17 research outputs found

    The effects of precipitation manipulation on carbohydrate dynamics and mortality in a piñon-juniper woodland

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    Drought-induced forest mortality is an increasing global problem with far-reaching consequences, yet mortality mechanisms remain poorly understood. Depletion of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) stores has been implicated as a major factor in drought-induced mortality, but experimental field tests are rare. We conducted an ecosystem-scale precipitation manipulation experiment and evaluated leaf and twig NSC dynamics of two co-occurring conifers with different water regulation strategies; the relatively drought-averse piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and relatively drought-tolerant oneseed juniper (Juniperus monosperma). Experimental drought caused decreased leaf starch in dying trees of both species and increased allocation to glucose and fructose in juniper, consistent with osmoregulation requirements. For both species, average leaf starch content between drought treatment initiation and mortality was a good predictor (R2 = 0.77) of survival duration. These results, along with observations of drought-induced reductions to photosynthesis and growth, implicate carbon starvation as an important process during mortality of these two conifer species

    Automated Structural-level Alignment of Multi-view TLS and ALS Point Clouds in Forestry

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    Access to highly detailed models of heterogeneous forests from the near surface to above the tree canopy at varying scales is of increasing demand as it enables more advanced computational tools for analysis, planning, and ecosystem management. LiDAR sensors available through different scanning platforms including terrestrial, mobile and aerial have become established as one of the primary technologies for forest mapping due to their inherited capability to collect direct, precise and rapid 3D information of a scene. However, their scalability to large forest areas is highly dependent upon use of effective and efficient methods of co-registration of multiple scan sources. Surprisingly, work in forestry in GPS denied areas has mostly resorted to methods of co-registration that use reference based targets (e.g., reflective, marked trees), a process far from scalable in practice. In this work, we propose an effective, targetless and fully automatic method based on an incremental co-registration strategy matching and grouping points according to levels of structural complexity. Empirical evidence shows the method's effectiveness in aligning both TLS-to-TLS and TLS-to-ALS scans under a variety of ecosystem conditions including pre/post fire treatment effects, of interest to forest inventory surveyors

    Hydraulic architecture explains species moisture dependency but not mortality rates across a tropical rainfall gradient

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    Intensified droughts are affecting tropical forests across the globe. However, the underlying mechanisms of tree drought response and mortality are poorly understood. Hydraulic traits and especially hydraulic safety margins (HSMs), that is, the extent to which plants buffer themselves from thresholds of water stress, provide insights into species-specific drought vulnerability. We investigated hydraulic traits during an intense drought triggered by the 2015–2016 El Niño on 27 canopy tree species across three tropical forest sites with differing precipitation. We capitalized on the drought event as a time when plant water status might approach or exceed thresholds of water stress. We investigated the degree to which these traits varied across the rainfall gradient, as well as relationships among hydraulic traits and species-specific optimal moisture and mortality rates. There were no differences among sites for any measured trait. There was strong coordination among traits, with a network analysis revealing two major groups of coordinated traits. In one group, there were water potentials, turgor loss point, sapwood capacitance and density, HSMs, and mortality rate. In the second group, there was leaf mass per area, leaf dry matter content, hydraulic architecture (leaf area to sapwood area ratio), and species-specific optimal moisture. These results demonstrated that while species with greater safety from turgor loss had lower mortality rates, hydraulic architecture was the only trait that explained species’ moisture dependency. Species with a greater leaf area to sapwood area ratio were associated with drier sites and reduced their transpirational demand during the dry season via deciduousness

    Experimental drought and heat can delay phenological development and reduce foliar and shoot growth in semiarid trees

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    Higher temperatures associated with climate change are anticipated to trigger an earlier start to the growing season, which could increase the terrestrial C sink strength. Greater variability in the amount and timing of precipitation is also expected with higher temperatures, bringing increased drought stress to many ecosystems. We experimentally assessed the effects of higher temperature and drought on the foliar phenology and shoot growth of mature trees of two semiarid conifer species. We exposed field-grown trees to a ~45% reduction in precipitation with a rain-out structure ('drought'), a ~4.8 °C temperature increase with open-top chambers ('heat'), and a combination of both simultaneously ('drought + heat'). Over the 2013 growing season, drought, heat, and drought + heat treatments reduced shoot and needle growth in piñon pine (Pinus edulis) by ≥39%, while juniper (Juniperus monosperma) had low growth and little response to these treatments. Needle emergence on primary axis branches of piñon pine was delayed in heat, drought, and drought + heat treatments by 19-57 days, while secondary axis branches were less likely to produce needles in the heat treatment, and produced no needles at all in the drought + heat treatment. Growth of shoots and needles, and the timing of needle emergence correlated inversely with xylem water tension and positively with nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations. Our findings demonstrate the potential for delayed phenological development and reduced growth with higher temperatures and drought in tree species that are vulnerable to drought and reveal potential mechanistic links to physiological stress responses. Climate change projections of an earlier and longer growing season with higher temperatures, and consequent increases in terrestrial C sink strength, may be incorrect for regions where plants will face increased drought stress with climate change

