551 research outputs found

    Control primitives for robot systems

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    A methodology is developed for describing of hierarchical control of robot systems in a manner which is faithful to the underlying mechanics, structured enough to be used as an interpreted language, and sufficiently flexible to encompass a wide variety of systems. A consistent set of primitive operations which form the core of a robot system description and control language is presented. This language, motivated by the hierarchical organization of neuromuscular systems, is capable of describing a large class of robot systems under a variety of single-level and distributed control schemes

    Control primitives for robot systems

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    A methodology is developed for describing of hierarchical control of robot systems in a manner which is faithful to the underlying mechanics, structured enough to be used as an interpreted language, and sufficiently flexible to encompass a wide variety of systems. A consistent set of primitive operations which form the core of a robot system description and control language is presented. This language, motivated by the hierarchical organization of neuromuscular systems, is capable of describing a large class of robot systems under a variety of single-level and distributed control schemes

    Assessment and intervention issues and models in School Psychology : the case of Europe and North America

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    As práticas da Psicologia Escolar parecem ser cada vez mais marcadas pelas necessidades de referenciação/diagnóstico de crianças para o subsistema de educação especial, em detrimento do desenho e implementação de intervenções dirigidas aos problemas específicos dos alunos. A aparente insatisfação dos psicólogos escolares com essa tendência, bem como as dificuldades na utilização de modelos categoriais de diagnóstico em contexto escolar, têm dado origem à progressiva implementação de modelos alternativos de avaliação e intervenção, principalmente de modelos Response to Intervention, Curriculum-Based Measurement e Problem Solving. A controvérsia quanto à natureza verdadeiramente alternativa desses modelos parece, no entanto, longe de se esgotar. Neste artigo são discutidas vantagens e limitações dos diferentes modelos, de acordo com a melhor evidência disponível na literatura, e são ainda equacionadas as suas implicações nas práticas da Psicologia Escolar. Practices in School Psychology seem to be increasingly restricted to referrals/diagnosis of children for the sub-system of special education instead of being focused on the design and implementation of interventions for students with specific problems. The apparent dissatisfaction of school psychologists with this trend and the difficulties dealing with categorical diagnostic models within the school context have stimulated a movement toward the implementation of alternative assessment and intervention models, such as Response to Intervention, Curriculum-Based Measurement and Problem-Solving. However, the controversy about the true alternative nature of these models seems far from being exhausted. The aim of this paper is to discuss the benefits and limitations of the different models according to the best evidence available. We also consider the implications for practices in School PsychologyPractices in School Psychology seem to be increasingly restricted to referrals/diagnosis of children for the sub-system of special education instead of being focused on the design and implementation of interventions for students with specific problems. The apparent dissatisfaction of school psychologists with this trend and the difficulties dealing with categorical diagnostic models within the school context have stimulated a movement toward the implementation of alternative assessment and intervention models, such as Response to Intervention, Curriculum-Based Measurement and Problem-Solving. However, the controversy about the true alternative nature of these models seems far from being exhausted. The aim of this paper is to discuss the benefits and limitations of the different models according to the best evidence available. We also consider the implications for practices in School Psychology(undefined

    Virtual Blocks: a serious game for spatial ability improvement on mobile devices

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    This paper presents a novel spatial instruction system for improving spatial abilities of engineering students. A 3D mobile game application called Virtual Blocks has been designed to provide a 3D virtual environment to build models with cubes that help students to perform visualization tasks to promote the development of their spatial ability during a short remedial course. A validation study with 26 freshman engineering students at La Laguna University (Spain) has concluded that the training had a measurable and positive impact on students spatial ability. In addition, the results obtained using a satisfaction questionnaire show that Virtual Blocks is considered an easy to use and stimulating application.This work has been partially supported by the (Spanish) National Program for Studies and Analysis project "Evaluation and development of competencies associated to the spatial ability in the new engineering undergraduate courses" (Ref. EA2009-0025) and the (Spanish) National Science Project "Enhancing Spatial REasoning and VIsual Cognition with advanced technological tools (ESREVIC)" (Ref TIN2010-21296-C02-02)Martín Dorta, NN.; Sanchez Berriel, I.; Bravo, M.; Hernández, J.; Saorin, JL.; Contero, M. (2014). Virtual Blocks: a serious game for spatial ability improvement on mobile devices. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 73(3):1575-1595. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-013-1652-0S15751595733Baartmans BG, Sorby SA (1996) Introduction to 3-D spatial visualization. Prentice Hall, Englewood CliffsClements D, Battista M (1992) Geometry and spatial reasoning. In: Grouws DA (ed) Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning. New York, pp 420–464Cohen J (1988) Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences, 2nd edn. Erlbaum, HillsdaleDe Lisi R, Cammarano DM (1996) Computer experience and gender differences in undergraduate mental rotation performance. Comput Hum Behav 12:351–361Deno JA (1995) The relationship of previous experiences to spatial visualization ability. Eng Des Graph J 59(3):5–17Feng J, Spence I, Pratt J (2007) Playing an action video game reduces gender differences in spatial cognition. Psychol Sci 18(10):850–855French JW (1951) The description of aptitude and achievement tests in terms of rotated factors. Psychometric monograph 5Guilford JP, Lacy JI (1947) Printed classification tests, A.A.F. Aviation Psychological Progress Research Report, 5. US. Government Printing Office, Washington DCHalpern DF (2000) Sex differences and cognitive abilities. Erlbaum, MahwahHöfele C (2007) Mobile 3D graphics: learning 3D graphics with the Java Micro Edition. Editorial ThomsonKajiya JT, Kay TL (1989) Rendering fur with three dimensional textures. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and interactive Techniques SIGGRAPH ’89. ACM Press, New York pp 271–280Linn MC, Petersen AC (1985) Emergence and characterization of gender differences in spatial abilities: a meta-analysis. Child Dev 56:1479–1498Martin-Dorta N, Sanchez-Berriel I, Bravo M, Hernandez J, Saorin JL, Contero M (2010) A 3D educational mobile game to enhance student’s spatial skills, ICALT, pp.6–10, 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning TechnologiesMartin-Dorta N, Saorin J, Contero M (2008) Development of a fast remedial course to improve the spatial abilities of engineering students. J Eng Educ 27(4):505–514Martin-Dorta N, Saorin JL, Contero M (2011) Web-based spatial training using handheld touch screen devices. Educ Technol Soc 14(3):163–177McGee MG (1979) Human spatial abilities: psychometric studies and environmental, genetic, hormonal, and neurological influences. Psychol Bull 86:889–918Noguera JM, Segura RJ, Ogayar CJ, Joan-Arinyo R (2011) Navigating large terrains using commodity mobile devices. Comput Geosci 37:1218–1233Okagaki L, Frensch PA (1994) Effects of video game playing on measures of spatial performance: gender effects in late adolescence. J Appl Dev Psychol 15(1):33–58Pulli K, Aarnio T, Miettinen V, Roimela K, Vaarala J (2007) Mobile 3D graphics with OpenGL ES and M3G. Editorial Morgan KaufmannQuaiser-Pohl C, Geiser C, Lehmann W (2005) The relationship between computer-game preference, gender, and mental-rotation ability. Personal Individ Differ 40(3):609–619Smith IM (1964) Spatial ability- its educational and social significance. The University of London Press, LondonSorby S (2007) Developing 3D spatial skills for engineering students. Australas Assoc Eng Educ 13(1):1–11Terlecki MS, Newcombe NS (2005) How important is the digital divide? The relation of computer and videogame usage to gender differences in mental rotation ability. Sex Roles 53(5/6):433–441Terlecki MS, Newcombe NS, Little M (2008) Durable and generalized effects of spatial experience on mental rotation: gender differences in growth patterns. Appl Cogn Psychol 22:996–1013Thurstone LL (1950) Some primary abilities in visual thinking (Tech. Rep. No. 59). IL University of Chicago Psychometric Laboratory, ChicagoThurstone LL, Thurstone TG (1941) Factorial studies of intelligence. Psychometric monographs. Chicago Press, ChicagoVanderberg S, Kuse A (1978) Mental Rotation, a group test of three dimensional spatial visualization. Percept Mot Skills 47:599–604Zimmerman WS (1954) Hypotheses concerning the nature of the spatial factors. Educ Psychol Meas 14:396–40

    A Comparison of Components of Written Expression Abilities in Learning Disabled and Non-Learning Disabled Students at Three Grade Levels

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    Although written language plays a critical role in academic success, little empirical evidence exists on the normal development of processes involved in producing written products. Even less is known about the writing performance of LD children. This study empirically compared the written products of LD and normal students at three grade levels on The Test of Written Language. Results showed that LD subjects scored significantly lower than normal subjects on most written expression abilities, especially in the mechanical tasks of spelling, punctuation, and word usage.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Cascade oxime formation, cyclization to a nitrone, and intermolecular dipolar cycloaddition.

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    Simple haloaldehydes, including enolisable aldehydes, were found to be suitable for the formation of cyclic products by cascade (domino) condensation, cyclisation, dipolar cycloaddition chemistry. This multi-component reaction approach to heterocyclic compounds was explored by using hydroxylamine, a selection of aldehydes, and a selection of activated dipolarophiles. Initial condensation gives intermediate oximes that undergo cyclisation with displacement of halide to give intermediate nitrones; these nitrones undergo in situ intermolecular dipolar cycloaddition reactions to give isoxazolidines. The cycloadducts from using dimethyl fumarate were treated with zinc/acetic acid to give lactam products and this provides an easy way to prepare pyrrolizinones, indolizinones, and pyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinolinones. The chemistry is illustrated with a very short synthesis of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid macronecine and a formal synthesis of petasinecine
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