49 research outputs found

    Gyrokinetic analysis and simulation of pedestals to identify the culprits for energy losses using 'fingerprints'

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    Fusion performance in tokamaks hinges critically on the efficacy of the edge transport barrier (ETB) in suppressing energy losses. The new concept of 'fingerprints' is introduced to identify the instabilities that cause transport losses in the ETBs of many of today's experiments, from among widely posited candidates. Analysis of the gyrokinetic-Maxwell equations and gyrokinetic simulations of experiments reveals that each mode type produces characteristic ratios of transport in the various channels: density, heat, and impurities. This, together with experimental observations of transport in some channel or of the relative size of the driving sources of channels, can identify or determine the dominant modes causing energy transport. In multiple H-mode cases with edge-localized modes that are examined, these fingerprints indicate that magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-like modes are apparently not the dominant agent of energy transport; rather, this role is played by micro-tearing modes (MTMs) and electron temperature gradient (ETG) modes, and in addition, possibly by ion temperature gradient/ trapped electron modes (ITG/TEM) on JET (Joint European 'Torus). MHD-like modes may dominate the electron particle losses. Fluctuation frequency can also be an important means of identification, and is often closely related to the transport fingerprint. The analytical arguments unify and explain previously disparate experimental observations on multiple devices, including DIII-D, JET, and ASDEX-U. Detailed simulations of two DIII-D ETBs also demonstrate and corroborate this.Peer reviewe

    Current ramps in tokamaks: from present experiments to ITER scenarios

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    In order to prepare adequate current ramp-up and ramp-down scenarios for ITER, present experiments from various tokamaks have been analysed by means of integrated modelling in view of determining relevant heat transport models for these operation phases. A set of empirical heat transport models for L-mode (namely, the Bohm-gyroBohm model and scaling based models with a specific fixed radial shape and energy confinement time factors of H(96-L) = 0.6 or H(IPB98) = 0.4) has been validated on a multi-machine experimental dataset for predicting the l(i) dynamics within +/- 0.15 accuracy during current ramp-up and ramp-down phases. Simulations using the Coppi-Tang or GLF23 models (applied up to the LCFS) overestimate or underestimate the internal inductance beyond this accuracy (more than +/- 0.2 discrepancy in some cases). The most accurate heat transport models are then applied to projections to ITER current ramp-up, focusing on the baseline inductive scenario (main heating plateau current of I(p) = 15 MA). These projections include a sensitivity study to various assumptions of the simulation. While the heat transport model is at the heart of such simulations (because of the intrinsic dependence of the plasma resistivity on electron temperature, among other parameters), more comprehensive simulations are required to test all operational aspects of the current ramp-up and ramp-down phases of ITER scenarios. Recent examples of such simulations, involving coupled core transport codes, free-boundary equilibrium solvers and a poloidal field (PF) systems controller are also described, focusing on ITER current ramp-down.</p