167 research outputs found

    Per-capita financing in basic education in Tajikistan

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    While being in Tajikistan on behalf of GTZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH to support the Ministry of Education in relation to the financing of basic education, the consultant was asked by Mr. Sharipov, Deputy Minister of Education, to undertake a simulation of the effects of the per-capita financing scheme that is implemented in five pilot regions starting from January 2005. The following paper presents the results of the analyses and provides some background information for those readers who are not familiar with the economic situation and the education system in Tajikistan. --

    Vouchers in higher education - a practical approach

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    "As far as we have been able to establish in a comprehensive survey, however, no country has introduced vouchers for higher education funding. A few countries, such as Finland and the Netherlands had political discussions about the introduction of a voucher scheme some years ago, while others, such as Australia, Germany and again the Netherlands, have recently started a discussion on the introduction of vouchers and their pros and cons. Whilst consideration must be given to the voucher schemes for school and nursery education mentioned above, in view of the important differences between these levels and higher education, it is not possible to rely exclusively on their experience. The following discussion starts in chapter 2 with an overview of the expectatins placed on the introduction of vouchers. Chapter 3 reviews the different possibilities for the face value of the voucher whilst Chapter 4 adresses other technical questions. Chapter 5 deals with the costs of vouchers and Chapter 6 briefly reviews the international experience and debate on voucher models. Chapter 7 discusses further important issues concerning vouchers so that a conclusion can be drawn in section 8." (excerpt

    Enhancing the sustainability of VET-funding in developing countries

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    "The aim of the study at hand is to investigate the factors positively (or negatively) affecting the sustainability of development projects in vocational education and training. This study is part of a more comprehensive research and evaluation project conducted by Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and funded by Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation (BMZ) and is to provide the foundation for future technical assistance and donor policy as regards vocational education and training at the beginning of the 21th century. With the paper we want to provide the basis for an evaluation project which is aimed at identifying those factors positively or negatively affecting the sustainability of VET-funding in developing countries. We will start from the point of view of each stakeholder involved in VET developing countries. Our main thesis is that public VET-funding so far is that it is neither targeted at those who are in need of public assistance or incentives nor does it reach them. On the contrary, public programmes appear to be directed towards those stakeholders who are in a position and prepared to fund their vocational education and training by themselves. This leads to a windfall profit for the latter and reduces the financial basis of vocational education and training because private money is crowded out by public money instead of broadening the financial basis of VET." (excerpt

    Per-capita financing in basic education in Tajikistan

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    "While being in Tajikistan on behalf of GTZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH to support the Ministry of Education in relation to the financing of basic education, the consultant was asked by Mr. Sharipov, Deputy Minister of Education, to undertake a simulation of the effects of the per-capita financing scheme that is implemented in five pilot regions starting from January 2005. The following paper presents the results of the analyses and provides some background information for those readers who are not familiar with the economic situation and the education system in Tajikistan." (author's abstract)Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich aus bildungs- und sozialökonomischer Perspektive mit der Finanzierung der Grundschulbildung im Zuge einer geplanten Reformierung des Bildungsbereiches in Tadschikistan. Die Ausführungen basieren auf den Ergebnissen einer Simulationsstudie in Form eines Pro Kopf-Schemas von 2005, die für fünf Regionen des Landes durchgeführt wurde. In das Thema einführend werden zunächst die Finanzsituation und das Bildungssystem von Tadschikistan dargestellt. Im Anschluss folgt die Darstellung bzw. die Auswertung des Finanzierungsmodells. Als Indikatoren dienen dabei die Lehrergehälter, das Verhältnis von Schülern und Lehrpersonal, die Schuletats sowie die Schulgröße. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass nicht eine ineffektive Budgetzuweisung für die Probleme im Bildungssektor des ehemaligen Bestandteils der Sowjetunion verantwortlich ist, dass vielmehr der Verteilungsmechanismus selbst das eigentliche Problem darstellt. Die Umsetzung der vorgesehenen Bildungsfinanzierung mündet nämlich in einer Benachteiligung der Schulen in den ländlichen Gebieten zugunsten der Bildungseinrichtungen in den urbanen Regionen. Diese Verteilungsform wird im Vergleich zu dem früheren System jedoch zu einer allgemeinen Verschlechterung der Situation im Bildungssektor führen, da in Tadschikistan drei Viertel der Bevölkerung auf dem Land lebt. (ICG2
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