10 research outputs found
Contributo dos índices geomórficos para o conhecimento da geomorfologia do litoral do noroeste de Portugal
A integração dos índices geomórficos (IG) com os dados provenientes de cartografia
temática elaborada através de bibliografia e de ortofotomapas, bem como de estudos de
deformação vertical de superfícies escalonadas, constituiu uma abordagem com resultados
válidos nos estudos de geomorfologia tectónica realizados sobre o litoral noroeste de
Portugal. Concluiu-se que o relevo marginal está organizado em 7 superfícies de
aplanamento estruturadas sobre o antiforma Viana-Caminha. Foram identificadas três falhas
inversas de orientação ENE-OSO, cuja movimentação foi deduzida pelos desníveis
altimétricos observados nas plataformas costeiras. Estas estruturas segmentam o antiforma
Viana-Caminha em 3 setores: setentrional, médio e meridional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Quaternary evolution of Vilaric.;a Graben (Trás-os-Montes, NE Portugal)
[Abstract] In Portugal, the Douro River has a first large bend, leaving it's E-W general orientation after the Spanish border and near the Coa River mouth; another infiection occurs in Pocinho, where the Douro River fills the Vilari\a tectonic depression and receives the water from the Sabor River and the Vilari\a stream. The Vilari\a stream fills a NNE-SSW fiat valley situated between Serra de Bornes and the Sabor River. Quaternary evolution of this sector of the Hesperic Massif is recognized by the valley morphology and sediments, the Serra de Bornes' uplift and tectonic displacement (horizontal and vertical) ofgranites and Paleozoic series. All these evidences are associated with the Bragan\a-Vilari\a-Manteigas NNE-SSW tectonic accident, where more sediments are being studied. Many of these sediments have in common an alluvial fan origin and ages since Paleogene are proposed.
Vilari\adepositsand Pleistocene Douro terraces present identical characteristics
in geomorphological position and sorne sedimentologic features like reddish
color and kaolinite-illite-smectite clay association; these similar characteristics
justify a Quaternary age proposal for the Vilari\adeposits. The variation ofother
sedimentological characteristics along the valley suggests the presence of
several alluvial fans
Geoscientist’s views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience
The main barriers to science communication are common in different fields and they are widely identified in the literature. Studies focused on specific scientific communities framed science communication as an activity with the specificities of each context and field. In this study, we analysed geoscientists' representations and attitudes about communication to understand which factors can have significant impact on the prediction of public engagement and that can explain the frequency/intensity of communication. The results pointed out that factors such as professional experience, recognition by the institution, lack of financial support, personal satisfaction and geoscientific area of expertise, have a significant effect on their public engagement.</p
Reorganização de rede de drenagem na região do Anticlinal de Valongo
Os relevos residuais quartzíticos a oriente do Porto estão associados ao Anticlinal de Valongoque se prolonga por cerca de 100Km desde Viana do Castelo até às proximidades de Arouca. A direção geral deste Anticlinal é NW-SE e apresenta dois alinhamentos orográficos sensivelmente paralelos que exercem forte controlo na organização da rede de drenagem.Consideramos que da análise detalhada do padrão da drenagem e a sua morfologia, resulta um forte condicionamento pela estrutura geológica e uma reorganização em curso por processos que, considerando a literatura geomorfológica, associamos com captura (capture), decapitação (beheading) e desvio(diversion) (Bishop,1995)
The Iberian Massif Landscape and Fluvial Network in Portugal: a geoheritage inventory based on the scientific value
Integrated in the national inventory of geological heritage in Portugal, the “Iberian Massif Landscape and Fluvial Network” was selected as one of the geological frameworks with international relevance. Taking into account the diversity of geomorphological and stratigraphic elements occurring in the Portuguese Iberian Massif, 38 geosites were selected in order to represent five themes related to the main geomorphological elements of the Iberian Massif Landscape: major residual landforms, granite landforms, tectonic landforms, correlative sediments, and fluvial landforms. For each theme, some sub-themes were defined, together with key-areas that were considered for the selection of geosites. A quantitative assessment of the scientific value and vulnerability of all geosites was undertaken using a methodology that numerically scores a set of criteria. Results