2,785 research outputs found

    Taranto. The Convent Complex of San Domenico Maggiore. Redesigning and Museological Project.

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    The research, scientifically coordinated by Professor Giorgio Rocco of the Department ICAR of the Polytechnic University of Bari, starts with the analysis of the archeological findings in the area of San Domenico Convent in Taranto (Apulia, Italy), defining the different historical development stages of the city. The study focused on the analysis of the temple foundations under the Church of San Domenico. The structures, brought to light by an archeological excavation during the late 60s and early 70s, possibly date back to the period between the late 6th and the early 5th century BC. The museological project includes the choice of archeological artifacts that describe the historical and cultural context until the 5th century, following the gradual process of consolidation of the colonial polis. The archaeological collection includes finds drawn from the catalogue of the National Archeological Museum of Taranto (MARTA) and from the catalogue of the Civic Museum of History and Art of Trieste. In the exhibition design special attention is given to emphasize the visit to the temple foundation structures. 283-2 The project's challenge is to strike a balance between the convent historical spaces and the exigencies of continuity in the exhibition of the archeological artifacts. Indeed, to define the exhibition tour we have attempted, on one side, to create an itinerary that allows a suitable display of the selected objects, and on the other, the will to allow a correct understanding of historical spaces

    The rationale for liquid biopsy in colorectal cancer: focus on circulating tumor cells

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    Capturing circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and/or circulating tumor DNA from blood, which represents a precious source of biological material derived from both primary and metastatic tumors, has been named a 'liquid biopsy'. While the circulating tumor DNA might be more representative of the bulk of the metastatic tumor, CTCs are thought to reflect more of the metastases-initiating cells. Consequently, a liquid biopsy made of tumor cells and tumor DNA that is able to track cancer evolution, as a fingerprint of the patient's individual tumor, and is easy to perform at every stage of the disease course, sounds attractive. This article mainly focuses on the applications of CTCs to track tumor dynamics in real time using colorectal cancer as a model system. The analysis of viable CTCs at DNA, RNA and protein levels, as well as their expansion in vitro, may allow deep investigation of the features of metastases-initiating cells

    Architectural survey, realized with integrated methodology, of the complex of Walser houses in Alagna Valsesia, Italy

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    [EN] The subject of this paper is the architectural survey, realized with integrated methodology, of three Wal-ser houses, located in Ronco Superiore, within the Alagna Valsesia (Vercelli, Italy) municipality. The task of surveying the complex was assigned to us by the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Land-scape for the provinces of Biella, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli in cooperation with the Regional Secretariat of Piemonte. The aim of the work was that of providing graphic and metric refer-ences for the houses, which are a typical example of the rural architecture at the foot of Monte Rosa, to be made available for subsequent interventions of restoration and enhancement. The Superintendence took over the safekeeping of the site from the Public Property in 1998 and, since then, has promoted a process of recovery of the buildings, winning the Europa Nostra Award in 2014. Granting access to visi-tors has given a larger audience the possibility of knowing the history, the constructive peculiarities and the works of conservation carried out in this area. Specifically, the complex of Walser houses is the most ancient settlement in Alagna, built between the end of XVI century and the beginning of XVII century. Walser houses have a stone basement and wooden roof and walls. The latter are built with the Blockbau technique, i.e. a superimposition of trunks and beams, juxtaposed to shape walls; interlocking connec-tions ensure the rigidity of the structure. First, we have acquired the morphometric characteristics of the buildings; then, we have elaborated them graphically, by employing a georeferenced, 3D laser scanner. Photogrammetric data have, instead, been acquired using digital cameras and drones.Di Paola, A.; Vecchio, S.; Frosini, G.; Verona, B.; Garuglieri, S. (2022). Architectural survey, realized with integrated methodology, of the complex of Walser houses in Alagna Valsesia, Italy. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 95-102. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.151299510

    Biokemijska svojstva topljivih i vezanih peroksidaza ekstrahiranih iz glavica i lišća artičoke

