37 research outputs found

    Monitoring Bacterial Community of Human Gut Microbiota Reveals an Increase in Lactobacillus in Obese Patients and Methanogens in Anorexic Patients

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    Background: Studies of the bacterial communities of the gut microbiota have revealed a shift in the ratio of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in obese patients. Determining the variations of microbial communities in feces may be beneficial for the identification of specific profiles in patients with abnormal weights. The roles of the archaeon Methanobrevibacter smithii and Lactobacillus species have not been described in these studies. Methods and Findings: We developed an efficient and robust real-time PCR tool that includes a plasmid-based internal control and allows for quantification of the bacterial divisions Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Lactobacillus as well as the methanogen M. smithii. We applied this technique to the feces of 20 obese subjects, 9 patients with anorexia nervosa, and 20 normal-weight healthy controls. Our results confirmed a reduction in the Bacteroidetes community in obese patients (p<0.01). We found a significantly higher Lactobacillus species concentration in obese patients than in lean controls (p = 0.0197) or anorexic patients (p = 0.0332). The M. smithii concentration was much higher in anorexic patients than in the lean population (p = 0.0171). Conclusions: Lactobacillus species are widely used as growth promoters in the farm industry and are now linked to obesity in humans. The study of the bacterial flora in anorexic patients revealed an increase in M. smithii. This increase might represent an adaptive use of nutrients in this population

    Differential effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on heart rate

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    Abstract While glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) are known to increase heart rate (HR), it is insufficiently recognized that the extent varies greatly between the various agonists and is affected by the assessment methods employed. Here we review published data from 24-h time-averaged HR monitoring in healthy individuals and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treated with either short-acting GLP-1 RAs, lixisenatide or exenatide, or long-acting GLP-1 RAs, exenatide LAR, liraglutide, albiglutide, or dulaglutide (N\ua0=\ua01112; active-treatment arms). HR effects observed in two independent head-to-head trials of lixisenatide and liraglutide (N\ua0=\ua0202; active-treatment arms) are also reviewed. Short-acting GLP-1 RAs, exenatide and lixisenatide, are associated with a transient (1\u201312\ua0h) mean placebo- and baseline-adjusted 24-h HR increase of 1\u20133\ua0beats per minute (bpm). Conversely, long-acting GLP-1 RAs are associated with more pronounced increases in mean 24-h HR; the highest seen with liraglutide and albiglutide at 6\u201310\ua0bpm compared with dulaglutide and exenatide LAR at 3\u20134\ua0bpm. For both liraglutide and dulaglutide, HR increases were recorded during both the day and at night. In two head-to-head comparisons, a small, transient mean increase in HR from baseline was observed with lixisenatide; liraglutide induced a substantially greater increase that remained significantly elevated over 24\ua0h. The underlying mechanism for increased HR remains to be elucidated; however, it could be related to a direct effect at the sinus node and/or stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, with this effect related to the duration of action of the respective GLP-1 RAs. In conclusion, this review indicates that the effects on HR differ within the class of GLP-1 RAs: short-acting GLP-1 RAs are associated with a modest and transient HR increase before returning to baseline levels, while some long-acting GLP-1 RAs are associated with a more pronounced and sustained increase during the day and night. Findings from recently completed trials indicate that a GLP-1 RA-induced increase in HR, regardless of magnitude, does not present an increased cardiovascular risk for subjects with T2DM, although a pronounced increase in HR may be associated with adverse clinical outcomes in those with advanced heart failure

    Health and Pleasure in Consumers' Dietary Food Choices: Individual Differences in the Brain's Value System

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    Taking into account how people value the healthiness and tastiness of food at both the behavioral and brain levels may help to better understand and address overweight and obesity-related issues. Here, we investigate whether brain activity in those areas involved in self-control may increase significantly when individuals with a high body-mass index (BMI) focus their attention on the taste rather than on the health benefits related to healthy food choices. Under such conditions, BMI is positively correlated with both the neural responses to healthy food choices in those brain areas associated with gustation (insula), reward value (orbitofrontal cortex), and self-control (inferior frontal gyrus), and with the percent of healthy food choices. By contrast, when attention is directed towards health benefits, BMI is negatively correlated with neural activity in gustatory and reward-related brain areas (insula, inferior frontal operculum). Taken together, these findings suggest that those individuals with a high BMI do not necessarily have reduced capacities for self-control but that they may be facilitated by external cues that direct their attention toward the tastiness of healthy food. Thus, promoting the taste of healthy food in communication campaigns and/or food packaging may lead to more successful self-control and healthy food behaviors for consumers with a higher BMI, an issue which needs to be further researched

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the fifth international Mango Symposium Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the Xth international congress of Virology: September 1-6, 1996 Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haoma, Jerusalem, Israel

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    Intérêts d'une supplémentation en acide docosahexaénoïque dans la neuropathie diabétique

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU MĂ©d/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Définition de l'offre alimentaire hospitalière (le point de vue des soignants)

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    Dans les hôpitaux, le bénéfice d'une nutrition adaptée, n'est plus à démontrer sur la morbidité, la mortalité ou les coûts. Sous l'impulsion de politiques ciblées, la filière restauration et les experts en nutrition thérapeutique sont mobilisés afin que la restauration intègre une dimension de soin. Après avoir fait un état des lieux, nous avons interrogé les soignants sur leurs attentes, on constate que malgré leur sensibilisation à la dimension thérapeutique de la nutrition ils manquent de repères. Au-delà de la formation indispensable des soignants, se pose la question de l'organisation à mettre en place : faut-il privilégier la voie actuelle d'une filière de restauration experte qui " jongle " avec les soignants pour proposer aux patients un repas adapté à leur état de santé ou bien au contraire intégrer les soignants dans la filière elle même. Nous avons défini que les soignants ne s'approprient pas la surveillance de l'équilibre nutritionnel, pourtant c'est la seule voie pour que le repas devienne un soin à l'hôpitalIn hospitals, the benefit of an adapted nutrition is not any more to show on morbidity, mortality or costs. Under the impulse of targeted policies, the restorators and the experts in therapeutic nutrition are mobilized so that the restoration integrates a care dimension. After having made an assessment, we questioned medical personal on their waitings ; it is noted that in spite of their sensitizing with the therapeutic dimension of nutrition they miss reference mark. Beyond the essential formation of medical personal, the question of the organization arises to set up : is it necessary to privilege the current way of expert restoration which "juggles" with medical personal to proposing the patients an adapted meal to their health or quite on the contrary integrating medical personal in the restoration function it even. We showed that the medical personal do not adapt the monitoring of nutritional balance ; however it is the only way for the meal to become a hospital careAIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Intérêts de supplémentations nutritionnelles en acides gras polyinsaturés dans la neuropathie diabétique

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU MĂ©d/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparaison des formes cliniques de neuropathie dans le diabète de type 1 et de type 2 et étude des facteurs de risque associés

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU MĂ©d/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    L' insulinothérapie fonctionnelle (objectifs, outils et résultats)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU MĂ©d/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF