5 research outputs found

    Technical and economic assessment of trash recovery in the sugarcane bioenergy production system

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    Mechanized sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) harvest without burning has been increasingly adopted in Brazil, increasing trash availability on the field. This study aims at showing the importance of using an integrated framework tool to assess technical and economic impacts of integral harvesting and baling trash recovery strategies and different recovery rates as well as its implications in the sugarcane production, transport and processing stages. Trash recovery using baling system presents higher costs per unit of mass of recovered trash in comparison to system in which trash is harvested and transported with sugarcane stalks (integral harvesting system). However, the integrated agricultural and industrial assessment showed that recovering trash using baling system presents better economic results (higher internal rate of return and lower ethanol production cost) than the integral harvesting system for trash recovery rates higher than 30 %. Varying trash recovery fraction, stalks productivity and mean transport distance for both integral harvesting and baling systems, sensitivity analyses showed that higher trash recovery fractions associated with higher stalks yields and long transport distances favors baling system, mainly due to the reduction of bulk load density for integral harvesting system under those conditions

    Análise morfológica de Sagittaria montevidensis desenvolvida em diferentes condições de inundação Morphological analysis of Sagittaria montevidensis developed under different flooding conditions

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    O cultivo de arroz irrigado em sistema pré-germinado tem permitido o desenvolvimento de plantas daninhas aquáticas, como as da espécie Sagittaria montevidensis (sagitária), a qual desenvolveu biótipos resistentes a herbicidas inibidores de ALS, no Estado de Santa Catarina. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se examinar as respostas morfológicas de sagitária quanto à variação da lâmina d'água, crescendo sob condições ambientais controladas. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas seguintes condições de inundação: solo saturado, 5, 10 e 20 cm de submersão, em delineamento experimental completamente casualizado, com cinco repetições. A presença de lâmina d'água favoreceu a germinação das sementes de sagitária. O aumento da profundidade de submersão incrementou a estatura da planta por meio do alongamento dos pecíolos das folhas espatuladas e sagitadas. Variação na profundidade da lâmina d'água não modificou o número de plantas, a massa seca, o número de folhas e de raízes, o tamanho da folha linear, o tamanho da lâmina foliar espatulada e sagitada e do escapo floral das plantas de S. montevidensis. As folhas de sagitária de mesmo tipo morfológico, quando desenvolvidas nas profundidades de água testadas, não diferiram histologicamente.<br>The cultivation of irrigated rice under water-seeded rice system has allowed the development of aquatic weed plants such as Sagittaria montevidensis (giant arrowhead), which has developed biotypes resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides in the state of Santa Catarina. This research aimed to investigate the morphologic responses of giant arrowhead to water level variation, under controlled environmental conditions. The treatments were represented by the following flood conditions: saturated soil, 5, 10 and 20 cm of water submersion, arranged in a completely randomized design, with five repetitions. Seed germination was promoted by the presence of water. Submersion depth increased plant height through petide lengthening of the spatulate and sagittate foliar blade size leaves. Water sheet depth variation did not modify the number of plants, dry mass, the number of leaves and roots, linear leaf size, spatulate and sagittate foliar blade size and the inflorescence axis of the S. montevidensis plants. The giant arrowhead leaves of the same morphological type did not differ histologically when developed under the tested water depths