719 research outputs found

    On Lorentz invariance and supersymmetry of four particle scattering amplitudes in SNR8S^N\R^8 orbifold sigma model

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    The SNR8S^N\R^8 supersymmetric orbifold sigma model is expected to describe the IR limit of the Matrix string theory. In the framework of the model the type IIA string interaction is governed by a vertex which was recently proposed by R.Dijkgraaf, E.Verlinde and H.Verlinde. By using this interaction vertex we derive all four particle scattering amplitudes directly from the orbifold model in the large NN limit.Comment: Latex, 23 page

    General Rotating Black Holes in String Theory: Greybody Factors and Event Horizons

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    We derive the wave equation for a minimally coupled scalar field in the background of a general rotating five-dimensional black hole. It is written in a form that involves two types of thermodynamic variables, defined at the inner and outer event horizon, respectively. We model the microscopic structure as an effective string theory, with the thermodynamic properties of the left and right moving excitations related to those of the horizons. Previously known solutions to the wave equation are generalized to the rotating case, and their regime of validity is sharpened. We calculate the greybody factors and interpret the resulting Hawking emission spectrum microscopically in several limits. We find a U-duality invariant expression for the effective string length that does not assume a hierarchy between the charges. It accounts for the universal low-energy absorption cross-section in the general non-extremal case.Comment: 33 pages, latex; minor typos corrected; version to appear in PR

    Supergravity and The Large N Limit of Theories With Sixteen Supercharges

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    We consider field theories with sixteen supersymmetries, which includes U(N) Yang-Mills theories in various dimensions, and argue that their large N limit is related to certain supergravity solutions. We study this by considering a system of D-branes in string theory and then taking a limit where the brane worldvolume theory decouples from gravity. At the same time we study the corresponding D-brane supergravity solution and argue that we can trust it in certain regions where the curvature (and the effective string coupling, where appropriate) are small. The supergravity solutions typically have several weakly coupled regions and interpolate between different limits of string-M-theory.Comment: 24 pages, latex. v2: reference added, v3: typos correcte

    Direct Integration of the Topological String

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    We present a new method to solve the holomorphic anomaly equations governing the free energies of type B topological strings. The method is based on direct integration with respect to the non-holomorphic dependence of the amplitudes, and relies on the interplay between non-holomorphicity and modularity properties of the topological string amplitudes. We develop a formalism valid for any Calabi-Yau manifold and we study in detail two examples, providing closed expressions for the amplitudes at low genus, as well as a discussion of the boundary conditions that fix the holomorphic ambiguity. The first example is the non-compact Calabi-Yau underlying Seiberg-Witten theory and its gravitational corrections. The second example is the Enriques Calabi-Yau, which we solve in full generality up to genus six. We discuss various aspects of this model: we obtain a new method to generate holomorphic automorphic forms on the Enriques moduli space, we write down a new product formula for the fiber amplitudes at all genus, and we analyze in detail the field theory limit. This allows us to uncover the modularity properties of SU(2), N=2 super Yang-Mills theory with four massless hypermultiplets.Comment: 75 pages, 3 figure

    When to perform urodynamics before mid-urethral sling surgery for female stress urinary incontinence?

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Development of a model that can predict in which group of women pre-operative urodynamics can be safely omitted. METHODS: Three hundred and eighty-one uncomplicated women who underwent pre-operative urodynamics were evaluated. A multivariate logistic regression model was developed based on medical history and physical examination predicting a high probability group of women with detrusor overactivity or a low (<20 cm H2O) mean urethral closure pressure and, therefore, are likely to benefit from urodynamics. RESULTS: Women are likely to benefit from pre-operative urodynamics if they (1) are 53 years of age or older or (2) have a history of prior incontinence surgery and are at least 29 years of age or (3) have nocturia complaints and are at least 36 years of age. CONCLUSION: If urogynaecologists omitted pre-operative urodynamics in women in the low probability group, in our population, pre-operative urodynamics would be reduced by 29

    Superfield theory and supermatrix model

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    We study the noncommutative superspace of arbitrary dimensions in a systematic way. Superfield theories on a noncommutative superspace can be formulated in two folds, through the star product formalism and in terms of the supermatrices. We elaborate the duality between them by constructing the isomorphism explicitly and relating the superspace integrations of the star product Lagrangian or the superpotential to the traces of the supermatrices. We show there exists an interesting fine tuned commutative limit where the duality can be still maintained. Namely on the commutative superspace too, there exists a supermatrix model description for the superfield theory. We interpret the result in the context of the wave particle duality. The dual particles for the superfields in even and odd spacetime dimensions are D-instantons and D0-branes respectively to be consistent with the T-duality.Comment: 1+16 pages, no figure; expanded version, references added; Convention for Clifford algebra improve

    Superpotentials from flux compactifications of M-theory

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    In flux compactifications of M-theory a superpotential is generated whose explicit form depends on the structure group of the 7-dimensional internal manifold. In this note, we discuss superpotentials for the structure groups: G_2, SU(3) or SU(2). For the G_2 case all internal fluxes have to vanish. For SU(3) structures, the non-zero flux components entering the superpotential describe an effective 1-dimensional model and a Chern-Simons model if there are SU(2) structures.Comment: 10 page

    Magnetically charged solutions via an analog of the electric-magnetic duality in (2+1)-dimensional gravity theories

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    We find an analog of the electric-magnetic duality, which is a Z2Z_2 transformation between magnetic and electric sectors of the static and rotationally symmetric solutions in a class of (2+1)-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton gravity theories. The theories in our consideration include, in particular, one parameter class of theories continuously connecting the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) gravity and the low energy string effective theory. When there is no U(1)U(1) charge, we have O(2)O(2) or O(1,1)O(1,1) symmetry, depending on a parameter that specifies each theory. Via the Z2Z_2 transformation, we obtain exact magnetically charged solutions from the known electrically charged solutions. We explain the relationship between the Z2Z_2 transformation and O(2,Z)O(2,Z) symmetry, and comment on the TT-duality of the string theory.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe

    Matrix Black Holes

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    Four and five dimensional extremal black holes with nonzero entropy have simple presentations in M-theory as gravitational waves bound to configurations of intersecting M-branes. We discuss realizations of these objects in matrix models of M-theory, investigate the properties of zero-brane probes, and propose a measure of their internal density. A scenario for black hole dynamics is presented.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac; a few more references and additional comment

    Comments on Black Holes in Matrix Theory

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    The recent suggestion that the entropy of Schwarzschild black holes can be computed in matrix theory using near-extremal D-brane thermodynamics is examined. It is found that the regime in which this approach is valid actually describes black strings stretched across the longitudinal direction, near the transition where black strings become unstable to the formation of black holes. It is argued that the appropriate dynamics on the other (black hole) side of the transition is that of the zero modes of the corresponding super Yang-Mills theory. A suggestive mean field theory argument is given for the entropy of black holes in all dimensions. Consequences of the analysis for matrix theory and the holographic principle are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac, minor errors correcte
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