45 research outputs found

    Attributional and Relational Processing in Pigeons

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    Six pigeons were trained using a matching-to-sample procedure where sample and rewarded comparisons matched on both attributional (color) and relational (horizontal or vertical orientation) dimensions. Probes then evaluated the pigeons’ preference to comparisons that varied in these dimensions. A strong preference was found for the attribute of color. The discrimination was not found to transfer to novel colors, however, suggesting that a general color rule had not been learned. Further, when color could not be used to guide responding, some influence of other attributional cues such as shape, but not relational cues, was found. We conclude that pigeons based their performance on attributional properties of but not on relational properties between elements in our matching-to-sample procedure. Future studies should look at examining other attributes to compare attributional versus relational processing

    O efeito Root na hemoglobina do jaraqui (Prochilodus sp.) um peixe teleósteo

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    Resumo O sistema de hemoglobina do jaraquí, Prochilodus sp. consiste em componentes múltiplos de hemoglobina. O derivado oxidado elui como uma espécie de único peso molecular em experimentos de filtração. O derivado carboxi tem um peso molecular aparente de 60.000 determinado por filtração de gel. Uma mudança de 44 vezes no p1/2 ocorre entre pH 6,4 e 8,6 na solução da hemoglobina. Esta mudança aumenta 388 vezes sob a mesma faixa de pH na presença de 1mM de ATP. A cooperatividade da união do oxigênio, medida por n na equação de Hill, é maior que um em pH acima de 6,7, porém menor que um quando abaixo deste valor. O hemolisado apresentou efeito "Root", sendo apenas 44% saturado a pH 6,4 em presença de 1mM de ATP e equilibrado com ar a uma atmosfera. Em 30°C e pH 7,6 o sangue total processa-se abaixo de p1/2, 4,7 mm de Hg, menor que o de maioria dos outros teleósteos amazônicos. Ambas as velocidades de combinação do monóxido de carbono e velocidade de dissociação do oxigênio são dependentes do pH e ATP. Entre pH 6,2 e 8,8 a velocidade do COon aumenta 10 vezes. ATP reduz a velocidade em valores de pH Intermediários. A velocidade de Ooff aumenta 2,4 vezes entre pH 8,8 e 6,7. A adição de 1 mM de ATP produz um aumento de 4,5 vezes sobre a mesma faixa de pH. Os baixos valores de n abaixo de pH 6,7 e a heterogeneidade da combinação de CO e o processo de dissociação da combinação de O2 sugerem que os componentes da hemoglobina podem ser funcionalmente diferenciados e/ou existem diferenças intramolecular nas propriedades cinéticas das cadelas oc e β

    Isolamento e caracterização dos componentes da hemoglobina de Mylossoma sp., um teleósteo da Amazônia

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    Resumo Foram isoladas duas hemoglobinas de um peixe caracídeo, Mylossoma sp. O componente eletroforético de maior migração anódica constitui 89% do hemolisado total. As duas hemoglobinas nativas têm peso molecular aparente de 57.000 por cromatografia em gel. Os pesos moleculares aparentes das subunidades desnaturadas são 14.000 por eletroforese em gel de dodecil sulfato de sódio. Não ocorre polimerização depois da oxidação com ferrocianeto de potássio. O estudo da união de oxigênio indica que o componente mais "anódico" da hemoglobina possui um efeito Root. Em pH 5,9 na presença de 1 mM ATP a hemoglobina fica saturada apenas 45% quando equilibrada com ar a 1 atmosfera. O componente mais anódico possui um efeito Bohr normal que é aumentado em presença de 1 mM ATP. A cooperatividade, determinada por n na equação de Hill, varia com o pH. No pH 6,7 e abaixo deste na presença de 1 mM ATP, n < 1. A presença de 1 mM ATP causa uma redução em n em pH abaixo de 8,2. O comportamento menos anódico evidencia um comportamento muito diferente tendo um efeito Bohr reverso Δ log P1/2/Δ pH=0,14, entre pH 7,0 e 8,0 o qual muda para um efeito Bohr normal, Δ log P1/2/Δ pH= —0,13 com adição de 1 mM ATF. Esta hemoglobina mostra cooperatividade em todos os valores de pH estudados. Não mostra efeito Root. Estudos de cinética rápida da ligação CO e da dissociação do O2dos componentes isola dos da hemoglobina mostraram que ambos processos são dependentes do pH para cada componente. Estes resultados são consistentes com as análises dos dados de equilíbrio do oxigênio. As hemoglobinas de Mylossoma sp. se assemelham às de Hoplosternum, truta, salmão, remora e cadozete, no grau de sua diferenciação funcional e podem representar especializações evolutivas designadas para servir funções fisiológicas diversas

    Mechanisms of amino acid sensing in mTOR signaling pathway

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    Amino acids are fundamental nutrients for protein synthesis and cell growth (increase in cell size). Recently, many compelling evidences have shown that the level of amino acids is sensed by extra- or intra-cellular amino acids sensor(s) and regulates protein synthesis/degradation. Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is placed in a central position in cell growth regulation and dysregulation of mTOR signaling pathway has been implicated in many serious human diseases including cancer, diabetes, and tissue hypertrophy. Although amino acids are the most potent activator of mTORC1, how amino acids activate mTOR signaling pathway is still largely unknown. This is partly because of the diversity of amino acids themselves including structure and metabolism. In this review, current proposed amino acid sensing mechanisms to regulate mTORC1 and the evidences pro/against the proposed models are discussed

    Differences in Muscle Protein Synthesis and Anabolic Signaling in the Postabsorptive State and in Response to Food in 65–80 Year Old Men and Women

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    Women have less muscle than men but lose it more slowly during aging. To discover potential underlying mechanism(s) for this we evaluated the muscle protein synthesis process in postabsorptive conditions and during feeding in twenty-nine 65–80 year old men (n = 13) and women (n = 16). We discovered that the basal concentration of phosphorylated eEF2Thr56 was ∼40% less (P<0.05) and the basal rate of MPS was ∼30% greater (P = 0.02) in women than in men; the basal concentrations of muscle phosphorylated AktThr308, p70s6kThr389, eIF4ESer209, and eIF4E-BP1Thr37/46 were not different between the sexes. Feeding increased (P<0.05) AktThr308 and p70s6kThr389 phosphorylation to the same extent in men and women but increased (P<0.05) the phosphorylation of eIF4ESer209 and eIF4E-BP1Thr37/46 in men only. Accordingly, feeding increased MPS in men (P<0.01) but not in women. The postabsorptive muscle mRNA concentrations for myoD and myostatin were not different between sexes; feeding doubled myoD mRNA (P<0.05) and halved that of myostatin (P<0.05) in both sexes. Thus, there is sexual dimorphism in MPS and its control in older adults; a greater basal rate of MPS, operating over most of the day may partially explain the slower loss of muscle in older women

    Differences in Muscle Protein Synthesis and Anabolic Signaling in the Postabsorptive State and in Response to Food in 65–80 Year Old Men and Women

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    Women have less muscle than men but lose it more slowly during aging. To discover potential underlying mechanism(s) for this we evaluated the muscle protein synthesis process in postabsorptive conditions and during feeding in twenty-nine 65–80 year old men (n = 13) and women (n = 16). We discovered that the basal concentration of phosphorylated eEF2Thr56 was ∼40% less (P<0.05) and the basal rate of MPS was ∼30% greater (P = 0.02) in women than in men; the basal concentrations of muscle phosphorylated AktThr308, p70s6kThr389, eIF4ESer209, and eIF4E-BP1Thr37/46 were not different between the sexes. Feeding increased (P<0.05) AktThr308 and p70s6kThr389 phosphorylation to the same extent in men and women but increased (P<0.05) the phosphorylation of eIF4ESer209 and eIF4E-BP1Thr37/46 in men only. Accordingly, feeding increased MPS in men (P<0.01) but not in women. The postabsorptive muscle mRNA concentrations for myoD and myostatin were not different between sexes; feeding doubled myoD mRNA (P<0.05) and halved that of myostatin (P<0.05) in both sexes. Thus, there is sexual dimorphism in MPS and its control in older adults; a greater basal rate of MPS, operating over most of the day may partially explain the slower loss of muscle in older women

    Food quality and motivation: A refined low-fat diet induces obesity and impairs performance on a progressive ratio schedule of instrumental lever pressing in rats

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    IntroductionPurified high-fat diet (HFD) feeding causes deleterious metabolic and cognitive effects when compared with unrefined low-fat diets in rodent models. These effects are often attributed to the diet's high content of fat, while less attention has been paid to other mechanisms associated with the diet's highly refined state. Although the effects of HFD feeding on cognition have been explored, little is known about the impact of refined vs. unrefined food on cognition. We tested the hypothesis that a refined low-fat diet (LFD) increases body weight and adversely affects cognition relative to an unrefined diet.Materials and methodsRats were allowed ad libitum access to unrefined rodent chow (CON, Lab Diets 5001) or a purified low-fat diet (REF, Research Diets D12450B) for 6 months, and body weight and performance on an instrumental lever pressing task were recorded.ResultsAfter six months on their respective diets, group REF gained significantly more weight than group CON. REF rats made significantly fewer lever presses and exhibited dramatically lower breaking points than CON rats for sucrose and water reinforcement, indicating a chronic reduction of motivation for instrumental performance. Switching the rats' diet for 9 days had no effect on these measures.ConclusionsDiet-induced obesity produces a substantial deficit in motivated behavior in rats, independent of dietary fat content. This holds implications for an association between obesity and motivation. Specifically, behavioral traits comorbid with obesity, such as depression and fatigue, may be effects of obesity rather than contributing causes. To the degree that refined foods contribute to obesity, as demonstrated in our study, they may play a significant contributing role to other behavioral and cognitive disorders

    Attributional and Relational Processing in Pigeons

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