129 research outputs found

    Effect of hot and cooled carbohydrate diet on glycemic response in healthy individuals: a cross over study

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    Background: Cooling of starch after cooking is known to cause starch retrogradation which increases resistant starch content. Resistant starch cannot be digested in the gut and acts as dietary fiber. The study aimsed to determine the effect of cooling of carbohydrate rich diet on glycemic response on healthy adults.Methods: The present study was a randomized, single blind, crossover study where 20 healthy subjects were selected. Two rice preparations were used, one freshly prepared hot, second, cooked and cooled at 4°C for 12 hours. All subjects were evaluated after giving both rice preparations separately with a crossover period of 7 days.  Glycemic response was checked over a period of 2 hours at various time intervals using ACCU-CHEK® Active glucometer.Results: Glycemic response with cooled white rice was better in comparison to freshly prepared hot white rice at all time points (mean±SD, 121.9±17.4 vs 128.0± 22.1 mg/dl). However, the difference in means at 30 mins was maximum and statistically significant (p<0.001).Conclusions: Cooled white rice yields better glycemic response when consumed by healthy individuals possibly due to formation of resistant starch

    Effect of Allium Sativum on the Alcohol Induced Neuropathic Pain in Wistar Rats

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    Neuropathic pain is a severe pain condition associated with pathological changes which have deleterious effects like dysfunction of the brain. Alcohol abuse is known to be the most common reason at present for developing neuropathic pain. Alcohol-induced neuropathic pain can be assessed by ache studies such as hyperalgesia and allodynia which characterizes the response severity of induced pain. In the current research, we used the Allium Sativum (Garlic) bulb extract to study the effect on alcohol-administered rodents. The behavioral and biochemical studies have been done. It has been reported in the study, that Allium sativum has certain protective mechanisms such as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, free radical scavenger, and antioxidant effects which contribute to alcohol-induced neuropathic pain. Based on the results of the current investigation, it can be concluded that Allium sativum bulb extract, administered at doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg in 0.9 per cent saline, is helpful in reducing the symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy. Allium sativum may offer a protective effect in the revocation of alcoholic-induced neuropathic pain

    Spontaneous rupture of giant gastric stromal tumor into gastric lumen

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    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) constitute a large majority of mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which express the c-kit proto-oncogene protein, a cell membrane receptor with tyrosine kinase activity. GI stromal tumors of the stomach are usually associated with bleeding, abdominal pain or a palpable mass. CASE PRESENTATION: A 75-year-old male presented with upper abdominal pain and palpable mass. Computed tomographic (CT) scan of the abdomen showed a large mass arising in the posterior aspect of fundus, body, and greater curvature of the stomach. Second day after the admission, there was significant reduction in the size of the tumor, clinically as well as radiologically. Endoscopic biopsy showed large bulge in fundus and corpus of the stomach posteriorly with an opening in the posterior part of the corpus, and biopsy from the edge of the opening reveled GIST. Patient underwent curative resection. CONCLUSION: Spontaneous ruptured of giant gastric stromal tumor is very rare presentation of stomach GIST. Thorough clinical examination and timely investigation can diagnose rare complication

    Application of IoT Framework for Prediction of Heart Disease using Machine Learning

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    Prognosis of illnesses is a difficult problem these days throughout the globe. Elder people of twenty years and over are taken into consideration to be laid low with this sickness now a days. For example, human beings having&nbsp; HbA1c level more than 6.5% are diagnosed as infected with diabetic diseases. This paper uses IoT to evaluate threat factors which have been similar to heart diseases which are not treated properly. Diagnosis, prevention of heart disease may be done by use of machine learning (ML). There has been an extensive disconnect among Machine Learning architects, health care researchers, patients and physicians in their technology. This paper intends to perform an in-intensity evaluation on Machine Learning to make us of new advance technologies. Latest advances within the development of IoT implanted devices and other medicine delivery gadgets, disease diagnostic methods and other medical research have considerably helped human beings diagnosed heart diseases. New soft computing models can be helpful for remedy of various heart diseases. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) employs several particularly creative thoughts to get their capsules to the client. Artificial Neural Community offers a first-rate chance to deal with heart diseases with advance IoT and cloud applications

    Latency Antigen α-Crystallin Based Vaccination Imparts a Robust Protection against TB by Modulating the Dynamics of Pulmonary Cytokines

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    BACKGROUND: Efficient control of tuberculosis (TB) requires development of strategies that can enhance efficacy of the existing vaccine Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG). To date only a few studies have explored the potential of latency-associated antigens to augment the immunogenicity of BCG. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We evaluated the protective efficacy of a heterologous prime boost approach based on recombinant BCG and DNA vaccines targeting α-crystallin, a prominent latency antigen. We show that "rBCG prime-DNA boost" strategy (R/D) confers a markedly superior protection along with reduced pathology in comparison to BCG vaccination in guinea pigs (565 fold and 45 fold reduced CFU in lungs and spleen, respectively, in comparison to BCG vaccination). In addition, R/D regimen also confers enhanced protection in mice. Our results in guinea pig model show a distinct association of enhanced protection with an increased level of interleukin (IL)12 and a simultaneous increase in immuno-regulatory cytokines such as transforming growth factor (TGF)β and IL10 in lungs. The T cell effector functions, which could not be measured in guinea pigs due to technical limitations, were characterized in mice by multi-parameter flow cytometry. We show that R/D regimen elicits a heightened multi-functional CD4 Th1 cell response leading to enhanced protection. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results clearly indicate the superiority of α-crystallin based R/D regimen over BCG. Our observations from guinea pig studies indicate a crucial role of IL12, IL10 and TGFβ in vaccine-induced protection. Further, characterization of T cell responses in mice demonstrates that protection against TB is predictable by the frequency of CD4 T cells simultaneously producing interferon (IFN)γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α and IL2. We anticipate that this study will not only contribute toward the development of a superior alternative to BCG, but will also stimulate designing of TB vaccines based on latency antigens

    Mechanistic Insights into a Novel Exporter-Importer System of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Unravel Its Role in Trafficking of Iron

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    Elucidation of the basic mechanistic and biochemical principles underlying siderophore mediated iron uptake in mycobacteria is crucial for targeting this principal survival strategy vis-à-vis virulence determinants of the pathogen. Although, an understanding of siderophore biosynthesis is known, the mechanism of their secretion and uptake still remains elusive.Here, we demonstrate an interplay among three iron regulated Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) proteins, namely, Rv1348 (IrtA), Rv1349 (IrtB) and Rv2895c in export and import of M.tb siderophores across the membrane and the consequent iron uptake. IrtA, interestingly, has a fused N-terminal substrate binding domain (SBD), representing an atypical subset of ABC transporters, unlike IrtB that harbors only the permease and ATPase domain. SBD selectively binds to non-ferrated siderophores whereas Rv2895c exhibits relatively higher affinity towards ferrated siderophores. An interaction between the permease domain of IrtB and Rv2895c is evident from GST pull-down assay. In vitro liposome reconstitution experiments further demonstrate that IrtA is indeed a siderophore exporter and the two-component IrtB-Rv2895c system is an importer of ferrated siderophores. Knockout of msmeg_6554, the irtA homologue in Mycobacterium smegmatis, resulted in an impaired M.tb siderophore export that is restored upon complementation with M.tb irtA.Our data suggest the interplay of three proteins, namely IrtA, IrtB and Rv2895c in synergizing the balance of siderophores and thus iron inside the mycobacterial cell
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