244 research outputs found

    Orienting Lawyers at China\u27s International Tribunals Before 1949

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    A Search for Early Optical Emission from Short and Long Duration Gamma-ray Bursts

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    Gamma-ray bursts of short duration may harbor vital clues to the range of phenomena producing bursts. However, recent progress from the observation of optical counterparts has not benefitted the study of short bursts. We have searched for early optical emission from six gamma-ray bursts using the ROTSE-I telephoto array. Three of these events were of short duration, including GRB 980527 which is among the brightest short bursts yet observed. The data consist of unfiltered CCD optical images taken in response to BATSE triggers delivered via the GCN. For the first time, we have analyzed the entire 16 degree by 16 degree field covered for five of these bursts. In addition, we discuss a search for the optical counterpart to GRB 000201, a well-localized long burst. Single image sensitivities range from 13th to 14th magnitude around 10 s after the initial burst detection, and 14 - 15.8 one hour later. No new optical counterparts were discovered in this analysis suggesting short burst optical and gamma-ray fluxes are uncorrelated.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, subm. to ApJ Let

    The Rise of a Third Generation of Arbitrators?: Fifteen Years after Dezalay and Garth

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    Fifteen years ago, sociologist Yves Dezalay and lawyer Bryant Garth wrote an enormously successful book in which they asked a simple but important question: What sort of people become successful arbitrators? The main result of their research was to identify two quite different generations of arbitrators. The first they called the ‘Grand Old Men'. They were people who had risen to the top of their national legal professions, but had not specialized in the field of arbitration; men whose general legal and social aura made them credible arbitrators. The second generation, which prevailed at the time of Dezalay and Garth's study, were assigned the name of ‘Technocrats', in the sense of technical experts. Successful arbitrators of that generation typically acquired their credentials through activities in the field of international arbitration. They usually had a career almost entirely dedicated to arbitration. Now, how have things changed in the last fifteen years? This is the question this article seeks to address. The authors have tried to replicate (on a smaller scale) Dezalay and Garth's sociological survey, in order to identify the main criteria on which arbitrators and chairpersons are selected today. On that basis, the authors try to formulate abstract propositions about the identity of a third generation of arbitrators on the rise: the Manager

    ‘The Age of Constitutions’? Reflecting on the new faith in federal constitutions

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    Lessons for the EU, Iraq, Afghanistan from Australian and other experience – as well as lessons for Australia’s own constitutional development

    The International Division of Labor in Economists' Field: Academic Subordination in Exchange for Political Prerogatives in Argentina

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    Since the 1970s, economics has emerged as a global profession, with economists becoming main characters of the intellectual and political life in many countries. Inspired by Bourdieu, several analyses faced the challenge of “theorizing fields beyond the nation-state” (Buchholz 2016). Some scholars emphasized that internationalization entailed a growing asymmetry between dominant and dominated participants: the former acting as “exporters” and the latter as “importers” of ideas (Dezalay and Garth 2002). Others pointed out the process of “creative destruction” that accompanied the globalization of local fields (Fourcade 2006). Finally, still others noted the emergence of a new field of globalized experts and think tanks (Medvetz 2012). Through a socio-historical depiction of economists in Argentina, we problematize the subordinated role of peripheral economists. Rather than a dominant-dominated logic, we identify a new international division of labor. Based on more than 60 interviews with economists, archival research, and statistical analyses, this paper shows that while a dependent position in the global academic field reduced Argentinian economists’ theoretical autonomy, it gave them the scientific authority that in turn paved the road to access very well-paid work as consultants and high-level public servants

    La reforma procesal penal en Chile: Nuevos agentes, sus trayectorias y la reestructuración de un campo

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    En un contexto marcado por el fin de la dictadura, la transición democrática y a partir del estado del campo jurídico en Chile, el artículo analiza la trayectoria de los juristas que promovieron la reforma procesal penal y la estrategia que para este objetivo llevan a cabo. Estos agentes incorporan a representantes de los diversos intereses al interior del campo jurídico y, también como parte de esta estrategia, importan una expertise jurídica, brindándole de esta manera legitimidad política y técnica a sus propuestas. Esto, sumado al capital jurídico que adquieren en este proceso, permite que estos agentes puedan instalar su propuesta en la agendade reformas a la justicia durante la transición democrática. Finalmente, se observa cómo este capital y legitimidad, que son resultado de la interacción del nivel internacional y local, les permiten participar en la transformación y estructuración del emergente espacio regional de reformas de la justicia

    The Ideal Arbitrator: Does One Size Fit All?

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