3,379 research outputs found

    On the Transverse-Traceless Projection in Lattice Simulations of Gravitational Wave Production

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    It has recently been pointed out that the usual procedure employed in order to obtain the transverse-traceless (TT) part of metric perturbations in lattice simulations was inconsistent with the fact that those fields live in the lattice and not in the continuum. It was claimed that this could lead to a larger amplitude and a wrong shape for the gravitational wave (GW) spectra obtained in numerical simulations of (p)reheating. In order to address this issue, we have defined a consistent prescription in the lattice for extracting the TT part of the metric perturbations. We demonstrate explicitly that the GW spectra obtained with the old continuum-based TT projection only differ marginally in amplitude and shape with respect to the new lattice-based ones. We conclude that one can therefore trust the predictions appearing in the literature on the spectra of GW produced during (p)reheating and similar scenarios simulated on a lattice.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to JCA

    Private umbilical cord blood banks for family use, in Brazil: technical, legal and ethical issues for an implementation analysis

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    Os bancos de sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário foram criados a partir da comprovação de que o sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário (SCUP) é uma fonte rica em células progenitoras hematopoéticas (CPH) e alternativa às células provenientes da medula óssea para transplante, fato que gerou o interesse pelo armazenamento das células nele contidas. A legislação brasileira distingue bancos para uso alogênico não aparentado (públicos) e para uso exclusivamente autólogo (privados). Por sua vez, o armazenamento de SCUP para uso familiar (doação dirigida) pode ser realizado em bancos de sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário públicos, serviços de hemoterapia ou centros de transplante, quando há um membro da família do nascituro com doença diagnosticada e que necessite de transplante de CPH como tratamento. Apesar de a legislação ser clara, a Anvisa tem identificado o interesse sobre a possibilidade da liberação de unidades de SCUP, armazenadas em bancos autólogos, para a utilização de outrem, familiar, além do recém-nascido beneficiário. O objetivo do trabalho visa promover a reflexão sobre uma possível modificação dos parâmetros legais nacionais que regem os bancos de SCUP autólogo, tornando-os bancos com vistas ao uso familiar, por meio da exposição dos principais elementos relacionados ao tema. O estudo analisou os critérios técnico-sanitários legais para regulamentação dos bancos; descreveu as características das CPH de diversas fontes e tipos de doação para transplante; contextualizou a relação com os princípios da Bioética; avanços sobre terapia e pesquisas relativas às CPH; e discutiu possíveis riscos envolvidos no processo.Umbilical cord blood banks have been created worldwide after the discovery that umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a rich source of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC) and an alternative to HSC from bone marrow for allogeneic transplantation. According to Brazilian legislation, banks for allogeneic use (government services) and exclusively autologous use (private services) can be created in the country. The storage of UCB units for direct donation (family use) can occur in public cord blood banks, hemotherapy services and transplant centers when there is a specific need to treat a known patient that is a member of the newborn's family. Even with the legislation being quite clear about the creation of cord blood banks and distribution of UCB units, ANVISA has identified an interest, demonstrated by the population and regulated sector, in the possibility of releasing UCB units, stored in autologous cord blood banks, with the purpose of clinical applicability to another family member other than the newborn owner of the cells. The objective of this study is to promote a discussion on a possible alteration in the legal parameters that support the implementation of autologous cord blood banks, towards the constitution of private banks for family use, pointing out the main issues. The study analyzed the technical and legal criteria related to cord blood banks, described the characteristics of HSC from different sources and types of transplant donations and procedures; discussed concerns related to Bioethical principles, current and potential clinical HSC applications, and possibly risks and benefits

    Mortality attributable to extreme temperatures in Spain: A comparative analysis by city

