5 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategy of Graha Wisata Tours and Travel to Increase Domestic Tour Package Sales Dessi Siti Nurita Sari 117010029

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    This research paper is entitled An Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Graha Wista Tours and Travel to Increase Sales of Domestic Tour Package. The content of the paper is discussed about marketing strategy in Graha Wisata Tours and Travel. The applied method of problem analysis is the qualitative method. The step that the writer took are collecting, clarifying, analyzing and interpreting the data. The writer examine the issues relating to the effectiveness of the use of marketing strategies to increase sales of domestic tour packages that are used by Graha Wisata Tours and Travel. Strategy is used very simple, this strategy was adopted from specific strategies that focus on the target market, the determination of position, marketing mix and marketing expense. Base on the research Graha Wisata Tours and Travel stated that utilize relationships and create customer happy and comfortable is one strategy that is very influential in the business continuity tourism travel agency, using this strategy will travel directly promoted, so that the possibility of customers interested in using the services from Graha Wisata Tours and Travel is bigger. Key Words: Marketing Strategy, Marketing Media, Marketing Revenu

    A new splicing isoform of Cacna2d4 mimicking the effects of c.2451insC mutation in the retina: Novel molecular and electrophysiological insights

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    PURPOSE. Mutations in CACNA2D4 exon 25 cause photoreceptor dysfunction in humans (c.2406CA mutation) and mice (c.2451insC mutation). We investigated the feasibility of an exon-skipping therapeutic approach by evaluating the splicing patterns and functional role of targeted exons. METHODS. Splicing of the targeted a2d4 (CACNA2D4) exons in presence and absence of the mutation was assessed by RT-PCR in vivo on mouse retinae and in vitro in HEK293T cells using splicing-reporter minigenes. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed to evaluate the impact of different Cacna2d4 variants on the biophysical properties of Cav1.4 Ltype calcium channels (CACNA1F). RESULTS. Splicing analysis revealed the presence of a previously unknown splicing isoform of a2d4 in the retina that truncates the gene open reading frame (ORF) in a similar way as the c.2451insC mutation. This isoform originates from alternative splicing of exon 25 (E25) with a new exon (E25b). Moreover, the c.2451insC mutation has an effect on splicing and increases the proportion of transcripts including E25b. Our electrophysiological analyses showed that only full-length a2d4 was able to increase Cav1.4/b3-mediated currents while all other a2d4 variants did not mediate such effect. CONCLUSIONS. The designed exon-skipping strategy is not applicable because the resulting skipped a2d4 are nonfunctional. a2d4 E25b splicing variant is normally present in mouse retina and mimics the effect of c.2451insC mutation. Since this variant does not promote significant Cav1.4-mediated calcium current, it could possibly mediate a different function, unrelated to modulation of calcium channel properties at the photoreceptor terminals

    Sequestrare garantendo o garantire sequestrando? Criticita' in punto di garanzie nel sequestro preventivo nel processo penale

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    L'elaborato propone l'esposizione di alcuni dei profili statici e dinamici del sequestro preventivo nel processo penale. Essi sono oggetto di vaglio critico da parte dell'autore che, analizzando la giurisprudenza in materia e riferendosi alla dottrina sul tema, evidenzierà i deficit di garanzie nell'istituto. Dopo una prima parte storica e di inquadramento generale della misura, la disamina si sviluppa con la presentazione dei presupposti di legge sia del sequestro c.d. impeditivo, sia del sequestro funzionale alla confisca, mettendoli a confronto con i principi costituzionali e dando nota delle principali criticità registratesi nella prassi. Seguono dei rilievi su alcuni momenti del procedimento applicativo della cautela reale, nonché la trattazione dei mezzi di impugnazione esperibili. Infine, l'illustrazione del panorama sovrannazionale e delle più recenti tendenze nella lotta alla “criminalità del profitto” chiude la tesi, indicando le conclusioni dell'autore