13 research outputs found

    Frontal dynamics of a buoyancy‐driven coastal current : quantifying buoyancy, wind, and isopycnal tilting influence on the Nova Scotia Current

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (2018): 4988-5003, doi:10.1029/2017JC013338.The focus of this study is on the relative roles of winds and buoyancy in driving the Nova Scotia Current (NSC) utilizing detailed hydrographic glider transects along the Halifax Line. We define a Hydrographic Wind Index (HWI) using a simplistic two‐layer model to represent the NSC and its frontal system. The HWI is based on local characteristics of the density front extracted from the glider data (e.g., frontal slope). The impact of wind‐driven isopycnal tilting on the frontal slope is estimated and corrected for to accurately scale the buoyancy‐driven component of the NSC. Observations from independent current profilers deployed across the NSC confirm that the HWI captures the low‐frequency variability of the NSC. The monthly wind‐driven flow is estimated to represent between 1.0% (±0.1%) and 48% (±1%) of the total alongshore currents, with a yearly mean of about 36% (±1%). We demonstrate that using local conditions is more appropriate to the study of buoyancy‐driven currents ranging over distances on the order of urn:x-wiley:jgrc:media:jgrc22972:jgrc22972-math-0001(100 km), compared to the traditional approach based on upstream conditions. Contrary to the traditional approach, the HWI is not affected by the advective time lag associated with the downshelf propagation of the buoyant water coming from the upstream source. However, the HWI approach requires high‐resolution data sets, as errors on the estimates of the buoyancy‐ and wind‐driven flows become large as the sampling resolution decreases. Despite being data intensive, we argue that the HWI is also applicable to multisource currents, where upstream conditions are difficult to define.Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) Grant Number: 375118-08; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); Canadian Foundation for Innovation Grant Number: 13011; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant Number: 871-2009-0001; University in Bergen through the POME exchange program2019-01-2

    Assessing the performance of a multi-nested ocean circulation model using satellite remote sensing and in situ observations

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    This study presents a multi-nested ocean circulation model developed recently for the central Scotian Shelf. The model consists of four submodels downscaling from the eastern Canadian Shelf to the central Scotian Shelf. The model is driven by tides, river discharges, and atmospheric forcing. The model results are validated against observations, including satellite remote sensing data from GHRSST and Aquarius and in situ measurements taken by tide gauges, a marine buoy, ADCPs and CTDs. The ocean circulation model is able to capture variations of sea level, hydrography and the Nova Scotia Current on timescales of days to seasons over the central Scotian Shelf. Model results are used in a process study to examine the effect of tidal mixing and wind-driven coastal upwelling in the formation of cold surface waters along the coast of Nova Scotia

    EcoCTD for profiling oceanic physical-biological properties from an underway ship

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 37(5), (2020): 825-840, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0145.1.The study of ocean dynamics and biophysical variability at submesoscales of O(1) km and O(1) h raises several observational challenges. To address these by underway sampling, we recently developed a towed profiler called the EcoCTD, capable of concurrently measuring both hydrographic and bio-optical properties such as oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, and optical backscatter. The EcoCTD presents an attractive alternative to currently used towed platforms due to its light footprint, versatility in the field, and ease of deployment and recovery without cranes or heavy-duty winches. We demonstrate its use for gathering high-quality data at submesoscale spatiotemporal resolution. A dataset of bio-optical and hydrographic properties, collected with the EcoCTD during field trials in 2018, highlights its scientific potential for the study of physical–biological interactions at submesoscales.Authors would like to acknowledge Melissa Omand, Ben Pietro, and Jing He for their valuable input during the design phase of the EcoCTD, as well as for their support for deploying the EcoCTD in the field. We are grateful to Eva Alou, Andrea Carbonero, and John Allen for providing calibrated data from the shipboard CTD. Authors would also like to thank Don Peters along with Dynamics System Analysis Ltd. for facilitating access to ProteusDS and providing support in using the software. We are grateful to the crew of the RV Armstrong and NRV Alliance for their support in the field. Development of the EcoCTD is supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) through the CALYPSO Departmental Research Initiative (Grant N000141613130). Advanced field testing was supported by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution internal funding. MATLAB routines for data processing are publicly available at https://github.com/mfreilich1/ecoctd_processing.2020-11-0

    UCTD and EcoCTD Observations from the CALYPSO Pilot Experiment (2018): Cruise and Data Report

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    From May 27, 2018 to June 02, 2018, a scientific campaign was conducted in the Alboran Sea as part of an ONR Departmental Research Initiative, CALYPSO. The pilot cruise involved two ships: the R/V Socib, tasked with sampling fixed lines repeatedly, and the NRV Alliance that surveyed along the trajectory of Lagrangian platforms. A large variety of assets were deployed from the NRV Alliance, with the objective to identify coherent Lagrangian pathways from the surface ocean to interior. As part of the field campaign, an Underway-CTD (UCTD) system was used to measure vertical profiles of salinity, temperature and other properties while steaming, to achieve closely spaced measurements in the horizontal along the ship's track. Both a UCTD probe and an biooptically augmented probe, named EcoCTD, were deployed. The EcoCTD collects concurrent physical and bio-optical observations. This report focuses exclusively on the data collected by these two underway systems. It describes th e datasets collected during the pilot cruise, as well as the important processing steps developed for the EcoCTD.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under Contract #N00014161313

    Pump it Up workshop report

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    Workshop held 28-29 September 2017, Cape Cod, MAA two-day workshop was conducted to trade ideas and brainstorm about how to advance our understanding of the ocean’s biological pump. The goal was to identify the most important scientific issues that are unresolved but might be addressed with new and future technological advances

    CALYPSO 2019 Cruise Report: field campaign in the Mediterranean

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    This cruise aimed to identify transport pathways from the surface into the interior ocean during the late winter in the Alborán sea between the Strait of Gibraltar (5°40’W) and the prime meridian. Theory and previous observations indicated that these pathways likely originated at strong fronts, such as the one that separates salty Mediterranean water and the fresher water in owing from the Atlantic. Our goal was to map such pathways and quantify their transport. Since the outcropping isopycnals at the front extend to the deepest depths during the late winter, we planned the cruise at the end of the Spring, prior to the onset of thermal stratification of the surface mixed layer.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N000141613130

    Accuracy and long-term stability assessment of inductive conductivity cell measurements on Argo floats

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    This study demonstrates the long-term stability of salinity measurements from Argo floats equipped with inductive conductivity cells, which have extended float lifetimes as compared to electrode-type cells. New Argo float sensor payloads must meet the demands of the Argo governance committees before they are implemented globally. Currently, the use of CTDs with inductive cells designed and manufactured by RBR Ltd., has been approved as a Global Argo Pilot. One requirement for new sensors is to demonstrate stable measurements over the lifetime of a float. To demonstrate this, data from four Argo floats in the western Pacific Ocean equipped with the RBRargo CTD sensor package are analyzed using the same Owens-Wong-Cabanes (OWC) method and reference datasets as the Argo Delayed Mode Quality Control (DMQC) operators. When ran with default settings against the standard DMQC Argo and CTD databases, the OWC analysis reveals no drift in any of the four RBRargo datasets and in one case an offset exceeding the Argo target salinity limits. Being a statistical tool, the OWC method cannot strictly determine whether deviations in salinity measurements with respect to a reference hydrographic product (e.g., climatologies) are caused by oceanographic variability or sensor problems. So, this study furthermore investigates anomalous salinity measurements observed when compared to a reference product and demonstrates that anomalous values tend to occur in regions with a high degree of variability and can be better explained by imperfect reference data rather than sensor drift. This study concludes that the RBR inductive cell is a viable option for salinity measurements as part of the Argo Program

    3D intrusions transport active surface microbial assemblages to the dark ocean

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    Significance Particulate organic carbon (POC) formed by photosynthesis in the sunlit surface ocean fuels the ecosystems in the dark ocean below. We show that mesoscale fronts and eddies, which are ubiquitous physical features in subtropical oceans, generate three-dimensional intrusions connecting the surface to deep ocean. Intrusions are enriched in total POC due to enhancement of small, nonsinking photosynthetic plankton and free-living bacteria that resemble surface microbial communities. Flow-driven export of POC, estimated using an approximation of eddy physics, is the same order of magnitude as export by sinking POC, which was previously thought to dominate export. These observations reveal coupling of surface and deep ocean productivity and biodiversity and give insight into mechanisms by which the ocean transports carbon to depth. Abstract Subtropical oceans contribute significantly to global primary production, but the fate of the picophytoplankton that dominate in these low-nutrient regions is poorly understood. Working in the subtropical Mediterranean, we demonstrate that subduction of water at ocean fronts generates 3D intrusions with uncharacteristically high carbon, chlorophyll, and oxygen that extend below the sunlit photic zone into the dark ocean. These contain fresh picophytoplankton assemblages that resemble the photic-zone regions where the water originated. Intrusions propagate depth-dependent seasonal variations in microbial assemblages into the ocean interior. Strikingly, the intrusions included dominant biomass contributions from nonphotosynthetic bacteria and enrichment of enigmatic heterotrophic bacterial lineages. Thus, the intrusions not only deliver material that differs in composition and nutritional character from sinking detrital particles, but also drive shifts in bacterial community composition, organic matter processing, and interactions between surface and deep communities. Modeling efforts paired with global observations demonstrate that subduction can flux similar magnitudes of particulate organic carbon as sinking export, but is not accounted for in current export estimates and carbon cycle models. Intrusions formed by subduction are a particularly important mechanism for enhancing connectivity between surface and upper mesopelagic ecosystems in stratified subtropical ocean environments that are expanding due to the warming climate

    Hydrological factors in the interpretation of stable isotopic proxy data present and past : a European perspective

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    In the context of this paper, stable isotopic proxies are those preserving directly, or via known or calculable fractionation factors, a record of 18O/16O and/or 2H/1H in the water which contributed to their growth. Suitable proxies include amongst others tree-ring cellulose, bone phosphate, lake sediment minerals and speleothem fluid inclusions. A principal aim of studying isotopic proxies is to gain more information about past climates through a knowledge of how rainfall isotope compositions have changed over time. However, converting back from proxy to rainfall is not necessarily straightforward, because however well the isotopic fractionation due to proxy growth or formation is understood, a variety of modifying processes may have intervened between this and the actual rainfall events. Three main reservoirs of environmental water may contribute to the isotopic compositions of terrestrial proxy indicators: surface waters, soil moisture, and groundwater. Each of these can in principle be isotopically modified compared to rainfall in the locality. This review examines these effects and how they may change under different European climate types at the present day. It is concluded that while groundwater isotopic compositions typically represent closely the bulk composition of rainfall under a variety of climatic regimes, soil and particularly lake waters require detailed study if their isotope systematics are to be adequately understood. The review also finds that to a large extent “the present is the key to the past” in terms of recharge processes during the late Pleistocene, though glaciation may have had profound isotopic consequences in certain areas, while a more general aridity led to the apparent absence of recharge in most areas for much of the late Devensian