472 research outputs found

    Criação de Valor Compartilhado, Turismo Criativo e Desenvolvimento de Comunidades Locais: O Papel da Cooperação Como Antecedente

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    The link between local value creation through creative tourism and local development isn´t completely understood in the literature. Specifically it is unclear how creative tourism is developed in the context of rural communities with few resources and without a clear view of the path to value creation. This research analyses cooperation as an antecedent to value creation, in the context of creative tourism, based on five cases collected in five countries through in-depth interviews with local stakeholders. Results show that communities are able to recognize their potentialities and to cooperate to create value, however they are unable by themselves to overcome barriers to entrepreneurial behaviour. Results highlight the role of external entities: consensus facilitator, guidance and access to technical and financial resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lifestyle Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Areas: The Case of Tourism Entrepreneurs

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    Lifestyle entrepreneurs play an important role in innovation and sustainability in rural destinations. Their competitiveness depends largely on how they explore their link to the place and generate innovation. To analyze the relationship between the link to the place and innovation, this article uses survey data from a sample of 221 rural lifestyle entrepreneurs. Using PLS-SEM modeling, the results indicate that place familiarity and relational capital positively influence innovation. Furthermore, place familiarity reveals as an important factor for improving relational capital. In its turn, the degree of relational capital contributes positively to the small firm’s knowledge absorption. The results also reveal that, although there is no direct relation between knowledge absorption and innovation, relational capital mediates the relationship between place familiarity and innovation and that there is an indirect relationship between relational capital and innovation, through the mediating effect of knowledge absorption. These results provides important elements for rural tourism destination decision making on innovation and competitiveness

    Ludic behavior among children of Brazil's northeast region: categorization of playful activities

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    Este artigo visa categorizar as brincadeiras das crianças de um povoado rural do nordeste do Brasil. Foram observadas individualmente 32 crianças entre dois e 12 anos, de ambos os sexos, brincando em ambiente livre, em sessões de cinco minutos. A categoria de 'brincadeiras simbólicas' foi a mais observada (49%). Os temas das brincadeiras simbólicas estavam predominantemente atrelados ao modo de vida local. Diferenças de gênero foram observadas e analisadas. Os dados sugerem que meninas brincam mais simbolicamente, enquanto as brincadeiras dos meninos são mais variadas. A relação entre brincadeira e contexto baseia-se no aproveitamento das potencialidades que o ambiente oferece para o desenvolvimento da criança caracterizando as relações entre aspectos particulares de cada ambiente e as atividades lúdicas desenvolvidas.This paper aims to categorize the most frequent playful activities in a sample of children from a rural community of Brazil's northeast region. Thirty two children of both sexes, aged 2-12 years, were individually observed during free play, in five minutes sessions each. The most observed category of play was 'symbolic games' (49%). The themes of the symbolic games were predominantly tied with the local way of living. Gender differences were observed and analyzed. The collected data suggest that female plays tend to be symbolic, while male plays tend to be more varied. It was observed that the relation between playful activities and local context is based upon the employment of resources that the specific environment offers to the child's development, characterizing the relations between particular contexts and the ludic activities developed in it

    Corporate Governance Practices in Listed Banks-Impact on Risk Management and Resulting Financial Performance

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    This research aims to analyze the relation between the quality of corporate governance practices and the financial performance of international listed banks. In order to meet this goal the variables related to company returns- IL/GL; NL/TA; ROA; ROE and Tier 1- were associated with the following standards of corporate governance: independence of the board of directors(INBD); indepence of the president of the board of director (INDPR); size of the board of directors (SZBD);voting power concentration (VPC) an the company's shareholder indepence indicator (BvDep.). For the composition of the sample we selected listed banks in severeal European, American, and Japanese stock markets from the period between 2006 and 2009 . Results show a significant relation between best corporate governance practices and financial performance of studied banks. This research confirms results attained in previous work but also provides evidence on previously unexplored relations namely between BvDep and IL/GL and NL/TA variables

    E-Business Strategy, What Happened In 2000?

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    O ano 2000 representou uma ruptura naforma como o e-business é entendido como um canal independente ou com plementar para servir o clientefinal. Até essa altura, havia um excessivo reconhecimento das suas potencialidades mas, depois do crash NASDAQ, ocurrido em meados daquele ano, quebrou as expectativas geradas. Numaprimeirafase, esta ruptura, originou uma onda de descrédito em relação ao e-business. Depois, essa ruptura inspirou diversos académicos e investigadores a desen volverem estudos acerca do realmente aconteceu e as suas causas. Neste artigo é desenvolvida uma revião bibliográfica tendo em vista a identificação das diversas perspectivas, e estabelecer um quadro comparativo. Procurando evitar os erros cometidos no passado e retirarpartido da maturidadeproporcionadapela crise, a bibliografia é restringida apublicações posteriores ao primeiro semestre de 2000

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