505 research outputs found

    A quantitative analysis of the image of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region media

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    The study analyzes the shaping of the image of Russia through media focused on the countries of the Asia-Pacific region China, Japan and South Korea. Based on the analysis of bilateral relations between Russia and the People's Republic of China, Russia and the Republic of Korea, Russia and Japan, a model of communication between our country and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region has been built. The goal of the study is to carry out a quantitative content analysis of the image of Russia broadcast through the media focused on the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (China, Japan and South Korea). The study used the method of content analysis, the theoretical model of communication and the theory of the image. The mechanisms of forming the image of the state in political psychology are described. The main theoretical approaches are considered and the study of communicative and informative perception of the image of Russia, formed through the media of the APR countries, is carried out. Totally 4244 messages in the years 2015 - 2017 were analyzed. The results of content analysis show that most of the reports about Russia and the events connected with it are of a neutral, informative nature. The articles have no emotional tone, the bulk of the reports contain a dry statement of facts. Information agencies broadcast events through the prism of their ideology, most of them keep neutrality, the articles have an analytical, overview, commentary or narrative orientation.peer-reviewe

    Role of Russia in peaceful settlement of the conflict of North and South Korea: event analysis

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    This study analyzes the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. The Russian Federation has played an important role in the peaceful settlement of this conflict, which has an impact on the formation of the appearance of Russia in the international arena. The theoretical basis of the study was the theory of images, communication and international conflicts. Using the eventanalysis method, an event-based picture of the conflict was built, comparative assessments were made, conflicting parties, indirect participants and intermediaries were identified. An analysis of the current situation is given, groups of interests and the role of Russia in the peaceful settlement of this conflict are identified.Este estudio analiza el conflicto entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur. La Federación de Rusia ha desempeñado un papel importante en la solución pacífica de este conflicto, que tiene un impacto en la formación de la aparición de Rusia en la arena internacional. La base teórica del estudio fue la teoría de las imágenes, la comunicación y los conflictos internacionales. Utilizando el método de análisis de eventos, se construyó una imagen del conflicto basada en eventos, se realizaron evaluaciones comparativas, se identificaron las partes en conflicto, los participantes indirectos y los intermediarios. Se presenta un análisis de la situación actual, se identifican los grupos de intereses y el papel de Rusia en la solución pacífica de este conflicto.Este estudo analisa o conflito entre a Coréia do Norte e a Coréia do Sul. A Federação Russa tem desempenhado um papel importante na solução pacífica deste conflito, que tem um impacto sobre a formação da aparição da Rússia na arena internacional. A base teórica do estudo foi a teoria das imagens, comunicação e conflitos internacionais. Usando o método de análise de eventos, uma imagem baseada em eventos do conflito foi construída, avaliações comparativas foram feitas, partes conflitantes, participantes indiretos e intermediários foram identificados. Uma análise da situação atual é dada, grupos de interesses e o papel da Rússia na solução pacífica deste conflito são identificados

    Evalution of endogenous intoxication in patients on herpesassociated multiforme exudative erythema

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    In this work the determination of the parameters of endogenous intoxication in patients herpes associated multiforme exudative erythema in the context of the severity of the disease compared with patients with exudative erythema multiforme other etiologies and patients with recurrent herpes simplex. Shown that patients herpes associated multiform exudative erythema of the oral cavity have a pronounced degree of endogenous intoxication, which is directly correlated with the degree of severity of the disease, which gives grounds for inclusion in the scheme of complex treatment of patients with herpeszoster bahatoformatne exudative erythema methods of detoxication therapy

    Efficiency of carotine-chlorophyllic complexes use in a-hypovitaminosis of poultry

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    The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of using chloroprenol as a vitamin supplement in diets of broiler chickens for the prevention of A-vitamin deficiencies and improve the commercial quality of poultry products. In accordance with desired goal we have estimated the clinical-biochemical status of the broiler chickens under production-line conditions, defined the optimal dosages of chloroprenol for the broiler chicken, determined the effect of the drug on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, studied their effect on the natural resistance parameters of the body, accumulation of biological active substances in the liver, viability and productivit

