22 research outputs found

    Means (± SD in ‰) δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N values in fur of black rats and their prey identified by the stomach contents analysis.

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    <p>The samples were collected in El Junco during June 2013. The sample size for each species is shown in parentheses.</p

    Means (± SD in ‰) δ13C and δ15N values in fur of M. musculus (gray simbols), R. rattus (White symbols) and R. norvegicus (black symbol) collected during June 2013 in three breeding colonies of Galapagos petrel on San Cristóbal Island: El Junco (J) (circles), San Joaquín (SJ) (squares) and La Comuna (C) (triangles).

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    <p>The sample size for each species per collection site is shown in the parentheses besides the code of the species and the initial of the study site. Mm = <i>M</i>. <i>musculus</i>; Rr = <i>R</i>. <i>rattus</i>; Rn = <i>R</i>. <i>norvegicus</i>.</p

    Map of San Cristóbal Island, Galapagos, showing the study sites: San Joaquín (0°53′90″ S, 89°30′93″ W), El Plátano (0°53′88″ S, 89°29′21″ W), El Junco (0°53′80″ S, 89°28′51″ W) and La Comuna (0°52′97″ S, 89°28′00″ W).

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    <p>Map of San Cristóbal Island, Galapagos, showing the study sites: San Joaquín (0°53′90″ S, 89°30′93″ W), El Plátano (0°53′88″ S, 89°29′21″ W), El Junco (0°53′80″ S, 89°28′51″ W) and La Comuna (0°52′97″ S, 89°28′00″ W).</p

    Percentage of frequency of occurrence (FO) and relative abundance (RA) of prey species and other food items found in the stomachs of <i>R</i>. <i>rattus</i> and <i>R</i>. <i>norvegicus</i> (last column) collected in nesting colonies of Galapagos petrel on San CristĂłbal Island during June 2013.

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    <p>For <i>R</i>. <i>rattus</i>, the percentage values per site and total are shown. The sample size in each case is shown in parentheses. <i>R</i>. <i>norvegicus</i> was only captured in La Comuna.</p><p>*Endemic species in the Galapagos Islands.</p><p>◊ Native species in the Galapagos Islands.</p><p>† Introduced species in the Galapagos Islands.</p><p>Percentage of frequency of occurrence (FO) and relative abundance (RA) of prey species and other food items found in the stomachs of <i>R</i>. <i>rattus</i> and <i>R</i>. <i>norvegicus</i> (last column) collected in nesting colonies of Galapagos petrel on San Cristóbal Island during June 2013.</p

    Quasimodo, le sonneur de cloches : Notre-Dame de Paris de Victor Hugo , édition illustrée

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    Publié en mars 1831, le roman Notre-Dame de Paris de Victor Hugo devient un grand succès populaire. Dans le Paris médiéval du XV e siècle, il met en scène Esméralda, bohémienne accusée de meurtre, le bossu Quasimodo, sonneur des cloches de Notre-Dame, et son tuteur Claude Frollo, archidiacre de la cathédrale. Le succès du roman a une conséquence positive sur Notre-Dame. Alors que la cathédrale, malmenée au cours de la Révolution française, est en piteux état, les lecteurs redécouvrent un édifice d'exception et prennent conscience de la nécessité de le préserver et de le restaurer. Sa restauration débute en 1843, sous la supervision de deux architectes, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc et Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus.téléchargeabl

    Principal component analysis (PCA) of the importance index (IIMPi) values of Galapagos sea lions’ prey, from El Malecón rookery, San Cristobal Island.

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    <p>Principal component analysis (PCA) of the importance index (IIMPi) values of Galapagos sea lions’ prey, from El Malecón rookery, San Cristobal Island.</p

    Intraspecific variation in feeding strategies of Galapagos sea lions: A case of trophic specialization - Table 1

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    <p>Intraspecific variation in feeding strategies of Galapagos sea lions: A case of trophic specialization</p> - Table

    δ<sup>15</sup>N and δ<sup>13</sup>C values (mean ± SD, in %) of Galapagos sea lion females from El Malecón rookery.

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    <p>The black square represents females that travelled north, and grey square represents females that travelled west of the breeding rookery.</p