72 research outputs found

    Effects of chronic stress and high-fat diet on metabolic and nutritional parameters in Wistar rats Efeitos do estresse crônico e da dieta rica em gordura sobre os parâmetros metabólicos e nutricionais em ratos Wistar

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was assess the role of chronic stress on the metabolic and nutritional profile of rats exposed to a high-fat diet. Materials and methods: Thirty-day-old male Wistar rats (70-100 g) were distributed into four groups: normal-diet (NC), chronic stress (St), high-fat diet (HD), and chronic stress/high-fat diet (HD/St). Stress consisted at immobilization during 15 weeks, 5 times per week, 1h per day; and exposure to the high-fat diet lasted 15 weeks. Nutritional and metabolic parameters were assessed. The level of significance was 5%. Results: The HD group had final body weight, total fat, as well as insulin and leptin increased, and they were insulin resistant. The St and HD/St had arterial hypertension and increased levels of corticosterone. Stress blocked the effects of the high-fat diet. Conclusion: Chronic stress prevented the appearance of obesity. Our results help to clarify the mechanisms involved in metabolic and nutritional dysfunction, and contribute to clinical cases linked to stress and high-fat diet. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57(8):642-9 Keywords Chronic stress; high-fat diet; calorie intake and food intake RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o papel do estresse crônico sobre parâmetros metabólicos e nutricionais de ratos expostos à dieta rica em gordura. Materiais e métodos: Ratos Wistar machos (30 dias de idade/70-100 g) foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: dieta-normal (NC), estresse crônico (St), dieta rica em gordura (HD) e estresse crônico/dieta rica em gordura (HD/St). O estresse consistiu em imobilização durante 15 semanas, 5 vezes por semana 1h por dia e a dieta rica em gordura foi oferecida por 15 semanas. Parâmetros nutricionais e metabólicos foram avaliados. O nível de significância foi de 5%. Resultados: HD tiveram peso corpóreo, gordura total e níveis de insulina e leptina aumentados e foram resistentes à insulina. Os grupos St e HD/St manifestaram hipertensão e níveis séricos de corticosterona elevados. O estresse bloqueou os efeitos da dieta. Conclusão: O estresse impediu o surgimento dela. Nossos resultados ajudam compreender os mecanismos envolvidos na disfunção metabólica e nutricional e contribuem para casos clínicos de estresse e dietas ricas em gorduras. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57(8):642-9 Descritores Estresse crônico; dieta rica em gordura; consumo calórico e metabolism

    Endobronchial myxoma: Case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary myxoma is an extremely rare benign neoplasm. It is mostly parenchymal but may occasionally occur within the tracheobronchial tree. There are very few reports of endobronchial myxoma. CASE REPORT: We describe a case of endobronchial myxoma in a 40-year-old female patient with a history of asthma and repeated right-sided pneumonia. Thoracic computed tomography (CT) showed medium lobe atelectasis. Fiber optic bronchoscopy revealed a polypoid, well-circumscribed tumor, causing total obstruction of the medium lobe bronchus. Biopsy of the mass was non-diagnostic. Further study included a positron emission tomography (PET) which demonstrated low metabolic activity of the tumor and no evidence of neoplasia in other location. The patient was submitted to a medium lobectomy and microscopic examination of the tumor revealed myxoid stroma with lobulated pattern, elongated and stellate cells, compatible with myxoma. CONCLUSION: Pulmonary myxoma is extraordinary rare and endobronchial location is very few reported in medical literature

    Beneficial Effects of Physical Exercise on Functional Capacity and Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Stress in Rats with Aortic Stenosis-Induced Heart Failure

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    Objective. We evaluated the influence of exercise on functional capacity, cardiac remodeling, and skeletal muscle oxidative stress, MAPK, and NF-κB pathway in rats with aortic stenosis- (AS-) induced heart failure (HF). Methods and Results. Eighteen weeks after AS induction, rats were assigned into sedentary control (C-Sed), exercised control (C-Ex), sedentary AS (AS-Sed), and exercised AS (AS-Ex) groups. Exercise was performed on treadmill for eight weeks. Statistical analyses were performed with Goodman and ANOVA or Mann-Whitney. HF features frequency and mortality did not differ between AS groups. Exercise improved functional capacity, assessed by maximal exercise test on treadmill, without changing echocardiographic parameters. Soleus cross-sectional areas did not differ between groups. Lipid hydroperoxide concentration was higher in AS-Sed than C-Sed and AS-Ex. Activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase was changed in AS-Sed and restored in AS-Ex. NADPH oxidase activity and gene expression of its subunits did not differ between AS groups. Total ROS generation was lower in AS-Ex than C-Ex. Exercise modulated MAPK in AS-Ex and did not change NF-κB pathway proteins. Conclusion. Exercise improves functional capacity in rats with AS-induced HF regardless of echocardiographic parameter changes. In soleus, exercise reduces oxidative stress, preserves antioxidant enzyme activity, and modulates MAPK expression

