51 research outputs found

    Information on preparing for birth & parenthood

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    A handbook for parents-to-be attending the Preparation for Birth and Parenthood Education programme at Cork University Maternity Hospital

    Identification of the bud emergence gene BEM4 and its interactions with rho-type GTPases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    The Rho-type GTPase Cdc42p is required for cell polarization and bud emergence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To identify genes whose functions are linked to CDC42, we screened for (i) multicopy suppressors of a Ts- cdc42 mutant, (ii) mutants that require multiple copies of CDC42 for survival, and (iii) mutations that display synthetic lethality with a partial-loss-of-function allele of CDC24, which encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42p. In all three screens, we identified a new gene, BEM4. Cells from which BEM4 was deleted were inviable at 37 degrees C. These cells became unbudded, large, and round, consistent with a model in which Bem4p acts together with Cdc42p in polarity establishment and bud emergence. In some strains, the ability of CDC42 to serve as a multicopy suppressor of the Ts- growth defect of deltabem4 cells required co-overexpression of Rho1p, which is an essential Rho-type GTPase necessary for cell wall integrity. This finding suggests that Bem4p also affects Rho1p function. Bem4p displayed two-hybrid interactions with Cdc42p, Rho1p, and two of the three other known yeast Rho-type GTPases, suggesting that Bem4p can interact with multiple Rho-type GTPases. Models for the role of Bem4p include that it serves as a chaperone or modulates the interaction of these GTPases with one or more of their targets or regulators

    Chromosomal Inversions between Human and Chimpanzee Lineages Caused by Retrotransposons

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    The long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) and Alu elements are the most abundant mobile elements comprising 21% and 11% of the human genome, respectively. Since the divergence of human and chimpanzee lineages, these elements have vigorously created chromosomal rearrangements causing genomic difference between humans and chimpanzees by either increasing or decreasing the size of genome. Here, we report an exotic mechanism, retrotransposon recombination-mediated inversion (RRMI), that usually does not alter the amount of genomic material present. Through the comparison of the human and chimpanzee draft genome sequences, we identified 252 inversions whose respective inversion junctions can clearly be characterized. Our results suggest that L1 and Alu elements cause chromosomal inversions by either forming a secondary structure or providing a fragile site for double-strand breaks. The detailed analysis of the inversion breakpoints showed that L1 and Alu elements are responsible for at least 44% of the 252 inversion loci between human and chimpanzee lineages, including 49 RRMI loci. Among them, three RRMI loci inverted exonic regions in known genes, which implicates this mechanism in generating the genomic and phenotypic differences between human and chimpanzee lineages. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of mobile element bases inversion breakpoints between human and chimpanzee lineages, and highlights their role in primate genome evolution

    Defining sepsis on the wards: results of a multi-centre point-prevalence study comparing two sepsis definitions

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    Our aim was to prospectively determine the predictive capabilities of SEPSIS-1 and SEPSIS-3 definitions in the emergency departments and general wards. Patients with National Early Warning Score (NEWS) of 3 or above and suspected or proven infection were enrolled over a 24-h period in 13 Welsh hospitals. The primary outcome measure was mortality within 30 days. Out of the 5422 patients screened, 431 fulfilled inclusion criteria and 380 (88%) were recruited. Using the SEPSIS-1 definition, 212 patients had sepsis. When using the SEPSIS-3 definitions with Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score ≥ 2, there were 272 septic patients, whereas with quickSOFA score ≥ 2, 50 patients were identified. For the prediction of primary outcome, SEPSIS-1 criteria had a sensitivity (95%CI) of 65% (54–75%) and specificity of 47% (41–53%); SEPSIS-3 criteria had a sensitivity of 86% (76–92%) and specificity of 32% (27–38%). SEPSIS-3 and SEPSIS-1 definitions were associated with a hazard ratio (95%CI) 2.7 (1.5–5.6) and 1.6 (1.3–2.5), respectively. Scoring system discrimination evaluated by receiver operating characteristic curves was highest for Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (0.69 (95%CI 0.63–0.76)), followed by NEWS (0.58 (0.51–0.66)) (p < 0.001). Systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria (0.55 (0.49–0.61)) and quickSOFA score (0.56 (0.49–0.64)) could not predict outcome. The SEPSIS-3 definition identified patients with the highest risk. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score and NEWS were better predictors of poor outcome. The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score appeared to be the best tool for identifying patients with high risk of death and sepsis-induced organ dysfunction

    An Examination of the Impact of Urban Development on the Powhatan Creek Watershed in James City County, Virginia

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    James City County is the birthplace of English settlement in America. Since 1607, the settlers and residents of this area have been altering the land and ultimately impacting the surrounding waterways. Powhatan Creek is a 22 square mile watershed located in James City County where the mouth of the creek opens to the James River and is only 60 miles from the Chesapeake Bay and ultimately the Atlantic Ocean. This study examined the impact of development on the area of this watershed corresponding to the original areas developed by the settlers in the early 1600\u27s. Using impervious cover analysis, it was found that prior to 1900, there was 1% or less impervious cover in the approximately 4500 initially developed. Using more accurate parcel data from 1900, impervious cover was calculated for parcels that have been developed. Impervious cover estimates for an area of 4062.76 acres studied indicate that currently parcels comprise 1.6% of the impervious cover for the area. This excludes any impervious cover due to roadways, just the development itself. Comparing this to the 0.24% of impervious cover in 1900, this is an increase of approximately 1.3%. If the remaining parcels are developed according to how they are currently zoned, an additional 9.2% of impervious cover will be added to the area. The growth pattern for this area has been, since the arrival of the settlers, sprawl. Given the estimate that the population will be over 100,000 within the next 20 years, it is clear that the County must be cautious of how the area in and around this watershed is developed. An appealing use of the available land would be to rezone the remaining parcels for mixed-use development and establish smart growth communities. This combines both residential and commercial use and tends to have a lesser overall amount of impervious cover. This also leaves available, undeveloped land that can be set aside as green-space. Concurrently, the current zoning practices should be modified to incorporate watershed based zoning to ensure that the amount of impervious cover is continuously monitored, and land use decisions can incorporate the level of impervious cover rather than population alone

    Chaperoning Histones during DNA Replication and Repair

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    Nuclear DNA is tightly packaged into chromatin, which profoundly influences DNA replication, transcription, repair, and recombination. The extensive interactions between the basic histone proteins and acidic DNA make the nucleosomal unit of chromatin a highly stable entity. For the cellular machinery to access the DNA, the chromatin must be unwound and the DNA cleared of histone proteins. Conversely, the DNA has to be repackaged into chromatin afterward. This review focuses on the roles of the histone chaperones in assembling and disassembling chromatin during the processes of DNA replication and repair

    Direct Regulation of DNA Repair by E2F and RB in Mammals and Plants: Core Function or Convergent Evolution?

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    Members of the E2F transcription factor family regulate the expression of genes important for DNA replication and mitotic cell division in most eukaryotes. Homologs of the retinoblastoma (RB) tumor suppressor inhibit the activity of E2F factors, thus controlling cell cycle progression. Organisms such as budding and fission yeast have lost genes encoding E2F and RB, but have gained genes encoding other proteins that take on E2F and RB cell cycle-related functions. In addition to regulating cell proliferation, E2F and RB homologs have non-canonical functions outside the mitotic cell cycle in a variety of eukaryotes. For example, in both mammals and plants, E2F and RB homologs localize to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and directly promote repair by homologous recombination (HR). Here, we discuss the parallels between mammalian E2F1 and RB and their Arabidopsis homologs, E2FA and RB-related (RBR), with respect to their recruitment to sites of DNA damage and how they help recruit repair factors important for DNA end resection. We also explore the question of whether this role in DNA repair is a conserved ancient function of the E2F and RB homologs in the last eukaryotic common ancestor or whether this function evolved independently in mammals and plants
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