14 research outputs found

    Caracterización fisicoquímica de la biomasa residual obtenida a partir de la palma de aceite (Eleaenis Guinnensis) para posibles usos en la elaboración de tableros de partículas

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    Teniendo en cuenta la preocupación a nivel mundial y local sobre los residuos agroindustriales generados y como agregar valor a las cadenas productivas de estos, se busca la viabilidad de los residuos generados en el proceso de extracción de aceite crudo de palma, como materia prima para la elaboración de tableros aglomerados. Se realizó la caracterización fisicoquímica de la fibra mediante normas TAPPI, para calcular los constituyentes primarios (lignina, celulosa, hemicelulosa, cenizas, solubilidad en NaOH), la determinación de humedad se llevó a cabo mediante técnica termo gravimétrica, en la caracterización térmica se observaron las curvas correspondientes a la pérdida de masa de la fibra y en el análisis morfológico se analizó la estructura para determinar la relación entre la porosidad del material y el adhesivo usado en la elaboración de tableros aglomerados.Palabras claves: aglomerado, biomasa, caracterización, lignocelulósicos, morfología, tableros de partículas

    Plan de mejoramiento a la Fundación Universitaria Comfamiliar Risaralda por el retraso que se presenta en las PQRS en el área de servicio al cliente con respecto a los estudiantes y padres de familia.

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    Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de lograr que en la Fundación Universitaria Comfamiliar Risaralda se logre un plan de mejoramiento por el retraso que se presenta en las PQRS en el área de servicio al cliente con respecto a los estudiantes y padres de familia, es un problema que se viene presentando hace más de 6 meses y cada vez es más complejo darle manejo a esta situación, a tal punto que los estudiantes no tienen credibilidad en la Universidad. Se espera buscar estrategias empresariales y buenas prácticas que permitan conseguir una mejoría radical en esta área específica, teniendo en cuenta que la atención al cliente es la primera impresión que tienen los estudiantes nuevos y padres de familia para pre registrarlos a los programas académicos, porque son ellos los consumidores o clientes directos. Es decir, que mas que una estrategia comercial, lo que se pretende es buscar la mejora continua entre la organización y la comunidad, donde exista una responsabilidad social empresarial que impulse a tener una calidad de vida mejor y más tranquila.This work has the purpose of achieving an improvement plan in the Fundación Universitaria Comfamiliar Risaralda due to the delay that occurs in the PQRS in the area of customer service with respect to students and parents, it is a problem that It has been presenting itself for more than 6 months and it is becoming more and more complex to manage this situation, to the point that students do not have credibility in the University. It is expected to search for business strategies and good practices that allow radical improvement to be achieved in this specific area, taking into account that customer service is the first impression that new students and parents have when pre-registering them for academic programs, because they are them consumers or direct customers. In other words, more than a commercial strategy, what is intended is to seek continuous improvement between the organization and the community, where there is a corporate social responsibility that promotes a better and calmer quality of life

    HTLV-1-Associated Adult T Cell Leukemia Lymphoma Presenting as Granulomatous Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PJP) and Hypercalcemia

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    BACKGROUND: Since the initial description of human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1), clusters of this infection have been detected globally. Unlike HIV infection, most patients infected with HTLV-1 remain asymptomatic throughout their lifetime. CASE REPORT: We report the case of a 39-year-old Afro-Caribbean man with HTLV-1 infection presenting as hypercalcemia and granulomatous pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. RESULTS: Interestingly, the hypercalcemia presented with normal parathyroid hormone–related protein and low 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels, and the presence of pneumocystis jiroveci in the granulomas was diagnosed with transbronchial biopsy taken during bronchoscopy. HTLV-1-associated adult T cell leukemia lymphoma (ATLL) was diagnosed in this patient by bone marrow and lymph node biopsy. CONCLUSION: Increased bone resorption, likely cytokine-mediated, is the most likely mechanism of hypercalcemia in this patient. This is believed to be the first description of this type of reaction to pneumocystis jiroveci in a HTLV-1-infected ATLL patient

    Platform for Plasmodium vivax vaccine discovery and development

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    Plasmodium vivax is the most prevalent malaria parasite on the American continent. It generates a global burden of 80-100 million cases annually and represents a tremendous public health problem, particularly in the American and Asian continents. A malaria vaccine would be considered the most cost-effective measure against this vector-borne disease and it would contribute to a reduction in malaria cases and to eventual eradication. Although significant progress has been achieved in the search for Plasmodium falciparum antigens that could be used in a vaccine, limited progress has been made in the search for P. vivax components that might be eligible for vaccine development. This is primarily due to the lack of in vitro cultures to serve as an antigen source and to inadequate funding. While the most advanced P. falciparum vaccine candidate is currently being tested in Phase III trials in Africa, the most advanced P. vivax candidates have only advanced to Phase I trials. Herein, we describe the overall strategy and progress in P. vivax vaccine research, from antigen discovery to preclinical and clinical development and we discuss the regional potential of Latin America to develop a comprehensive platform for vaccine development

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic


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    Veterinary public health is conceived as a discipline with an extensive and broad level of action on the human health protection and the increase of food yield through the interventions in animal health and production. Understanding that human and animal health coexist in the same ecosystem, this article aims to review veterinary public health from the "one health" approach.La salud pública veterinaria se concibe como una disciplina con un extenso y amplio nivel de acción sobre la protección de la salud humana y el incremento de la producción alimentaria a través de las intervenciones en la salud y la producción animal. Entendiendo que la salud humana y animal coexisten en el mismo ecosistema, el presente artículo pretende hacer una revisión de la salud publica veterinaria desde el enfoque de “una salud”