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    Soluble (SP), ionically bound (IBP) and covalently bound (CBP) peroxidases (POD) from artichoke leaves and heads have been characterized for the main biochemical parameters. The three PODs, in both leaves and heads, showed the major apparent catalytic efficiency (vmax,app/Km,app) towards ferulic acid, even though, in some cases, they showed higher affinity (Km,app) for other substrates. In leaves, SP and IBP showed higher Km,app for ferulic and chlorogenic acids, and CBP for ferulic and caffeic acids. In heads, SP showed higher Km,app for chlorogenic acid, IBP for caffeic and ferulic acids, and CBP for ferulic acid. It was shown that pH optimum for PODs ranged between 5.0 and 6.0 in leaves. In heads, pH optimum for SP and IBP was 5.5, while CBP presented a very low activity in a wide pH range. All PODs showed high thermal stability but different ability to regenerate: the bound forms were more able to regenerate than the soluble one. The results obtained show that (i) CBP from heads is able to work under very different cellular conditions, (ii) all PODs, in both tissues, have a high apparent catalytic efficiency for ferulic acid, which could explain the effective involvement of POD in lignin biosynthesis, (iii) in heads, high Km,app of SP for chlorogenic acid, particularly abundant in artichoke, could justify the possible involvement of PODs in browning mechanism, and (iv) in heat-processed artichoke, the ability of PODs to regenerate could contribute to oxidation and loss of product quality.Okarakterizirana su mnoga biokemijska svojstva topljivih, ionski i kovalentno vezanih peroksidaza ekstrahiranih iz lišća i glavica artičoke. Sva tri oblika peroksidaza, iz lišća i glavica, pokazala su veliku prividnu katalitičku djelotvornost (vmax,app/Km,app) prema feruličnoj kiselini, iako su u nekoliko slučajeva imala veći afinitet (Km,app) prema drugim supstratima. Topljive i ionski vezane peroksidaze iz lišća artičoke imale su veći afinitet za feruličnu i klorogenu kiselinu, a kovalentno vezane za feruličnu i kafeinsku kiselinu. Topljive peroksidaze iz glavica artičoke pokazale su veći afinitet prema klorogenoj kiselini, ionski vezane prema kafeinskoj i feruličnoj, a kovalentno vezane peroksidaze samo prema feruličnoj kiselini. Optimalna pH-vrijednost za aktivnost peroksidaza iz lišća bila je od 5 do 6, a za aktivnost topljivih i ionski vezanih peroksidaza iz glavica 5,5. Kovalentno vezane peroksidaze ekstrahirane iz glavica artičoke imale su malu aktivnost pri svim pH-vrijednostima. Sve su peroksidaze imale veliku termostabilnost, ali različitu sposobnost regeneracije: vezani su se oblici bolje regenerirali od topljivih oblika. Iz dobivenih rezultata izvedeni su sljedeći zaključci: (i) kovalentno vezane peroksidaze iz glavica djeluju u različitim staničnim uvjetima, (ii) sve ekstrahirane peroksidaze imaju veliku prividnu katalitičku djelotvornost prema feruličnoj kiselini, što objašnjava ulogu peroksidaza u biosintezi lignina, (iii) veliki afinitet topljive peroksidaze iz glavica prema klorogenoj kiselini, osobito zastupljenoj u artičokama, mogao bi objasniti ulogu peroksidaza u posmeđivanju glavica i (iv) sposobnost regeneracije peroksidaza uzrokuje oksidaciju i gubitak kakvoće artičoke tijekom kuhanja

    Up-regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis by leukotriene C4 in elicited mice peritoneal macrophages activated with lipopolysaccharide/interferon-gamma

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    Leukotrienes (LT) and prostaglandins (PG) are proinflammatory mediators generated by the conversion of arachidonic acid via 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) and cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways. It has long been proposed that the inhibition of the 5-LO could enhance the COX pathway leading to an increased PG generation. We have found that in in vitro models of inflammation, such as mice-elicited peritoneal macrophages activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)/interferon- γ (IFN-γ), the deletion of the gene encoding for 5-LO or the enzyme activity inhibition corresponded to a negative modulation of the COX pathway. Moreover, exogenously added LTC4, but not LTD4, LTE 4, and LTB4, was able to increase PG production in stimulated cells from 5-LO wild-type and knockout mice. LTC4 was not able to induce COX-2 expression by itself but rather potentiated the action of LPS/IFN-γ through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 activation, as demonstrated by the use of a specific mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase inhibitor. The LT-induced increase in PG generation, as well as MAPK activation, was dependent by a specific ligand-receptor interaction, as demonstrated by the use of a cys-LT1 receptor antagonist, although also a direct action of the antagonist used, on PG generation, cannot be excluded. Thus, the balance between COX and 5-LO metabolites could be of great importance in controlling macrophage functions and consequently, inflammation and tumor promotion

    Growth Conditions Influence Lactobacillus Cell-Free Supernatant Impact on Viability, Biofilm Formation, and Co-Aggregation of the Oral Periodontopathogens Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis

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    Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis human periodontopathogens play a leading part in oral squamous cell carcinoma through cell proliferation, invasion, and persistent inflammation promotion and maintenance. To explore how the activity of Lactobacillus-derived cell-free supernatants (CFSs) can be influenced by growth medium components, CFSs were produced both in the standard MRS and the novel animal-derivative-free "Terreno Industriale Lattobacilli" (TIL) media, and in vitro screened for the containment of F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis both single and co-cultured and also for the interference on their co-aggregation. The viability assay demonstrated that the Limosilactobacillus reuteri LRE11 and Ligilactobacillus salivarius LS03 MRS-produced CFSs were significantly more effective against single and co-cultured pathogens. All the other CFSs significantly improved their efficacy when produced in TIL. Both MRS- and TIL-produced CFSs significantly inhibited the single and co-cultured pathogen biofilm formation. Only Levilactobacillus brevis LBR01 CFS in MRS specifically reduced F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis co-aggregation, while viable LBR01, LS03, and LRE11 in MRS significantly co-aggregated with the pathogens, but only LS03 cultivated in TIL improved this effect. This work paves the way to better consider environmental growth conditions when screening for probiotic and postbiotic efficacy as crucial to pathogen aggregation, adhesion to the host's niches, and exclusion

