103 research outputs found

    Efficacy of a Non-addictive Nasal Irrigation Based on Sea Salt Enriched with Natural Enzymes among Patients with Sinusitis: An In Vivo, Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common condition that is defined as inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Nasal irrigation plays an important role in the treatment of CRS. Evidence from basic research favors hypertonic saline over isotonic saline for mucociliary clearance, but evidence from clinical studies is controversial. AIM: This study aims to investigate the hypothesis that the use of daily nasal irrigation based on sea salt, enriched with natural enzymes and lysozyme, may be useful in patients with CRS. PATIENT AND METHODS: Patients (30 men and 30 women) 18–55 years old (mean age 41 ± 3 y.o.), with two episodes of acute sinusitis or one episode of chronic sinusitis per year for 2 consecutive years, were enrolled stratified by sex and age and randomly divided into two groups supplementation: Group A (test) and Group B (control/ placebo). Moreover, an exit questionnaire was asked to Group A subjects to report whether their sinus-related quality of life has gotten worse, stayed the same, or improved (scale from 0 to ±100%). RESULTS: The result showed that in the test group (A) from T0 to T1, a reduction of 17.65% for the symptoms related headache and/or facial pressure and a reduction of the 18.18%, for the symptoms relates to congestion and/ or nasal discharge. On the other hand, the control group (B) shown less difference between T0 and T1. CONCLUSIONS: This study strengthens the argument that the tested formulation is a safe, well-tolerated, long-term therapy that patients with chronic sinonasal complaints can and will use at home with minimal training and follow-up

    The Role of Temporomandibular Joint Arthroscopy for Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Synovial Chondromatosis

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    Objective: We report the experience of our maxillo-facial surgery unit into the diagnostic and the therapeutic role of arthroscopy of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) synovial chondromatosis (SC). Materials and Methods: A series of sixteen patients with an imaging, arthroscopical, and histological diagnosis of SC treated with arthroscopy was selected. The surgeries were conducted in the Department of Maxillo-facial surgery, Academic hospital of Udine, from January 2016 to December 2022. Medical history, clinical examination, imaging, arthroscopical, and histological characteristics were recorded and then reviewed and discussed. Results: Clinical improvement, both in pain and in maximum incisal opening (MIO), were noticed in whole patients. Histologically, according to Milgram’s classification, the sample was fairly homogeneous. Arthroscopic treatment was successful in 87.5% of the patients. Only two cases of SC relapse were registered and were then submitted to open surgery to perform a total sinovectomy. The data collected were used to develop an SC classification proposal based on clinical, radiological (magnetic resonance imaging), arthroscopical, and histopathological characteristics. Conclusions: TMJ arthroscopy must be considered the first line of treatment for SC, leaving open surgery to relapses cases and those cases with extraarticular extension. A univocal classification is essential to best stage and prognostically characterise this pathology

    Fibrolipoma gigante de la mejilla: a propósito de un caso

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    El fibrolipoma es una neoplasia de origen mesenquimal, rara en la cavidad oral, representando el 1% de todos los tumores benignos orales. Es una variante histológica del lipoma simple, que normalmente se manifiesta a nivel de la mucosa oral, suelo de la boca, lengua y labios. La etiología suele ser traumática cuando afecta localizaciones extraorales, mientras se considera idiopática al manifestarse a nivel bucal. En este artículo se presenta un raro caso de fibrolipoma de mejilla, y se discuten los aspectos diagnósticos, histo-patológicos y de tratamiento de acuerdo a la literatura. Lipomas are common soft tissue mesenchymal neoplasms, rare in the oral cavity, representing 1% of all benign oral tumors. Fibrolipoma is a histological variant of the classic lipoma which normally affects buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth, tongue and lips. In this article is presented a rare case of fibrolipoma of the cheek and are discussed all the aspects of diagnosis, histology and surgical treatment, according to literature data

    Focus on the cariogenic process: microbial and biochemical interactions with teeth and oral environment

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    This paper aims to describe the biochemical interactions between teeth and the oral environment that occur during the caries process, hence it covers all the steps related to physico-chemical reactions, including the most up-to-date theoretical basis in the clinical application for the prevention and treatment of caries. The terms 'demineralization' and 'remineralization' that characterise this process were analysed, as well as the role of the microbiota in its interaction with the hard surface of the teeth. The biochemical mechanisms that lead to the onset of carious lesions and those that occur during the healing and repair of such lesions are listed

    Peripheral giant cell granuloma: immunohistochemical analysis of different markers. Study of three cases

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    El granuloma periférico de células gigantes (GPCG) es una lesión de tejido blando no neoplásica ocasionada por una reacción hiperplásica a consecuencia de un traumatismo o inflamación. Es una lesión reactiva del tejido blando que se desarrolla exclusivamente en la cavidad oral y con una ligera predilección en el sexo femenino. La localización habitual de GPCG es en la región de los premolares y la mucosa de la cresta alveolar edéntula. Se presentan tres casos con GPCG (dos hombres y una mujer) con una edad comprendida entre los 25 y 35 años. Todos los pacientes se trataron con resección quirúrgica y ninguno sufrió recidivas. Con el propósito de determinar el posible origen de las células estromales mononucleares y de las células gigantes multinucleares, las muestras de cada caso se estudiaron mediante inmunohistoquímica (marcadores CD-68, CD-34 y α-1 antitripsina) con el fin de evaluar la expresión del linaje endotelial y del linaje monocito/macrófago. Los resultados inmunohistoquímicos mostraron una marcada positividad difusa de CD-68 en las células estromales mononucleares y en las células gigantes multinucleadas. Estas últimas resultaron ser inmunonegativas para CD-34 y sólo puntualmente positivas para α-1 antitripsina. Estos resultados sugieren que las cιlulas gigantes multinucleares poseen un fenotipo osteoclαstico, proviniendo del linaje monocito/macrσfago, y que no derivan del linaje de las células endoteliales de los capilares. Se establece la importancia de un exhaustivo diagnóstico y de una exéresis quirúrgica completa de la lesión (curetaje óseo) con el propósito de evitar la reabsorción del diente y hueso adyacente

    Jacob’s Disease: Case Series, Extensive Literature Review and Classification Proposal

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    Jacob’s disease is a rare entity consisting of the formation of a pseudojoint between an abnormal coronoid process of the mandible and the inner surface of the zygomatic bone. First described by Jacob in 1899, its diagnosis and definition have never been entirely univocal. In this paper, we present three emblematic cases and an extensive review of the literature on Jacob’s disease. Given the variability observed in the presentation of the disease, we have developed a proposal for the classification, here reported

    Update on gingival overgrowth by cyclosporine A in renal transplants

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    Severe gingival overgrowth is one of the most frequent side effects in renal transplant patients associated with assumption of cyclosporine A. Several associations with age, sex, dosage, duration of therapy or interval since transplantation have been hypothesized. The introduction of alternative immunosuppressant drugs have been suggested to permit better long-term transplant outcomes and a decrease in incidence of gingival overgrowth. The aim of the present paper is to summarize current knowledge regarding aetiology, pathogenesis and management of gingival overgrowth induced by Cyclosporine A
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