277 research outputs found

    Tutela e sicurezza del lavoro tra centro e periferia: la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro

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    Il saggio prende in esame la complessa questione del riparto di competenze tra Stato e Regioni alla luce del Titolo V della Costituzione in materia di salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro. Il riparto di competenze tra centro e periferia \ue8 stato oggetto di una limitata analisi da parte della dottrina e della giurisprudenza, che si sono concentrate in particolare sulla disciplina del mercato del lavoro. L\u2019Autore descrive un sistema multilivello, caratterizzato dalla compresenza di fonti nazionali e regionali, della contrattazione collettiva, nonch\ue9 di codici di condotta. Sulla scorta di una ricostruzione del quadro normativo e dei percorsi della giurisprudenza, il saggio propone una lettura dinamica di rapporti tra centro e periferia, in cui l\u2019asse del sistema rimane, comunque, ancorato alla competenza statale, con spazi regolativi comunque importanti per la legislazione regionale

    La riconduzione al lavoro subordinato nel Jobs Act: un\u2019occasione perduta tra vecchi e nuovi problemi

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    La relaziona analizza le innovazioni del Jobs Act in materia di collabrazioni, mettendone in luce le notevoli criticit\ue0

    Fire Protection System Analysis of Warren J. Baker Center of Science and Mathematics

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    This report analyzes the different fire protection systems and features of the Warren J. Baker Center for Science and Mathematics at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo campus. This building is used for lectures, laboratories, study spaces, faculty spaces, and storage spaces for the students and faculty at the Cal Poly campus. Typically, there are science and math courses taught within this building. The building is a 6-story structure, that is not classified as a high-rise due to the location of fire department access and has a five-story atrium located on levels 2 through 6. There are two different types of analysis performed within this report for the systems present, prescriptive and performance based. The prescriptive analysis is based on engineering standards and regulations for the systems in place which include: means of egress system, fire suppression system, fire alarm and detection system, smoke evacuation system, and the structural fire protection. The means of egress system has deficiencies with regards to required egress width on the fourth and fifth level. This deficiency may be due to the design basis at the time of construction and the engineering standard used to analyze the means of egress system within this report. The standard used for design basis contains allowances that allow the use of less restrictive egress capacity factors. The remaining life safety systems meet the minimum standards used throughout this report. The performance-based analysis establishes performance criteria based on engineering guidelines and develops an evacuation model as well as a computational fluid dynamics model. The performance criteria specified included both visibility and temperature that occupants would be subjected to at 6 feet above the walking surfaces throughout the building. The evacuation model, using Pathfinder, is used to determine the required safe egress time for occupants to safely exit the building. Two conditions were investigated for a general alarm condition, which varied the egress features present for the occupants. A third model was developed based on a recommendation from the performance-based analysis where deficiencies were found in the evacuation time. This evacuation simulation modeled a phased evacuation for the building. The fire model, using Fire Dynamics Simulator, is used to determine the available safe egress time based on developed conditions from the fire and tenability criteria. Two design fires were established based on recommendations in engineering literature as well as specific California regulations. The determined available safe egress time did not exceed the determined required safe egress time found from the evacuation model for a general evacuation, due to queuing at exit stairways. Recommendations are made based on the findings of the prescriptive and performance-based analysis. The recommendation that would have the largest impact on the performance-based analysis is a phased evacuation strategy. If implemented, the required safe egress time would be less than the available safe egress time, thus allowing occupants to evacuate prior to untenable conditions. Also, a mechanical smoke exhaust system would aid in maintaining the smoke layer from creating untenable conditions at 6 feet above the walking surface

    La riconduzione al lavoro subordinato nel Jobs Act: un’occasione perduta tra vecchi e nuovi problemi

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    La relaziona analizza le innovazioni del Jobs Act in materia di collabrazioni, mettendone in luce le notevoli criticità


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    After the introduction of the Fornero reform, which affected art. 18 of the Workers' Statute raises the question of the impact of the crisis of the model of real stability on the exercise of workers' rights. The essay examines the positions of jurisprudence, starting from the constitutional one up to the recent ruling of the Court of cassation in joint sections on the subject of salary credits for public workers, both fixed-term and permanent, highlighting the reasons for the continuing difference with the private sector

    Little Egret Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766) (Pelecaniformes Ardeidae) and Eurasian crag martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli, 1769) (Passeriformes Hirundinidae), two new breeding species for the Egadi Islands (W-Sicily, Italy)

