403 research outputs found

    Is the oncology patient a participant actor?: Designing psychosocial profiles

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    "Oncologic disease should be considered one of modern society’s dominant pathologies because of its chronicity. Estimates of a patient’s adaptation to chronicity shapes the information given to the patient, which is a powerful strategy for changing the patient’s social representation from a mere clinical case to a psychosocial being. In this article, the patient’s persona, when captured in the social processes and relations involved in therapeutic acts, is conceptualized as the main actor on the stages and sets of hospitals. The informative act, in which information is given to a patient in a hospital, allows identification of the psychosocial profile inherent in the patient’s role; this profile describes some relevant categories, among which the “informed patient” and the “uninformed patient” stand out.

    Non-verbal communication in the pediatric dentistry appointment setting

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    The outcome of any treatment performed in a dental medicine appointment setting is invariably contingent on the quality of the relationship established by the relational pair dentist – patient. In pediatric dentistry, it is nowadays well-known that some disruptive behavior expressed by children during appointments result from dentists’ ill-suited communication acts. The current study draws on strategies inherent to non-verbal communication and accesses how non-verbal signs, sent by both, dentists and patients, during pediatric dentistry appointments, are perceived. The methodological procedure consisted in the application of two original questionnaires per group/sample: 208 children aged 6-10 years (G1); 221 dental care practitioners (G2) - dentists and dental medicine students undergoing clinical internship. Those questionnaires provide an instrument for analyzing nonverbal, subliminal signs, sent by children and doctors, allowing thus for an eventual adjustment of pediatric dentistry intervention strategies used in the context of dentist - child relationshipinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The House of the Little Tooth Diniz: An Oral Health Educational Project

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    Dental caries is currently one of the major public health problems, given its high incidence among 6-12-year-old children. This age group of children is considered a priority group, due to the transitional period of the replacement of deciduous teeth. This article intends to present a ludic-pedagogical instrument for oral health education, targeted at these children, based on the learning of problems related to oral health through a story narrative and associated pictograms. By means of a health education manual with several pictorial representations of dentistry clinical acts, we intended to imagetically reinforce the therapeutic adherence of children to Paediatric Dentistry as well as oral health prevention care, which are considered determinant factors for oral health success amongst children. The choice of a handbook format for this purpose was considered a health education pedagogical strategy with added value to the Paediatric Dentistry appointment setting, granting patients an active and leading role in their therapeutic path. The handbook can also be of use to younger children, through parental storytelling, establishing a dyadic communication between parents, educators and professionals

    The Hitchcok boy: treating aggressive acting out in child therapy

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited."P, a seven-year-old boy, derived significant benefit from a three year psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This clinical case, illustrate communication barriers that develop and establish themselves in the context of psychosis. Throughout the analytical process, the psychotherapist was consistently faced with a relational paradox: she had before her a child exhibiting chaotic psychic functioning, always on the verge of disintegration, and further characterised by a strong desertification of ludic expression. In considering the psychoanalytic trajectory, the current article examines the manifest relational communication aiming at a permanent attack on the therapeutic attachment, therefore intensifying the analyst’s creative suspense.

    I am (not) The Little Mermaid: a case report

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    "Sarah, currently aged 14Y: 3M, is a late child of a socially differentiated couple, who were already the parents of monozygotic female twins, aged 13Y at the time Sarah was born. Sarah had experienced “double parenting” for years due to her twin sisters, who sequestered and took hold of her under the nonchalant and emotionally detached eyes of her biological parental couple and which led to the development of an identity based on a cleaving of her Self, often projected in repeated drawings of the ‘little mermaid’. Sarah underwent four years of psychoanalytical psychotherapy, initiated in the sequence of marked complaints concerning socialization problems with her peers and school phobia. After a one-year interruption, Sarah resumed therapy reactively electing a symptom linked to anorectic behaviours and a refusal to grow up and which concealed a means of enacting some familial power, and through rescuing her ‘lost identity’ established a place that was duly hers in the family nucleus. The ruthlessness and the obsessive nature of her anorectic behaviour, assumed as a means of control, had materialized into a vicious sadomasochist circle (she controlled herself so as to be free from control, but ended up being controlled as a result of that very self-control). Such behavior resulted in her being committed to a psychiatric institution on three separate occasions, due to manifest and already life-threatening weight loss. It was the therapist’s responsibility to rescue and preserve the healthy part of Sarah’s Self-revealed in the course of the therapy sessions, in stark opposition to the other pathological and cleaved Self that presented during her institutionalization. Through psychotherapeutic relational attachment, the healthy and salubrious parts of her Self (those which both possess and induce health) have allowed for the structuring of a new relational object, thus consenting to the ‘sealing of the identity cleft’ and the development of her personality.

    Narcisismo e apassivação

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Clínica, 2008.O presente estudo parte da constatação de que em casos de pacientes psicóticos, melancólicos e deprimidos está presente o fenômeno da apassivação. Tal fenômeno implica na destituição de investimentos da posição de sujeito ativo, e, por conseqüência, no desencadeamento de uma posição objetal, na qual o psiquismo se mostra sem iniciativas que promovam uma existência mais ativa e autônoma. O objetivo principal do trabalho é, portanto, articular os adoecimentos do Eu com o processo constitutivo do narcisismo, enfocando as transformações que ocorrem nos movimentos pulsionais desses adoecimentos, por meio de uma análise lingüística que os relaciona à apassivação. A questão da apassivação e sua relação com o adoecer psíquico são analisadas, então, em três diferentes enfoques. A princípio é analisada por meio do enfoque lingüístico, ressaltando principalmente os aspectos estruturais e semânticos da regência verbal na voz passiva. Na seqüência, os aspectos constitutivos do Eu são relacionados às vozes verbais, destacando, dentro de um enfoque psicanalítico, a questão do narcisismo e da apassivação. Por último, as transformações das vozes no circuito pulsional dos adoecimentos do Eu, são analisadas por meio de exemplos clínicos. Verificou-se, por meio da análise realizada, que existe uma relação específica das vozes verbais com cada momento constitutivo do Eu, bem como uma ligação entre as formas de regressão do Eu e o modo de apassivação que ocorre nos diferentes adoecimentos narcísicos. Além disso, o dêitico relacional me, presente nos enunciados desses pacientes, pode ser considerado um indicador do processo regressivo e de apassivação que sofre o sujeito. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work is based on the fact that the process of becoming passive is present in psychotic, melancholic and depressed patients. This process implies a lack of investments from an active subject. As a result, it causes a modification to an object position, in which the psychism remains without leading actions for an active and independent existence. The aim of this work is, therefore, to link the I illnesses with the constitutive process of narcissism. In order to do so, we emphasized the modifications which occur with the pulsional movements of these illnesses, through a linguistic analyzes, linking these illnesses with the process of becoming passive. We analyzed this process and its relationship with the psychic illness in three different approaches. First, they are studied by a linguistic aspect, highlighting mainly the structural and semantical aspects of the verbal grammar in passive voice. After, the constitutive aspects of the I are related to verbal voices, and it is highlighted, by a psychoanalytical aspect, the narcissism issue and the process of becoming passive. At last, the voices transformations in the illness pulsional circuit are analyzed through clinical examples. We verified that there is a specific relationship between the verbal voices with each constitutive moment of the I and there is a bond between the regressive forms of the I with each process of becoming passive, in different narcissic illnesses. In addition, the relational deictic me/myself, which is noticed in these patients speeches, may be considered an adviser of the regressive process and of the process of becoming passive

    Emotional contagion of anxiety carer ‐ Child in pediatric dentistry

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    Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Não Comercial-Sem Derivações 4.0 Internacional. Para ver uma cópia desta licença, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. A licença permite compartilhar — copiar e redistribuir o material em qualquer suporte ou formato, desde que seja atribuído o crédito aos autores, fornecido um link para a licença e indicado se foram efectuadas alterações ao original. Não é permitido o uso do material para fins comerciais. Não é permitida a distribuição de material resultante da transformação do original. (Este resumo não dispensa a consulta da licença).Versão depositada: "in Press, corrected proof "."Objetivo Avaliar a existência de contágio emocional de ansiedade no par relacional encarregado de educação/criança. Métodos Foram inquiridas 41 crianças (3‐6 anos) e respetivos encarregados de educação, que compareceram a uma consulta de odontopediatria da Clínica Dentária Universitária Egas Moniz, com o recurso à aplicação de um questionário demográfico e de 2 instrumentos de medição de ansiedade, específicos de contextos de consultas médico‐dentárias; o Venham Picture Test modificado (crianças) e a versão portuguesa da Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (encarregados de educação). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística na versão 21 do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, nomeadamente recorrendo aos testes de Spearman's Roh, Shapiro‐Wilk e Mann‐Whitney, considerando‐se um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados Constatamos que não existe uma correlação significativa entre a ansiedade vivenciada pelos EE e a ansiedade manifestada pelas crianças, sendo a maioria das crianças consideradas como livres de ansiedade (56,1%) e a maioria dos encarregados de educação considerada como moderadamente ansiosa (56,1%). No mesmo registo, assinalamos o facto das crianças, em ambos os grupos, se manifestarem ligeiramente mais ansiosas nas consultas de controlo. Conclusão Apesar de não se verificar a existência de contágio emocional para a amostra estudada, é inegável a existência da problemática da ansiedade, nomeadamente quando equacionada no âmbito de consultas de medicina dentária.

    Facial expressions and dysphonia: a pilot study in dysphonic women

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    "Foram estudadas cinco mulheres adultas com disfonia num estudo exploratório prospetivo, com cinco voluntárias saudáveis, sem perturbação vocal, para fins de controlo. A metodologia utilizada foi descritiva, comparativa e correlacional. Realizou-se um protocolo de avaliação complexo incluindo: análise da expressão facial (sobrancelhas, olhos e boca) durante a leitura oral de textos que representam diferentes emoções (neutro, alegria, tristeza) e narrativas sobre acontecimentos de vida. Foram delineados como objetivos: 1) identificar as expressões faciais utilizadas nos diferentes contextos emocionais; 2) verificar a relação entre o grau de disfonia e as expressões faciais para diferentes contextos emocionais; 3) verificar se as mulheres com e sem disfonia apresentam expressões faciais significativamente diferentes nos vários contextos emocionais. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estisticamente significativas (p<0,05) entre os dois grupos na manifestação de alegria através da face. Os sujeitos com perturbação vocal são menos expressivos facialmente, em todos os contextos e significativamente menos expressivos ao nível da emoção alegria. O grau de disfonia encontra-se associado a uma diminuição de manifestações faciais de alegria e a uma maior manifestação de traços associáveis à tristeza, sendo a transmissão emocional é bimodal.""Five adult speakers with vocal perturbation were studied in a prospective exploratory study, with five healthy volunteers without vocal perturbation for control purposes. The methodology used was descriptive, comparative and correlational. A complex evaluation protocol including: facial expression analysis (eyebrows, eyes and mouth during oral reading of passages representing different emotions (neutral, joy and sadness) and talking about a personal event were carried out. The aims of this study were: 1) identification of the facial expressions used in different emotional contexts; 2) verification of the relation between the rank of vocal perturbation and the facial expressions for different emotional contexts; 3) comparison between subjects to investigate whether significant differences exist between two groups of different voice conditions on the facial expressions used in different emotional contexts. The results show statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between the two groups in the facial expression of joy. Subjects with vocal disorder are less facially expressive in all contexts and significantly less expressive of joy. The degree of dysphonia is associated with a reduction of facial expressions of joy and greater manifestation of assignable sadness features. The emotional transmission is bimodal.

    The child’s self-perception about dental decay in the change of deciduous teeth

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Job quality of young graduates in southern European countries

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    International policies related to employment and the education system have spread concern about job quality. This dissertation uses the European Union Labour Force Survey to explore the job quality of young bachelor and master graduates in Southern European Countries, namely Portugal, Greece and Italy. After analysing the characteristics of job quality, those were matched with the available information in the database. A fuzzy cluster analysis allowed to understand the different typologies prevailing in each country. The results achieved show that the young graduates (20 to 24 years old) prevail in the typology with the lowest income, involuntary contracts with flexible duration, part-time job and some atypical work, entering the labour market through these conditions and they are searching for another job. The young adult graduates (25 to 29 years old) prevail in a typology with moderate income, contract from seven months to unlimited duration, full-time and working regular hours. However, some graduates are assigned to stable jobs with long-term contract, full-time job working long hours, higher income and disturbances in work-life balance. Considering the distribution of the graduates by job quality, around a third of the sample is aligned with a single typology where slightly more than half has a combination of two. This shows that having a higher education is no longer sufficient to guarantee a high-quality job for all graduates. Policy-makers should take initiatives to encourage employers to foster job quality and allow young people to have a better transition to and trajectory in the labour market.As políticas internacionais relacionadas com o emprego e sistema educativo espalharam a preocupação com a qualidade do emprego. Esta dissertação utiliza o European Union Labour Force Survey para explorar a qualidade do emprego dos jovens licenciados e mestres nos países do Sul da Europa, nomeadamente, Portugal, Grécia e Itália. Após analisar as características da qualidade do emprego, estas foram adaptadas à informação disponível na base de dados. Uma análise de cluster permitiu perceber as diferentes tipologias que prevalecem em cada país. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os jovens (20-24 anos) prevalecem na tipologia com o rendimento mais baixo, contrato involuntário de duração flexível, part-time e trabalho atípico, entrando no mercado de trabalho através destas condições, estando à procura de outro emprego. Jovens adultos (25-29 anos) graduados prevalecem numa tipologia com rendimento moderado, contrato de sete meses a duração ilimitada, full-time e horas de trabalho típicas. Contudo, alguns graduados têm um emprego estável com contrato indeterminado, full-time a trabalhar longas horas, rendimento mais alto e perturbações no equilíbrio entre trabalho e vida pessoal. Considerando a distribuição dos graduados por qualidade de emprego, cerca de um terço da amostra identifica-se com uma tipologia enquanto que pouco mais de metade tem uma combinação entre duas. Isto mostra que ter uma educação superior já não é suficiente para garantir um emprego de alta qualidade para todos os graduados. Responsáveis políticos devem ter iniciativas para incentivar os empregadores a promover a qualidade do emprego e permitir que os jovens tenham uma melhor transição e trajeto dentro do mercado de trabalho