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    BACKGROUND: The Low Temperature Days (LTD) have attracted far less attention than that of High Temperature Days (HTD), though its impact on mortality is at least comparable. This lower degree of attention may perhaps be due to the fact that its influence on mortality is less pronounced and longer-term, and that there are other concomitant infectious winters factors. In a climate-change scenario, the studies undertaken to date report differing results. The aim of this study was to analyse mortality attributable to both thermal extremes in Spain's 52 provinces across the period 2000-2009, and estimate the related economic cost to show the benefit or "profitability" of implementing prevention plans against LTD. METHODS: Previous studies enabled us: to obtain the maximum daily temperature above which HTD occurred and the minimum daily temperature below which LTD occurred in the 52 provincial capitals analysed across the same study period; and to calculate the relative and attributable risks (%) associated with daily mortality in each capital. These measures of association were then used to make different calculations to obtain the daily mean mortality attributable to both thermal extremes. To this end, we obtained a summary of the number of degrees whereby the temperature exceeded (excess °C) or fell short (deficit °C) of the threshold temperature for each capital, and calculated the respective number of extreme temperatures days. The economic estimates rated the prevention plans as being 68% effective. RESULTS: Over the period considered, the number of HTD (4373) was higher than the number of LTD (3006) for Spain as a whole. Notwithstanding this, in every provincial capital the mean daily mortality attributable to heat was lower (3deaths/day) than that attributable to cold (3.48deaths/day). In terms of the economic impact of the activation of prevention plans against LTD, these could be assumed to avoid 2.37 deaths on each LTD, which translated as a saving of €0.29M. Similarly, in the case of heat, 2.04 deaths could be assumed to be avoided each day on which the prevention plan against HTD was activated, amounting to a saving of €0.25M. While the economic cost of cold-related mortality across the ten-year period 2000-2009 was €871.7M, that attributable to heat could be put at €1093.2M. CONCLUSION: The effect of extreme temperatures on daily mortality was similar across the study period for Spain overall. The lower number of days with LTD meant, however, that daily cold-related mortality was higher than daily heat-related mortality, thereby making prevention plans against LTD more "profitable" prevention plans against HTD in terms of avoidable mortality.This study was supported by grants FIS ENPY 1001/13 & SEPY 1037/14 from Spain's Health Research Fund.S

    The influences of cement hydration and temperature on the thixotropy of cement paste

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    The rheological properties of fresh cement paste are highly influenced by a large number of parameters, among which the most important factors are the applied shear stress, and the shear history, the age of the sample and the temperature. The effects of these parameters on the yield stress (designated as structural limit stress in this work), the viscosity and the structural recovery rate (i.e., the change in dynamic viscosity with time at rest) were studied. In parallel, the changes in ion composition of the carrier liquid, mineral phase content and granulometry were investigated. The results reveal that all investigated rheological parameters exhibit an approximated bi-linear trend with respect to the degree of hydration, with a period of quasi-constant properties until a degree of hydration of approximately 0.07, followed by a non-linear increase. This increase could be attributed to the formation of calcium hydroxide (CH) and calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) via calorimetry results. With regard to the effect of the shear history of the sample on the rheological properties, the structural limit stress showed a minor dependency on the shear history immediately after the end of shearing, which, however, vanished within the first minute at rest. The same is true for the structural recovery rate. The presented results give detailed insights into the influences of hydration and shear on the rheological properties—especially the thixotropy—of fresh cement pastes

    Can slow roll inflation induce relevant helical magnetic fields?

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    We study the generation of helical magnetic fields during single field inflation induced by an axial coupling of the electromagnetic field to the inflaton. During slow roll inflation, we find that such a coupling always leads to a blue spectrum with B2(k)kB^2(k) \propto k, as long as the theory is treated perturbatively. The magnetic energy density at the end of inflation is found to be typically too small to backreact on the background dynamics of the inflaton. We also show that a short deviation from slow roll does not result in strong modifications to the shape of the spectrum. We calculate the evolution of the correlation length and the field amplitude during the inverse cascade and viscous damping of the helical magnetic field in the radiation era after inflation. We conclude that except for low scale inflation with very strong coupling, the magnetic fields generated by such an axial coupling in single field slow roll inflation with perturbative coupling to the inflaton are too weak to provide the seeds for the observed fields in galaxies and clusters.Comment: 33 pages 6 figures; v4 to match the accepted version to appear in JCA

    Mapping the properties of blue compact dwarf galaxies: integral field spectroscopy with PMAS

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    (Abridged) We perform integral field spectroscopy of a sample of Blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies with the aim of analyzing their morphology, the spatial distribution of some of their physical properties (excitation, extinction, and electron density) and their relationship with the distribution and evolutionary state of the stellar populations. Integral field spectroscopy observations of the sample galaxies were carried out with the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS) at the 3.5 m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory. An area 16 arcsec x 16 arcsec in size was mapped with a spatial sampling of 1 arcsec x 1 arcsec. We obtained data in the 3590-6996 Angstroms spectral range, with a linear dispersion of 3.2 Angstroms per pixel. From these data we built two-dimensional maps of the flux of the most prominent emission lines, of two continuum bands, of the most relevant line ratios, and of the gas velocity field. Integrated spectra of the most prominent star-forming regions and of whole objects within the FOV were used to derive their physical parameters and the gas metal abundances. Six galaxies display the same morphology both in emission line and in continuum maps; only in two objects, Mrk 32 and Tololo 1434+032, the distributions of the ionized gas and of the stars differ considerably. In general the different excitation maps for a same object display the same pattern and trace the star-forming regions, as expected for objects ionized by hot stars; only the outer regions of Mrk 32, I Zw 123 and I Zw 159 display higher [SII]/Halpha values, suggestive of shocks. Six galaxies display an inhomogeneous dust distribution. Regarding the kinematics, Mrk 750, Mrk 206 and I Zw 159 display a clear rotation pattern, while in Mrk 32, Mrk 475 and I Zw 123 the velocity fields are flat.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; Accepted for publication in A&

    Coulomb breakup of neutron-rich 29,30^{29,30}Na isotopes near the island of inversion

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    First results are reported on the ground state configurations of the neutron-rich 29,30^{29,30}Na isotopes, obtained via Coulomb dissociation (CD) measurements as a method of the direct probe. The invariant mass spectra of those nuclei have been obtained through measurement of the four-momentum of all decay products after Coulomb excitation on a 208Pb^{208}Pb target at energies of 400-430 MeV/nucleon using FRS-ALADIN-LAND setup at GSI, Darmstadt. Integrated Coulomb-dissociation cross-sections (CD) of 89 (7)(7) mb and 167 (13)(13) mb up to excitation energy of 10 MeV for one neutron removal from 29^{29}Na and 30^{30}Na respectively, have been extracted. The major part of one neutron removal, CD cross-sections of those nuclei populate core, in its' ground state. A comparison with the direct breakup model, suggests the predominant occupation of the valence neutron in the ground state of 29^{29}Na(3/2+){(3/2^+)} and 30^{30}Na(2+){(2^+)} is the dd orbital with small contribution in the ss-orbital which are coupled with ground state of the core. The ground state configurations of these nuclei are as 28^{28}Na_{gs (1^+)\otimes\nu_{s,d} and 29^{29}Nags(3/2+)νs,d_{gs}(3/2^+)\otimes\nu_{ s,d}, respectively. The ground state spin and parity of these nuclei, obtained from this experiment are in agreement with earlier reported values. The spectroscopic factors for the valence neutron occupying the ss and dd orbitals for these nuclei in the ground state have been extracted and reported for the first time. A comparison of the experimental findings with the shell model calculation using MCSM suggests a lower limit of around 4.3 MeV of the sd-pf shell gap in 30^{30}Na.Comment: Modified version of the manuscript is accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G, Jan., 201

    DEFROST: A New Code for Simulating Preheating after Inflation

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    At the end of inflation, dynamical instability can rapidly deposit the energy of homogeneous cold inflaton into excitations of other fields. This process, known as preheating, is rather violent, inhomogeneous and non-linear, and has to be studied numerically. This paper presents a new code for simulating scalar field dynamics in expanding universe written for that purpose. Compared to available alternatives, it significantly improves both the speed and the accuracy of calculations, and is fully instrumented for 3D visualization. We reproduce previously published results on preheating in simple chaotic inflation models, and further investigate non-linear dynamics of the inflaton decay. Surprisingly, we find that the fields do not want to thermalize quite the way one would think. Instead of directly reaching equilibrium, the evolution appears to be stuck in a rather simple but quite inhomogeneous state. In particular, one-point distribution function of total energy density appears to be universal among various two-field preheating models, and is exceedingly well described by a lognormal distribution. It is tempting to attribute this state to scalar field turbulence.Comment: RevTeX 4.0; 16 pages, 9 figure