272 research outputs found

    Waverly Terrace Haven of Homes House Genealogy Handbook

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    Waverly Terrace is a National Register Historic District. It was the first planned suburb in Columbus, Georgia, location of the nation’s first coeducational industrial school, and home of prominent architect T.W. Smith. As a planned suburb, the neighborhood was laid out using a grid pattern and included all utilities and an elementary school. This House Genealogy Handbook provides the tools needed to research the residential house histories of Waverly Terrace

    Relationship Between Body Composition, Body Fat Distribution, and Blood Lipids Among Law Enforcement Officers: Part 2

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    Law enforcement officers (LEOs) have a high-stress occupation, which is prone to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Data suggest a 1.7-fold higher CVD prevalence versus the general public, in addition to 40.5% of LEOs being classified as obese. Emerging evidence suggests that lipid-related atherosclerotic risk may be better captured by including advanced blood lipid panels (i.e., cholesterol particle type and size). However, there needs to be more research regarding the relationship between body composition, body fat distribution, and advanced blood lipid panels concerning CVD risk in LEOs. PURPOSE: To determine if body composition and fat distribution measures correlate with predictive advanced lipid markers in LEOs. METHODS: Forty-three LEOs (male: n=40; Female: n=3; age = 41.7±9.6 yrs; weight = 91.9±15.4 kg; height = 179.8±8.7 cm; VO2max: 37.0±6.1 ml/kg/min) from a local police department were evaluated. Fasting blood samples were collected to assess biomarkers of CVD risk: number of low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL-p), small LDL-p, LDL size (LDL-s), number of high-density lipoprotein particles (HDL-p), large HDL-p, HDL size (HDL-s), number of very low-density lipoprotein particles (VLDL-p), and VLDL size (VLDL-s). Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was used to measure body composition. Bivariate Pearson correlation matrix and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analyses were used to examine the relationship between body composition and fat distribution. RESULTS: The Bivariate Pearson correlation matrix revealed higher body weight, lean mass, visceral adipose tissue, and gynoid adiposity correlated with several advanced lipid biomarkers. The OLS regression analysis revealed Body weight to be positively predictive (p\u3c0.05) of LDL-p and small LDL-p but inversely predictive (p\u3c0.05) of LDL-s, large HDL-p, and HDL-s; Lean mass to be positively predictive of LDL-p, small LDL-p, but inversely predictive of LDL-s, HDL-p, large HDL-p, and HDL-s; Visceral adipose tissue to be positively predictive of small LDL-p and large VLDL-p, but inversely predictive of LDL-s, large HDL-p, and HDL-s; and gynoid fat distribution to be positively predictive of HDL-p, large HDL-p, and HDL-s. CONCLUSION: Changes in body composition seen in LEOs with increased weight and fat distribution showed correlations with advanced blood lipid markers, which can be predictive of high CVD risk and other potential medical conditions. These data provide insight into the association of body composition and fat distribution with markers of CVD risk (i.e., advanced blood lipids)

    Relationship Between Body Composition, Body Fat Distribution, and Blood Lipids Among Law Enforcement Officers: Part 1

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    Law enforcement officers (LEOs) have a high-stress occupation which is prone to cardiovascular disease (CVD). In fact, data suggest that LEOs have a 1.7-fold higher CVD prevalence versus the general public, in addition to 40.5% of LEOs being classified as obese. However, research is lacking regarding the relationship between body composition, body fat distribution, and blood lipid panels as it pertains to CVD risk in LEOs. PURPOSE: To determine if body composition and fat distribution measures correlate with predictive lipid markers in LEOs. METHODS: Forty-three LEOs (age = 41.7±9.6 yrs; weight = 91.9±15.4 kg; height = 179.8±8.7 cm; VO2max: 37.0±6.16 ml/kg/min) from a local police department were evaluated. Fasting blood samples were collected to assess biomarkers of CVD risk: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), total cholesterol (TC), and triglycerides (TG). Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was used to measure body composition and body fat distribution. Bivariate Pearson correlation matrix was used to determine correlations (p\u3c0.05* and p\u3c0.01**). To further assess the relationship between body composition, fat distribution measures, and blood lipids, ordinary least square (OLS) regression analyses were used. RESULTS: Lower body weight correlated with greater HDL concentrations (r=-0.432**). Higher fat mass correlated with greater TG concentrations (r=0.338*), while greater lean mass was inversely correlated with HDL concentrations (r=-0.496**). Android and gynoid adiposity were positively correlated with greater TG (r=0.359*) and HDL (r=0.320*) concentrations, respectively. Lastly, higher visceral adipose tissue was correlated with greater TG concentrations (r=0.430**). The OLS regression analysis revealed (p\u3c0.05) 1) weight was inversely predictive of HDL, 2) Fat mass was positively predictive of TG, 3) lean mass was inversely predictive of HDL, 4) android adiposity was positively predictive of TG, 5) gynoid adiposity was positively predictive of HDL, and 6) visceral adipose tissue was positively predictive of TG. CONCLUSION: Measures of body composition seen in LEOs with increased body fat showed positive correlations with blood lipid markers (TG and HDL), which can be predictive of high CVD risk and other potential medical conditions. These data provide insight into the association of body composition and fat distribution with markers of CVD risk

