227 research outputs found

    An assessment of the implications of law, policy and institutional arrangements for community participation in transfrontier conservation in southern Africa.

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    Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.Proponents and advocates of transfrontier conservation in southern Africa have postulated rural communities living adjacent to conservation areas as one of the main determinants of the success of such initiatives and thus they should be potential beneficiaries along with the state and the private sector. This assertion is reflected in the various memoranda of understanding (MOU), treaties, policies and agreements establishing transfrontier conservation initiatives. For community participation to be effective, the laws, policies and institutions establishing transfrontier conservation in southern Africa must lead to the empowerment of these rural communities who commonly subsist on local natural resources and perceive them as opportunities to earn a living. I derive a principle and set of criteria and indicators that are used to analyse the legal, policy and institutional framework and its implications for community participation and empowerment in transfrontier conservation in southern Africa. The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park provides a case study. I argue that while provisions for community participation are made in the laws, policies and institutions under which transfrontier conservation is being initiated and implemented in the region, they are not sufficiently prescriptive about empowering communities to secure commitment from conservation agencies to enable communities to effectively participate in transfrontier conservation. It is suggested that as presently defined, the laws, policies and institutions may lead to community disempowerment from transfrontier conservation, as they allow too much scope for interpretations that weaken options for censure where agencies are not demonstrating commitment to community participation and empowerment in conservation

    Export experience and key success factors in crossborder trade : evidence from Southern Africa

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    Abstract: Orientation: Cross-border trade (CBT) is an important economic activity that contributes to the development of many economies of the developing world. Research purpose: The two primary aims of the study were to find out the major factors needed to succeed in cross-border trading and whether the importance of these factors significantly decreased with export experience. Motivation for the study: The economic contribution of cross-border trade (CBT) is often understated. As a result, it does not get the attention it deserves. Research design, approach and method: Data were collected in Gauteng from 146 crossborder traders from 10 Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries. A crosssectional research design was used. Main findings: The major key success factors were found to be skills/knowledge in; markets and supplies; financial management; and border issues. The importance of these factors was found to not significantly change with levels of export experience. Practical/managerial implications: Stakeholders should know that small firms of differing export experience require the same interventions to succeed. Interventions should empower traders to better access markets and supplies, improve their financial management skills and ease border constraints. Contribution/value-add: Few studies on cross border trading have been carried out in the Southern African Development Community region. The key success factors and the constraints in this type of trade had not been adequately explored. The economic contribution of CBT, which usually goes unnoticed, was highlighted. Interventions to appropriately address the challenges faced, such as trading legitimacy and border harassment, were suggested

    The influence of cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and personality on job performance: proposing a model for personnel selection

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    Text in English with abstracts in English, TshiVenda and AfrikaansThis research sought to propose a personnel selection model encompassing the influence of cognitive intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, trait emotional intelligence, and personality on job performance. Using a quantitative cross-sectional research design, the researcher investigated the interrelationships between the variables relevant to the study using a convenience sample of N = 299 that consisted of Zimbabwean supervisory and professionally qualified and experienced specialists of different ages and genders, and from different job tenures, and job types. To get a true picture of the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables, the interaction (moderating) effects between the sociodemographic variables (age, gender, job tenure, and job type) and the predictor variables (cognitive intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, trait emotional intelligence, and personality) in predicting the criterion of job performance were also examined. The researcher used correlational and inferential multivariate statistical analysis (structural equation modelling, regression analyses, and tests for significant mean differences) to test the research hypotheses. The results from the study indicated that cognitive intelligence was the best predictor of job performance, followed by ability emotional intelligence, and then by personality. Trait emotional intelligence could not account for any variance in job performance. The results showed significant interaction effects between personality and job tenure (judging-perceiving personality types) and job types (extraversion-introversion personality types) in predicting job performance. Significant sociodemographic mean differences in the levels of the predictor variables were also identified. The identified predictive powers of the variables, the interaction effects between the identified sociodemographic and the predictor variables in predicting job performance, and the significant sociodemographic mean differences in the levels of predictor variables need to be considered for personnel selection practices in order to understand the nature of variables that may enhance or inhibit job performance. From a theoretical perspective, the research advanced personnel selection theory by empirically and scientifically identifying the core elements of personnel selection, and proposing a personnel selection model for use by industrial psychologists and organisations.Ṱhoḓisiso heyi i ṱoḓa u dzinginya tshiedza tsha maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi ane a katela ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana, na vhuḓifari kha kushumele mushumoni. Hu tshi khou shumiswa maitele a ṱhoḓisiso a nḓila yo dzudzanaho ya u kuvhanganya na u saukanya data u bva kha zwiko zwo fhambanaho, u guda zwine zwa khou itea kha tshigwada nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, muṱoḓisisi o ṱoḓisisa vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu zwine zwa fhambana zwo teaho kha ngudo, hu tshi khou shumiswa sambula ya vhathu vhane zwa leluwa u vha swikelela N = 299, i katelaho vhaṱoli na vhathu vha re na ndalukano dza mushumo na vhomakone vha re na tshenzhelo vha vhukale ho fhambanaho, mbeu, tshifhinga tshe vha shuma na tshaka dza mushumo kha vhathu vha Zimbabwe. U wana tshifanyiso tsha vhukuma tsha vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa na zwithu zwo ḓisendekaho nga zwiṅwe, ṱhuṱhuwedzo ine ya itea khathihi vhukati ha zwithu zwivhili hune u ṱangana hazwo zwa vha na ndeme khulwane u fhirisa zwipiḓa vhukati ha zwiṱaluli zwa vhathu (vhukale, mbeu, tshifhinga tshe vhashuma, lushaka lwa mushumo) na zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa (vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa ,vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana, na vhuḓifari) kha u humbulela nḓila dza kushumele mushumoni na dzone dzo ṱoḓuluswa. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa khoriḽeshinala na siṱatisiṱiki tsha iniferinshiaḽa maḽithivareithi musi a tshi khou saukanya (tshiedza tsha siṱatisisṱika, maitele a siṱatisiṱika a u humbulela vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu, na u linga ndeme ya phambano ya siṱatisiṱika) u linga u vhonela phanḓa kha khonadzeo ya ṱhoḓisiso. Mvelelo u bva kha ngudo dzo sumbedzisa uri vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza ho vha tshishumiswa tsha kushumele, ha tevhelwa nga vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa, ha fhedzisela nga vhuḓifari. Vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana a vhu khwaṱhisedzi phambano kha kushumele mushumoni. Mvelelo dzo sumbedzisa tshanduko ine ya vha hone kha tshithu tshithihi i ḓitika nda ndeme ya tshiṅwe tshithu vhukati ha vhuḓifari na tshifhinga tshe vha shuma (mihumbulo ine ra vha nayo ri tshi sedza zwithu na nḓila ine ra tshilisa ngayo ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiiṅwe) na tshaka dza mushumo (na tshaka dza vhuḓifari dzo sedzaho nga nnḓa na nga ngomu) kha u humbulela kushumele. Ndeme ya phambano vhukati ha zwigwada zwivhili zwa matshilisano na vhathu kha zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa na zwone zwo dovha zwa topolwa. Zwithu zwo topolwaho zwine zwa khou lavhelelwa, zwithu zwivhili zwo ḓiimisaho nga zwoṱhe zwi tshi ṱangana arali ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya tshithu tshithihi i tshi fhambana yo ḓitika nga vhuimo ha zwiṅwe zwithu vhukati ha zwithu zwa matshilisano na vhathu na zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa, ṱhoḓea dzine dza tea u dzhielwa nṱha kha maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi u itela u pfesesa lushaka lwa zwithu zwine zwa nga engedza kana u thivhela kushumele. U bva kha mihumbulo ine ya khou ṱoḓisiswa, ṱhoḓisiso yo ṱuṱuwedza thyeori ya maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi nga u sedza na u topola zwithu zwa ndeme zwa maitele na milayo ya sainthifiki, na u dzinginya tshiedza tsha u thola vhashumi u itela u shumiswa nga vhaḓivhi vha muhumbulo vhane vha shuma na kutshilele na kushumele kha zwiimiswa.Hierdie navorsing het gepoog om ʼn model vir personeelkeuring te ontwikkel op grond van die invloed van kognitiewe intelligensie, vermoë- emosionele intelligensie; eienskap- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid op werkprestasie. Die navorser het ʼn kwantitatiewe dwarssnitnavorsingsontwerp gebruik, en die onderlinge verbande tussen die toepaslike veranderlikes ondersoek. Die geriefsteekproef van N = 299 het bestaan uit Zimbabwiese toesighoudende, opgeleide en ervare spesialiste van verskillende ouderdomme en uit beide geslagte wat verskillende dienstydperke agter die rug het, en uiteenlopende poste beklee. Om ʼn getroue beeld van die verbande tussen die voorspeller- en kriteriumveranderlikes te kry, is die interaksie- (modererende) effekte tussen die sosiaal-demografiese veranderlikes (ouderdom, geslag, dienstydperk en soort werk) en die voorspellerveranderlikes (kognitiewe intelligensie, vermoë- emosionele intelligensie; eienskap- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid) in die voorspelling van die kriterium van werkprestasie ook ondersoek. Die navorser het ʼn korrelasie- en afgeleide, meerwisselende statistiese ontleding (strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, regressieontledings en toetse vir betekenisvolle gemiddeldeverskille) gedoen om die navorsingshipotese te toets. Die uitslag van die studie toon dat kognitiewe intelligensie die beste voorspeller van werkprestasie is, gevolg deur vermoë- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid. Eienskap- emosionele intelligensie kon geen rekenskap van enige veranderlike in werkprestasie gee nie. Volgens die resultate is daar betekenisvolle interaksie-effekte tussen persoonlikheid en dienstydperk (keurder-waarnemer persoonlikheidstipes) en die soort werk (ekstroversie-introversiepersoonlikheidstipes) in die voorspelling van werkprestasie. Betekenisvolle sosiaal-demografiese gemiddeldeverskille in die vlakke van die voorspellerveranderlikes is ook aangedui. Die voorspellende kragte van die veranderlikes, die interaksie-effekte tussen die sosiaal-demografiese en die voorspellerveranderlikes in die voorspelling van werkprestasie sowel as die beduidende sosiaal-demografiese gemiddeldeverskille in die vlak van voorspellerveranderlikes moet vir personeelkeuringspraktyke in ag geneem word om die aard van veranderlikes wat werkprestasie kan verhoog of inhibeer, te verstaan. Uit ʼn teoretiese oogpunt het die navorsing die persoonkeuringsteorie gevolg deur die kernelemente van personeelkeuring op ʼn empiriese en wetenskaplike wyse aan te toon, en ʼn personeelkeuringsmodel vir bedryfsielkundiges en organisasies aan te bied.Industrial and Organisational PsychologyD. Phil. (Consulting Psychology

    Defining Public Sector Entrepreneurship: A conceptual operational construct

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    Abstract: Public sector entrepreneurship (PSE) is a relatively new area of enquiry. Though it is now universally agreed that the public sector can be entrepreneurial just like its private sector counterpart, it is not clear what makes up the PSE construct. The study proposes three dimensions of what makes up PSE. The three are, economic facilitation and regulation, the civil-political service agent and commercial market participation. The dimensions are based on the different roles the state plays in trying to optimally provide public value to its citizens. This study offers a conceptual definition that could more broadly represent PSE. As with any new concept, this conceptual framework still has to be tested for efficacy and be validated through future research

    SADCC's updated food security strategy

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    A research paper on the SADCC countries' strategy to avert food insecurity in the region.Food insecurity exists when there is not enough food for the people who need it. This situation can arise either because of problems in producing adequate food, distributing the food to the people who need it or because people cannot afford to buy the food that is available. Food Security of the region therefore can only be achieved when all the SADCC Member states ensure that all members of their population have access to an adequate diet to lead an active and normal life throughout the year. Two essential and integral components of Food Security are food availability (through expanded production, stocks, commercial or other food trade, or through expanded aid) and the ability of all people to acquire that food once made available

    Genetic mapping and analysis of traits related to improvement of popcorn

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    Popcorn and dent maize are distinct gene pools and are maintained and utilized as such in maize breeding programs. Popcorn is inferior to dent maize in traits related to crop productivity. Dent maize is a potential source of favorable alleles to improve the productivity of popcorn, but its utility is hindered by dent alleles with negative effects on popping expansion volume (PEV). If the genetic architecture of popping expansion and other important traits is known in dent x popcorn populations, the negative effects of dent germplasm on PEV may be minimized by marker-assisted selection. Use of DNA markers in breeding programs requires that quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with target traits be identified. QTL for PEV, kernel weight (KW), growing degree units to anthesis (GDU), and plant height were mapped in F2 plants and their F2:3 families in a dent (B104) x popcorn (BP3) population. Seven QTL associated with 82% of the phenotypic variance were detected for PEV on chromosomes 1 (bins 1.05 and 1.07), 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9. The BP3 allele increased PEV at all QTL except on chromosome 8 where the B104 allele increased PEV. QTL for KW were detected on chromosomes 1 (bins 1.03 and 1.05), 6, 7, 8, and 9. The B104 allele increased KW at all QTL. GDU QTL were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. For plant height, QTL were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 8, and 9. QTL for GDU and plant height were in regions where QTL affecting flowering time and plant height were detected in previous studies conducted in dent and flint maize populations. In addition, GDU and plant height QTL were also in regions where genes and other genetic factors affecting both traits have been mapped in maize

