371 research outputs found


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    We performed a comprehensive literature search in the PubMed and Scopus data bases on blister-like aneurysms

    Respiratory inhibition of isolated mammalian mitochondria by salivary antifungal peptide histatin-5

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    Histatin-5 is a peptide secreted in the human saliva, which possesses powerful antifungal activity. Previous studies have shown that this peptide exerts its candidacidal activity, through the inhibition of both mitochondrial respiration and the formation of reactive oxygen species. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the biological consequences of histatin-5 action on mammalian mitochondria to verify if the toxic mechanism exerted on mitochondria from Candida albicans is an exclusive for fungal cells. Moreover, hypothesising that the damage exerted on mitochondria may induce programmed cellular death pathways, we evaluated two main markers of apoptosis: the mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi) and the release of cytochrome c. The results obtained show that exposure of isolated mammalian mitochondria to histatin-5 determines: (i) a large inhibition of the respiratory chain at the level of complex 1, (ii) a slight decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential, and (iii) no release of cytochrome c. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    evaluation of ovine milk clotting aptitude

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    A comparative study of the lactodynamographic parameters was carried out on ovine milk. Besides evaluating the repeatability and reproducibility of the analytical method, the influence of some variables such as the genetic type (three breeds), the kind of milk (whole or skimmed), and its concentration after reconstitution (12g or 20g /100 ml) was evaluated. The working plan involved 6 laboratories for the final statistic analyses, by the use of freeze-dried milk samples (adequately reconstituted on the basis of established methods) from Sardinia, Comisana, and Massese ewes. All the considered variability factors showed a highly significant effect (P<0.001) on the lactodynamographic parameters considered. In particular, Massese ewe milk showed the shortest curd speed (k20) and the best coagulum strength (a30 and a45), although clotting time (CT) was the highest one. The same trend was registered for skimmed milk and for the most concentrated one (20g). Repeatability values within laboratories were 96% and 97% for CT and k20, lowering for a30 e a45, (respectively 87% and 85%). Much lower coefficients were found for the among laboratories reproducibility, ranging from a maximum of 58% for CT to a minimum of 18% for k20. The wide variability observed indicates that lactodynamographic parameters are comparable only within the same lab. Further investigation is needed to compare different labs in order to obtain more homogeneous results

    Biostimulant activity of azotobacter chroococcum and trichoderma harzianum in durum wheat under water and nitrogen deficiency

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    Biostimulants hold great potential for developing integrated sustainable agriculture systems. The rhizobacteria Azotobacter chroococcum strain 76A and the fungus Trichoderma harzianum strain T22, with demonstrated biostimulant activity in previous systems, were evaluated in Triticum durum cv Creso for their ability to enhance growth and tolerance to drought stress. Growth and drought tolerance were evaluated in conditions of low and high soil nitrogen, with two levels of water stress. T. harzianum increased plant growth (+16%) under control conditions and tolerance to moderate drought stress (+52%) under optimal fertilization, while A. chroococcum conferred a growth penalty (−28%) in well-watered conditions under suboptimal fertilization and increased tolerance only under extreme drought stress (+15%). This growth penalty was ameliorated by nitrogen fertilization. T. harzianum abundance was found to be positively correlated to extreme soil drying, whereas A. chroococcum-induced tolerance was dependent on soil nitrogen availability. These results indicate that while biostimulants may enhance growth and stress tolerance, nutrient availability soil and environmental conditions heavily influence these responses. These interactions should be considered when designing biostimulant products targeted to specific cultural conditions

    Dietary daily sodium intake lower than 1500 mg is associated with inadequately low intake of calorie, protein, iron, zinc and vitamin b1 in patients on chronic hemodialysis

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    Background: To measure daily sodium intake in patients on chronic hemodialysis and to compare the intake of nutrients, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins in patients who had a daily sodium intake below or above the value of 1500 mg recommended by the American Heart Association. Methods: Dietary intake was recorded for 3 days by means of 3-day diet diaries in prevalent patients on chronic hemodialysis. Each patient was instructed by a dietitian on how to fill the diary, which was subsequently signed by a next of kin. Results: We studied 127 patients. Mean sodium intake (mg) was 1295.9 ± 812.3. Eighty-seven (68.5%) patients had a daily sodium intake &lt;1500 mg (group 1) and 40 (31.5%) ≥ 1500 mg (group 2). Correlation between daily sodium intake and daily calorie intake was significant (r = 0.474 [0.327 to 0.599]; p &lt; 0.0001). Daily calorie intake (kcal/kg/day) was lower in group 1 (21.1 ± 6.6; p = 0.0001) than in group 2 (27.1 ± 10.4). Correlation between daily sodium intake and daily protein intake was significant (r = 0.530[0.392 to 0.644]; p &lt; 0.0001). The daily protein intake (grams/kg/day) was lower in group 1 (0.823 ± 0.275; p = 0.0003) than in group 2 (1.061 ± 0.419). Daily intake of magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, and selenium was significantly lower in group 1 than in group 2. Daily intake of vitamin A, B2, B3, and C did not differ significantly between group 1 and group 2. Daily intake of vitamin B1 was significantly lower in group 1 than in group 2. Significantly lower was, in group 1 than in group 2, the percentage of patients within the target value with regard to intake of calories (11.5% vs. 37.5%; p = 0.001) and proteins (9.2% vs. 27.5%; p = 0.015) as well as of iron (23% vs. 45%; p = 0.020), zinc (13.8% vs. 53.8%; p = 0.008) and vitamin B1 (8.1% vs. 50%; p &lt; 0.001). Conclusion: A low daily intake of sodium is associated with an inadequately low intake of calorie, proteins, minerals, trace elements, and vitamin B1. Nutritional counselling aimed to reduce the intake of sodium in patients on chronic hemodialysis should not disregard an adequate intake of macro-and micronutrients, otherwise the risk of malnutrition is high

    B-cell activating factor (BAFF), BAFF promoter and BAFF receptor allelic variants in hepatitis C virus related Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

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    Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis (CV) is an autoimmune/lymphoproliferative disorder associated with HCV infection that in 5%–10% of cases evolves into a B cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL). B-cell activating factor (BAFF) is a key regulator in B-cell development and survival. Particular genetic variants are responsible for BAFF signaling impairment in autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. We evaluated BAFF and BAFF-receptor (BAFF-R) polymorphisms in order to determine if they predispose to HCV-related CV and NHL. The analysis was performed on 416 HCV-chronically infected patients: 136 HCV without signs/symptoms of lymphoproliferations/autoimmunity (HCV), 166 HCV with CV (HCV-CV) and 114 HCV with NHL (HCV-NHL). Rs9514828 SNP on BAFF promoter, rs61756766 on BAFF-R and rs12428930 on the BAFF gene were evaluated by Real-Time PCR. Concerning rs9514828, the frequency of C/T genotype was significantly higher in HCV-CV than in HCV. The difference in the distribution of the T/T mutant genotype in HCV-CV compared to HCV was significant as well as the distribution of C/T and T/T genotype in HCV-NHL versus HCV. T minor allele was more frequent in HCV-NHL and HCV-CV than in HCV. The distribution of C/T + T/T (for the dominant model of penetrance C/T + T/T vs. C/C) was significantly higher in HCV-CV and HCV-NHL than in HCV. Genotyping of rs61756766 on BAFF-R coding gene, revealed C/T heterozygosis at a frequency of 11% in HCV-NHL versus 3% in HCV. The T minor allele frequency was higher in HCV-NHL than in HCV. No differences emerged by genotyping rs12428930 SNP on BAFF coding gene. Our results reinforce the hypothesis that BAFF/BAFF-R genetic pattern has a role in the pathogenesis of HCV-related lymphoproliferations. BAFF/BAFF-R variants could identify a risk haplotype for HCV related CV and NHL and a BAFF/BAFF-R genetic profile assessment could potentially contribute to tailoring anti-BAFF therapy by identifying patients with BAFF alterations in which the treatment could be more beneficial

    Connection between low energy effective Hamiltonians and energy level statistics

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    We study the level statistics of a non-integrable one dimensional interacting fermionic system characterized by the GOE distribution. We calculate numerically on a finite size system the level spacing distribution P(s)P(s) and the Dyson-Mehta Δ3\Delta_3 correlation. We observe that its low energy spectrum follows rather the Poisson distribution, characteristic of an integrable system, consistent with the fact that the low energy excitations of this system are described by the Luttinger model. We propose this Random Matrix Theory analysis as a probe for the existence and integrability of low energy effective Hamiltonians for strongly correlated systems.Comment: REVTEX, 5 postscript figures at the end of the fil

    Gender may be related to the side of the motor syndrome and cognition in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.

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    Abstract Background and Sex and cognitive profile may be related to the laterality of motor symptoms in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Introduction Parkinson's disease (PD) is well recognised as an inherently asymmetric disease with unilateral onset of motor symptoms. The laterality of motor symptoms may be linked to sex, clinical and demographic variables, and neuropsychological disorders. However, the available data are inconsistent. This study aimed to explore the potential association between the laterality of motor symptoms and clinical and demographic variables and deficits in specific cognitive domains. Material and methods We retrospectively recruited 97 participants with idiopathic PD without dementia; 60 presented motor symptoms on the left side and 37 on the right side. Both groups were comparable in terms of age, age at disease onset, disease duration, and severity of the neurological deficits according to the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale and the Hoehn and Yahr scale. Results Participants with left-side motor symptoms scored lower on the Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living scale. Our sample included more men than women (67% vs. 33%). Both sexes were not equally represented in the 2 groups: there were significantly more men than women in the group of patients with left-side motor symptoms (77% vs. 23%), whereas the percentages of men and women in the group of patients with right-side motor symptoms were similar (51% vs. 49%). Both groups performed similarly in all neuropsychological tasks, but women, independently of laterality, performed better than men in the naming task. Conclusion We found a clear prevalence of men in the group of patients with left-side motor symptoms; this group also scored lower on the Schwab and England Scale. Female sex was predictive of better performance in the naming task. Sex should always be considered in disorders that cause asymmetric involvement of the brain, such as PD

    Quali-quantitative differences of adipose tissuederived stromal cells from superficial and deep subcutaneous lipoaspirates: a matter of fat

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    Subcutaneous fat (or hypoderm) represents a valuable reservoir of adiposederived stem cells (ASCs), residing in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF), widely exploited in regenerative medicine applications, being easily harvested through lipoaspiration. The lack for standardized procedures for autologous fat grafting, guided research efforts aimed at identifying possible differences related to the harvesting site, that may affect cell isolation yield, cell growth properties and clinical outcomes. The hypoderm features a complex architecture: the superficial fascia separates the superficial adipose tissue (SAT) from the deep layer (DAT). Aim of this study was to unravel the differences between SAT and DAT, considering morphological structure, SVF composition and ASCs’ properties. SAT and DAT specimens were collected from three distinct anatomical regions (abdomen, thigh and knee) of female individuals and comparatively analyzed through histology, flow citometry, and qPCR. ASCs were isolated in primary culture and used for in vitro differentiation assays. Our results indicated that liposucted SAT contains a higher stromal tissue compound, along with a higher proportion of CD105-positive cells, compared to DAT from the same anatomical region. Also, cells isolated from SAT displayed increased multipotency and stemness features. All differences were mainly evidenced in specimens harvested from the abdominal region. According to our results, SAT features overall increased stem properties. Given that subcutaneous adipose tissue is currently exploited as the gold standard source for high yield isolation of somatic stem cells, these results may provide precious hints toward defining a prioritization of tissue harvesting site for regenerative medicine applications
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