    Socio-psycological aspects of stydying sharnirnay hinged pupet ( to the question of types of toys)

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    The material is devoted to the problems and type of games model of contemporary culture. We produce the variant of dolls types, division on the base realistic images. The popular bolt joined realistic doll isn’t the example of order games model.Статья посвящена специфике игровых моделей в современной культуре, предлагается вариант типологии игрушки, где разделение проводится по границе подвижности и степени условности. Шарнирная реалистичная кукла рассматривается как проявление нарушения основополагающих законов игры и отсутствия необходимых культурных цензов в современном социуме

    Value and risks of morphing technology into strategy and business model

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    Digital technologies became the primary source of innovation in the private and public sectors. The Internet profoundly changed the way businesses are run catapulting “most digital” industries and companies to the top of the S&P500. Two innovations that drive digital transformation changing the nature of competition are cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Cloud-native business models and strategies proved successful in various industries, while AI is being tested in vivo by management mainstream. The publication provides an analysis of a multidimensional impact cloud computing makes on strategies and business models of companies. We show that what made cloud computing special in the management context was the way it morphed into strategies and business models best suited for the uncertain future. We also noted that as the focus of digital transformation shifts towards cloud-based AI powered decision-making solutions, managing the human aspect of “more digital” business models and related risks, recently referred to as an existential threat, becomes a priority of management research

    Designing of education process of working profession «Welder» with using gaming technologies

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    В статье представлена разработка методики проведения уроков с использованием игровых технологий при подготовке по профессии cварщик, что способствует активизации учебно-познавательной деятельности обучаемых, стремления к самообразованию и самоподготовкеThe article presents the development of the methodology of conducting lessons with the use of gaming technology in training in the profession of the Welder, thereby enhancing learning and cognitive activity of trainees, commitment to self-education and self-trainin

    Analytically solvable model of a driven system with quenched dichotomous disorder

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    We perform a time-dependent study of the driven dynamics of overdamped particles which are placed in a one-dimensional, piecewise linear random potential. This set-up of spatially quenched disorder then exerts a dichotomous varying random force on the particles. We derive the path integral representation of the resulting probability density function for the position of the particles and transform this quantity of interest into the form of a Fourier integral. In doing so, the evolution of the probability density can be investigated analytically for finite times. It is demonstrated that the probability density contains both a δ\delta-singular contribution and a regular part. While the former part plays a dominant role at short times, the latter rules the behavior at large evolution times. The slow approach of the probability density to a limiting Gaussian form as time tends to infinity is elucidated in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Market ranking of successful digital business models

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    The transition from industrial to service economy resulted in a wider adoption of asset-light strategies and technology-enabled business models. In the last ten years, digital companies have ascended to the top of the most valuable firms lists. Various aspects of digital business models have been exhaustively discussed in management literature, but their economic dimension remains under-researched.We analyze how strategy and business model add value and propose using historical volatility of valuation multiples for ranking companies by the degree of investors’ understanding of a firm’s strategy and business model in addition to ratings of companies by market capitalization. This ranking, in our view, is particularly helpful in analyzing business models of digital companies where most of the value is in intangible assets and economic goodwill. We also propose a way of expanding this research topic in the future

    Nutritional habits of athletes in speed-and-strength sports

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    Speed-and-strength sports differ from other sports because of its short time and very intense physical activity. ^e review provides a literature analysis of the effect of nutrients on the metabolic processes that occur during the occupation of these sports. During the training of athletes generally anaerobic mechanisms of muscular work dominate, so the nutrition of athletes focuses on the consumption of foods with high protein content and essential amino acids. ^e article describes general principles of diet constructing for athletes that should correspond to the basics of optimal nutrition, depend on the period of sport activity (training, competition, recovery), the duration and intensity of physical exertion, etc. Based on the results of recent studies published by domestic and foreign authors, the substantiation of the energy value and the chemical composition of the diet (the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements), as well as the formation of diets and drinking regime for highly skilled athletes involved in speed-and-strength sports is given