80 research outputs found


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    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a physical phenomenon where the time interval between heart beats varies. It is measured by the variation in the beat to beat interval. Abnormalities present in the time interval between R wave peaks in the Electro-cardiogram (ECG) indicate cardiac dysfunction. Autonomic Nervous System controls the cardiac activity of the body and provides the beat to beat regulation of the cardiovascular system. Thus Heart Rate Variability is an important tool to access autonomic function also. The source for HRV is a continuous beat to beat measurement of interbeat intervals. An ECG signal can be used as the data source for HRV analysis. In this study the HRV data is obtained from ECG signal and is processed to calculate spectral HRV index, LF/HF ratio


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    The aims and objective of Ayurveda is of two fold i.e., Prevention of disease in healthy individual and cure of the disease in a diseased person. To fulfil the first aim, our Acharyas have described Dinacharya, Rutucharya. In Dosha chaya, Prakopaavastha, if the person consumes more Apathyakaraahara, Vihara, Doshas will go in Prasaraadiavast has and leads to Vyadhi. Ayurveda emphasized to practise these therapies to eliminate the vitiated Dosha in accordance to the seasonal variation like Vamana in Vasantharutu, Virechana in Sharadrutu, Basti in Pravrutrutu, as a prevention of disease and promotion of health. Person who follows this regimen in each season never suffers from severe disorderAccording to Induteeka, thus neglected, the vitiated Dosha get accumulated over the time to its maximum, and the channels of rasa are being obstructed by the vitiated Dosha (deposition of debries in the inner layers making the lumen narrowed), nourishment to the tissues is not possible. This causes the diseases like Sthoulya, Agnisada, Kusta, Meha etc, which are not amenable for treatment. 4 Maasa (Rutudvaya) for Sanchaya of Kaphadosha, if it is not early evacuated in Chaitramaasa it end up in Rutujaan rogas. Hence, while maintaining health itself one must undergo purifactory measures to prevent from occurrence of the diseases by seasonal factors. Hence this conceptual study is made to explain the effect of Vasantikavamana a preventive measure for Kaphaja rogas.


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    Ayurveda aimed in prevention and cure of physical and mental health. In Ayurveda, Dinacharya is one of the concept which helps to fulfill this aim of Ayurveda. Vitality enhancing technique which is incorporated in massage of the feet is called Padabhyanga. It is one of the prophylactic principles mentioned in Ayurvedic dinacharya. The hectic computerised life style, faulty food habits, stress and strain, irregular sleeping habits and negligence in following daily and seasonal regimen provoke many eye problems. By doing Padaabhyanga, Kharatwa, Stabdata, Rukshata, Shrama, Suptata of pada relieved and Bala, Sthairya improved, Drustiprasaadakara. It also prevents Grudrasi vaata, Pada sputana, Sirasnaayu sankocha.In the centre of the feet 2 Siras are situated which are directly connected to the eyes, these transmit the effect of the medicines applied over the feet in the form of massage. Hence every person should need make use of Padabhyanga. Major cause of blindness for prevalence are cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, Age related macular degeneration, refractive errors. There by Paada Abhyanga through its Vaata-ameliorating action is responsible for better function of Chakshurindriya. According to Sushrutacharya, by practice of Snehana karma, which results in Utpatti of Pratyagradhatu – Navadhatu. such that degenerative changes related to eye are antagonized by the Snehana karma. Padaabhyanga is helpful in preventing above said diseases which causes the blindness. Hence this conceptual study is made to explain the mode of action and effect of Pada Abhyanga to increase and maintain the visual acuity


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    Purpose of study: American College of Sports and Medicine equation is applied in many cardiovascular centers and sports medicine laboratory. It is used in majority of the commercial software available for exercise testing ACSM has published several metabolic equations for the indirect estimation of VO2max. So the purpose of the study was to find the applicability of ACSM walking equation in Indian population. Aim and Objective: To find out the correlation between actual VO2max and predicted VO2max 18-25 years female in Nagpur. Methodology: All the participants were selected according to sample of convenience and given a thorough explanation of the procedure in the language they understand. Each participant signed written informed consent before participating in the study in the language they could comprehend. Subjects were screened on the basis of selection criteria and PAR-q & you questionnaire. Total 20 participants were selected and demographic and anthropometric data was recorded. In this VO2 max was calculated directly by gas analyzer using AD instrument and indirectly by ACSM\u27s walking equation and data was analyzed. Result: The mean and standard deviation of directly measured VO2max (ml/kg/min) is 8.6354 and ±4.5557 this shows the range of VO2max for the studied population and VO2max predicted by ACSM walking equation is 38.1891 and ±5.4691. The pearson\u27s correlation for direct and indirect measurement of VO2max suggested that there is no co-relations with the value (r=0.11, p=, 0.05). Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is no correlation between actual and predicted VO2 max in the studied population and need to develop new regression equation for studied population i.e;ACSM equation is not applicable to the studied population. KEY WORDS: American College of Sports and Medicine walking equation; VO2 max; Indian population


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    Purpose of study: American College of Sports and Medicine equation is applied in many cardiovascular centers and sports medicine laboratory. It is used in majority of the commercial software available for exercise testing ACSM has published several metabolic equations for the indirect estimation of VO2max. So the purpose of the study was to find the applicability of ACSM walking equation in Indian population. Aim and Objective: To find out the correlation between actual VO2max and predicted VO2max 18-25 years female in Nagpur. Methodology: All the participants were selected according to sample of convenience and given a thorough explanation of the procedure in the language they understand. Each participant signed written informed consent before participating in the study in the language they could comprehend. Subjects were screened on the basis of selection criteria and PAR-q & you questionnaire. Total 20 participants were selected and demographic and anthropometric data was recorded. In this VO2 max was calculated directly by gas analyzer using AD instrument and indirectly by ACSM's walking equation and data was analyzed. Result: The mean and standard deviation of directly measured VO2max (ml/kg/min) is 8.6354 and ±4.5557 this shows the range of VO2max for the studied population and VO2max predicted by ACSM walking equation is 38.1891 and ±5.4691. The pearson's correlation for direct and indirect measurement of VO2max suggested that there is no co-relations with the value (r=0.11, p=, 0.05). Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is no correlation between actual and predicted VO2 max in the studied population and need to develop new regression equation for studied population i.e;ACSM equation is not applicable to the studied population. KEY WORDS: American College of Sports and Medicine walking equation; VO2 max; Indian population

    Alpha-linolenic acid regulates the growth of breast and cervical cancer cell lines through regulation of NO release and induction of lipid peroxidation

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    In the present work, we have analyzed the effect of the essential fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid (ALA) on nitric oxide release as well as induction of lipid peroxidation in breast (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and cervical (SiHa and HeLa) cancer cell lines. ALA-treated cells showed a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability in both breast and cervical cancer cell lines without affecting the viability of non-cancerous transformed HEK 293 cells. Both types of cancer cells treated with ALA demonstrated a significant reduction in nitric oxide (NO) release with a simultaneous increase in lipid peroxidation (LPO). This was followed by a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential as well as activation of caspase 3 leading to apoptosis. Thus, ALA regulated the growth of cancer cell lines through induction of lipid peroxidation and modulation of nitric oxide release resulting in apoptosis

    Comparative study of immediate post placental vaginal versus intra caesarean insertion of copper T380A

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    Background: The study was carried out to compare modes of PPIUCD that is safety, removal and expulsion rates of immediate post placental vaginal versus intracaesarean insertion of copper T380A.Methods: This was an interventional study conducted from January 2015 to December 2016 in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad. This study involved participants who accepted PPIUCD in antenatal period and delivered in Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad. Copper T380A was inserted vaginally after taking consent in 50 postpartum mothers within 10 minutes of normal vaginal delivery and 50 women who were undergoing caesarean section for obstetric indications who accepted copper T380A from contraceptive basket. Chorioamnionitis, prolonged premature rupture of membranes, unresolved postpartum hemorrhage, major medical disorder and participants who were lost to follow up were excluded. Antibiotic cover was given for 5 days. Participants were followed up either personally or telephonically at 6 weeks, 6 months or earlier if they had any complaints.Results: Among 50 post placental vaginally copper T380A inserted participants, 6(12%) had menstrual disturbance and pain abdomen each. One participant (2%) had infection vaginitis. Among 50 intracaesarean copper T380A inserted participants, 3 (6%) had menstrual disturbance and pain abdomen each. 6 (12%) had missing strings. Missing strings which was seen only in intracaesarean group was statistically significant when compared to post placental vaginal group. Expulsion was seen only in post placental vaginally copper T380A inserted participants (4 out of 50). There was no statistically significant difference in expulsion & removal rates of both the groups.Conclusions: Both modes of PPIUCD insertion were equally safe for participants except for missing strings which was seen more in intracaesarean group and was statistically significant

    Awareness regarding Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram among pregnant women of Marathwada, Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Government of India has launched “Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram” on 1st July 2011, to assure free and cashless services (including free transport) to all pregnant women and sick neonates accessing public health institutions.  The objective of the study was to find out level of awareness regarding JSSK entitlement in pregnant women and to examine the association between different socio-demographic factors and awareness level.Methods: This was a cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad involving 1000 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic between September 2015 to March 2016. Questionnaire was given to assess the awareness about JSSK entitlements and if it was known to them, then the source of information was noted. Information regarding socio-demographic characteristics was noted. The study subject was considered as aware of the scheme, if she had heard about the scheme and had knowledge about certain key points of the scheme. One point each was given to all the correctly answered questions and mean was calculated. Subjects whose correctly answered questions were more than the mean value were considered to have good awareness level. Analysis was done usingSPSS version 20. Chi-square test for association between awareness level and different socio-demographic factors. Significance level was considered at p value <0.05.Results: Among 1000 antenatal women, good awareness level regarding JSSK entitlements was seen in only 472 (47.2%) study subjects. Maximum awareness regarding JSSK entitlements was noted to be for Free vaginal delivery in 869 (86.90%) followed by free drugs and consumables to mother (73.4%) and free treatment for sick infants 662 (66.2%) and least awareness was noted for free drop back of sick infant from health facility to home (9%) and free caesarean section (9.6%). Not even a single woman answered all the 17 entitlements correctly. Only 13 (1.3%) women were able to answer 16 questions correctly. Advancing age, increasing level of education, member of nuclear family, increasing number of conception (gravidity) and advanced gestational age are significantly associated with the level of awareness. However, religion, socioeconomic status and occupation did not have any statistical significant association with the level of awareness regarding various entitlements of JSSK in antenatal women. Regarding the source of information, the most common source of information was from health personnel, followed by friends and family. None of the women reported that Radio, TV, Newspaper had contributed as a source of information.Conclusions: Awareness level of JSSK entitlements in the pregnant women in our study is low. Maximum awareness was noticed for the provision of free vaginal delivery whereas awareness for provisions like free caesarean section, free drop back facility to home, free provision of blood is very low. Further efforts are needed to increase the overall awareness of various entitlements of JSSK among pregnant women to increase the utilization of the benefits of the scheme and thus indirectly helping in reducing MMR and IMR