46 research outputs found

    Comparison of two molecular barcodes for the study of equine strongylid communities with amplicon sequencing

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    Basic knowledge on the biology and epidemiology of equine strongylid species still needs to be improved to contribute to the design of better parasite control strategies. Nemabiome metabarcoding is a convenient tool to quantify and identify species in bulk samples that could overcome the hurdle that cyathostomin morphological identification represents. To date, this approach has relied on the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) of the ribosomal RNA gene, with a limited investigation of its predictive performance for cyathostomin communities. Using DNA pools of single cyathostomin worms, this study aimed to provide the first elements to compare performances of the ITS-2 and a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode newly developed in this study. Barcode predictive abilities were compared across various mock community compositions of two, five and 11 individuals from distinct species. The amplification bias of each barcode was estimated. Results were also compared between various types of biological samples, i.e., eggs, infective larvae or adults. Bioinformatic parameters were chosen to yield the closest representation of the cyathostomin community for each barcode, underscoring the need for communities of known composition for metabarcoding purposes. Overall, the proposed COI barcode was suboptimal relative to the ITS-2 rDNA region, because of PCR amplification biases, reduced sensitivity and higher divergence from the expected community composition. Metabarcoding yielded consistent community composition across the three sample types. However, imperfect correlations were found between relative abundances from infective larvae and other life-stages for Cylicostephanus species using the ITS-2 barcode. While the results remain limited by the considered biological material, they suggest that additional improvements are needed for both the ITS-2 and COI barcodes

    Gut microbiota resilience in horse athletes following holidays out to pasture

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    Elite horse athletes that live in individual boxes and train and compete for hours experience longterm physical and mental stress that compromises animal welfare and alters the gut microbiota. We therefore assessed if a temporary period out to pasture with conspecifics could improve animal welfare and in turn, favorably affect intestinal microbiota composition. A total of 27 athletes were monitored before and after a period of 1.5 months out to pasture, and their fecal microbiota and behavior profiles were compared to those of 18 horses kept in individual boxes. The overall diversity and microbiota composition of pasture and control individuals were temporally similar, suggesting resilience to environmental challenges. However, pasture exposure induced an increase in Ruminococcus and Coprococcus that lasted 1-month after the return to individual boxes, which may have promoted beneficial effects on health and welfare. Associations between the gut microbiota composition and behavior indicating poor welfare were established. Furthermore, withdrawn behavior was associated with the relative abundances of Lachnospiraceae AC2044 group and Clostridiales family XIII. Both accommodate a large part of butyrate-producing bacterial genera. While we cannot infer causality within this study, arguably, these findings suggest that management practices maintained over a longer period of time may moderate the behavior link to the gut ecosystem beyond its resilience potential

    Priming for welfare: gut microbiota is associated with equitation conditions and behavior in horse athletes

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    We simultaneously measured the fecal microbiota and multiple environmental and host-related variables in a cohort of 185 healthy horses reared in similar conditions during a period of eight months. The pattern of rare bacteria varied from host to host and was largely different between two time points. Among a suite of variables examined, equitation factors were highly associated with the gut microbiota variability, evoking a relationship between gut microbiota and high levels of physical and mental stressors. Behavioral indicators that pointed toward a compromised welfare state (e.g. stereotypies, hypervigilance and aggressiveness) were also associated with the gut microbiota, reinforcing the notion for the existence of the microbiota-gut-brain axis. These observations were consistent with the microbiability of behaviour traits (> 15%), illustrating the importance of gut microbial composition to animal behaviour. As more elite athletes suffer from stress, targeting the microbiota offers a new opportunity to investigate the bidirectional interactions within the brain gut microbiota axis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tissue Resources for the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes

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    In order to generate an atlas of the functional elements driving genome expression in domestic animals, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genome (FAANG) strategy was to sample many tissues from a few animals of different species, sexes, ages, and production stages. This article presents the collection of tissue samples for four species produced by two pilot projects, at INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) and the University of California, Davis. There were three mammals (cattle, goat, and pig) and one bird (chicken). It describes the metadata characterizing these reference sets (1) for animals with origin and selection history, physiological status, and environmental conditions; (2) for samples with collection site and tissue/cell processing; (3) for quality control; and (4) for storage and further distribution. Three sets are identified: set 1 comprises tissues for which collection can be standardized and for which representative aliquots can be easily distributed (liver, spleen, lung, heart, fat depot, skin, muscle, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells); set 2 comprises tissues requiring special protocols because of their cellular heterogeneity (brain, digestive tract, secretory organs, gonads and gametes, reproductive tract, immune tissues, cartilage); set 3 comprises specific cell preparations (immune cells, tracheal epithelial cells). Dedicated sampling protocols were established and uploaded in https://data.faang.org/protocol/samples. Specificities between mammals and chicken are described when relevant. A total of 73 different tissues or tissue sections were collected, and 21 are common to the four species. Having a common set of tissues will facilitate the transfer of knowledge within and between species and will contribute to decrease animal experimentation. Combining data on the same samples will facilitate data integration. Quality control was performed on some tissues with RNA extraction and RNA quality control. More than 5,000 samples have been stored with unique identifiers, and more than 4,000 were uploaded onto the Biosamples database, provided that standard ontologies were available to describe the sample. Many tissues have already been used to implement FAANG assays, with published results. All samples are available without restriction for further assays. The requesting procedure is described. Members of FAANG are encouraged to apply a range of molecular assays to characterize the functional status of collected samples and share their results, in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles

    A new method for long-read sequencing of animal mitochondrial genomes: application to the identification of equine mitochondrial DNA variants

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    International audienceBackgroundMitochondrial DNA is remarkably polymorphic. This is why animal geneticists survey mitochondrial genomes variations for fundamental and applied purposes. We present here an approach to sequence whole mitochondrial genomes using nanopore long-read sequencing. Our method relies on the selective elimination of nuclear DNA using an exonuclease treatment and on the amplification of circular mitochondrial DNA using a multiple displacement amplification step.ResultsWe optimized each preparative step to obtain a 100 million-fold enrichment of horse mitochondrial DNA relative to nuclear DNA. We sequenced these amplified mitochondrial DNA using nanopore sequencing technology and obtained mitochondrial DNA reads that represented up to half of the sequencing output. The sequence reads were 2.3kb of mean length and provided an even coverage of the mitochondrial genome. Long-reads spanning half or more of the whole mtDNA provided a coverage that varied between 118X and 488X. We evaluated SNPs identified using these long-reads by Sanger sequencing as ground truth and found a precision of 100.0%; a recall of 93.1% and a F1-score of 0.964 using the Twilight horse mtDNA reference. The choice of the mtDNA reference impacted variant calling efficiency with F1-scores varying between 0.947 and 0.964.ConclusionsOur method to amplify mtDNA and to sequence it using the nanopore technology is usable for mitochondrial DNA variant analysis. With minor modifications, this approach could easily be applied to other large circular DNA molecules

    Validation of novel reference genes for RT-qPCR studies of gene expression in Xenopus tropicalis during embryonic and post-embryonic development

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    Chantier qualité GABackground: Accurate interpretation of transcriptome profiling by quantitative PCR requires the establishment of species-specific standards. However, the selection of reference genes for assessing RNA expression profiles in Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis was mostly based on historical reasons and they often only reflect the traditions of a laboratory. Results: We investigated the expression stability of 10 genes (dicer1, drosha, eef1a1, elavl3, gsc, h4, odc1, rpl8, smn2, tbp), 8 of which are commonly used as internal controls in published RT-qPCR experiments. We defined specific primer pairs and evaluated their suitability as reference genes by performing RT-qPCR expression profiling in Xenopus tropicalis. Gene expression stability was assayed in a set of 15 developmental stages from the egg to the froglet, and in dissected embryos. Conclusions: Overall, we determined a set of qualified reference genes for distinct developmental periods. We recommend the use of dicer1, drosha, eef1a1, and smn2 from early embryonic development up to the end of metamorphosis. During early embryogenesis drosha, eef1a1, smn2 are suitable. For the whole post-embryonic development and for metamorphic stages including pro-metamorphosis and metamorphic climax, we recommend the use of drosha and smn2. These reference genes should prove their usefulness for data comparison across studies

    Think different with RNA therapy: can antisense oligonucleotides be used to inhibit replication and transcription of SARS-CoV-2?

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    The severity of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with a high transmission rate, 2.6-4.7% lethality and a huge economic impact, poses an urgent need for efficient medical treatments and vaccines. Currently, there are only non-specific treatments to assist the patients in acute respiratory distress during the inflammatory step following the preliminary infection by SARS-CoV-2. Clinical trials of drug repurposing were quickly launched at the international level. Specific treatments such as the transfusion of plasma from patients who have recovered into infected patients or the use of specific inhibitors of the viral RNA-polymerase complex are promising strategies to block infection. To complete the therapeutic arsenal, we believe that the opportunity of targeting the SARS-CoV-2 genome by RNA therapy should be deeply investigated. In the present paper, we propose to design specific antisense oligonucleotides targeting transcripts encoding viral proteins associated to replication and transcription of SARS-CoV-2, aiming to block infection. We designed antisense oligonucleotides targeting the genomic 5’ untranslated region (5’-UTR), open reading frames 1a and 1b (ORF1a and ORF1b) governing expression of the replicase/transcriptase complex, and the gene N encoding the nucleoprotein that is genome-associated. To maximize the probability of efficiency, we predicted the antisense oligonucleotides by using two design methods: i) conventional antisense oligonucleotides with 100% phosphorothioate modifications (ASO); ii) antisense locked nucleic acids GapmeR. After binding the viral RNA target, the hetero-duplexes antisense oligonucleotide-RNA are cleaved by RNAse H1. Nine potent ASO candidates were found and we selected five of them targeting ORF1a (3), ORF1b (1) and N (1). Nine GapmeR candidates were predicted with excellent properties and we retained four of them targeting 5’-UTR (1), ORF1a (3), ORF1b (1) and N (1). The most potent GapmeR candidate targets the 5’-UTR, a key genomic domain with multiple functions in the viral cycle. By this open publication, we are pleased to share these in silico results with the scientific community in hopes of stimulating innovation in translational research in order to fight the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. These antisense oligonucleotide candidates should be now experimentally evaluated