82 research outputs found

    Transfer of mycotoxins from lactation feed to colostrum of sows

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    Studies regarding the transfer of mycotoxins from sow feed to colostrum are scarce. A sample of in-house produced lactation feed and one of colostrum were collected from two or three sows per farm (total 49) from 19 farms. The feed contents of aflatoxins (AFs), fumonisins (FUs), deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) were assessed using ELISA and confirmed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), The values were very low (10, 12, 17 and 2 positive samples for AFs, FUs, DON and ZEA, respectively), except for two samples (one AF, one DON). Based on feed values, colostrum samples from 13 farms were tested for at least one mycotoxin (Total 35). Aflatoxins were not found in any sample. A signal for FUs was observed in 5 of 11 colostra, despite low feed values; DON was frequently present in the colostrum (10/14). On the farm where the feed exceeded the DON suggested limits, a higher colostrum content was seen, 10.9 µg/kg, approximately 1/69 of the value showing toxicity in young pigs. The absence of reference values for neonate pigs, and the risk of higher and longer ingestion of DON by sows suggested considering routine checks of sow feed; more research on DON transfer and toxicity in piglets is needed

    Genetic Basis of Myocarditis: Myth or Reality?

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    Lithographically fabricated SU8 composite structures for wettability control

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    SU8 is a negative resist which is widely used for the fabrication of micron scale lateral features over a wide range of heights using photolithographic methods. This has been extensively used as a method to produce surface structures to which hydrophobicity can be added and model super-water repellent surfaces. However, such an approach requires at least two-steps and does not embed the desired properties as part of the structure itself or create multiple levels of topographical structure. In other applications, a variety of inclusions have previously been studied to tailor the properties of SU8. In this work we report an approach to, and results from, incorporating inclusions, in our case glass beads, of different wettabilities into the SU8 structures produced by photolithography. In particular, we focus on ridge structures expected to be of use in flow systems as drag reducing surfaces. We used scanning electron microscopy and profilometry to investigate how the inclusion of either hydrophobic or hydrophilic glass beads (sieve size of 20–30 μm) affects the definition of the structures formed and contact angle goniometry to define what effect such inclusions has on the wettability of the SU8 composite structure. It was found that the inclusion of hydrophobic glass beads in the SU8 resist resulted in poorly defined structures compared to both SU8 on its own and SU8 to which hydrophobic glass beads were added. In contrast, inclusion of hydrophilic glass beads resulted in a well-defined ridge structure with the majority of the beads located in the ‘valleys’. Both EDX analysis and contact angle data indicated that the surface chemistry of the beads themselves (both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic beads) was masked by the SU8. Counter-intuitively, the inclusion of hydrophobic beads in the SU8 composite resin resulted in ridges with increased wettability, compared to SU8 ridges, as opposed to the inclusions of hydrophilic beads that resulted in surfaces with increased effective hydrophobicity

    Considerations on the sphere of application of application of European Union animal protection legislation for horses

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    The increasing awareness of animal welfare issues among consumers and the general public within the European Union has brought the European Legislature to pass the necessary laws concerning the protection of animals kept for zootechnical purposes in the various steps of the food chain, from breeding to slaughtering. Considering horses may be kept for different purposes, as companion animals on one hand or as farm animals on the other, European legislation on animal protection appears to apply to them only in part. However, at a closer look, in consistency with the competence areas of the EU as defined by the Treaty, it is the purpose of the activity (be it economic/commercial or not) and not the final purpose of the equine (be it DPA or non-DPA, i.e. destined or not for human consumption) along the whole food chain that becomes the decisive factor for the application of the above cited legislation, which has been issued to avoid disparities which could determine distortions within the common market. Even horses which are not kept for food production are addressed by EU laws, when they are bred or transported in connection with a commercial activity, while equines kept for purposes outside this context are protected only by national laws

    Esame radiologico dello stomaco nei pazienti grandi obesi dopo Bypass Gastrico su ansa alla Roux

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    Introduzione - Obiettivi. Valutare il ruolo dell\u2019esame radiologico dello stomaco, eseguito con adeguate modalit\ue0 tecniche, nel valutare l'anatomia post-chirurgica e nel rilevare le complicanze nei pazienti grandi obesi, dopo bypass gastrico su ansa alla Roux (RYGBP). Materiale e metodi. Da maggio 2004 a giugno 2007 abbiamo studiato 60 pazienti obesi sottoposti a RYGBP, di cui 44 (75%) femmine e 16 (25%) maschi, con esame radiologico dello stomaco sottoposti a con peso medio di 130 kg (intervallo da 85 a 210 kg) ed et\ue0 media di anni 36. Nei controlli precoci tra IV e VII giornata postoperatoria abbiamo utilizzato mdc idrosolubile per os (Gastrografin), mentre i controlli tardivi sono stati eseguiti annualmente con solfato di bario. Risultati. L'esame radiologico ha messo in videnza nel controllo precoce 2 casi di edema dell'anastomosi gastro-digiunale, 2 casi di diletazione della tasca gastrica ed 1 fistola gastro-gastrica. Nei controlli tardivi abbiamo evidenziato 3 ulcere della regione anastomotica, 1 caso di reflusso gastro-esofageo ed 1 angolazione della neotasca. Abbiamo studiato inoltre l\u2019incidenza annuale delle complicanze nei controlli tardivi. L'indagine ha sempre descritto le caratteristiche morfo-volumetriche dello stomaco operato. Discussione. L'esame radiologico dello stomaco dopo RYGBP ha un ruolo fondamentale nel descrivere le caratteristiche morfo-volumetriche e rilevare le complicanze precoci e tardive ed indirizzare il trattamento delle stesse, per consentire una accettabile perdita di peso e delle patologie correlate all'obesit\ue0

    Survey on antimicrobial prescribing patterns in small animal veterinary practice in Emilia Romagna, Italy

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    This investigation provides for the first time a general view of the prescribing patterns of antimicrobials in small animal practice in Emilia Romagna, Italy. In the context of a project on antimicrobial resistance managed by the Regional Veterinary Service, veterinary clinicians were invited to voluntarily complete an online questionnaire. This was designed to gather information on antimicrobial prescribing practices and biosecurity measures and to understand the perception of the issue specific to this region of Italy. In total, 266 questionnaires correctly completed were collected. Although clinicians seemed to follow different approaches when using antimicrobials, the data analysis revealed a general awareness on resistance. Penicillins were the most commonly prescribed class, followed by (fluoro)quinolones and cephalosporins. Among those who use laboratory testing more or less frequently (microbiological analysis and susceptibility testing) to support their prescribing habits, only 7 per cent make a habit of always waiting for the results before starting the treatment. Seventy-eight per cent of the respondents declared the use of antimicrobials licensed for human beings. Biosecurity measures were carefully taken into account by the majority of the veterinarians. The results identified the antimicrobial classes that are commonly prescribed and highlighted that perioperative hygiene measures and the use of laboratory diagnosis are critical aspects that need to be emphasised in drawing up guidelines on the prudent use of these drugs in pets
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