211 research outputs found

    Evaluate the correlations of maternal systemic ınflammatory markers such as neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio with gestation age

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    Objective: In this study, we aim to study the correlation between the maternal systemic inflammatory markers such as neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) including complete blood count (CBC) variables with gestation age, at the labor of our patients.Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was performed with 1127 patients and their infants. We used the maternal CBC variables analyzed within the last day before active labor. We analyzed the statistical differences between the NLR, PLR, and other CBC variables in terms of gestational age.Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the gestational age with NLR and PLR values, (P = 0.414 and P = 0.341, respectively). When we compare the NLR and PLR values in normal spontaneous vaginal delivery (NSVD) group, no statistically significant difference was found (P = 0.250; P = 0.995, respectively). In correlation analyses, no statistically significant correlation was detected between NLR and PLR with a birth weight of the infant and gestational age (P = 0.132 and P = 0.344, respectively). A linear, negative, weak correlation, and statistically significant correlation was detected between white blood cell count (WBC) with the infant’s birth weight and gestational week (P < 0.01 and P = 0.024, respectively).Conclusions: Inflammation plays an important role especially at the beginning of the labor. In our study, we showed no correlation of the NLR and PLR with a gestational week or infant’s birth weight at labor. Also, in our research, the NLR and PLR values did not differ statistically among the four groups in terms of the gestational age of delivery with the highest values in the preterm birth (<37 weeks) groups (P = 0.414, P = 0.341, retrospectively). Key words: Gestation week; inflammation; neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio; platelet to lymphocyte ratio

    Edip Cansever şiirinde anlam arayışları

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 20-Edip-Turgut-Hasan Ferit CanseverUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    ‘Love your job!’ A psychosocial research on affective labour in the Turkish fine-dining sector

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    Drawing on a multi-sited psychosocial ethnography of the fine-dining sector in Istanbul, Turkey, this thesis explores the vicissitudes of love and affective labour under post-Fordism. It studies (i) discourses and imagery of love for culinary work circulating around the world, and their particular articulation in the Turkish fine dining context, (ii) how local actors are enticed by, act on, embody, reify and perform the ethos of love inscribed in these representations, and (iii) how the performance of love is implicated in cooks’ affective labour, subjectivity, wellbeing and working conditions. The thesis is based on a new research methodology developed through cross fertilisation between multi-sited organisational ethnography and psycho analytically inflected research. The fieldwork was designed to trace the ethos of love in discourses, images, artefacts and performances across culinary sites. Theoretical insights from Freud and Lacan are employed to interpret the ethnographic material, shedding light on its unconscious and affective facets. The thesis engages with post-Fordist thought, the affective labour debate and psychosocial studies. It contributes to the scholarly literature by providing a rigorous analysis and elaborate theory of symbolic identification with the post-Fordist ethos, imaginary identification with cultural representations, performance of these identifications as part of affective labour, and ambivalence toward one’s job. Intricate connections between these moments in the psychosocial process of subject formation are revealed and theorised. A novel and psychoanalytically-inflected definition of affective labour is also offered, which emerges as the performative work of reproducing individuals and collectives requiring human contact, interpersonal skills, emotion management, embodiment of cultural imagery and social roles, and love. The thesis disentangles the hegemonic ethos of post-Fordist work and develops a comprehensive theory of its affectivity

    Sex-hormone-binding globulin early in pregnancy for the prediction of severe gestational diabetes mellitus and related complications

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and to clarify the association between SHBG levels and GDM complications/medication requirements. Material and Methods: Among the participants (n = 93) who provided blood samples between 13 and 16 weeks’ gestation, 30 cases subsequently developed GDM. Complications and medical interventions were noted. The best cut-off point of SHBG and diagnostic performance were calculated. Results: The mean age was 28.45 - 5.0 years. SHBG levels were lower in the GDM group (n = 30) when compared with non-GDM (n = 63) cases (<0.01). Among the GDM women, SHBG was lower in the insulin therapy group (n = 15) compared with medical nutritional therapy alone (n = 15) (P < 0.01). A good predictive accuracy of SHBG was found for GDM requiring insulin therapy (area under the curve: 0.866, 95% confidence interval: 0.773–0.959). An SHBG threshold for 97.47 nmol/L had a sensitivity of 80.0%, specificity 84.6%, positive predictive value 50.0% and negative predictive value 95.7%. The calculated odds ratio for SHBG < 97.47 nmol/L was 12.346 (95% confidence interval: 1.786–83.33). Conclusions: SHBG is valuable for screening women early in pregnancy for GDM risk; however, a standard assay for analyses and a threshold level of serum SHBG for a constant gestational week has to be determined