    No carbon storage in growth-limited trees in a semi-arid woodland

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    © The Author(s) 2023. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Plant survival depends on a balance between carbon supply and demand. When carbon supply becomes limited, plants buffer demand by using stored carbohydrates (sugar and starch). During drought, NSCs (non-structural carbohydrates) may accumulate if growth stops before photosynthesis. This expectation is pervasive, yet few studies have combined simultaneous measurements of drought, photosynthesis, growth, and carbon storage to test this. Using a field experiment with mature trees in a semi-arid woodland, we show that growth and photosynthesis slow in parallel as ψpd declines, preventing carbon storage in two species of conifer (J. monosperma and P. edulis). During experimental drought, growth and photosynthesis were frequently co-limited. Our results point to an alternative perspective on how plants use carbon that views growth and photosynthesis as independent processes both regulated by water availability.The Los Alamos Survival-Mortality Experiment (SUMO) was funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research. R.A.T., A.M.T., and H.D.A. were supported by the NSF Division of Integrative Organismal Systems, Integrative Ecological Physiology Program (IOS-1755345, IOS-1755346). R.A.T. was also supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. H.D.A. was also supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), McIntire Stennis Project 1019284 and Agriculture and Food Research Initiative award 2021-67013-33716. C.G. was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (310030_204697).Peer reviewe

    Mechanisms of a coniferous woodland persistence under drought and heat

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    Predictions of warmer droughts causing increasing forest mortality are becoming abundant, yet few studies have investigated the mechanisms of forest persistence. To examine the resistance of forests to warmer droughts, we used a five-year precipitation reduction (~45% removal), heat (+4 °C above ambient) and combined drought and heat experiment in an isolated stand of mature Pinus edulis-Juniperus monosperma. Despite severe experimental drought and heating, no trees died, and we observed only minor evidence of hydraulic failure or carbon starvation. Two mechanisms promoting survival were supported. First, access to bedrock water, or 'hydraulic refugia' aided trees in their resistance to the experimental conditions. Second, the isolation of this stand amongst a landscape of dead trees precluded ingress by Ips confusus, frequently the ultimate biotic mortality agent of piñon. These combined abiotic and biotic landscape-scale processes can moderate the impacts of future droughts on tree mortality by enabling tree avoidance of hydraulic failure, carbon starvation, and exposure to attacking abiotic agents.This project was supported by the Department of Energy, Office of Science, and Pacific Northwest National Lab’s LDRD program. DDB participation was supported via NSF EF-1340624; EF-1550756, and EAR-1331408, DEB-1824796 and DEB-1833502. CG was supported by a Director’s Fellowship from the Los Alamos National Laboratory and by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF (PZ00P3_174068). AV was supported by a fellowship from Generalitat Valenciana (BEST/2016/289) and the project Survive-2 (CGL2015-69773-C2-2-P MINECO/FEDER) from the Spanish Government. DSM was supported via NSF IOS-1450679, IOS-1444571, and IOS-1547796

    Integrating plant physiology into simulation of fire behavior and effects

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    Wildfires are a global crisis, but current fire models fail to capture vegetation response to changing climate. With drought and elevated temperature increasing the importance of vegetation dynamics to fire behavior, and the advent of next generation models capable of capturing increasingly complex physical processes, we provide a renewed focus on representation of woody vegetation in fire models. Currently, the most advanced representations of fire behavior and biophysical fire effects are found in distinct classes of fine-scale models and do not capture variation in live fuel (i.e. living plant) properties. We demonstrate that plant water and carbon dynamics, which influence combustion and heat transfer into the plant and often dictate plant survival, provide the mechanistic linkage between fire behavior and effects. Our conceptual framework linking remotely sensed estimates of plant water and carbon to fine-scale models of fire behavior and effects could be a critical first step toward improving the fidelity of the coarse scale models that are now relied upon for global fire forecasting. This process-based approach will be essential to capturing the influence of physiological responses to drought and warming on live fuel conditions, strengthening the science needed to guide fire managers in an uncertain future

    The effects of precipitation manipulation on carbohydrate dynamics and mortality in a piñon-juniper woodland

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    Drought-induced forest mortality is an increasing global problem with far-reaching consequences, yet mortality mechanisms remain poorly understood. Depletion of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) stores has been implicated as a major factor in drought-induced mortality, but experimental field tests are rare. We conducted an ecosystem-scale precipitation manipulation experiment and evaluated leaf and twig NSC dynamics of two co-occurring conifers with different water regulation strategies; the relatively drought-averse piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and relatively drought-tolerant oneseed juniper (Juniperus monosperma). Experimental drought caused decreased leaf starch in dying trees of both species and increased allocation to glucose and fructose in juniper, consistent with osmoregulation requirements. For both species, average leaf starch content between drought treatment initiation and mortality was a good predictor (R2 = 0.77) of survival duration. These results, along with observations of drought-induced reductions to photosynthesis and growth, implicate carbon starvation as an important process during mortality of these two conifer species.Los Alamos National Laboratory, Department of Energy, National Science FoundationBiologyMastersUniversity of New Mexico. Biology Dept.Pockman, William T.McDowell, Nate G.Hanson, DavidSevanto, Sann