    Beneficial Effects of Physical Exercise on Functional Capacity and Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Stress in Rats with Aortic Stenosis-Induced Heart Failure

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    Objective. We evaluated the influence of exercise on functional capacity, cardiac remodeling, and skeletal muscle oxidative stress, MAPK, and NF-B pathway in rats with aortic stenosis-(AS-) induced heart failure (HF). Methods and Results. Eighteen weeks after AS induction, rats were assigned into sedentary control (C-Sed), exercised control (C-Ex), sedentary AS (AS-Sed), and exercised AS (AS-Ex) groups. Exercise was performed on treadmill for eight weeks. Statistical analyses were performed with Goodman and ANOVA or Mann-Whitney. HF features frequency and mortality did not differ between AS groups. Exercise improved functional capacity, assessed by maximal exercise test on treadmill, without changing echocardiographic parameters. Soleus cross-sectional areas did not differ between groups. Lipid hydroperoxide concentration was higher in AS-Sed than C-Sed and AS-Ex. Activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase was changed in AS-Sed and restored in AS-Ex. NADPH oxidase activity and gene expression of its subunits did not differ between AS groups. Total ROS generation was lower in AS-Ex than C-Ex. Exercise modulated MAPK in AS-Ex and did not change NF-B pathway proteins. Conclusion. Exercise improves functional capacity in rats with AS-induced HF regardless of echocardiographic parameter changes. In soleus, exercise reduces oxidative stress, preserves antioxidant enzyme activity, and modulates MAPK expression

    Influência da oxidação de glicose sobre a função miocárdica de ratos obesos

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    Obesidade é uma doença metabólica crônica definida pelo acúmulo excessivo do tecido adiposo em relação à massa magra tecidual. Estudos clínicos mostram que a obesidade está associada à disfunção ventricular diastólica e não consistente comprometimento do desempenho sistólico. Os modelos experimentais que induzem obesidade por dietas têm sido utilizados como alternativa para se estudar as conseqüências das anormalidades cardíacas decorrentes do acúmulo de gordura. Pesquisas mostram que a função cardíaca em animais obesos pode estar preservada, diminuída ou aumentada. Alterações nos substratos energéticos, inibição da via glicolítica pelos ácidos graxos e redução na atividade da enzima piruvato desidrogenase (PDH) podem contribuir para a disfunção cardíaca induzida pela obesidade. Em razão da ausência de pesquisas que avaliaram a relação entre função cardíaca e metabolismo energético na obesidade, o objetivo deste estudo foi testar a hipótese que o desequilíbrio energético miocárdico, entre ácidos graxos e glicose, ocasionado pela obesidade, acarreta disfunção cardíaca. O prejuízo funcional nos animais obesos é decorrente de déficit de adenosina trifosfato (ATP), via glicolítica, para a bomba de cálcio (Ca2+) do retículo sarcoplasmático (SERCA2). Com a finalidade de testar esta hipótese, foi inibida a via glicolítica miocárdica pela administração do iodoacetato. Além disso, o metabolismo energético também foi avaliado pela estimulação da PDH pelo dicloroacetato. Ratos Wistar machos, com 30 dias, foram distribuídos em dois grupos: controle (C; n=30) e obeso (Ob; n=30). Os ratos C receberam ração padrão para roedores e os Ob um ciclo de quatro rações hiperlipídicas por um período de 30 semanas. A gordura corporal total foi realizada pela somatória dos depósitos epididimal, retroperitoneal...Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder defined by excessive accumulation of body fat relative to lean tissue. Clinical studies show that obesity is associated with ventricular dysfunction and not consistent impairment of systolic performance. Experimental models that induce obesity by diet have been used as an alternative to study the consequences of cardiac abnormalities resulting from accumulation of fat. Researchs show that cardiac function in obese animals may be preserved, diminished or increased. Alterations in energy substrates, inhibition of the glycolytic pathway by fatty acids and reduced activity of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) may contribute to cardiac dysfunction induced by obesity. Due to the lack of research evaluating the relationship between cardiac function and energy metabolism in obesity, the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the myocardial energy imbalance between fatty acids and glucose, caused by obesity, leads to cardiac dysfunction. The functional impairment in the obese animals is due to deficit of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glycolytic pathway for calcium (Ca2+) pump of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA2). For this purpose, was inhibited the myocardial glycolytic pathway by administration of iodoacetate. Moreover, energy metabolism was also assessed by stimulation of PDH by dichloroacetate. Thirty-day-old male Wistar rats were assigned to one of two groups (n=30 each): control (C) and obese (Ob). The C group was fed a standard diet and Ob group was fed cycles of four highfat diets for 30 weeks. The total body fat was measured from the sum of the individual fat pad weights (epididymal, retroperitoneal and visceral) and the obesity defined by adiposity index. The nutritional and metabolic profiles of these animals were also evaluated. The cardiac remodeling process was assessed by structural and functional analysis... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Influência da dieta hiperlipídica ricas em ácidos graxos saturados sobre o metabolismo, estrutura e função cardíaca de ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar

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    After an aggression, the heart undergoes remodeling to maintain its function stable; however, cardiac remodeling (CR) is time dependent and, in long term, may be harmful. The supravalvular aortic stenosis (AS) has been used to promote gradual development of left ventricular hypertrophy. It was observed that rats develop left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction and improved systolic function after 2 and 6 weeks of AS. After 12 weeks, diastolic dysfunction is maintained and systolic performance deteriorates; around the 18th week, systolic dysfunction is accentuated and signs of heart failure appear. Different factors could contribute to the dysfunction in the experimental model of AS, such as oxygen or energy substrate deficit. Under normal aerobic conditions, approximately 70% of myocardial energy production comes from fatty acid metabolism, and glycolysis contribution is around 30%. Studies have showed that the responsible factor for the choice of cardiac energy substrate is the elevated plasma levels of fatty acids and triglycerides. Studies that used experimental models of heart failure found that the increase in energy supply by lipids did not change or improved RC. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the increased energy availability derived from lipids rich in saturated fatty acids restores myocardial energy balance, attenuating the pathological remodeling process. In order to test this hypothesis, we have evaluated the myocardial structure, function and metabolism of rats with AS fed with saturated high-fat diet. Male Wistar rats, 21 days old, were distributed into control group (Sham) or supravalvular aortic stenosis (AS); 6 weeks after surgery, rats were redistributed into two groups: fed with saturated high-fat diet or normolipidic diet (AS-N, n=12; Sham-N, n=14; AS-H, n=14 and Sham-H, n=14). The nutritional profile was determined. RC was characterized by the ...Após uma agressão, o coração remodela-se para manter estável a sua função; entretanto, a remodelação cardíaca (RC) é tempo dependente e a longo prazo pode ser prejudicial. A estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAo) tem sido utilizado para promover o desenvolvimento gradual de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda. Constatouse que ratos desenvolvem hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, disfunção diastólica e melhoria da função sistólica após 2 e 6 semanas de EAo, manutenção da disfunção diastólica e deterioração do desempenho sistólico na 12ª semana e, na 18ª semana há acentuação da disfunção sistólica e aparecimento de insuficiência cardíaca. Diferentes fatores poderiam contribuir para a disfunção no modelo experimental de EAo como o déficit de oxigênio ou de substrato energético. Em condições aeróbicas normais, aproximadamente 70% da produção de energia miocárdica deriva do metabolismo de ácidos graxos, sendo a contribuição glicolítica em torno de 30%. Estudos mostram que o fator responsável pela escolha do substrato energético cardíaco são os níveis plasmáticos elevados de ácidos graxos e triglicérides. Estudos utilizando modelos experimentais de insuficiência cardíaca constataram que o aumento na oferta de energia por lipídeos, não alteraram ou promoveram melhoria da RC. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a hipótese que a maior disponibilidade de energia proveniente dos lipídeos ricos em ácidos graxos saturados restaura o equilíbrio energético miocárdico, atenuando o processo de remodelação patológica (RP). Com a finalidade de testar esta hipótese, foram avaliadas a estrutura, a função e o metabolismo miocárdico de ratos com EAo, tratados com dieta hiperlipídica saturada. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos, com 21 dias de idade, separados em grupo controle (Sham) e estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAo); após 6 semanas da cirurgia, os ratos foram redistribuídos em mais dois ...Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq