142 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations in the development of the French radioactive waste vitrification processes using induction furnace

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    International audienceFor many years, the CEA (Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives) Marcoule France has developed various processes dedicated to radioactive waste confinement, especially vitrification processes for HLLW. For 15 years now, the numerical simulation has become an important tool for research and developement projects held in the CEA-AREVA Joint Vitrification Laboratory (LCV). Induction heating, fluid mechanics and thermal simulations take part of all new R&D projects. The apports of such simulations are, first, the enhancement of the working knowledge of existing process. Those data are very useful to define optimisation choices, for example upgrades made on the hot metallic melter used since the 90s at LaHague facility. Second, the simulations are, of course, also used at the conception stage of new processes as a tool allowing wide ranges parametric tests. This has been extensively used in the design of the cold crucible inductive melter (CCIM) commissioned in 2010 at La Hague plant. Finally, it is a powerful and relatively cheap tool for prospective studies for processes of the future. Whatever the purpose, the potential benefits are gains on the reliability, the output capacity and the life time

    Modulation of epithelial immunity by mucosal fluid

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    Mucosal epithelial cells, including those at the ocular surface, resist infection by most microbes in vivo but can be susceptible to microbial virulence in vitro. While fluids bathing mucosal surfaces (e.g. tears) contain antimicrobials, potentially pathogenic microbes often thrive in these fluids, suggesting that additional mechanisms mediate epithelial resistance in vivo. Here, tear fluid acted directly upon epithelial cells to enhance their resistance to bacterial invasion and cytotoxicity. Resistance correlated with tear fluid-magnified activation of NFκB and AP-1 transcription factors in epithelial cells in response to bacterial antigens, suggesting priming of innate defense pathways. Further analysis revealed differential regulation of potential epithelial cell defense genes by tears. siRNA knockdown confirmed involvement of at least two factors, RNase7 and ST-2, for which tears increased mRNA levels, in protection against bacterial invasion. Thus, the role of mucosal fluids in defense can include modulation of epithelial immunity, in addition to direct effects on microbes

    Down selecting adjuvanted vaccine formulations: a comparative method for harmonized evaluation.

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    The need for rapid and accurate comparison of panels of adjuvanted vaccine formulations and subsequent rational down selection, presents several challenges for modern vaccine development. Here we describe a method which may enable vaccine and adjuvant developers to compare antigen/adjuvant combinations in a harmonized fashion. Three reference antigens: Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg), and Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen 85A (Ag85A), were selected as model antigens and were each formulated with three adjuvants: aluminium oxyhydroxide, squalene-in-water emulsion, and a liposome formulation mixed with the purified saponin fraction QS21. The nine antigen/adjuvant formulations were assessed for stability and immunogenicity in mice in order to provide benchmarks against which other formulations could be compared, in order to assist subsequent down selection of adjuvanted vaccines. Furthermore, mouse cellular immune responses were analyzed by measuring IFN-γ and IL-5 production in splenocytes by ELISPOT, and humoral responses were determined by antigen-specific ELISA, where levels of total IgG, IgG1, IgG2b and IgG2c in serum samples were determined. The reference antigens and adjuvants described in this study, which span a spectrum of immune responses, are of potential use as tools to act as points of reference in vaccine development studies. The harmonized methodology described herein may be used as a tool for adjuvant/antigen comparison studies

    Peripheral lymph nodes contain migratory and resident innate lymphoid cell populations

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    Tissue residency is considered a defining feature of the innate lymphoid cell (ILC) populations located within mucosal and adipose tissues. ILCs are also present within all lymphoid tissues, but whether ILCs migrate between lymphoid and nonlymphoid sites and in what context is poorly understood. To determine whether migratory ILCs exist within peripheral lymph nodes (LNs), we labeled all cells within the brachial LN (bLN) of transgenic mice expressing a photoconvertible fluorescent protein by direct exposure to light. Tracking of cellular changes in the labeled LN revealed the gradual migration of new ILCs into the tissue, balanced by egress of ILCs dependent on sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors. Most of the migratory ILCs were ILC1s, entering LNs directly from the circulation in a CD62L- and CCR7-dependent manner and thus behaving like conventional natural killer (cNK) cells. Upon egress, both ILC1s and cNK cells were found to recirculate through peripheral LNs. A distinct population of migratory ILC2s were detected in the LN, but most of the ILC3s were tissue resident. Functionally, both migratory and resident ILC1s within LNs were able to rapidly produce IFN-γ to support the generation of robust TH1 T cell responses after immunization. Thus, migratory and resident ILC populations exist within peripheral LNs, with ILC1s, akin to cNK cells, able to traffic into these tissues where they can contribute to the initiation of adaptive immunity

    Association of toll-interacting protein gene polymorphisms with atopic dermatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disorder, affecting up to 15% of children in industrialized countries. Toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) is an inhibitory adaptor protein within the toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway, a part of the innate immune system that recognizes structurally conserved molecular patterns of microbial pathogens, leading to an inflammatory immune response. METHODS: In order to detect a possible role of TOLLIP variation in the pathogenesis of AD, we screened the entire coding sequence of the TOLLIP gene by SSCP in 50 AD patients. We identified an amino acid exchange in exon 6 (Ala222Ser) and a synonymous variation in exon 4 (Pro139Pro). Subsequently, these two variations and four additional non-coding polymorphisms (-526 C/G, two polymorphisms in intron 1 and one in the 3'UTR) were genotyped in 317 AD patients and 224 healthy controls. RESULTS: The -526G allele showed borderline association with AD in our cohort (p = 0.012; significance level after correction for multiple testing 0.0102). Haplotype analysis did not yield additional information. Evaluation of mRNA expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in six probands with the CC and six with the GG genotype at the -526 C/G locus did not reveal significant differences between genotypes. CONCLUSION: Variation in the TOLLIP gene may play a role in the pathogenesis of AD. Yet, replication studies in other cohorts and populations are warranted to confirm these association results

    Malarial Hemozoin Is a Nalp3 Inflammasome Activating Danger Signal

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    BACKGROUND: Characteristic symptoms of malaria include recurrent fever attacks and neurodegeneration, signs that are also found in patients with a hyperactive Nalp3 inflammasome. Plasmodium species produce a crystal called hemozoin that is generated by detoxification of heme after hemoglobin degradation in infected red blood cells. Thus, we hypothesized that hemozoin could activate the Nalp3 inflammasome, due to its particulate nature reminiscent of other inflammasome-activating agents. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that hemozoin acts as a proinflammatory danger signal that activates the Nalp3 inflammasome, causing the release of IL-1beta. Similar to other Nalp3-activating particles, hemozoin activity is blocked by inhibiting phagocytosis, K(+) efflux and NADPH oxidase. In vivo, intraperitoneal injection of hemozoin results in acute peritonitis, which is impaired in Nalp3-, caspase-1- and IL-1R-deficient mice. Likewise, the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria is dampened in Nalp3-deficient mice infected with Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, while parasitemia remains unchanged. SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSIONS: The potent pro-inflammatory effect of hemozoin through inflammasome activation may possibly be implicated in plasmodium-associated pathologies such as cerebral malaria

    Unusual Dengue Virus 3 Epidemic in Nicaragua, 2009

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    The four dengue virus serotypes (DENV1–4) cause the most prevalent mosquito-borne viral disease affecting humans worldwide. In 2009, Nicaragua experienced the largest dengue epidemic in over a decade, marked by unusual clinical presentation, as observed in two prospective studies of pediatric dengue in Managua. From August 2009–January 2010, 212 dengue cases were confirmed among 396 study participants at the National Pediatric Reference Hospital. In our parallel community-based cohort study, 170 dengue cases were recorded in 2009–10, compared to 13–65 cases in 2004–9. In both studies, significantly more patients experienced “compensated shock” (poor capillary refill plus cold extremities, tachycardia, tachypnea, and/or weak pulse) in 2009–10 than in previous years (42.5% [90/212] vs. 24.7% [82/332] in the hospital study (p<0.001) and 17% [29/170] vs. 2.2% [4/181] in the cohort study (p<0.001). Signs of poor peripheral perfusion presented significantly earlier (1–2 days) in 2009–10 than in previous years according to Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. In the hospital study, 19.8% of subjects were transferred to intensive care, compared to 7.1% in previous years – similar to the cohort study. DENV-3 predominated in 2008–9, 2009–10, and 2010–11, and full-length sequencing revealed no major genetic changes from 2008–9 to 2010–11. In 2008–9 and 2010–11, typical dengue was observed; only in 2009–10 was unusual presentation noted. Multivariate analysis revealed only “2009–10” as a significant risk factor for Dengue Fever with Compensated Shock. Interestingly, circulation of pandemic influenza A-H1N1 2009 in Managua was shifted such that it overlapped with the dengue epidemic. We hypothesize that prior influenza A H1N1 2009 infection may have modulated subsequent DENV infection, and initial results of an ongoing study suggest increased risk of shock among children with anti-H1N1-2009 antibodies. This study demonstrates that parameters other than serotype, viral genomic sequence, immune status, and sequence of serotypes can play a role in modulating dengue disease outcome

    Malarial Hemozoin Is a Nalp3 Inflammasome Activating Danger Signal

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    BACKGROUND: Characteristic symptoms of malaria include recurrent fever attacks and neurodegeneration, signs that are also found in patients with a hyperactive Nalp3 inflammasome. Plasmodium species produce a crystal called hemozoin that is generated by detoxification of heme after hemoglobin degradation in infected red blood cells. Thus, we hypothesized that hemozoin could activate the Nalp3 inflammasome, due to its particulate nature reminiscent of other inflammasome-activating agents. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that hemozoin acts as a proinflammatory danger signal that activates the Nalp3 inflammasome, causing the release of IL-1beta. Similar to other Nalp3-activating particles, hemozoin activity is blocked by inhibiting phagocytosis, K(+) efflux and NADPH oxidase. In vivo, intraperitoneal injection of hemozoin results in acute peritonitis, which is impaired in Nalp3-, caspase-1- and IL-1R-deficient mice. Likewise, the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria is dampened in Nalp3-deficient mice infected with Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, while parasitemia remains unchanged. SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSIONS: The potent pro-inflammatory effect of hemozoin through inflammasome activation may possibly be implicated in plasmodium-associated pathologies such as cerebral malaria