3,579 research outputs found

    Three years field trials to assess the effect of kaolin made particles and copper on olive-fruit fly (B.oleae Gmelin) infestations in Sicily

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    In most countries of Mediterranean Basin, Bactrocera oleae (Gmel), the olive fruit fly, is the key pest insect on olives. In Sicily this pest causes losses of fruits and a poor quality olive oil. Many researchers have recently carried out some field studies which were based on the use of kaolin and copper against the olive-fruit fly. In the last years these products have been effective several times in reducing olive fly infestation. Kaolin had, also, some important effect in reducing heat-stress in fruit crops and olive-trees. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of kaolin and copper treatment on olive infestations in Sicily and to evaluate chemical and sensory parameters of oils extracted. For this reason, within 2003-2005, the IX Servizio of Assessorato Regionale Agricoltura e Foreste, selected some olive groves where to carry out trials with kaolin and copper and to realize information and divulgation activities

    Schede “geologiche” per la “Valutazione degli effetti locali nei siti di ubicazione di singoli edifici (edilizia ordinaria, strategica e monumentale)” rilevate nelle aree campione della Basilicata e del Molise

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    L’attività ha previsto il rilevamento delle caratteristiche geologiche, geomorfologiche, geotecniche e geofisiche di 72 siti di ubicazione di chiese danneggiate dai terremoti dell’Irpinia-Basilicata (1980), dell’Abruzzo-Molise (1984) e del Molise (2002). Le informazioni sono state raccolte con la scheda “geologica” di II livello per la “Valutazione degli effetti locali nei siti di ubicazione di singoli edifici (edilizia ordinaria, strategica e monumentale)”, messa a punto nell’ambito dell’Unità Operativa Geologica dell’Unita di Ricerca CNR-ITC L’Aquila del Progetto Reluis – Linea 10

    Changes in brain rhythms and connectivity tracking fear acquisition and reversal

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    Fear conditioning is used to investigate the neural bases of threat and anxiety, and to understand their flexible modifications when the environment changes. This study aims to examine the temporal evolution of brain rhythms using electroencephalographic signals recorded in healthy volunteers during a protocol of Pavlovian fear conditioning and reversal. Power changes and Granger connectivity in theta, alpha, and gamma bands are investigated from neuroelectrical activity reconstructed on the cortex. Results show a significant increase in theta power in the left (contralateral to electrical shock) portion of the midcingulate cortex during fear acquisition, and a significant decrease in alpha power in a broad network over the left posterior-frontal and parietal cortex. These changes occur since the initial trials for theta power, but require more trials (3/4) to develop for alpha, and are also present during reversal, despite being less pronounced. In both bands, relevant changes in connectivity are mainly evident in the last block of reversal, just when power differences attenuate. No significant changes in the gamma band were detected. We conclude that the increased theta rhythm in the cingulate cortex subserves fear acquisition and is transmitted to other cortical regions via increased functional connectivity allowing a fast theta synchronization, whereas the decrease in alpha power can represent a partial activation of motor and somatosensory areas contralateral to the shock side in the presence of a dangerous stimulus. In addition, connectivity changes at the end of reversal may reflect long-term alterations in synapses necessary to reverse the previously acquired contingencies

    Theta and alpha oscillations as signatures of internal and external attention to delayed intentions: A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study

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    Background: Remembering to execute delayed intentions (i.e., prospective memory, PM) entails the allocation of internal and external attention. These processes are crucial for rehearsing PM intentions in memory and for monitoring the presence of the PM cue in the environment, respectively. Aim: The study took advantage of the excellent spatial and temporal resolution of magnetoencephalography (MEG) to delineate the neural mechanisms of the memory and monitoring processes underlying PM. Method: The spatio-temporal dynamic of theta and alpha oscillations were explored in 21 participants in two PM tasks compared to a baseline condition (i.e., a lexical decision task with no PM instruction). The PM tasks varied for the load of internally-directed attention (Retrospective-load task) vs externally-directed attention (Monitoring-load task). Results: Increase in theta activity was observed in the Retrospective-load task, and was particularly expressed in the regions of the Default Mode Network, such as in medial temporal regions, precuneus, posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex. Alpha decrease was the most relevant feature of the Monitoring-load task, and it was expressed over bilateral occipital, occipito-parietal and fronto-temporal regions, as well as over left dorsal fronto-parietal regions. Conclusions: Theta and alpha oscillations are strictly associated with the direction of attention during the PM tasks. In particular, theta increase is linked to internal attention necessary for maintaining the intention active in working memory, whereas alpha decrease supports the external attention for detecting the PM cue in the environment

    A neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis tuned inter-hemispheric communication

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    Purpose: This work investigates how a direct bidirectional connection between brain and hand prosthesis modifies the bi-hemispheric sensorimotor system devoted to the movement control of the lost limb. Hand prostheses are often unable to satisfy users' expectations, mostly due to the poor performance of their interfacing system. Neural Interfaces implanted inside nerves of the stump offer the advantage of using the bidirectional neural pathways 'naturally' dispatching signals to control proper hand actions and feed-back sensations. Learning to control a neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis and decode sensory information was previously observed to reduce the inter-hemispheric asymmetry of cortical motor maps and the clinical symptoms of phantom limb syndrome. Methods: Electroencephalographic (EEG) data was analysed using Functional Source Separation (FSS), a semi-blind method that incorporates prior knowledge about the signal of interest into data decomposition to give access to cortical patch activities. Results: Bi-hemispheric cortices showed normalization of their activity (topographical and spectral patterns) and of functional connectivity between homologous hand controlling areas, during the delivery of the motor command to the cybernetic prosthesis. Conclusions: The re-establishment of central-peripheral communication with the lost limb induced by a neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis produces beneficial plastic reorganization, not only restructuring contralateral directly-connected control areas, but also their functional balance within the bi-hemispheric system necessary for motor control

    Characterizing cardiac autonomic dynamics of fear learning in humans

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    Understanding transient dynamics of the autonomic nervous system during fear learning remains a critical step to translate basic research into treatment of fear-related disorders. In humans, it has been demonstrated that fear learning typically elicits transient heart rate deceleration. However, classical analyses of heart rate variability (HRV) fail to disentangle the contribution of parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, and crucially, they are not able to capture phasic changes during fear learning. Here, to gain deeper insight into the physiological underpinnings of fear learning, a novel frequency-domain analysis of heart rate was performed using a short-time Fourier transform, and instantaneous spectral estimates extracted from a point-process modeling algorithm. We tested whether spectral transient components of HRV, used as a noninvasive probe of sympathetic and parasympathetic mechanisms, can dissociate between fear conditioned and neutral stimuli. We found that learned fear elicited a transient heart rate deceleration in anticipation of noxious stimuli. Crucially, results revealed a significant increase in spectral power in the high frequency band when facing the conditioned stimulus, indicating increased parasympathetic (vagal) activity, which distinguished conditioned and neutral stimuli during fear learning. Our findings provide a proximal measure of the involvement of cardiac vagal dynamics into the psychophysiology of fear learning and extinction, thus offering new insights for the characterization of fear in mental health and illness

    Cortical gamma-synchrony measured with magnetoencephalography is a marker of clinical status and predicts clinical outcome in stroke survivors.

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    Background: The outcome of stroke survivors is difficult to anticipate. While the extent of the anatomical brain lesion is only poorly correlated with the prognosis, functional measures of cortical synchrony, brain networks and cortical plasticity seem to be good predictors of clinical recovery. In this field, gamma (>30 Hz) cortical synchrony is an ideal marker of brain function, as it plays a crucial role for the integration of information, it is an indirect marker of Glutamate/GABA balance and it directly estimates the reserve of parvalbulin-positive neurons, key players in synaptic plasticity. In this study we measured gamma synchronization driven by external auditory stimulation with magnetoencephalography and tested whether it was predictive of the clinical outcome in stroke survivors undergoing intensive rehabilitation in a tertiary rehabilitation center. Material and methods: Eleven stroke survivors undergoing intensive rehabilitation were prospectively recruited. Gamma synchrony was measured non-invasively within one month from stroke onset with magnetoencephalography, both at rest and during entrainment with external 40 Hz amplitude modulated binaural sounds. Lesion location and volume were quantitatively assessed through a high-resolution anatomical MRI. Barthel index (BI) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scales were measured at the beginning and at the end of the admission to the rehabilitation unit. Results: The spatial distribution of cortical gamma synchrony was altered, and the physiological right hemispheric dominance observed in healthy controls was attenuated or lost. Entrained gamma synchronization (but not resting state gamma synchrony) showed a very high correlation with the clinical status at both admission and discharge (both BI and FIM). Neither clinical status nor gamma synchrony showed a correlation with lesion volume. Conclusions: Cortical gamma synchrony related to auditory entrainment can be reliably measured in stroke patients. Gamma synchrony is strongly associated with the clinical outcome of stroke survivors undergoing rehabilitation

    Risk of Seven-Day Worsening and Death: A New Clinically Derived COVID-19 Score

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    This monocentric, retrospective, two-stage observational study aimed to recognize the risk factors for a poor outcome in patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and to develop and validate a risk score that identifies subjects at risk of worsening, death, or both. The data of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection during the first wave of the pandemic were collected and analyzed as a derivation cohort. Variables with predictive properties were used to construct a prognostic score, which was tried out on a validation cohort enrolled during the second wave. The derivation cohort included 494 patients; the median age was 62 and the overall fatality rate was 22.3%. In a multivariable analysis, age, oxygen saturation, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase were independent predictors of death and composed the score. A cutoff value of 3 demonstrated a sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 93.5%, 68.5%, 47.4% and 97.2% for death, and 84.9%, 84.5%, 79.6% and 87.9% for worsening, respectively. The validation cohort included 415 subjects. The score application showed a Se, Sp, PPV and NPV of 93.4%, 61.6%, 29.5% and 98.1% for death, and 81%, 76.3%, 72.1% and 84.1% for worsening, respectively. We propose a new clinical, easy and reliable score to predict the outcome in hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 patients

    Hand–foot motor priming in the presence of temporary inability to use hands

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    To verify if the link between observed hand actions and executed foot actions found in aplasics is essentially induced by the constant use of foot substituting the hand, we investigated if the vision of a grasping hand is able to prime a foot response in normals. Participants were required to detect the time-to-contact of a hand grasping an object either with a suitable or a less suitable movement, an experimental paradigm known to induce a priming effect. Participants responded either with the hand or the foot, while having free or bound hands. Results showed that for hand responses motor priming effect was stronger when the hands were free, whereas for foot responses it was stronger when the hands were bound. These data are interpreted as a further evidence that a difficulty to move affects specific cognitive functions and that the vision of a grasping hand may prime a foot response

    Social modulation of peripersonal space boundaries

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    The space around the body, i.e., peripersonal space (PPS), is conceived as a multisensory-motor interface between body and environment. PPS is represented by frontoparietal neurons integrating tactile, visual, and auditory stimuli occurring near the body [1-7]. PPS is plastic, because it extends by using a tool to reach far objects [8-10]. Although interactions with others occur within PPS, little is known about how social environment modulates it. Here, we show that presence and interaction with others shape PPS representation. Participants performed a tactile detection task on their face while concurrent task-irrelevant sounds approached toward or receded from their face. Because a sound affects touch when occurring within PPS [6, 10-12], we calculated the critical distance where sounds speeded up tactile reaction time as a proxy of PPS boundaries. Experiment 1 shows that PPS boundaries shrink when subjects face another individual, as compared to a mannequin, placed in far space. Experiment 2 and 3 show that, after playing an economic game with another person, PPS boundaries between self and other merge, but only if the other behaved cooperatively. These results reveal that PPS representation is sensitive to social modulation, showing a link between low-level sensorimotor processing and high-level social cognition. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd