1,720 research outputs found

    A ChandraSwiftChandra-Swift View of Point Sources in Hickson Compact Groups: High AGN fraction but a dearth of strong AGNs

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    We present ChandraChandra X-ray point source catalogs for 9 Hickson Compact Groups (HCGs, 37 galaxies) at distances 348934 - 89 Mpc. We perform detailed X-ray point source detection and photometry, and interpret the point source population by means of simulated hardness ratios. We thus estimate X-ray luminosities (LXL_X) for all sources, most of which are too weak for reliable spectral fitting. For all sources, we provide catalogs with counts, count rates, power-law indices (Γ\Gamma), hardness ratios, and LXL_X, in the full ( keV), soft ( keV) and hard ( keV) bands. We use optical emission-line ratios from the literature to re-classify 24 galaxies as star-forming, accreting onto a supermassive black hole (AGNs), transition objects, or low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs). Two-thirds of our galaxies have nuclear X-ray sources with SwiftSwift/UVOT counterparts. Two nuclei have LX,0.58.0keVL_{X,{\rm 0.5-8.0 keV}}~>1042 > 10^{42} erg s1^{-1}, are strong multi-wavelength AGNs and follow the known αOXνLν,nearUV\alpha_{\rm OX}-\nu L_{\nu,\rm near UV} correlation for strong AGNs. Otherwise, most nuclei are X-ray faint, consistent with either a low-luminosity AGN or a nuclear X-ray binary population, and fall in the "non-AGN locus" in αOXνLν,nearUV\alpha_{\rm OX}-\nu L_{\nu,\rm near UV} space, which also hosts other, normal, galaxies. Our results suggest that HCG X-ray nuclei in high specific star formation rate spiral galaxies are likely dominated by star formation, while those with low specific star formation rates in earlier types likely harbor a weak AGN. The AGN fraction in HCG galaxies with MR20M_R \le -20 and LX,0.58.0keV1041L_{X,{\rm 0.5-8.0 keV}} \ge 10^{41} erg s1^{-1} is 0.080.01+0.350.08^{+0.35}_{-0.01}, somewhat higher than the 5\sim 5% fraction in galaxy clusters.Comment: 77 pages (emulateapj), 28 tables, 11 figures. Accepted by ApJS on March 5, 201

    NASA follow-on to the Bangladesh Agro-Climatic Environmental Monitoring Project

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    The NASA responsibility and activities for the follow-on to the original Agro-Climatic Environmental Monitoring Project (ACEMP) which was completed during 1987 is described. Five training sessions which comprise the NASA ACEMP follow-on are: Agrometeorology, Meteorology of Severe Storms Using GEMPAK, Satellite Oceanography, Hydrology, and Meteorology with TOVS. The objective of the follow-on is to train Bangladesh Government staff in the use of satellite data for remote sensing applications. This activity also encourages the scientific connection between NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and The Bangladesh Space and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO)

    Global Properties of Neutral Hydrogen in Compact Groups

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    Compact groups of galaxies provide a unique environment to study the evolution of galaxies amid frequent gravitational encounters. These nearby groups have conditions similar to those in the earlier universe when galaxies were assembled and give us the opportunity to witness hierarchical formation in progress. To understand how the compact group environment affects galaxy evolution, we examine the gas and dust in these groups. We present new single-dish GBT neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of 30 compact groups and define a new way to quantify the group HI content as the HI-to-stellar mass ratio of the group as a whole. We compare the HI content with mid-IR indicators of star formation and optical [g-r] color to search for correlations between group gas content and star formation activity of individual group members. Quiescent galaxies tend to live in HI-poor groups, and galaxies with active star formation are more commonly found in HI-rich groups. Intriguingly, we also find "rogue" galaxies whose star formation does not correlate with group HI content. In particular, we identify three galaxies (NGC 2968 in RSCG 34, KUG 1131+202A in RSCG 42, and NGC 4613 in RSCG 64) whose mid-IR activity is discrepant with the HI. We speculate that this mismatch between mid-IR activity and HI content is a consequence of strong interactions in this environment that can strip HI from galaxies and abruptly affect star-formation. Ultimately, characterizing how and on what timescales the gas is processed in compact groups will help us understand the interstellar medium in complex, dense environments similar to the earlier Universe.Comment: Accepted to A

    Exploring X-ray Binary Populations in Compact Group Galaxies with ChandraChandra

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    We obtain total galaxy X-ray luminosities, LXL_X, originating from individually detected point sources in a sample of 47 galaxies in 15 compact groups of galaxies (CGs). For the great majority of our galaxies, we find that the detected point sources most likely are local to their associated galaxy, and are thus extragalactic X-ray binaries (XRBs) or nuclear active galactic nuclei (AGNs). For spiral and irregular galaxies, we find that, after accounting for AGNs and nuclear sources, most CG galaxies are either within the ±1σ\pm1\sigma scatter of the Mineo et al. (2012) LXL_X - star formation rate (SFR) correlation or have higher LXL_X than predicted by this correlation for their SFR. We discuss how these "excesses" may be due to low metallicities and high interaction levels. For elliptical and S0 galaxies, after accounting for AGNs and nuclear sources, most CG galaxies are consistent with the Boroson et al. (2011) LXL_X - stellar mass correlation for low-mass XRBs, with larger scatter, likely due to residual effects such as AGN activity or hot gas. Assuming non-nuclear sources are low- or high-mass XRBs, we use appropriate XRB luminosity functions to estimate the probability that stochastic effects can lead to such extreme LXL_X values. We find that, although stochastic effects do not in general appear to be important, for some galaxies there is a significant probability that high LXL_X values can be observed due to strong XRB variability.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Existence of global strong solutions to a beam-fluid interaction system

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    We study an unsteady non linear fluid-structure interaction problem which is a simplified model to describe blood flow through viscoleastic arteries. We consider a Newtonian incompressible two-dimensional flow described by the Navier-Stokes equations set in an unknown domain depending on the displacement of a structure, which itself satisfies a linear viscoelastic beam equation. The fluid and the structure are fully coupled via interface conditions prescribing the continuity of the velocities at the fluid-structure interface and the action-reaction principle. We prove that strong solutions to this problem are global-in-time. We obtain in particular that contact between the viscoleastic wall and the bottom of the fluid cavity does not occur in finite time. To our knowledge, this is the first occurrence of a no-contact result, but also of existence of strong solutions globally in time, in the frame of interactions between a viscous fluid and a deformable structure

    Some Like It Hot: Linking Diffuse X-ray Luminosity, Baryonic Mass, and Star Formation Rate in Compact Groups of Galaxies

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    We present an analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission in 19 compact groups of galaxies (CGs) observed with Chandra. The hottest, most X-ray luminous CGs agree well with the galaxy cluster X-ray scaling relations in LXTL_X-T and LXσL_X-\sigma, even in CGs where the hot gas is associated with only the brightest galaxy. Using Spitzer photometry, we compute stellar masses and classify HCGs 19, 22, 40, and 42 and RSCGs 32, 44, and 86 as fossil groups using a new definition for fossil systems that includes a broader range of masses. We find that CGs with total stellar and HI masses 1011.3\gtrsim10^{11.3} M_\odot are often X-ray luminous, while lower-mass CGs only sometimes exhibit faint, localized X-ray emission. Additionally, we compare the diffuse X-ray luminosity against both the total UV and 24 μ\mum star formation rates of each CG and optical colors of the most massive galaxy in each of the CGs. The most X-ray luminous CGs have the lowest star formation rates, likely because there is no cold gas available for star formation, either because the majority of the baryons in these CGs are in stars or the X-ray halo, or due to gas stripping from the galaxies in CGs with hot halos. Finally, the optical colors that trace recent star formation histories of the most massive group galaxies do not correlate with the X-ray luminosities of the CGs, indicating that perhaps the current state of the X-ray halos is independent of the recent history of stellar mass assembly in the most massive galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Kato type Theorem for the inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations with a moving rigid body

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    The issue of the inviscid limit for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations when a no-slip condition is prescribed on the boundary is a famous open problem. A result by Tosio Kato says that convergence to the Euler equations holds true in the energy space if and only if the energy dissipation rate of the viscous flow in a boundary layer of width proportional to the viscosity vanishes. Of course, if one considers the motion of a solid body in an incompressible fluid, with a no-slip condition at the interface, the issue of the inviscid limit is as least as difficult. However it is not clear if the additional difficulties linked to the body's dynamic make this issue more difficult or not. In this paper we consider the motion of a rigid body in an incompressible fluid occupying the complementary set in the space and we prove that a Kato type condition implies the convergence of the fluid velocity and of the body velocity as well, what seems to indicate that an answer in the case of a fixed boundary could also bring an answer to the case where there is a moving body in the fluid

    Multispectral tissue mapping: developing a concept for the optical evaluation of liver disease

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    Purpose: Alterations in the optical absorption behavior of liver tissue secondary to pathological processes can be evaluated by multispectral analysis, which is increasingly being explored as an imaging adjunct for use in liver surgery. Current methods are either invasive or have a limited wavelength spectrum, which restricts utility. This proof of concept study describes the development of a multispectral imaging (MSI) method called multispectral tissue mapping (MTM) that addresses these issues. Approach: The imaging system consists of a tunable excitation light source and a near-infrared camera. Following the development stage, proof of concept experiments are carried out where absorption spectra from colorectal cancer liver metastasis (CRLM), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and liver steatosis specimen are acquired and compared to controls. Absorption spectra are compared to histopathology examination as the current gold standard for tissue assessment. Generalized linear mixed modeling is employed to compare absorption characteristics of individual pixels and to select wavelengths for false color image processing with the aim of visually enhancing cancer tissue. Results: Analysis of individual pixels revealed distinct absorption spectra therefore suggesting that MTM is possible. A prominent absorption peak at 1210 nm was found in lipid-rich animal tissues and steatotic liver specimen. Liver cancer tissue had a heterogeneous appearance on MSI. Subsequent statistical analysis suggests that measuring changes in absorption behavior may be a feasible method to estimate the pixel-based probability of cancer being present. In CRLM, this was observed throughout 1100 to 1700 nm, whereas in HCC it was concentrated around 1140 and 1430 nm. False color image processing visibly enhances contrast between cancer and normal liver tissues. Conclusions: The system’s ability to enable no-touch MSI at 1100 to 1700 nm was demonstrated. Preliminary data suggest that MTM warrants further exploration as a potential imaging tool for the detection of liver cancer during surger

    Stellar Populations in Compact Galaxy Groups: a Multi-Wavelength Study of HCGs 16, 22, and 42, their Star Clusters and Dwarf Galaxies

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    We present a multi-wavelength analysis of three compact galaxy groups, HCGs 16, 22, and 42, which describe a sequence in terms of gas richness, from space- (Swift, HST, Spitzer) and ground-based (LCO, CTIO) imaging and spectroscopy. We study various signs of past interactions including a faint, dusty tidal feature about HCG 16A, which we tentatively age-date at <1 Gyr. This represents the possible detection of a tidal feature at the end of its phase of optical observability. Our HST images also resolve what were thought to be double nuclei in HCG 16C and D into multiple, distinct sources, likely to be star clusters. Beyond our phenomenological treatment, we focus primarily on contrasting the stellar populations across these three groups. The star clusters show a remarkable intermediate-age population in HCG 22, and identify the time at which star formation was quenched in HCG 42. We also search for dwarf galaxies at accordant redshifts. The inclusion of 33 members and 27 'associates' (possible members) radically changes group dynamical masses, which in turn may affect previous evolutionary classifications. The extended membership paints a picture of relative isolation in HCGs 16 and 22, but shows HCG 42 to be part of a larger structure, following a dichotomy expected from recent studies. We conclude that (a) star cluster populations provide an excellent metric of evolutionary state, as they can age-date the past epochs of star formation; and (b) the extended dwarf galaxy population must be considered in assessing the dynamical state of a compact group.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The motion of a fluid-rigid disc system at the zero limit of the rigid disc radius

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    We consider the two-dimensional motion of the coupled system of a viscous incompressible fluid and a rigid disc moving with the fluid, in the whole plane. The fluid motion is described by the Navier-Stokes equations and the motion of the rigid body by conservation laws of linear and angular momentum. We show that, assuming that the rigid disc is not allowed to rotate, as the radius of the disc goes to zero, the solution of this system converges, in an appropriate sense, to the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations describing the motion of only fluid in the whole plane. We also prove that the trajectory of the centre of the disc, at the zero limit of its radius, coincides with a fluid particle trajectory.Comment: 29 pages, 0 figure