    A functional study of the esophagus in patients with non-cardiac chest pain and dysphagia

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    Background/Aims: Nutcracker esophagus and non-specific motility disorders are the main causes of non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP), with gastroesophageal reflux in 60% of cases. Achalasia and diffuse esophageal spasm are the most frequent anomalies described in patients with dysphagia. The goal of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of esophageal body and lower esophageal sphincter motor abnormalities in patients with dysphagia, NCCP, or both. Materials and Methods: This study is a retrospective analysis of 716 patients with NCCP and/or dysphagia tested between January 1994 and December 2010. 1023 functional studies were performed, 707 of which were esophageal manometries, 225 esophageal pH-meters, and 44 bilimetries. We divided the patients into three groups: group 1 was composed of patients affected with dysphagia, group 2 with NCCP and group 3 with NCCP and dysphagia. Results: Manometric anomalies were detected in 84.4% of cases (p<0.001). The most frequent esophageal motility alteration was achalasia (36%). The lower esophageal sphincter was normal in 45.9% of patients (p<0.001). In all 3 groups, 80.9%, 98.8%, and 93.8, respectively, of patients showed normal upper esophageal sphincter (p=0.005). Conclusion: Our data differs from those of other studies because they were collected from and analyzed by a single tertiary level referral center by a single examiner. This could have eliminated the variability found in different hands and different experiences. The high percentage of symptomatic patients with non-pathologic esophageal motility pattern suggests an unclear origin of the disease, with possible neuromuscular involvement. As a result, these patients may need more-detailed diagnostic studies

    Epidemiological HIV infection surveillance among subjects with risk behaviours in the city of Messina (Sicily) from 1992 to 2015.

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    Introduction. Epidemiological studies are a key element to know the evolution and spread of HIV infection among the world population. The knowledge of the epidemiological dynamics improves the strategies of prevention and monitoring.Methods. We examined 2,272 subjects who voluntarily underwent to HIV testing from January 1992 to December 2015. For each subject, an anonymous form was filled to get information on personal data, sexual habits and exposure to risk factors.Results. The number of subjects who underwent to the screening test has increased over the years and the average age of the tested subjects has decreased over time. The main motivation to undergo HIV testing was unprotected sex. Even if the heterosexual subjects who carried out the test were more numerous of homosexuals, it is highlighted, during the years, an increase in the latter.Conclusions. Although the number of performed tests has increased over the years, the persistence of unprotected sex shows an inadequate perception of risk. Therefore, it is necessary to implement programs to increase the general awareness of HIV infection. It is also essential to constantly monitor behaviour, risk perception and the application of the screening test via surveillance systems in order to implement effective and efficient prevention

    Osteoporosis and alzheimer pathology: Role of cellular stress response and hormetic redox signaling in aging and bone remodeling

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and osteoporosis are multifactorial progressive degenerative disorders. Increasing evidence shows that osteoporosis and hip fracture are common complication observed in AD patients, although the mechanisms underlying this association remain poorly understood. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are emerging as intracellular redox signaling molecules involved in the regulation of bone metabolism, including receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand-dependent osteoclast differentiation, but they also have cytotoxic effects that include lipoperoxidation and oxidative damage to proteins and DNA. ROS generation, which is implicated in the regulation of cellular stress response mechanisms, is an integrated, highly regulated, process under control of redox sensitive genes coding for redox proteins called vitagenes. Vitagenes, encoding for proteins such as heat shock proteins (Hsps) Hsp32, Hsp70, the thioredoxin, and the sirtuin protein, represent a systems controlling a complex network of intracellular signaling pathways relevant to life span and involved in the preservation of cellular homeostasis under stress conditions. Consistently, nutritional anti-oxidants have demonstrated their neuroprotective potential through a hormetic-dependent activation of vitagenes. The biological relevance of dose–response affects those strategies pointing to the optimal dosing to patients in the treatment of numerous diseases. Thus, the heat shock response has become an important hormetic target for novel cytoprotective strategies focusing on the pharmacological development of compounds capable of modulating stress response mechanisms. Here we discuss possible signaling mechanisms involved in the activation of vitagenes which, relevant to bone remodeling and through enhancement of cellular stress resistance provide a rationale to limit the deleterious consequences associated to homeostasis disruption with consequent impact on the aging process