15 research outputs found

    Kinetic and isotherm modeling for acid blue 113 dye adsorption onto low-cost nutraceutical industrial fenugreek seed spent

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    The present study reports about the use of fenugreek seed spent as a new and efficient biosorbent for the removal of acid blue 113 dye from aqueous media and textile industrial effluent. The spent is a low-cost by-product of nutraceutical industry. The effects of various process parameters of adsorption, such as pH, initial dye concentration, adsorbent dose, adsorbent particle size, contact time and temperature onto nutraceutical industrial fenugreek seed spent (NIFGS) have been studied. Four numbers of two-parameter and six numbers of three-parameter isotherm models were used in the analysis of adsorption equilibrium data. Kinetic studies data conformed to pseudo-second-order model. Molecular diffusion studies were carried out using Weber-Morris, Dumwald-Wagner and film diffusion models. Change in enthalpy (Delta H degrees), entropy change (Delta S degrees) and Gibbs free energy change (Delta G degrees) of adsorption system indicated that the process is physisorption. Scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and point of zero charge were used in characterizing the adsorbent. Fractional factorial experimental design and analysis of variance along with statistically developed model for adsorption helped to predict for a maximum adsorption of 661.5 mg g(-1) using NIFGS. Application of NIFGS to textile industrial effluent and scaling up of the experimental process by three orders gave encouraging results

    Kinematic alignment of current TKA implants does not restore the native trochlear anatomy

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    INTRODUCTION: Preserving constitutional patellofemoral anatomy, and thus producing physiological patellofemoral kinematics, could prevent patellofemoral complications and improve clinical outcomes after kinematically aligned TKA (KA TKA). Our study aims 1) to compare the native and prosthetic trochleae (planned or implanted), and 2) to estimate the safety of implanting a larger Persona® femoral component size matching the proximal lateral trochlea facet height (flange area) in order to reduce the native articular surfaces understuffing generated by the prosthetic KA trochlea. METHODS: Persona® femoral component 3D model was virtually kinematically aligned on 3D bone-cartilage models of healthy knees by using a conventional KA technique (group 1, 36 models, planned KA TKA) or an alternative KA technique (AT KA TKA) aiming to match the proximal (flange area) lateral facet height (10 models, planned AT KA TKA). Also, 13 postoperative bone-implant (KA Persona®) models were co-registered to the same coordinate geometry as their preoperative bone-cartilage models (group 2 - implanted KA TKA). In-house analysis software was used to compare native and prosthetic trochlea articular surfaces and medio-lateral implant overhangs for every group. RESULTS: The planned and performed prosthetic trochleae were similar and valgus oriented (6.1° and 8.5°, respectively), substantially proximally understuffed compared to the native trochlea. The AT KA TKAs shows a high rate of native trochlea surface overstuffing (70%, 90%, and 100% for lateral facet, groove, medial facet) and mediolateral implant overhang (60%). There was no overstuffing with conventional KA TKAs having their anterior femoral cut flush. CONCLUSION: We found that with both the planned and implanted femoral components, the KA Persona® trochlea was more valgus oriented and understuffed compared to the native trochlear anatomy. In addition, restoring the lateral trochlea facet height by increasing the femoral component size generated a high rate of trochlea overstuffing and mediolateral implant overhang. While restoring a native trochlea with KA TKA is not possible, the clinical impact of this is low, especially on PF complications. In current practice it is better to undersize the implants even if it does not restore the native anatomy. Longer follow-up is needed for KA TKAs performed with current implant, and the debate of developing new, more anatomic, implants specifically designed for KA technique is now opened. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II, Laboratory controlled study

    Assessment of patients’ satisfaction with the postanesthesia care unit service at University Hospital in Al Khobar, KSA

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: تنعكس جودة الرعاية الصحية بشكل فردي وذاتي من خلال مستوى رضا المرضى ، فضلا عن الأمثلية وفاعلية تدبير الألم بعد الجراحة المقدمة. أدى توفير خدمة وحدة رعاية ما بعد التخدير في المستشفيات إلى نتائج إيجابية عامة ، بالإضافة إلى تعزيز رضا المرضى عن خدمة تدبير الألم المقدمة. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم مستوى رضا المرضى عن هذه الخدمة في المستشفى الجامعي ومناقشة العوامل المختلفة التي قد تكون ساهمت في هذا المستوى من الرضا. طريقة البحث: تم إجراء دراسة مقطعية مستقبلية بين المرضى بعد خروجهم من وحدة رعاية ما بعد التخدير. أجريت الدراسة في مستشفى الملك فهد الجامعي في الخبر بالمملكة العربية السعودية بين نوفمبر 2021 وفبراير 2022. تم جمع البيانات باستخدام استبانة مكونه مسبقا من ثلاثة أقسام. النتائج: تم تضمين نتائج 200 مريض في هذه الدراسة. كان جميع المرضى تقريبا (95.5٪) راضين عن خدمة تدبير الألم المقدمة. أشار جميع المرضى تقريبا (99.5٪) إلى أن طاقم وحدة رعاية ما بعد التخدير كانوا مهذبين ومهنيين خلال خدمة تدبير الألم بأكملها. اشتكى المزيد من المرضى من الألم قبل استخدام المسكن وكان هذا الاختلاف ذا دلالة إحصائية. كان معدل الرضا أعلى بشكل ملحوظ بين الفئة العمرية الأكبر سنا (> 45 عاما) وللمرضى في التصنيف الثالث من تصنيف الحالة الجسدية للجمعية الأمريكية لأطباء التخدير ومن لديهم تاريخ جراحي سابق. الاستنتاجات: اختتمت الدراسة الحالية بمعدل رضا مرتفع بين المرضى تجاه خدمة وحدة رعاية ما بعد التخدير وأثبتت ارتباطا ذا دلالة إحصائية بالعمر ودرجة التصنيف في مقياس الحالة الجسدية للجمعية الأمريكية لأطباء التخدير والتاريخ الجراحي السابق. يجب على مقدمي الرعاية الصحية النظر في تثقيف المريض والتواصل الفعال لزيادة مستوى رضا المريض وتحسين الجودة الشاملة للرعاية. Abstract: Objectives: The quality of health care is individually and subjectively reflected through patients' level of satisfaction, as well as the optimality and effectiveness of the provided postoperative pain management. The provision of postanesthesia care unit (PACU) service in hospitals has led to overall positive outcomes, in addition to the enhancement of patients' satisfaction with the provided pain management service. This study assessed patients’ level of satisfaction with PACU service at a university hospital and discussed different factors that might have contributed to the level of satisfaction. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was carried out among patients after being discharged from PACU. The study took place at King Fahad Hospital of the University in Al Khobar, KSA between November 2021 and February 2022. The data were collected using a three-section predesigned questionnaire. Results: Two hundred patients were included in this study. Nearly all patients (95.5%) were satisfied with the provided pain management service. Almost all patients (99.5%) indicated that the PACU staff was courteous and professional during the entire pain management service. More patients complained about pain before using analgesia and this difference was statistically significant (Z = 8.642; p 45 years) (Z = 2.114; p = 0.035), in patients with American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) 3 physical status (H = 13.130; p = 0.001), and those with a previous surgical history (Z = 2.139; p = 0.032). Conclusion: This study concluded that the level of patients' satisfaction with PACU service was high, and established a statistically significant association with age, ASA score, and previous surgical history. Healthcare providers should consider patient education and effective communication to increase patients’ satisfaction level and improve the overall quality of care

    Desmoplastic Fibroma of the Mandible: A Series of Three Cases and Review of Literature

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    The desmoplastic fibroma (DF) is a rare, fibroblastic lesion of bone that histologically resembles the desmoid tumor of soft tissue. Although classified as benign, it frequently demonstrates aggressive behavior, often causing tooth mobility, extensive bone destruction, and has a moderate to high recurrence rate. We present three cases of DF in the mandible: the first in a 13 year old female involving the mandibular body in the region of teeth #s 27–#28, the second in a 57 year old female with a lesion apical to tooth #30, and the third in a 20-year-old female involving the left posterior mandible. Clinical, histologic, immunohistochemical (IHC) and radiographic features of this rare neoplasm are discussed. The challenges encountered in establishing an accurate diagnosis due to significant microscopic overlap with other spindle cell lesions are also detailed. Additionally, the findings of IHC stains including vimentin, smooth muscle actin, S-100 protein, β-catenin, HHF-35 and proliferation marker, Ki-67 on 3 cases are reported. The potential for misdiagnosis is high, especially in early lesions, since immunohistochemistry has been reported in literature to be inconsistent when differentiating DFs from other spindle cell lesions. A comparative review of DF and similar entities in the jaws with current considerations in treatment and prognosis is presented