highlight the Vilariça geosite with top-priority for management based on its high scientific value and high vulnerability, and the key-area of Miranda do Corvo-Lousã Basin because of the high concentration of geosites. The quantitative evaluation shows that seven geosites have high vulnerability and that special attention should be paid to sedimentary sections. These results allow the establishment of priorities for the management of geosites under the scope of a national geoconservation strategy.This paper results of the research done at the University of Minho and at the Geology Centre of the University of Porto, both partially founded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (strategic project with reference PEst-OE/CTE/UI0039/2014), and IMAR-CMA – University of Coimbra, sponsored by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Geodiversity assessment of Paraná state (Brazil): an innovative approach
Geodiversity is considered as the natural range of geological, geomorphological, and soil features, including their assemblages, relationships, properties, interpretations, and systems. A method developed for the quantitative assessment of geodiversity was applied to Parana ́ , a Brazilian state with an area of about 200,000 km2. The method is based on the overlay of a grid over different maps at scales ranging from 1/500,000 to 1/650,000, with the final Geodiversity Index the sum of five partial indexes calculated on a 25 9 25 km grid. The partial indexes represent the main components of geodi- versity, including geology (stratigraphy and lithology), geomorphology, paleontology, and soils. The fifth partial index covers mineral occurrences of geodiversity, such precious stones and metals, energy and industrial minerals, mineral waters, and springs. The Geodiversity Index takes the form of an isoline map that can be used as a tool in land-use planning, particularly in identifying priority areas for conservation, management, and use of natural resources at the state level.The Portuguese authors express their gratitude for the financial support given by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia to the Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto, which partially supports this research. The Brazilian author expresses his gratitude for the financial support given by the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico) (Process Number 200074/2011-3)
São representadas cartograficamente as unidades geomorfológicas identificadas para os 89015 km2 do território de Portugal Continental. A delimitação das unidades teve por base a análise dos padrões da textura fornecida por imagens SRTM, com revisão e adaptação posterior à altimetria e à geologia, para os quais foram usadas bases cartográficas digitais. Foram considerados três níveis taxionómicos que permitem descrever e caracterizar áreas homogéneas do ponto de vista geomorfológico. As três unidades de 1º nível baseiam-se nas unidades morfostruturais clássicas consideradas para a Península Ibérica. As dez unidades de 2º nível constituem, na sua maioria, divisões clássicas do relevo de Portugal Continental, agora agrupadas de acordo com a metodologia adoptada e designadas como unidades morfosculturais. As 56 unidades de 3º nível, ou subunidades morfosculturais, foram individualizadas com base nos padrões de relevo identificados nas imagens SRTM e na observação de campo e adquiriram uma designação baseada essencialmente nas geoformas que as individualizam e na toponímia local. As unidades geomorfológicas identificadas são descritas através de características do relevo, dissecação fluvial, estruturas, tipo de drenagem e base geológica, bem como de parâmetros numéricos gerados de forma automática, como classes de altitude e de declividade. Pretende-se que o mapa elaborado possa contribuir para a gestão territorial, em especial na tomada de decisões em conservação da natureza
Active landscapes of Iberia
The recent geodynamic evolution of Iberia is recorded in its topography. Geomorphic markers and their dating; morphometric indices estimated through cutting-edge DEM analysis techniques; and the link of all this data with results of geophysical studies allow discussing why Iberia displays the highest average elevation in Europe and shows a particular topography with such diversity of landscapes. For example, the region of the Iberian (or Hesperian) Massif, the western sector of Iberia, shows an anomalous average elevation without a satisfactory explanation. On the other hand, different explanations about the recent evolution of the Alpine mountain ranges of the eastern sector of Iberia have come to light after macroscale landscape analyses. This is strengthening the debate on the driving force behind the actual topography of the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains, Iberian Chain and Betics