29,474 research outputs found

    Effects of Hyperbaric Hypoxia on Some Enzyme Systems in the Mammalian Liver

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    The metabolic effects of hypobaric hypoxic stress on the mammalian liver were studied. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of mouse liver homogenates were measured after exposure to an equivalent altitude of 36,000 feet and compared to controls kept at zero altitude. After six and twelve hour incubation periods, the altitude exposed samples demonstrated a significantly higher LDH activity than controls. SDH activity remained unchanged from controls after six hours but was significantly lower than controls after a 12 hour exposure to altitude. It is concluded that the changes in enzyme activity reflect a metabolic control mechanism attempting to maintain adequate energy production during periods of exposure to hypobaric hypoxic stress

    Generalizing the Network Scale-Up Method: A New Estimator for the Size of Hidden Populations

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    The network scale-up method enables researchers to estimate the size of hidden populations, such as drug injectors and sex workers, using sampled social network data. The basic scale-up estimator offers advantages over other size estimation techniques, but it depends on problematic modeling assumptions. We propose a new generalized scale-up estimator that can be used in settings with non-random social mixing and imperfect awareness about membership in the hidden population. Further, the new estimator can be used when data are collected via complex sample designs and from incomplete sampling frames. However, the generalized scale-up estimator also requires data from two samples: one from the frame population and one from the hidden population. In some situations these data from the hidden population can be collected by adding a small number of questions to already planned studies. For other situations, we develop interpretable adjustment factors that can be applied to the basic scale-up estimator. We conclude with practical recommendations for the design and analysis of future studies

    Recreation, Tourism, and Rural Well-Being

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    The promotion of recreation and tourism has been both praised and criticized as a rural development strategy. This study uses regression analysis to assess the effect of recreation and tourism development on socioeconomic conditions in rural recreation counties. The findings imply that recreation and tourism development contributes to rural well-being, increasing local employment, wage levels, and income, reducing poverty, and improving education and health. But recreation and tourism development is not without drawbacks, including higher housing costs. Local effects also vary significantly, depending on the type of recreation area.recreation, tourism, recreation counties, rural development, economic indicators, social indicators, rural development policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Observations of mesoscale vertical velocities around frontal zones

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    Vertical velocity and reflectivity data obtained with a VHF Doppler radar over a 15-day period in October and November of 1981 are analyzed. Standard radiosonde data and surface observations were used to locate two occluded fronts, two warm fronts, and a cold front that passed the radar site. These fronts are also evident in the radar reflectivity data. Most studies of the vertical circulation patterns associated with mososcale systems have used precipitation and cloud formations as tracers. Unlike other observational techniques, the VHF radar permits the continuous measurement of the three-dimensional air velocity vector in time and height from a fixed location. With the beam in a vertically pointing position, signals are scattered from turbulent variations in the refractive index with half the scale of the radar wavelength and by regions with sudden changes in the refractive index associated with horizontally stratified layers. Generally, the strongest echoes occur at the maximum in the vertical gradient of refractivity, usually at the base of a temperature inversion, such as the tropopause. VHF radars can also be used to locate atmospheric fronts, which are characterized by static stability, large horizontal temperature gradients, large vorticities, and vertical wind shears. These radars can provide the velocity field data needed to study wave motions associated with fronts and compare the actual vertical circulation to theoretical predictions

    Comparison of vertical velocities analyzed by a numerical model and measured by a VHF wind profiler

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    The use of wind profilers for measuring vertical velocities in the troposphere and lower stratosphere is potentially of great interest for verification of forecasts, diagnosis of mesoscale circulations, and studies of wave motions. The studies of profiler vertical velocities to date have shown that the observed patterns of ascent and subsidence are reasonable when compared to the synoptic conditions. However, difficulties arise when a direct verification of the profiler vertical winds is sought. Since no other technique can measure the vertical velocities over the same height range and with the same claimed accuracy as the profilers, direct comparisons are impossible. The only alternative is to compare the measurements to analyzed vertical velocity fields. Here, researchers compare vertical measurements made with the SOUSY VHF radar over a period of 11 days at the beginning of November 1981 to the analyzed vertical velocities produced by the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) model for grid points near the radar site

    The Network Survival Method for Estimating Adult Mortality: Evidence From a Survey Experiment in Rwanda.

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    Adult death rates are a critical indicator of population health and well-being. Wealthy countries have high-quality vital registration systems, but poor countries lack this infrastructure and must rely on estimates that are often problematic. In this article, we introduce the network survival method, a new approach for estimating adult death rates. We derive the precise conditions under which it produces consistent and unbiased estimates. Further, we develop an analytical framework for sensitivity analysis. To assess the performance of the network survival method in a realistic setting, we conducted a nationally representative survey experiment in Rwanda (n = 4,669). Network survival estimates were similar to estimates from other methods, even though the network survival estimates were made with substantially smaller samples and are based entirely on data from Rwanda, with no need for model life tables or pooling of data from other countries. Our analytic results demonstrate that the network survival method has attractive properties, and our empirical results show that this method can be used in countries where reliable estimates of adult death rates are sorely needed

    Photovoltaic options for solar electric propulsion

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    During the past decade, a number of advances have occurred in solar cell and array technology. These advances have lead to performance improvement for both conventional space arrays and for advanced technology arrays. Performance enhancements have occurred in power density, specific power, and environmental capability. Both state-of-the-art and advanced development cells and array technology are discussed. Present technology will include rigid, rollout, and foldout flexible substrate designs, with silicon and GaAs solar cells. The use of concentrator array systems is also discussed based on both DOD and NASA efforts. The benefits of advanced lightweight array technology, for both near term and far term utilization, and of advanced high efficiency, thin, radiation resistant cells is examined. This includes gallium arsenide on germaniun substrates, indium phosphide, and thin film devices such as copper indium diselenide

    Suppression of SIV-specific CD4+ T cells by infant but not adult macaque regulatory T cells: implications for SIV disease progression.

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    The impact of regulatory T cells (T reg cells) on the course of HIV and SIV disease is unknown. T reg cells could suppress protective antiviral responses and accelerate disease progression. Alternatively, these cells might block T cell activation and thereby limit viral replication as well as activation-associated immunopathology. Given the higher frequency of T reg cells known to be present during human fetal ontogeny, such influences may be most important in the context of perinatal infection. We found that infant macaques had higher fractions of CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(low)FoxP3(+) T reg cells in the peripheral blood and in lymphoid tissues, and that these T reg cells showed greater in vitro suppressive activity on a per cell basis. Infant and adult macaques were infected with SIVmac251 to test the influence of the T reg cell compartment on SIV-specific immune responses. After infection with SIV, most (three out of four) infant macaques had persistently high viral loads, weak and transient SIV-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses, and rapid disease progression. T reg cells in the infant but not in the adult directly suppressed SIV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses, which were detectable only after depletion of T reg cells. In the case of both the infant and the adult macaque, T reg cells were not able to directly suppress SIV-specific CD8(+) T cell responses and had no apparent effect on T cell activation. In aggregate, these observations suggest that the T reg cell compartment of the infant macaque facilitates rapid disease progression, at least in part by incapacitating SIV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses

    A study of HII regions in spiral galaxies using multiobject spectroscopy

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    Multiobject spectroscopy results of HII regions in nearby late-type spiral galaxies are given. Results include excitation measurements, log ((O III)/H beta), for 81 regions in M 101, 30 regions in NGC 2403, and 13 regions in M 51. Researchers conclude that late-type spirals can be classified into two distinct populations, examine possible causes of this division, and derive metallicity gradients for these galaxies. M 51 appears to have an anomalously shallow abundance gradient

    Saccadic latency in amblyopia.

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    We measured saccadic latencies in a large sample (total n = 459) of individuals with amblyopia or risk factors for amblyopia, e.g., strabismus or anisometropia, and normal control subjects. We presented an easily visible target randomly to the left or right, 3.5° from fixation. The interocular difference in saccadic latency is highly correlated with the interocular difference in LogMAR (Snellen) acuity-as the acuity difference increases, so does the latency difference. Strabismic and strabismic-anisometropic amblyopes have, on average, a larger difference between their eyes in LogMAR acuity than anisometropic amblyopes and thus their interocular latency difference is, on average, significantly larger than anisometropic amblyopes. Despite its relation to LogMAR acuity, the longer latency in strabismic amblyopes cannot be attributed either to poor resolution or to reduced contrast sensitivity, because their interocular differences in grating acuity and in contrast sensitivity are roughly the same as for anisometropic amblyopes. The correlation between LogMAR acuity and saccadic latency arises because of the confluence of two separable effects in the strabismic amblyopic eye-poor letter recognition impairs LogMAR acuity while an intrinsic sluggishness delays reaction time. We speculate that the frequent microsaccades and the accompanying attentional shifts, made while strabismic amblyopes struggle to maintain fixation with their amblyopic eyes, result in all types of reactions being irreducibly delayed