237 research outputs found

    Portrayal Of Desperation Reflected In Jojo Moyes’ Me Before You Novel (2012): An Existentialist Study

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    This study discusses the issue about portrayal of desperation reflected in Jojo Moyes’ Me Before You novel (2012) which is analyzed by using Existentialism study. The objectives of this study are to describe the characteristic of desperation through Existentialism, to identify the indicators of desperation, and to reveal why desperation can be the basic issue of Me Before You novel. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The primary data source is Me Before You novel (2012) by Jojo Moyes, while the secondary data source are taken from books, websites, articles, dictionaries, and others that match with this study. The result of this study as follows: Firstly, the characteristics of desperation can be found through five principle of Existentialism theory; Secondly, there are five indicators of desperation which are losing interest in daily activities, being self-defeating, becoming more emotional, losing self-identity, and lacking productivity; and the last, desperation can be the inspiration of the novel based on Jojo Moyes’ family members real life and a story that she heard from radio

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Penghubung Antar Bahasa

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    In this paper, we describe the formatting guidelines for ACM SIG Proceedings. Communication is a process or a way to deliver a message from one person to another to achieve a certain goal. But often communications between individuals or groups are limited by differences of languages. Languages differences make it hard for people to convey an urge, convey intentions and goals. Until now, the world's progress on technology has not given the way to bridge this issue as its main goal.With the development of scientific study of technology that explore languages and communication, it is possible that differences in languages will not become an obstacle for people to communicate with one another. To solve this problem, an application is made to act as a translator between 2 person's conversations. This application uses Android Studio and Java as its language.After the system testing is done, it could be concluded that the application is an effective tool to help user to get better understanding despite the language differences

    Socialization of the Independent Learning Curriculum for PJOK Teachers

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    The Joint Decree of the Four Ministers on Guidelines for The Implementation of Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic requires that each education unit can carry out Limited Face-to-Face Learning (PTMT). However, recently the government has given each school the opportunity to determine the curriculum to be used by it, including the 2013 curriculum, emergency curriculum or independent curriculum. Especially in the independent curriculum, each school can implement it gradually according to their respective abilities. Therefore, each education unit must strive to be able to implement this independent curriculum, although still gradually. Based on these problems, as academics in the field of education, it is necessary to provide knowledge related to this independent learning curriculum, especially in PJOK subjects through the Community Service scheme. Therefore, the target of this socialization is PJOK teachers. The implementation method in this activity is delivery using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer, as well as task guidance in making PJOK learning strategies using an independent curriculum. The results of this activity are expected that PJOK teachers will be able to implement learning activities using an independent curriculum at every level of education or in their sect

    Optimalisasi Throughput Menggunakan Link Aggregation Berbasis Open Source (Studi Kasus: PT Selaras Eka Citra Pariwara)

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    PT Selaras Pariwara Ekacitra merupakan Perusahaan dibidang advertising yang membutuhkan tingkat bandwidth yang besar karena tingkat transfer data yang sangat besar dari satu komputer ke komputer yang lain, terutama akses beberapa client ke server. Pada jaringan tersebut tingkat bottleneck terkecil yang terjadi adalah 74,6% dan tingkat bottleneck terbesar adalah 77,7%. Sedangkan rata-rata tingkat bottleneck yang terjadi adalah 75,58%. Link aggregation atau trunking port atau Ethernet bonding merupakan penggabungan beberapa port jaringan menjadi satu sehingga bisa mendapatkan bandwidth yang lebih besar dari beberapa interface. Pengujian endurance pada jaringan komputer dilakukan dengan melakukan transfer data dengan kecepatan maksimal dengan menggunakan File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Pengujian dilakukan pada server yang telah dipasang tools Filezilla server dan pada client yang telah dipasang filezilla client. Dan hasil setelah menggunakan metode link aggregation, kecepatan data transfer rate mengalami kenaikan rata – rata sebesar 66%