    Grounding in the unconscious: “the field” in psychosocial organizational ethnography

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    Psychosocial research, which explores the unconscious and affective dynamics of organizational and social phenomena from critical perspectives, often adopts ethnographic methods. However, its locus, the unconscious, has an obscure, diffuse and dynamic nature that calls into question two central assumptions of conventional organizational ethnography: that an organization is a self-contained physical (research) site, and ethnographic research is best led by participant observation. The unconscious is produced by countless agents dispersed across time and space, making it impossible to readily identify a research site. Furthermore, psychosocial phenomena cannot be physically demarcated because a multitude of discourses, imagery, psyches, bodies, and objects are enmeshed in them. These raise contentious ontological, epistemological, and methodological questions for psychosocial researchers. In this article, we ruminate on “the field” in psychosocial organizational ethnography, seeking a robust epistemological and methodological approach to constructing and dwelling in an unconscious research site. Drawing on Lacanian psychoanalysis, we present a conceptual discussion of these issues and translate them into ethnographic methods illustrated by examples from the authors’ research. By critically re-evaluating the question of “the field,” we contribute to ethnographic studies of organizational phenomena with “fuzzy fields” without self-evident boundaries that draw on diverse onto-epistemologies

    The evaluation of new settlement areas in Istanbul according to the New Urbanism movement

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    Tarihsel s&uuml;re&ccedil; i&ccedil;erisinde mimarlık, kent planlama ve kentsel tasarımda tarihin yorumlanması ile g&uuml;ncelleştirilmiş &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;mler &uuml;retilerek farklı yaklaşımlar ortaya &ccedil;ıkmıştır. Bu yaklaşımlardan en etkili olanı Yeni Şehircilik akımıdır. Akımın kentsel tasarım kuralları geleneksel yerleşmeleri &ouml;rnek alarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu &ccedil;alışmada, kentsel tasarımın kuramsal gelişmesindeki g&uuml;ncel yaklaşımlardan Yeni Şehircilik akımının İstanbul&rsquo;un yeni yerleşme alanları &uuml;zerindeki etkilerini incelemek ve bu yerleşmeleri akımın &ouml;zellikleri a&ccedil;ısından değerlendirmek ama&ccedil;lanmıştır. İstanbul&rsquo;da son yıllarda oluşan yeni yerleşmeler arasından se&ccedil;ilen 24 adedi Yeni Şehircilik akımı temel alınarak tanımlanan değerlendirme sistemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirme sonucunda se&ccedil;ilen yerleşmeler Yeni Şehircilik akımına uygunlukları a&ccedil;ısından iyi, orta ve zayıf olarak sınıflandırılmıştır ve yerleşmelerin &ouml;nemli bir b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml; orta aralığında &ccedil;ıkmıştır.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Kentsel tasarım, yeni şehircilik, yeni gelenek&ccedil;i şehircilik.&nbsp;In historical continuum of architecture, urban planning and urban design varied approaches arise by developing new solutions with the interpretation of history. The most effective of these approaches is New Urbanism Movement. The urban design rules of the movement are defined taking as example traditional settlements. The study aims to analyze the affects of one of the current approaches, New Urbanism Movement on new settlements of Istanbul and to evaluate these settlements according to the characteristics of this movement. Twenty-four new settlements of Istanbul that have formed in the last few years are evaluated according to the evaluation system formed based on the principles of the New Urbanism Movement, whose rules are determined according to new traditional urbanism. As the result of this evaluation these settlements are classified as good, intermediate and weak according to their appropriateness to New Urbanism and most of the settlements were scaled as intermediate. In the evaluation system criteria created in three different scales based on the New Urbanism Movement. These scales are: the region / city scale, neighborhood scale, and house / surroundings scale. These criteria are set in a grading system and the settlements have been evaluated according to this system. Keywords: Urban design, new urbanism, new traditional urbanis