    DNA conformations and their sequence preferences

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    The geometry of the phosphodiester backbone was analyzed for 7739 dinucleotides from 447 selected crystal structures of naked and complexed DNA. Ten torsion angles of a near-dinucleotide unit have been studied by combining Fourier averaging and clustering. Besides the known variants of the A-, B- and Z-DNA forms, we have also identified combined A + B backbone-deformed conformers, e.g. with α/γ switches, and a few conformers with a syn orientation of bases occurring e.g. in G-quadruplex structures. A plethora of A- and B-like conformers show a close relationship between the A- and B-form double helices. A comparison of the populations of the conformers occurring in naked and complexed DNA has revealed a significant broadening of the DNA conformational space in the complexes, but the conformers still remain within the limits defined by the A- and B- forms. Possible sequence preferences, important for sequence-dependent recognition, have been assessed for the main A and B conformers by means of statistical goodness-of-fit tests. The structural properties of the backbone in quadruplexes, junctions and histone-core particles are discussed in further detail

    Structure of a B-DNA dodecamer: conformation and dynamics.

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    Anomalous DNA binding by E2 regulatory protein driven by spacer sequence TATA

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    We have investigated the anomalously weak binding of human papillomavirus (HPV) regulatory protein E2 to a DNA target containing the spacer sequence TATA. Experiments in magnesium (Mg2+) and calcium (Ca2+) ion buffers revealed a marked reduction in cutting by DNase I at the CpG sequence in the protein-binding site 3′ to the TATA spacer sequence, Studies of the cation dependence of DNA-E2 affinities showed that upon E2 binding the TATA sequence releases approximately twice as many Mg2+ ions as the average of the other spacer sequences. Binding experiments for TATA spacer relative to ATAT showed that in potassium ion (K+) the E2 affinity of the two sequences is nearly equal, but the relative dissociation constant (Kd) for TATA increases in the order K+ < Na+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+. Except for Mg2+, Kd for TATA relative to ATAT is independent of ion concentration, whereas for Mg2+ the affinity for TATA drops sharply as ion concentration increases. Thus, ions of increasing positive charge density increasingly distort the E2 binding site, weakening the affinity for protein. In the case of Mg2+, additional ions are bound to TATA that require displacement for protein binding. We suggest that the TATA sequence may bias the DNA structure towards a conformation that binds the protein relatively weakly

    Crystal Structure of a Complex of DNA with One AT-Hook of HMGA1

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    We present here for the first time the crystal structure of an AT-hook domain. We show the structure of an AT-hook of the ubiquitous nuclear protein HMGA1, combined with the oligonucleotide d(CGAATTAATTCG)2, which has two potential AATT interacting groups. Interaction with only one of them is found. The structure presents analogies and significant differences with previous NMR studies: the AT-hook forms hydrogen bonds between main-chain NH groups and thymines in the minor groove, DNA is bent and the minor groove is widened

    Denunciation, blame and the moral turn in public life

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    Public denunciations involve ritual destruction of the moral standing of the target. They are intimately related to the assigning of blame and to the alleged perpetrator’s concomitant denial of wrongdoing. While public denunciations are not a new phenomenon, what has arguably changed in recent years is the loosening of strictures on publicly denouncing immoral behavior, even when (alleged) moral transgressions happen within the remit of traditionally conceived intimate or private relationships, and the broadening of what counts as a public figure. The aim of this paper is to interrogate this moral turn in public life by examining how public denunciations are accomplished in broadcast talk, and the role they play in co-constructing and reaffirming perceived common moral ground. We conclude that while moral criticisms, such as accusing, blaming, denouncing, reproaching, and so on, are evidently oriented as sensitive actions in the public sphere, it appears that constraints on publicly denouncing immoral behavior are on the wane

    Interaction between environmental and genetic factors modulates schizophrenic endophenotypes in the Snap-25 mouse mutant blind-drunk

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    To understand the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia requires consideration of multiple genetic and non-genetic factors. However, very little is known about the consequences of combining models of synaptic dysfunction with controlled environmental manipulations. Therefore, to generate new insights into gene–environment interactions and complex behaviour, we examined the influence of variable prenatal stress (PNS) on two mouse lines with mutations in synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (Snap-25): the blind-drunk (Bdr) point mutant and heterozygous Snap-25 knockout mice. Neonatal development was analysed in addition to an assessment of adult behavioural phenotypes relevant to the psychotic, cognitive and negative aspects of schizophrenia. These data show that PNS influenced specific anxiety-related behaviour in all animals. In addition, sensorimotor gating deficits previously noted in Bdr mutants were markedly enhanced by PNS; significantly, these effects could be reversed with the application of anti-psychotic drugs. Moreover, social interaction abnormalities were observed only in Bdr animals from stressed dams but not in wild-type littermates or mutants from non-stressed mothers. These results show for the first time that combining a synaptic mouse point mutant with a controlled prenatal stressor paradigm produces both modified and previously unseen phenotypes, generating new insights into the interactions between genetics and the environment relevant to the study of psychiatric disease