole, and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) has antioxidant activity that is expected to inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS) that is expected to increase pancreatic catalase activity. This study used 24 male Wistar rats, divided into 3 groups:1)group of rats fed with standard food, 2)group of rats induced by alloxan 125mg/kg /BB intraperitoneally on day 1, 3)groups of rats induced by alloxan 125mg/kg/BB intraperitoneally on day 1 and were given by black cumin seed extract 2500mg/kg/BB orally on day 4 until 17. On the 18th day of all rats were sacrificed and pancreatic tissue catalase activity were measured by the spectrophotometric method. The results of One-Way ANOVA showed significant difference (p=0.003) pancreatic tissue catalase activity of groups of rats fed with standard food (1696,96U/g±414,10U/g) compared with group of rats induced by alloxan (1287,58U/g±88,45U/g). There was significant difference (p=0.001) of pancreatic tissue catalase activity of groups of rats induced by alloxan (1287,58U/g±88,45U/g) with a group of rats induced by alloxan and given with black cumin seed extract (1764,83U/g±199,69U/g). The conclusion of this study showed that the administration of alloxan significantly decreased pancreatic tissue catalase activity of rat and black cumin seed extract significantly increased catalase activity because cumin extract has antioxidant effects

    Activation Energy in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet and Non-Hartree-Fock Skyrmions

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    The energy of Skyrmions is calculated with the help of a technique based on the excitonic representation: the basic set of one-exciton states is used for the perturbation-theory formalism instead of the basic set of one-particle states. We use the approach, at which a skyrmion-type excitation (at zero Lande factor) is considered as a smooth non-uniform rotation in the 3D spin space. The result within the framework of an excitonically diagonalized part of the Coulomb Hamiltonian can be obtained by any ratio rC=(e2/ϵlB)/ωcr_{\tiny C}=(e^2/\epsilon {}l_B)/\hbar \omega_c [where e2/ϵlBe^2/\epsilon {}l_B is the typical Coulomb energy (lB{}l_B being the magnetic length); ωc\omega_c is the cyclotron frequency], and the Landau-level mixing is thereby taken into account. In parallel with this, the result is also found exactly, to second order in terms of the rCr_{\tiny C} (if supposing rCr_{\tiny C} to be small) with use of the total Hamiltonian. When extrapolated to the region rC1r_{\tiny C}\sim 1, our calculations show that the skyrmion gap becomes substantially reduced in comparison with the Hartree-Fock calculations. This fact brings the theory essentially closer to the available experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. to appear in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 65 (Numbers ~ 19-22), 200