    İmplantolojide doku mühendisliği ve gen tedavisi

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    Son elli yılda implantoloji alanında büyük adımlar atılmıştır. Günümüzde implantın kemik ile bağlantısı kabul edilebilir derecede başarılı olmasına rağmen inflamasyon, trombozis, fibrozis ve enfeksiyon gibi komplikasyonlar görülebilmektedir. Genetik ve doku mühendisliği alanındaki gelişmelerle birlikte ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Görülen komplikasyonları en aza indirmek için implantın yerleştirildiği dokunun yanıtının istenilen düzeyde ve şekilde olması ve immün reaksiyonun düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ayrıca yerleştirilmesi için, kaybedilen alveolar kemik dokusunun genişletilmesi mümkün hale gelmişti

    Atherogenic dyslipidemia, subclinical atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance in polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Objective: We aimed to explore the relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and small dense lipoprotein (sd-LDL) particles, carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in young normal weight PCOS cases. Methods: This prospective, case-control study was designed in a University Hospital and 34 women with PCOS and 21 healthy controls were enrolled. Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, lipid (including sd-LDL particles) and hormone profiles, abdominal ultrasound and CIMT were evaluated. Results: IR was present in 68% of PCOS group while in none of controls. High density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides (TG), and sd-LDL were higher in patients with IR (p<0.05). A positive correlation of sd-LDL with IR, VLDL and TG was found. A significantly higher rate of NAFLD and CIMT was found in PCOS. Totaltestosterone levels were weakly and positively correlated with CIMT (r=0.277, p=0.041). Conclusion: Insulin resistance and NAFLD are highly prevalent among young normal weight PCOS patients. When compared to controls levels of sd-LDL and CIMT are increased in PCOS. Insulin resistance is the key parameter for NAFLD and atherogenic dyslipidemia in PCOS. Hence, screening for NAFLD may be valuable for detection and prevention of liver disease. Higher levels of sd-LDL in insülin resistant PCOS cases necessiates treating PCOS for I

    A New Approach to Prevent Migration of Mini-Implants

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    Aim:The aims of this study were to determine the amount of mini-implant deflection under orthodontic loading and examine the effectiveness of a newly designed ring (mini-implant ring - MIR) placed at the collar of mini-implants.Materials and Methods:A total of 48 mini-implants were applied to the bone samples obtained from the ileum of bovine. In the study group 24 mini-implants were applied with MIR and remaining mini-implants were applied without MIR and were assigned as control. All mini-implants were subjected to a tangential force load of 200 g perpendicular to the screw, and displacement of screws was measured in millimeters by an Instron Universal Testing machine. After loading test, each mini-implant was removed, and the cortical bone thicknesses of the samples were measured. According to the cortical thickness of the samples, study and control groups were sub-grouped as having thin and thick cortical bone.Results:The mean displacement values of mini-implants inserted with MIR was significantly lower when compared with that of mini-implants inserted without MIR under 200 g force (p0.05).Conclusion:MIR might be a useful auxiliary to mini-implants especially in patients with thin cortical bone

    Maternal and umbilical cord ischemia-modified albumin levels in nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracings regarding the mode of delivery

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    Objective: To evaluate umbilical cord blood ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) levels in cases of fetal distress (FD) and to explore fetal blood IMA levels regarding the route of delivery. Methods: Umbilical cord and maternal serum IMA concentrations were assessed in term 40 cases with cesarean section (CS) due to FD, 76 cases with elective repeat CS and 85 cases with noncomplicated vaginal delivery. Results: The maternal and umbilical cord IMA levels were significantly lower in vaginal deliveries when compared with CS cases either in FD or previous CS groups (p = 0.02). Although no statistically significant difference was found in IMA levels of CS groups (previous CS vs. FD), cord blood IMA levels tend to be higher in FD group. Neither demographic characteristics nor fetal outcome parameters were found to have any correlation with maternal IMA levels. However, umbilical cord IMA levels were found to be negatively correlated with 1th min Apgar scores (r = –0.143, p = 0.043). Conclusions: IMA seems to be responsive to hypoxic FD showing the highest levels in cases with severe fetal hypoxia. Higher levels of IMA in cases with elective repeat CS might indicate acute transient hypoxia and possible myocardial ischemia in these cases