11 research outputs found

    R&D cooperation versus R&D subcontracting: empirical evidence from French survey data.

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    This paper uses a survey of French firms active in R&D to identify the determinants of R&D outsourcing and of the ensuing trade-off between R&D subcontracting and R&D cooperation. Internal R&D expenditures increase both the probability of outsourcing and the number of R&D partners. Investment in fundamental R&D, group belonging, and the sector’s high R&D intensity positively influences the probability of R&D outsourcing but have less impact on the number of partners. R&D subcontracting is more likely than R&D cooperation when the relationship deals with generic, standardized R&D processes, as reflected in the influence of several qualitative proxies.R&D cooperation, R&D subcontracting, organizational choices.

    Protection endogÚne des biens intermédiaires en agence commune

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    Endogenous protection of intermediate goods in a common agency framework Using influence-driven approach developedby Grossman and Helpman [1994], we show that the level and the structure of protection rates that emerge in the political equilibrium depend on the nature of the contribution schedules made by lobbies. Whereas in some cases tariff escalation occurs due to consumer goods counter-lobbying, intermediate goods may however be better protected than consumer goods in the political equilibrium.ï»żProtection endogĂšne des biens intermĂ©diaires en agence commune À partir du modĂšle de contributions politiques dĂ©veloppĂ© par Grossman et Helpman [1994], nous montrons que le pouvoir politique des diffĂ©rents agents de l'Ă©conomie ainsi que le niveau et la structure des taux de protection Ă  l'Ă©quilibre diffĂšrent suivant la nature des barĂšmes de contributions des groupes de pression. Si, dans certains cas, l'existence d'un contre-lobbying actif des secteurs aval permet de retrouver le phĂ©nomĂšne de progressivitĂ© des tarifs, il est cependant possible qu'Ă  l'Ă©quilibre les biens intermĂ©diaires soient mieux protĂ©gĂ©s que les biens finals.Dhont-Peltrault Estelle. Protection endogĂšne des biens intermĂ©diaires en agence commune. In: Revue Ă©conomique, volume 53, n°3, 2002. pp. 459-468

    L’indemnisation du chĂŽmage en France au regard des pratiques europĂ©ennes

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    Unemployment Benefits in France Compared with European Practices. Cross-country comparisons of public financial support schemes for jobseekers require examining and evaluating many parameters related to unemployment insurance (such as eligibility criteria and benefit level and duration) as well as to benefit and tax rules. Comparative analysis of jobseekers’ net replacement rates shows that, on average, France is in line with European practices. However, France stands out for its very high maximum benefit level, the preponderant share of benefits in the net income of unemployed people and the low attention paid to their family situation. Unemployment benefit conditions also seem fairly lenient in France, with easier access to benefits and for a relatively long duration.La comparaison internationale des dispositifs publics de soutien financier en direction des demandeurs d’emploi repose sur la prise en compte de nombreux paramĂštres relatifs aux conditions d’indemnisation par l’assurance-chĂŽmage (accĂšs, montant, durĂ©e, etc.) mais Ă©galement aux caractĂ©ristiques du systĂšme de protection sociale et d’imposition. Dans le paysage europĂ©en, la France se caractĂ©rise par un taux de remplacement net des demandeurs d’emploi modĂ©rĂ© en moyenne, mais Ă©levĂ© pour de hauts niveaux de salaire antĂ©rieurs, avec une part prĂ©pondĂ©rante des allocations chĂŽmage et une faible prise en compte de la situation familiale des demandeurs d’emploi. Les conditions d’indemnisation du chĂŽmage apparaissent Ă©galement relativement accommodantes en France avec notamment une facilitĂ© d’accĂšs Ă  l’assurance chĂŽmage pour une durĂ©e relativement Ă©levĂ©e.Dhont-Peltrault Estelle. L’indemnisation du chĂŽmage en France au regard des pratiques europĂ©ennes. In: Économie & prĂ©vision, n°210, 2017. pp. 139-146

    Protection endogÚne des biens intermédiaires en agence commune

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    Using influence-driven approach developed by Grossman and Helpman [1994], we show that the level and the structure of protection rates that emerge in the political equilibrium depend on the nature of the contribution schedules made by lobbies. Whereas in some cases tariff escalation occurs due to consumer goods counter-lobbying, intermediate goods may however be better protected than consumer goods in the political equilibrium. Classification JEL : F13, D72

    Protection endogÚne des biens intermédiaires en agence commune

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    [fre] Protection endogĂšne des biens intermĂ©diaires en agence commune. . À partir du modĂšle de contributions politiques dĂ©veloppĂ© par Grossman et Helpman [1994], nous montrons que le pouvoir politique des diffĂ©rents agents de l'Ă©conomie ainsi que le niveau et la structure des taux de protection Ă  l'Ă©quilibre diffĂšrent suivant la nature des barĂšmes de contributions des groupes de pression. Si, dans certains cas, l'existence d'un contre-lobbying actif des secteurs aval permet de retrouver le phĂ©nomĂšne de progressivitĂ© des tarifs, il est cependant possible qu'Ă  l'Ă©quilibre les biens intermĂ©diaires soient mieux protĂ©gĂ©s que les biens finals. [eng] Endogenous protection of intermediate goods in a common agency framework. . Using influence-driven approach developedby Grossman and Helpman [1994], we show that the level and the structure of protection rates that emerge in the political equilibrium depend on the nature of the contribution schedules made by lobbies. Whereas in some cases tariff escalation occurs due to consumer goods counter-lobbying, intermediate goods may however be better protected than consumer goods in the political equilibrium.

    An Assessment of the Distributional Impact of Agricultural Trade Policies in the Triad

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    This paper estimates the distributional impact of agricultural trade policies in the Triad using the new concept of effective protection developed by Anderson (1998). The level of protection received by an industry is measured by the uniform tariff, which is equivalent in terms of sector specific rents to the actual differentiated tariff structure. It thus reflects the ability of specific factors owners to preserve their incomes at the expense of general welfare. In order to evaluate the cost of agricultural trade policies we construct an original computable general equilibrium framework, which incorporates three sources of price distortions: ad-valorem tariffs (which include ad-valorem equivalents of specific tariffs and tariff quotas), export and production subsidies or taxes. Our estimations allow us to evaluate international differences in levels of trade liberalization in agricultural sectors and to bring out some properties of the effective protection rates developed by Anderson. On the first point, we show that the cost of agricultural trade policies in the Triad is far from being trivial. This cost, measured in terms of the sacrifice bear by the community to protect sectoral rents is particularly high in Japan and in the European Union in the cereal sector. On the second point, we stress the discrepancy between the new concept of effective protection and the usual one defined as the percentage change in value added per unit induced by the tariff structure

    How is Trade Protectionism to be Measured?

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    trade policy;trade negociations;protection;International Trade;Market access;Doha;Tariffs;NTB