260 research outputs found

    The Ghost of a Scrag of Mutton

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    Moral related to the Napoleonic Wars and British might.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_uk/1315/thumbnail.jp

    Mesoscopic modelling of the interaction of infrared lasers with composite materials: an application to dental enamel

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    The mesostructure and composition of composite materials determine their mechanical, optical and thermal properties and, consequently, their response to incident radiation. We have developed general finite element models of porous composite materials under infrared radiation to examine the influence of pore size on one of the determining parameters of the stress distribution in the material: the temperature distribution. We apply them to the specific case of human dental enamel, a material which has nanometer scale pores containing water/organic, and predict the maximum temperature reached after a single 0.35 μs laser pulse of sub-ablative fluence by two lasers: Er:YAG (2.9 μm) and CO2 (10.6 μm). For the Er:YAG laser, the results imply a strong dependence of the maximum temperature reached at the pore on the area-to-volume ratio of the pore, whereas there is little such dependence for CO2 lasers. Thus, CO2 lasers may produce more reproducible results than Er:YAG lasers when it comes to enamel ablation, which may be of significant interest during clinical practice. More generally, when ablating composite materials by infrared lasers researchers should account for the material’s microstructure and composition when designing experiments or interpreting results, since a more simplistic continuum approach may not be sufficient to explain differences observed during ablation of materials with similar optical properties or of the same material but using different wavelengths

    Mesoscopic modelling of enamel interaction with mid-infrared sub-ablative laser pulses

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    Using a finite element approach the authors model the influence of enamel's microstructure and water distribution on the temperature and stress at the centre of the laser spot, for a CO2 laser working at 10.6 μm, with 0.35 μs pulse duration and sub-ablative intensity. The authors found that the distribution of water in enamel significantly influences the stress generated at the end of one laser pulse: much lower (two orders of magnitude) stress values occur in models with homogeneously distributed water than in models with 0.27 vol.% water located in pores or 4 vol.% in layers. The amount of water in enamel has a strong influence on the stress distribution, but not on the maximum stress values reached. However, different water contents do not influence the temperature distribution in enamel. These results suggest that adequate modelling of the ablation mechanisms in enamel, as in other highly inhomogeneous materials, must include their structure at the mesoscopic scale

    In silico modelling to differentiate the contribution of sugar frequency versus total amount in driving biofilm dysbiosis in dental caries

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    Dental caries is the most prevalent infection globally and a substantial economic burden in developed countries. Dietary sugars are the main risk factor, and drive increased proportions of acid-producing and acid-tolerating (aciduric) bacterial species within dental bio lms. Recent longitudinal studies have suggested that caries is most strongly correlated with total sugar intake, contrasting with the prevailing view that intake frequency is the primary determinant. To explore this possibility, we employed a computational model for supragingival plaque to systematically sample combinations of sugar frequency and total amount, allowing their independent contributions on the ratio of aciduric (i.e. cariogenic) to non-aciduric bacteria to be unambiguously determined. Sugar frequency was found to be irrelevant for either very high or very low daily total amounts as the simulated bio lm was predicted to be always or never cariogenic, respectively. Frequency was a determining factor for intermediate total amounts of sugar, including the estimated average human consumption. An increased risk of caries (i.e. high prevalence of aciduric/non-aciduric species) was predicted for high intake frequencies. Thus, both total amount and frequency of sugar intake may combine to in uence plaque cariogenicity. These ndings could be employed to support public guidance for dietary change, leading to improved oral healthcare

    Non-lethal control of the cariogenic potential of an agent-based model for dental plaque

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    Dental caries or tooth decay is a prevalent global disease whose causative agent is the oral biofilm known as plaque. According to the ecological plaque hypothesis, this biofilm becomes pathogenic when external challenges drive it towards a state with a high proportion of acid-producing bacteria. Determining which factors control biofilm composition is therefore desirable when developing novel clinical treatments to combat caries, but is also challenging due to the system complexity and the existence of multiple bacterial species performing similar functions. Here we employ agent-based mathematical modelling to simulate a biofilm consisting of two competing, distinct types of bacterial populations, each parameterised by their nutrient uptake and aciduricity, periodically subjected to an acid challenge resulting from the metabolism of dietary carbohydrates. It was found that one population was progressively eliminated from the system to give either a benign or a pathogenic biofilm, with a tipping point between these two fates depending on a multiplicity of factors relating to microbial physiology and biofilm geometry. Parameter sensitivity was quantified by individually varying the model parameters against putative experimental measures, suggesting non-lethal interventions that can favourably modulate biofilm composition. We discuss how the same parameter sensitivity data can be used to guide the design of validation experiments, and argue for the benefits of in silico modelling in providing an additional predictive capability upstream from in vitro experiments

    Dementia and detectives: Alzheimer's disease in crime fiction

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    Fictional representations of dementia have burgeoned in recent years, and scholars have amply explored their double-edged capacity to promote tragic perspectives or normalising images of ‘living well’ with the condition. Yet to date, there has been only sparse consideration of the treatment afforded dementia within the genre of crime fiction. Focusing on two novels, Emma Healey’s Elizabeth is Missing and Alice LaPlante’s Turn of Mind, this article considers what it means in relation to the ethics of representation that these authors choose to cast as their amateur detective narrators women who have dementia. Analysing how their narrative portrayals frame the experience of living with dementia, it becomes apparent that features of the crime genre inflect the meanings conveyed. While aspects of the novels may reinforce problem-based discourses around dementia, in other respects they may spur meaningful reflection about it among the large readership of this genre

    Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro study

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    Background: A carbon dioxide (CO2) laser has been used to morphologically and chemically modify the dental enamel surface as well as to make it more resistant to demineralization. Despite a variety of experiments demonstrating the inhibitory effect of a CO2 laser in reduce enamel demineralization, little is known about the effect of surface irradiated on bacterial growth. Thus, this in vitro study was preformed to evaluate the biofilm formation on enamel previously irradiated with a CO2 laser (! = 10.6 mM). Methods: For this in vitro study, 96 specimens of bovine enamel were employed, which were divided into two groups (n = 48): 1) Control-non-irradiated surface and 2) Irradiated enamel surface. Biofilms were grown on the enamel specimens by one, three and five days under intermittent cariogenic condition in the irradiated and non-irradiated surface. In each assessment time, the biofilm were evaluated by dry weigh, counting the number of viable colonies and, in fifth day, were evaluated by polysaccharides analysis, quantitative real time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as well as by contact angle. In addition, the morphology of biofilms was characterized by fluorescence microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Initially, the assumptions of equal variances and normal distribution of errors were conferred and the results are analyzed statistically by t-test and Mann Whitney test. Results: The mean of log CFU/mL obtained for the one-day biofilm evaluation showed that there is statistical difference between the experimental groups. When biofilms were exposed to the CO2 laser, CFU/mL and CFU/dry weight in three day was reduced significantly compared with control group. The difference in the genes expression (Glucosyltransferases (gtfB) and Glucan-binding protein (gbpB)) and polysaccharides was not statically significant. Contact angle was increased relative to control when the surface was irradiated with the CO2 laser. Similar morphology was also visible with both treatments; however, the irradiated group revealed evidence of melting and fusion in the specimens. Conclusion: In conclusion, CO2 laser irradiation modifies the energy surface and disrupts the initial biofilm formation

    Genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity in Streptococcus mutans isolated from diabetic patients in Rome, Italy

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    Our study focuses on the antimicrobial susceptibility, genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, and serotype classification of the Streptococcus mutans isolated from type II diabetic patients (n = 25; age 42-68). Eighty-two percent of isolates were classified as serotype c. No serotype k was present. Macrorestriction analysis of genomic DNA of the isolates exhibited a clonal diversity that paralleled the phenotypic heterogeneity, which was also assessed in terms of biofilm forming ability. Isolates were susceptible to all the classes of antibiotics. In conclusion a great heterogeneity and no antimicrobial resistance were apparent in the considered S. mutans strains from diabetic patients
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