336 research outputs found

    DEM-resolution control on rainfall-triggered landslide modeling within a triangulated network-based model

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    Catchment slope distribution significantly controls rainfall-triggered landslide modeling, in both direct and indirect ways. Slope directly determines the soil volume associated with instability. Indirectly, it affects the subsurface lateral redistribution of soil moisture across the basin, which in turn determines the water pore pressure conditions that impact slope stability. It is thus clear that the accuracy in reproducing slope distribution may be crucial in slope stability analysis. The resolution of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) regulates the description of topography. The correlation between raster resolution and landslide model outputs has been investigated in literature, both in terms of landslide susceptibility and landslide dynamics. Results demonstrate that the optimal DEM resolution may not necessarily exclude the use of coarser DEMs. This study evaluates the influence of DEM resolution on the slope stability analysis by using a distributed eco-hydrological-landslide model, which implements a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) to describe the topography; as well, the model is capable of evaluating vegetation dynamics and predicting shallow landslides triggered by rainfall

    Discovery of a transient radiation belt at Saturn

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    Radiation belts have been detected in situ at five planets. Only at Earth however has any variability in their intensity been heretofore observed, in indirect response to solar eruptions and high altitude nuclear explosions. The Cassini spacecraft's MIMI/LEMMS instrument has now detected systematic radiation belt variability elsewhere. We report three sudden increases in energetic ion intensity around Saturn, in the vicinity of the moons Dione and Tethys, each lasting for several weeks, in response to interplanetary events caused by solar eruptions. However, the intensifications, which could create temporary satellite atmospheres at the aforementioned moons, were sharply restricted outside the orbit of Tethys. Unlike Earth, Saturn has almost unchanging inner ion radiation belts: due to Saturn's near-symmetrical magnetic field, Tethys and Dione inhibit inward radial transport of energetic ions, shielding the planet's main, inner radiation belt from solar wind influences

    Myopathic lamin mutations impair nuclear stability in cells and tissue and disrupt nucleo-cytoskeletal coupling

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    Lamins are intermediate filament proteins that assemble into a meshwork underneath the inner nuclear membrane, the nuclear lamina. Mutations in the LMNA gene, encoding lamins A and C, cause a variety of diseases collectively called laminopathies. The disease mechanism for these diverse conditions is not well understood. Since lamins A and C are fundamental determinants of nuclear structure and stability, we tested whether defects in nuclear mechanics could contribute to the disease development, especially in laminopathies affecting mechanically stressed tissue such as muscle. Using skin fibroblasts from laminopathy patients and lamin A/C-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts stably expressing a broad panel of laminopathic lamin A mutations, we found that several mutations associated with muscular dystrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy resulted in more deformable nuclei; in contrast, lamin mutants responsible for diseases without muscular phenotypes did not alter nuclear deformability. We confirmed our results in intact muscle tissue, demonstrating that nuclei of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster muscle expressing myopathic lamin mutations deformed more under applied strain than controls. In vivo and in vitro studies indicated that the loss of nuclear stiffness resulted from impaired assembly of mutant lamins into the nuclear lamina. Although only a subset of lamin mutations associated with muscular diseases caused increased nuclear deformability, almost all mutations tested had defects in force transmission between the nucleus and cytoskeleton. In conclusion, our results indicate that although defective nuclear stability may play a role in the development of muscle diseases, other factors, such as impaired nucleo-cytoskeletal coupling, likely contribute to the muscle phenotyp

    Irreversible and reversible modes of operation of deterministic ratchets

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    We discuss a problem of optimization of the energetic efficiency of a simple rocked ratchet. We concentrate on a low-temperature case in which the particle's motion in a ratchet potential is deterministic. We show that the energetic efficiency of a ratchet working adiabatically is bounded from above by a value depending on the form of ratchet potential. The ratchets with strongly asymmetric potentials can achieve ideal efficiency of unity without approaching reversibility. On the other hand we show that for any form of the ratchet potential a set of time-protocols of the outer force exist under which the operation is reversible and the ideal value of efficiency is also achieved. The mode of operation of the ratchet is still quasistatic but not adiabatic. The high values of efficiency can be preserved even under elevated temperatures

    Signature of a Heliotail Organized by the Solar Magnetic Field and the Role of Nonideal Processes in Modeled IBEX ENA Maps: A Comparison of the BU and Moscow MHD Models

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    Energetic neutral atom (ENA) models typically require post-processing routines to convert the distributions of plasma and H atoms into ENA maps. Here we investigate how two kinetic-MHD models of the heliosphere (the BU and Moscow models) manifest in modeled ENA maps using the same prescription and how they compare with Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) observations. Both MHD models treat the solar wind as a single-ion plasma for protons, which include thermal solar wind ions, pick-up ions (PUIs), and electrons. Our ENA prescription partitions the plasma into three distinct ion populations (thermal solar wind, PUIs transmitted and ones energized at the termination shock) and models the populations with Maxwellian distributions. Both kinetic-MHD heliospheric models produce a heliotail with heliosheath plasma that is organized by the solar magnetic field into two distinct north and south columns that become lobes of high mass flux flowing down the heliotail; however, in the BU model, the ISM flows between the two lobes at distances in the heliotail larger than 300 au. While our prescription produces similar ENA maps for the two different plasma and H atom solutions at the IBEX-Hi energy range (0.5–6 keV), the modeled ENA maps require a scaling factor of ∼2 to be in agreement with the data. This problem is present in other ENA models with the Maxwellian approximation of multiple ion species and indicates that either a higher neutral density or some acceleration of PUIs in the heliosheath is required

    A Comparative Study of Drosophila and Human A-Type Lamins

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    Nuclear intermediate filament proteins, called lamins, form a meshwork that lines the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. Lamins contain three domains: an N-terminal head, a central rod and a C-terminal tail domain possessing an Ig-fold structural motif. Lamins are classified as either A- or B-type based on structure and expression pattern. The Drosophila genome possesses two genes encoding lamins, Lamin C and lamin Dm0, which have been designated A- and B-type, respectively, based on their expression profile and structural features. In humans, mutations in the gene encoding A-type lamins are associated with a spectrum of predominantly tissue-specific diseases known as laminopathies. Linking the disease phenotypes to cellular functions of lamins has been a major challenge. Drosophila is being used as a model system to identify the roles of lamins in development. Towards this end, we performed a comparative study of Drosophila and human A-type lamins. Analysis of transgenic flies showed that human lamins localize predictably within the Drosophila nucleus. Consistent with this finding, yeast two-hybrid data demonstrated conservation of partner-protein interactions. Drosophila lacking A-type lamin show nuclear envelope defects similar to those observed with human laminopathies. Expression of mutant forms of the A-type Drosophila lamin modeled after human disease-causing amino acid substitutions revealed an essential role for the N-terminal head and the Ig-fold in larval muscle tissue. This tissue-restricted sensitivity suggests a conserved role for lamins in muscle biology. In conclusion, we show that (1) localization of A-type lamins and protein-partner interactions are conserved between Drosophila and humans, (2) loss of the Drosophila A-type lamin causes nuclear defects and (3) muscle tissue is sensitive to the expression of mutant forms of A-type lamin modeled after those causing disease in humans. These studies provide new insights on the role of lamins in nuclear biology and support Drosophila as a model for studies of human laminopathies involving muscle dysfunction

    Molecular motor that never steps backwards

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    We investigate the dynamics of a classical particle in a one-dimensional two-wave potential composed of two periodic potentials, that are time-independent and of the same amplitude and periodicity. One of the periodic potentials is externally driven and performs a translational motion with respect to the other. It is shown that if one of the potentials is of the ratchet type, translation of the potential in a given direction leads to motion of the particle in the same direction, whereas translation in the opposite direction leaves the particle localized at its original location. Moreover, even if the translation is random, but still has a finite velocity, an efficient directed transport of the particle occurs.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in print

    On the Energy Dependence of Galactic Cosmic Ray Anisotropies in the Very Local Interstellar Medium

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    We report on the energy dependence of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) in the very local interstellar medium (VLISM) as measured by the Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) instrument on the Voyager 1 (V1) spacecraft. The LECP instrument includes a dual-ended solid state detector particle telescope mechanically scanning through 360 deg across eight equally-spaced angular sectors. As reported previously, LECP measurements showed a dramatic increase in GCR intensities for all sectors of the >=211 MeV count rate (CH31) at the V1 heliopause (HP) crossing in 2012, however, since then the count rate data have demonstrated systematic episodes of intensity decrease for particles around 90{\deg} pitch angle. To shed light on the energy dependence of these GCR anisotropies over a wide range of energies, we use V1 LECP count rate and pulse height analyzer (PHA) data from >=211 MeV channel together with lower energy LECP channels. Our analysis shows that while GCR anisotropies are present over a wide range of energies, there is a decreasing trend in the amplitude of second-order anisotropy with increasing energy during anisotropy episodes. A stronger pitch-angle scattering at the higher velocities is argued as a potential cause for this energy dependence. A possible cause for this velocity dependence arising from weak rigidity dependence of the scattering mean free path and resulting velocity-dominated scattering rate is discussed. This interpretation is consistent with a recently reported lack of corresponding GCR electron anisotropies

    Acute Complex Type A Dissection associated with peripheral malperfusion syndrome treated with a staged approach guided by lactate levels

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    Acute type A aortic dissection can be complicated by visceral malperfusion and is associated with a significant surgical morbidity and mortality. We describe a case of successful management of a complex acute type A dissection with mesenteric and lower limb ischemia treated with endovascular thoracic stenting and femoro-femoral crossover bypass grafting followed by aortic arch repair. To accomplish this, we applied a staged therapeutic approach using serial lactate measurements to assess the adequacy of peripheral perfusion and metabolic status prior to surgical repair of the proximal dissection
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