    Analisis Perbandingan Harga, Volume, dan Frekuensi Perdagangan Saham Sebelum dan Sesudah Stock Split (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di BEI 2007-2011)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris perbedaan harga saham, volume perdagangan saham, dan frekuensi perdagangan saham sebelum dan sesudah stock split. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2007-2011, dengan jumlah pengamatan sebanyak 36 sampel yang diperoleh dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan harga saham dan volume perdagangan saham sebelum dan sesudah stock split yang signifikan. Terdapat penurunan rata-rata harga saham dari 7.573 menjadi 1.432 dan peningkatan rata-rata volume perdagangan saham dari 9.106.462 lembar saham menjadi 20.983.526 lembar saham. Sementara hasil dalam penelitian ini tidak berhasil menunjukkan adanya perbedaan frekuensi perdagangan saham sebelum dan sesudah stock split. Rata-rata frekuensi perdagangan saham sebelum stock split adalah 546 kali menjadi 746 kali sesudah stock split

    Pembelian Terselubung (Undercover Buy) sebagai Strategi Pengungkapan Kejahatan Narkoba (Studi Yuridis-empiris di Kota Pontianak)

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    This thesis addresses the issue of purchase covert (undercover buy) as a strategy for drug-related crimes disclosure (juridical-empirical studies in Pontianak) .This method used in this study is a research method using Normative-Sociological approach. Undercover buy as stipulated in Law No. 22 of 1997 concerning narcotic replaced by Law No 35 of 2009 as a provision of investigator competence in combating narcotic dealing. This is due the nature of narcotic crime which is an organized, undisclosed, done with complex modus operandi and high level of technology resulting difficulties to gather evidence. On the contrary of other crimes, undercover buy didn\u27t violate Human Rights, if done under the law. However it will differ if done discordantly based on the law. This is caused by the involvement of people to combating narcotic crime, thus their rights must be preserve.In consequence, to diminish the errors of undercover buy, investigator must know and acknowledge the procedures of undercover buy as stipulated in Law 35 of 2009

    Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Gangguan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman dan Defisiensi Hara Tanaman Hias Krisan

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    Pests and nutrient are important growth environment that influence the quality of chrisanthemum flowers. Physical damages and poor plant growth qualities reduce the quantity and quality of the flower product. The variety of pests and physiological disturbance of plants due to nutrient deficiency requires an accurate identification device. Such device is needed determine the main cause of abnormalitiessymptom in plant, so that it can be acurately and rapidly managed. Expert systems that provide knowledge-based interactive information for pest identification and nutrient deficiency are alternative tools that can diagnose such physical symptoms. The result of evaluation showed that the system gives certain level potential acuracy.. Element that need attention to improve the exepert system is the completeness of visual test materials, i.e.,plant image that represent the pest attacks and nutritional deficiencies symptoms

    Pengukuran Kinerja Konsultan Manajemen Konstruksi Pada Tahap Implementasi Proyek Konstruksi

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    Industri konstruksi merupakan industri yang memiliki tingkat kompleksitas yang sangat tinggi. Tercermin dari banyaknya tahapan dalam suatu siklus hidup proyek atau Life Cycle Project. Dari semua tahapan tersebut, tahapan implementasi (construction) merupakan tahap yang perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius, karena pada tahap ini harus tercapai tepat waktu, tepat biaya, dan tepat mutu atau yang sering disebut sebagai triangle project constraint. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem manajemen proyek yang baik seperti ditawarkan oleh Konsultan Manajemen Konstruksi (KMK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan membuat instrument pengukuran kinerja KMK pada tahap implementasi. 5 indikator kinerja yang dikembangkan menjadi 22 variabel digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja KMK pada proyek pemerintah dan pada proyek swasta. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dengan tiga metode yaitu metode analisis kesenjangan (GAP), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Dari hasil analisis dan perhitungan pengukuran kinerja KMK yang diukur dengan metode analisis GAP dan IPA secara garis besar menunjukan bahwa kinerja KMK pada proyek swasta memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan kinerja pada proyek pemerintah, didapatkan pula nilai CSI untuk kinerja KMK pada proyek pemerintah sebesar 52,51% (cukup puas) dan CSI untuk kinerja KMK pada proyek swasta 85,88% (sangat puas)
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