5 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Konsentrasi Gas Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) Berbasis Mikrokontroller Dan Sensor MQ136

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk merancang-bangun alat ukur konsentrasi gas Sulfur dioksida ( ) berbasis mikrokontroller dan menggunakan Sensor MQ136. Tujuan mengapa Sulfur dioksida sangat penting diukur karena sulfur dioksida  memiliki sensitivitas individu yang berdampak pada kesehatan manusia seperti mengiritasi mata, tenggorokan, dan saluran pernapasan. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan alat pengukur sensor dengan pengujian menunjukan bahwa sensor dapat bekerja dengan baik ketika membaca konsentrasi gas pada ruang tertutup dengan nilai   sebesar 0,985. Pengujian pada ruang terbuka akan menyebabkan fluktuasi pembacaan sensor karena dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor lingkungan seperti angin, suhu dan kelembaban. Untuk menghindari fluktuasi ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara meletakan sensor pada ruang tertutup sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak terlalu terpengaruh oleh faktor lingkungan. Dari hasil pengukuran tersebut disimpulkan bahwa prototipe alat pengukurThe research has been carried out to design-build a concentration gauge of sulfur dioxide ( ) based on a microcontroller and use MQ136 sensors. The purpose of sulfur dioxide is very important to measure because sulfur dioxide has individual sensitivity that has an impact on human health such as irritating the eyes, throat and respiratory tract. The results of the study produced a sensor measuring device with testing showing that the sensor can work well when reading the concentration of gas in a closed space with a value of of 0.985. Testing on open spaces will cause fluctuations in sensor readings because they are influenced by several environmental factors such as wind, temperature and humidity. To avoid these fluctuations, it can be done by placing sensors in closed spaces in such a way that they are not too affected by environmental factors. From the results of these measurements it was concluded that the gas concentration meter prototype had worked well when operate


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    This study aims to determine the implementation of milieu teaching in improving the ability of expressive language in children who experience language delays. One of the early language interventions used was milieu teaching. Milieu teaching is a naturalistic intervention approach that uses conversational-based strategies to improve language and communication skills in children. Participants in this study amounted to 1 child of a 4-year-old male who experienced language delays and is currently studying in Kindergarten. This research is an experimental research with research design that is single subject design. In this research design, there will be three sessions, namely baseline 1, intervention phase, and baseline 2 stages in order to find out whether or not there is an increase in each session. Data analysis techniques used are visual data analysis techniques based on the results of observation data. Based on the calculation, it is known that there is an improvement of expressive language in children who experience language delay through the application of milieu teaching

    Congenital heart disease in the ESC EORP Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease (ROPAC)

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