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    For the first time, the nesting of Eurasian crag martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli, 1769) (Passeriformes Hirundinidae) and Little egret Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766) (Pelecaniformes Ardeidae) in the Aegadian Islands (W-Sicily, Italy) is reported. Of particular interest is the nesting of the Little egret on the island of Maraone resulting in the first report for Sicily of a heronry on a marine island. Although this nesting environment has already been established in Sardinia, it should be emphasized that until now the establishment of a heronry has never been detected on an islet so far from the mainland

    Atrioventricular canal defect and genetic syndromes: the unifying role of sonic hedgehog

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    The atrioventricular canal defect (AVCD) is a congenital heart defect (CHD) frequently associated with extracardiac anomalies (75%). Previous observations from a personal series of patients with AVCD and "polydactyly syndromes" showed that the distinct morphology and combination of AVCD features in some of these syndromes is reminiscent of the cardiac phenotype found in heterotaxy, a malformation complex previously associated with functional cilia abnormalities and aberrant Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Hh signaling coordinates multiple aspects of left-right lateralization and cardiovascular growth. Being active at the venous pole the secondary heart field (SHF) is essential for normal development of dorsal mesenchymal protrusion and AVCD formation and septation. Experimental data show that perturbations of different components of the Hh pathway can lead to developmental errors presenting with partially overlapping manifestations and AVCD as a common denominator. We review the potential role of Hh signaling in the pathogenesis of AVCD in different genetic disorders. AVCD can be viewed as part of a "developmental field," according to the concept that malformations can be due to defects in signal transduction cascades or pathways, as morphogenetic units which may be altered by Mendelian mutations, aneuploidies, and environmental causes

    SICILIAN NATURALISTIC NEWS: 11 Aclista alticollis; 12 Mycomya (Mycomya) prominens; 13 Empis (Leptempis) confusa; 14 Sciapus platypterus; 15 Myopa picta; 16 Diaea dorsata; 17 Franklinothrips megalops; 18 Dasyhelea bilineata; 19 Forcipomyia (Synthridomyia) murina; 20 Forcipomyia (Euprojoannisia) psilonota; 21 Incertana drepanensis

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    SICILIAN NATURALISTIC NEWS: 11 Aclista alticollis; 12 Mycomya (Mycomya) prominens; 13 Empis (Leptempis) confusa; 14 Sciapus platypterus; 15 Myopa picta; 16 Diaea dorsata; 17 Franklinothrips megalops; 18 Dasyhelea bilineata; 19 Forcipomyia (Synthridomyia) murina; 20 Forcipomyia (Euprojoannisia) psilonota; 21 Incertana drepanensi

    spermophora senoculata on sicily italy araneae pholcidae

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    The pholcid spider Spermophora senoculata (Duges, 1836) is recorded for the first time on the Mediterranean Island of Sicily (Italy) from indoor heated and non-heated habitats of two cities. This species is associated with mostly anthropogenic habitats around the globe. Uncertainty remains about where its native distribution range is located

    Mutations in KCNK4 that Affect Gating Cause a Recognizable Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

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    Aberrant activation or inhibition of potassium (K+) currents across the plasma membrane of cells has been causally linked to altered neurotransmission, cardiac arrhythmias, endocrine dysfunction, and (more rarely) perturbed developmental processes. The K+ channel subfamily K member 4 (KCNK4), also known as TRAAK (TWIK-related arachidonic acid-stimulated K+ channel), belongs to the mechano-gated ion channels of the TRAAK/TREK subfamily of two-pore-domain (K2P) K+ channels. While K2P channels are well known to contribute to the resting membrane potential and cellular excitability, their involvement in pathophysiological processes remains largely uncharacterized. We report that de novo missense mutations in KCNK4 cause a recognizable syndrome with a distinctive facial gestalt, for which we propose the acronym FHEIG (facial dysmorphism, hypertrichosis, epilepsy, intellectual disability/developmental delay, and gingival overgrowth). Patch-clamp analyses documented a significant gain of function of the identified KCNK4 channel mutants basally and impaired sensitivity to mechanical stimulation and arachidonic acid. Co-expression experiments indicated a dominant behavior of the disease-causing mutations. Molecular dynamics simulations consistently indicated that mutations favor sealing of the lateral intramembrane fenestration that has been proposed to negatively control K+ flow by allowing lipid access to the central cavity of the channel. Overall, our findings illustrate the pleiotropic effect of dysregulated KCNK4 function and provide support to the hypothesis of a gating mechanism based on the lateral fenestrations of K2P channels
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