    Reconceptualising ICT Policy Implementation in Secondary School Education in Zimbabwe: A Theoretical Criticism

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    Most countries in the Global South struggle to meaningfully integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) for pedagogy in education. While there are policies in place and in some cases, ICT tools, implementation remains challenging. This theoretical paper joins the ongoing narrative and debate on the state of ICTs in the Zimbabwe secondary school education context. It suggests a novel innovation that makes the teacher the critical element in policy implementation. By combining key elements of the social cognitive theory (SCT) and those of the Spillane, Raiser, and Reimer model of the integrative cognitive framework of policy implementation (ICF), this paper advocates a reconceptualization of policy implementation to address meaningful ICT integration in resource-strapped pedagogical environments of the Global South. We argue for the adoption of available resources in mitigating the dearth of technology integration in education for poor economies. We conclude by proposing a model for the adoption of the smart phone as an ICT tool for teaching and learning for secondary school classrooms

    Problem solving in chemical engineering : a study of the solution of mass balance problems by second year students

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    Bibliography: leaves 106-11

    The interactive effect of depressant type and dosage with frother dosage in the flotation of a PGE ore

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    The valuable components of the platinum group element (PGE) bearing ores of the Bushveld complex in South Africa constitute between 1 % and as little as 0.1 % of the total mass. In the processing of these ores by flotation, the naturally hydrophobic talc minerals cause over stable froths. The drainage of liquid and entrained particles is reduced thus the recovery of other gangue minerals by entrainment increases and grade decreases. In the rougher float depressants are added to produce a manageable froth and improve the grade by reducing the overall amount of the naturally floating gangue in the concentrates. Depending on dosage, depressants may also affect the recovery of the valuable minerals in the ore positively by slime cleaning or negatively by depression. Depression of stabilising gangue minerals such as talc decreases the froth stability and may also affect the recovery of valuables. Frothers are added to flotation systems to create stable froths. They increase the water layer around bubbles and the carrying capacity of the froth and thus recovery by entrainment. The drainage of entrained particles from the froth may be further increased by increasing the froth depth. This study investigated the interactive effects of depressant dosage and type, frother dosage and froth depth on the recovery and grade of copper and nickel sulphides, recovery of water, floatable and entrained gangue in the flotation of a Merensky ore. Since it is known that water recovery is closely related to froth stability it was used to infer froth stability in this study. Two types of depressants carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and guar gums which are usually used in the flotation of PGE bearing ores were used. The frother was Dow 250. Results showed that increasing either guar or CMC dosages from 50 to 100 g/t enhanced the recovery of copper and nickel sulphides. This was attributed to the slime cleaning action of the depressants and their stabilising effects. A further increase of dosage to 300 g/t decreased the recovery of copper and nickel indicating that depression of sulphides occurs at high depressant dosages. Both the use of guar and CMC depressants reduced the recovery of floatable gangue with increasing dosage as expected. The guar depressant showed greater depression ability at 50 g/t dosage than the CMC depressant while the CMC was more effective at 100 and 300 g/t dosage. Reduction of water recovery by the CMC depressant was greater than that of the guar depressant indicating that the CMC depressant had greater destabilising effects on the froth. It is known that the CMC depressant has a strong negative charge while the guar depressant is only slightly charged. The guar depressant may have caused aggregation of particles which has less destabilising effects than the dispersed particles in the presence of the CMC depressant. The froth recoveries showed that the effects of depressant and frother dosages counteract each other and that the decrease in the recovery of copper and nickel sulphides obtained at higher depressant dosages can be reversed by increasing frother dosage. However although increased frother dosage readily reverses the depressant effects, an increase of water and recovery by entrainment reduces the grade. The effect of depressant dosage increase on the water and froth stability is small in comparison to the effect of increased frother dosage. Thus for the levels tested the benefit of improved grade obtained by depressant addition would be lost. The increase of froth depth to reduce entrainment resulted in a reduction of the recoveries of the valuable minerals but with the desired increase in grade. Smaller increments of frother dosage are required to produce effective reversal of depressant effects on the recovery of valuable minerals to achieve a good overall flotation performance
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