1,277 research outputs found

    Bacteriophage Lifestyles: Capsid Size Matters

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    Diseño de un modelo estadístico de pronóstico de caudales promedios mensuales para la cuenca hidrográfica 108 del Río Chiriquí : años, 1970 -2012

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    En los últimos años nos hemos dado cuenta de la necesidad e importancia del manejo y planificación de los recursos hídricos en el país; y en base a esto hemos empezado la titánica tarea de conservar los manglares, evitando los desperdicios para disminuir la contaminación de los mismos y tratar de que el incremento del uso y la contaminación no superen su capacidad de auto regeneración. El agua es esencial para la vida y de gran importancia para casi todos los sectores de la economía; se encuentra repartida de manera desigual de región en región por lo que se hace indispensable su correcta administración. El presente estudio trata de la correcta administración del recurso hídrico para el sector energético como un sector importante de nuestra economía. El análisis consiste en la recopilación de datos históricos de precipitación de una de las 52 cuencas del país para crear un modelo estadístico matemático, "Lluvia escorrentía" que nos ayude a pronosticar caudales promedios mensuales en el Lago Fortuna donde se encuentra la Central Hidroeléctrica Fortuna que abastece el 23% de la energía del país

    Impact of carbon nanotube length on electron transport in aligned carbon nanotube networks

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    Here, we quantify the electron transport properties of aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) networks as a function of the CNT length, where the electrical conductivities may be tuned by up to 10× with anisotropies exceeding 40%. Testing at elevated temperatures demonstrates that the aligned CNT networks have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance, and application of the fluctuation induced tunneling model leads to an activation energy of ≈14 meV for electron tunneling at the CNT-CNT junctions. Since the tunneling activation energy is shown to be independent of both CNT length and orientation, the variation in electron transport is attributed to the number of CNT-CNT junctions an electron must tunnel through during its percolated path, which is proportional to the morphology of the aligned CNT network.United States. Army Research Office (contract W911NF-07-D-0004)United States. Army Research Office (contract W911NF-13-D-0001)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFRL/RX contract FA8650-11-D-5800, Task Order 0003)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Award No. ECS-0335765)United States. Dept. of Defense (National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

    Pharmacodynamics of folic acid receptor targeted antiretroviral nanotherapy in HIV-1-infected humanized mice.

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    Long-acting nanoformulated antiretroviral therapy (nanoART) can sustain plasma drug levels and improve its biodistribution. Cell targeted-nanoART can achieve this and bring drug efficiently to viral reservoirs. However, whether such improvements affect antiretroviral responses remains unknown. To these ends, we tested folic acid (FA)-linked poloxamer407-coated ritonavir-boosted atazanavir (FA-nanoATV/r) nanoparticles for their ability to affect chronic HIV-1 infection in humanized mice. Following three, 100mg/kg FA-nanoATV/r intramuscular injections administered every other week to infected animals, viral RNA was at or below the detection limit, cell-associated HIV-1p24 reduced and CD4+ T cell counts protected. The dosing regimen improved treatment outcomes more than two fold from untargeted nanoATV/r. We posit that these nanoformulations have potential for translation to human use

    Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of invasive versus conservative management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax

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    INTRODUCTION: Current management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) is variable, with little evidence from randomised controlled trials to guide treatment. Guidelines emphasise intervention in many patients, which involves chest drain insertion, hospital admission and occasionally surgery. However, there is evidence that conservative management may be effective and safe, and it may also reduce the risk of recurrence. Significant questions remain regarding the optimal initial approach to the management of PSP

    Evaluation of the Sustaining Effects of Tai Chi Qigong in the Sixth Month in Promoting Psychosocial Health in COPD Patients: A Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objectives. To evaluate the sustaining effects of Tai Chi Qigong (TCQ) in improving the psychosocial health in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in the sixth month. Background. COPD affects both physical and emotional aspects of life. Measures to minimize patients' suffering need to be implemented. Methods. 206 COPD patients were randomly assigned into three groups: TCQ group, exercise group, and control group. The TCQ group completed a three-month TCQ program, the exercise group practiced breathing and walking exercise, and the control group received usual care. Results. Significant group-by-time interactions in quality of life (QOL) using St. George's respiratory questionnaire (P = 0.002) and the perceived social support from friends using multidimensional scale of perceived social support (P = 0.04) were noted. Improvements were observed in the TCQ group only. Conclusions. TCQ has sustaining effects in improving psychosocial health; it is also a useful and appropriate exercise for COPD patients

    Tracing the String: BMN correspondence at Finite J^2/N

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    Employing the string bit formalism of hep-th/0209215, we identify the basis transformation that relates BMN operators in N=4 gauge theory to string states in the dual string field theory at finite g_2=J^2/N. In this basis, the supercharge truncates at linear order in g_2, and the mixing amplitude between 1 and 2-string states precisely matches with the (corrected) answer of hep-th/0206073 for the 3-string amplitude in light-cone string field theory. Supersymmetry then predicts the order g_2^2 contact term in the string bit Hamiltonian. The resulting leading order mass renormalization of string states agrees with the recently computed shift in conformal dimension of BMN operators in the gauge theory.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    A Chromatin-Mediated Reversible Drug-Tolerant State in Cancer Cell Subpopulations

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    SummaryAccumulating evidence implicates heterogeneity within cancer cell populations in the response to stressful exposures, including drug treatments. While modeling the acute response to various anticancer agents in drug-sensitive human tumor cell lines, we consistently detected a small subpopulation of reversibly “drug-tolerant” cells. These cells demonstrate >100-fold reduced drug sensitivity and maintain viability via engagement of IGF-1 receptor signaling and an altered chromatin state that requires the histone demethylase RBP2/KDM5A/Jarid1A. This drug-tolerant phenotype is transiently acquired and relinquished at low frequency by individual cells within the population, implicating the dynamic regulation of phenotypic heterogeneity in drug tolerance. The drug-tolerant subpopulation can be selectively ablated by treatment with IGF-1 receptor inhibitors or chromatin-modifying agents, potentially yielding a therapeutic opportunity. Together, these findings suggest that cancer cell populations employ a dynamic survival strategy in which individual cells transiently assume a reversibly drug-tolerant state to protect the population from eradication by potentially lethal exposures.PaperCli

    Jet quenching in hot strongly coupled gauge theories simplified

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    Theoretical studies of jet stopping in strongly-coupled QCD-like plasmas have used gauge-gravity duality to find that the maximum stopping distance scales like E^{1/3} for large jet energies E. In recent work studying jets that are created by finite-size sources in the gauge theory, we found an additional scale: the typical (as opposed to maximum) jet stopping distance scales like (EL)^{1/4}, where L is the size of the space-time region where the jet is created. In this paper, we show that the results of our previous, somewhat involved computation in the gravity dual, and the (EL)^{1/4} scale in particular, can be very easily reproduced and understood in terms of the distance that high-energy particles travel in AdS_5-Schwarzschild space before falling into the black brane. We also investigate how stopping distances depend on the conformal dimension of the source operator used to create the jet.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure