6 research outputs found

    Functional organization of the human anterior insular cortex

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    The human insular cortex is involved in a wide range of functions including motor control, language, and homeostatic regulation. Little is known, however, how these functions are topographically organized in the insular cortex and how they are functionally related to the amygdala, which is anatomically connected to the insular cortex. We have investigated these questions by conducting an activation likelihood estimate (ALE) meta-analysis of previously published neuroimaging studies reporting insula effects. We find auditory and language tasks to preferentially activate an area in the dorsal part of the anterior insular cortex (AIC). Motor tasks involving both the upper and lower extremity reproducibly activated a posterior AIC region, adjacent to the sulcus centralis insulae (SCI). Significant co-activation with the probabilistically defined amygdala was located in the ventral AIC where also responses related to peripheral physiological changes were repeatedly reported. These findings show that the human AIC is a functionally differentiated brain region. The dorsal region of the AIC may be involved in auditory-motor integration, while the ventral part of the AIC may interface the amygdala with insular regions involved in the regulation of physiological changes related to emotional states. Thus, the present findings provide insights into the organization of human AIC and a methodological approach that may be further used to refine the emerging functional map of the insular cortex

    Anatomical specificity of functional amygdala imaging of responses to stimuli with positive and negative emotional valence

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    Non-invasive neuroimaging is increasingly used for investigating the human amygdala. Accurate functional localization in the amygdala region is, however, challenging and quantitative data on the anatomical specificity of functional amygdala imaging is lacking. We have therefore retrospectively investigated 114 recently published human functional imaging studies concerned with the amygdala. We determined the anatomical assignment probabilities of a total of 339 reported activation sites to the amygdala defined using a cytoarchitectonically verified probabilistic atlas system. We find that approximately 50% of reported responses were located in the region with high probability (< or =80%) of belonging to the amygdala. This group included responses related both to stimuli of positive and negative emotional valence. Approximately 10% of reported response sites were assigned to the hippocampus, with up to 100% assignment probability. The remaining peaks were either located in the border regions of the amygdala and/or hippocampus or outside of both of these structures. Within the amygdala, the majority of peaks (96.3%) were found in the laterobasal (LB) and superficial (SF) subregions. Only 3.7% of peaks were found in the centromedial group (CM), possibly because anatomically delineating the CM region of the amygdala is particularly difficult and hence its extent might have been underestimated. Moreover, these results show that a core region of the amygdala is responsive to stimuli both of positive and negative emotional valence. The current findings highlight the usefulness of probabilistic amygdala maps and also point to a need for the development of accurate in vivo delineation and parcellation of the amygdala

    Real-life speech production and perception have a shared premotor-cortical substrate

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    Motor-cognitive accounts assume that the articulatory cortex is involved in language comprehension, but previous studies may have observed such an involvement as an artefact of experimental procedures. Here, we employed electrocorticography (ECoG) during natural, non-experimental behavior combined with electrocortical stimulation mapping to study the neural basis of real-life human verbal communication. We took advantage of ECoG's ability to capture high-gamma activity (70-350 Hz) as a spatially and temporally precise index of cortical activation during unconstrained, naturalistic speech production and perception conditions. Our findings show that an electrostimulation-defined mouth motor region located in the superior ventral premotor cortex is consistently activated during both conditions. This region became active early relative to the onset of speech production and was recruited during speech perception regardless of acoustic background noise. Our study thus pinpoints a shared ventral premotor substrate for real-life speech production and perception with its basic properties