    Plan de marketing digital para posicionar la empresa Invera en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C

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    Las nuevas tecnologías han posibilitado el desarrollo y la sistematización de procesos complejos que una empresa puede tener; cabe aclarar que toda ésta evolución se debe al adelanto del pensamiento humano en su exploración de lo desconocido. Las empresas están optando en implementar estrategias de marketing digital con el fin de fortalecer su identidad corporativa, marca y comportamiento, siempre pensando en sus clientes potenciales y consumidor final. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo proponer un plan de marketing digital para una empresa dedicada a la investigación de mercados, cuyo alcance es diseñar el plan que permita a la empresa Invera posicionarse, mediante la utilización de herramientas de marketing digital. Asimismo, el enfoque de la investigación a manejar es de tipo concluyente, dado que se espera que a partir de estas se puedan tomar decisiones que apoyen al área, y así entender las relaciones de Causa y efecto de las variables a analizar, de igual forma todo es descriptivo. Ésta investigación es de corte transversal simple puesto que se extrae de una sola muestra de la población objeto en un solo periodo de tiempo, aunque, los resultados son obtenidos por medio del instrumento de investigación tipo “encuesta”, donde la deducción demuestra la importancia de manejar medios digitales en las organizaciones para posicionar la marca en el mercado.New technologies have enabled the development and systematization of complex processes that a company can have; it’s clear that all this evolution is due to the advancement of human thought in its exploration of the unknown. Companies are opting to implement digital marketing strategies in order to strengthen its corporate identity, brand and behavior, always thinking about your potential customers and end users. This project aims to propose a plan for a digital marketing company dedicated to market research; the scope is to design a plan that allows the company Invera position, using digital marketing tools. Also, the research approach to driving is conclusively type, since it is expected from these decisions can be made to support the area, and thus understand the cause and effect of variables to analyze, equally everything is descriptive. This research is cross-sectional simple since it is drawn from a single sample of the target population at one time, though, the results are obtained through the research instrument type "survey" where deductions demonstrates the importance of handle digital media in organizations to position the brand in the market

    Platform for Plasmodium vivax vaccine discovery and development

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    Plasmodium vivax is the most prevalent malaria parasite on the American continent. It generates a global burden of 80-100 million cases annually and represents a tremendous public health problem, particularly in the American and Asian continents. A malaria vaccine would be considered the most cost-effective measure against this vector-borne disease and it would contribute to a reduction in malaria cases and to eventual eradication. Although significant progress has been achieved in the search for Plasmodium falciparum antigens that could be used in a vaccine, limited progress has been made in the search for P. vivax components that might be eligible for vaccine development. This is primarily due to the lack of in vitro cultures to serve as an antigen source and to inadequate funding. While the most advanced P. falciparum vaccine candidate is currently being tested in Phase III trials in Africa, the most advanced P. vivax candidates have only advanced to Phase I trials. Herein, we describe the overall strategy and progress in P. vivax vaccine research, from antigen discovery to preclinical and clinical development and we discuss the regional potential of Latin America to develop a comprehensive platform for vaccine development

    Aproximación diagnóstica a un linfoma multicentrico en canino: De lo clínico a lo histopatológico

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    Se describe el caso de un canino hembra de 7 años de edad, raza labrador residente zona rural de Florencia Caquetá Colombia, cuyo motivo de consulta fue una lesión circunscrita en el miembro posterior derecho, hiperqueratosis de pulpejos y trufa, hipotricosis y uñas largas. Dentro del diagnóstico presuntivo se sospecha de leishmaniasis. Se realizo examen clínico completo, posteriormente pruebas complementarias como el hemograma, Hemoparásitos, citología, coprológico, uroanálisis, raspado profundo de piel, química sanguínea, y examen complementario biopsia; el cual dio como resultado tumor maligno de células redondas considerándose sospecha de linfoma. Debido al deplorable estado de salud y bienestar se decidió instaurar eutanasia y realizar análisis Histopatológico para determinación de diagnóstico definitivo. Las alteraciones a la necropsia de mayor afectación se situaron en el hígado y riñones.El resultado final de la histopatología termina definiendo un proceso tumoral altamente maligno y agresivo que muestra unas evidencias clínicas que direccionaban el caso y es la evaluación histológica la herramienta de un hallazgo inicialmente no contemplado.t is described in case of a female canine of 7 years of age, labrador breed resident rural area of Florencia Caquetá Colombia, whose reason for consultation was a circumscribed lesion in the right hind limb, hyperkeratosis of pulp and truffle, hypotrichosis and long nails. Within the presumptive diagnosis leishmaniasis is suspected. A complete clinical examination, followed by complementary tests such as hemogram, Hemoparasites, cytology, coprological, uroanalysis, deep skin scraping, blood chemistry, and complementary biopsy examination were performed, which resulted in malignant round cell tumor being considered a suspected lymphoma. To the deplorable state of health and well being it was decided to establish euthanasia and to carry out histopathological analysis, for determination of definitive diagnosis. The alterations to the necropsy of greater affectation were placed in the liver and kidneys, and like definitive diagnosis the histopathology was a lymphom