41 research outputs found

    Speech Emotion Recognition Using Multi-hop Attention Mechanism

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    In this paper, we are interested in exploiting textual and acoustic data of an utterance for the speech emotion classification task. The baseline approach models the information from audio and text independently using two deep neural networks (DNNs). The outputs from both the DNNs are then fused for classification. As opposed to using knowledge from both the modalities separately, we propose a framework to exploit acoustic information in tandem with lexical data. The proposed framework uses two bi-directional long short-term memory (BLSTM) for obtaining hidden representations of the utterance. Furthermore, we propose an attention mechanism, referred to as the multi-hop, which is trained to automatically infer the correlation between the modalities. The multi-hop attention first computes the relevant segments of the textual data corresponding to the audio signal. The relevant textual data is then applied to attend parts of the audio signal. To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, experiments are performed in the IEMOCAP dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed technique outperforms the state-of-the-art system by 6.5% relative improvement in terms of weighted accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted as a conference paper at ICASSP 2019 (oral presentation

    Phonetic aware techniques for Speaker Verification

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    The goal of this thesis is to improve current state-of-the-art techniques in speaker verification (SV), typically based on âidentity-vectorsâ (i-vectors) and deep neural network (DNN), by exploiting diverse (phonetic) information extracted using various techniques such as automatic speech recognition (ASR). Different speakers span different subspaces within a universal acoustic space, usually modelled by âuniversal background modelâ. The speaker-specific subspace depends on the speakerâs voice characteristics, but also on the verbalised text of a speaker. In current state-of-the-art SV systems, i-vectors are extracted by applying a factor analysis technique to obtain low dimensional speaker-specific representation. Furthermore, DNN output is also employed in a conventional i-vector framework to model phonetic information embedded in the speech signal. This thesis proposes various techniques to exploit phonetic knowledge of speech to further enrich speaker characteristics. More specifically, the techniques proposed in this thesis are applied to various SV tasks, namely, text-independent and text-dependent SV. For text-independent SV task, several ASR systems are developed and applied to compute phonetic posterior probabilities, subsequently exploited to enhance the speaker-specific information included in i-vectors. These approaches are then extended for text-dependent SV task, exploiting temporal information in a principled way, i.e., by using dynamic time warping applied on speaker informative vectors. Finally, as opposed to train DNN with phonetic information, DNN is trained in an end-to-end fashion to directly discriminate speakers. The baseline end-to-end SV approach consists of mapping a variable length speech segment to a fixed dimensional speaker vector by estimating the mean of hidden representations in DNN structure. We improve upon this technique by computing a distance function between two utterances which takes into account common phonetic units. The whole network is optimized by employing a triplet-loss objective function. The proposed approaches are evaluated on commonly used datasets such as NIST SRE 2010 and RSR2015. Significant improvements are observed over the baseline systems on both the text-dependent and text-independent SV tasks by applying phonetic knowledge

    Gain assisted controllable fast light generation in cavity magnomechanics

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    We study the controllable output field generation from a cavity magnomechanical resonator system that consists of two coupled microwave resonators. The first cavity interacts with a ferromagnetic yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere providing the magnon-photon coupling. Under passive cavities configuration, the system displays high absorption, prohibiting output transmission even though the dispersive response is anamolous. We replace the second passive cavity with an active one to overcome high absorption, producing an effective gain in the system. We show that the deformation of the YIG sphere retains the anomalous dispersion. Further, tuning the exchange interaction strength between the two resonators leads to the system's effective gain and dispersive response. As a result, the advancement associated with the amplification of the probe pulse can be controlled in the close vicinity of the magnomechanical resonance. Furthermore, we find the existence of an upper bound for the intensity amplification and the advancement of the probe pulse that comes from the stability condition. These findings may find potential applications for controlling light propagation in cavity magnomechanics


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    Multi-session training conditions are becoming increasingly common in recent benchmark datasets for both text-independent and text-dependent speaker verification. In the state-of-the-art i-vector framework for speaker verification, such conditions are addressed by simple techniques such as averaging the individual i-vectors, averaging scores, or modifying the Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) scoring hypothesis for multi-session enrollment. The aforementioned techniques fail to exploit the speaker variabilities observed in the enrollment data for target speakers. In this paper, we propose to exploit the multi-session training data by estimating a speaker-dependent covariance matrix and updating the intra-speaker covariance during PLDA scoring for each target speaker. The proposed method is further extended by combining covariance adaptation and score averaging. In this method, the individual examples of the target speaker are compared against the test data as opposed to an averaged i-vector, and the scores obtained are then averaged. The proposed methods are evaluated on the NIST SRE 2012 dataset. Relative improvements of up to 29% in equal error rate are obtained


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    This paper presents Subspace Gaussian Mixture Model (SGMM) approach employed as a probabilistic generative model to estimate speaker vector representations to be subsequently used in the speaker verification task. SGMMs have already been shown to significantly outperform traditional HMM/GMMs in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) applications. An extension to the basic SGMM framework allows to robustly estimate low-dimensional speaker vectors and exploit them for speaker adaptation. We propose a speaker verification framework based on low-dimensional speaker vectors estimated using SGMMs, trained in ASR manner using manual transcriptions. To test the robustness of the system, we evaluate the proposed approach with respect to the state-of-the-art i-vector extractor on the NIST SRE 2010 evaluation set and on four different length-utterance conditions: 3sec-10sec, 10 sec-30 sec, 30 sec-60 sec and full (untruncated) utterances. Experimental results reveal that while i-vector system performs better on truncated 3sec to 10sec and 10 sec to 30 sec utterances, noticeable improvements are observed with SGMMs especially on full length-utterance durations. Eventually, the proposed SGMM approach exhibits complementary properties and can thus be efficiently fused with i-vector based speaker verification system