3 research outputs found

    An application of an EHR based on conceptual modeling to integrate clinical and genomic data and guide therapeutic strategy

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    Currently, data management in oncology department is complex and requires advanced Information Systems (ISs) to process data where “omic” information should be integrated together with patient’s clinical data to improve data analysis and decision-making process. This research paper reports a practical experience in this context. A Conceptual Model (CM) has been designed to develop an Information System (IS) in order to manage clinical, pathological, and molecular data in a holistic way at the oncology department of two main Hospitals in Paraguay. Additionally, model-based archetypes have been proposed to specify the selected user interaction strategy. The CM and its associated archetypes are the basis to develop a clinical IS in order to load -firstly- and manage -secondly- all the clinical data that the domain requires, showing how feasible the approach is in practice, and how much the corresponding clinical data management is improved. In this work, we want to reinforce with this real experience how using a CM along with archetypes correctly helps to design, develop and manage better information systems, emphasizing the relevance of the selected clinical domain

    Una Aplicación de una Historia Clínica Electrónica (HCE) Basado en Modelos Conceptuales para Integrar Datos Clínicos y Genómicos y Orientar la Estrategia Terapéutica

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    [EN] Currently, data management in oncology department is complex and requires advanced Information Systems (ISs) to process data where "omic" information should be integrated together with patient's clinical data to improve data analysis and decision-making process. This research paper reports a practical experience in this context. A Conceptual Model (CM) has been designed to develop an Information System (IS) in order to manage clinical, pathological, and molecular data in a holistic way at the oncology department of two main Hospitals in Paraguay. Additionally, model-based archetypes have been proposed to specify the selected user interaction strategy. The CM and its associated archetypes are the basis to develop a clinical IS in order to load -firstly- and manage -secondly- all the clinical data that the domain requires, showing how feasible the approach is in practice, and how much the corresponding clinical data management is improved. In this work, we want to reinforce with this real experience how using a CM along with archetypes correctly helps to design, develop and manage better information systems, emphasizing the relevance of the selected clinical domain.[ES] Actualmente, la gestión de datos en el departamento de oncología es compleja y requiere sistemas de información avanzados para procesar datos donde la información "ómica" debe integrarse junto con los datos clínicos del paciente para mejorar el análisis de datos y el proceso de toma de decisiones. Este trabajo de investigación presenta una experiencia práctica en este contexto. Se ha diseñado un Modelo Conceptual (MC) para desarrollar un Sistema de Información (SI) con el fin de gestionar datos clínicos, patológicos y moleculares de manera integral en el departamento de oncología de dos hospitales principales en Paraguay. Además, se han propuesto arquetipos basados en modelos para especificar la estrategia de interacción del usuario. El MC y los arquetipos asociados son la base para desarrollar un SI clínico con el fin de cargar -primero- y gestionar -segundo- todos los datos clínicos que requiere el dominio, mostrando cuán factible es el enfoque en la práctica y cuánto se mejora la gestión de datos. En este trabajo, queremos reforzar con esta experiencia real, cómo el uso correcto de un MC junto con los arquetipos ayuda a diseñar, desarrollar y administrar mejores sistemas de información, enfatizando la relevancia del dominio clínico seleccionado.This work has been developed in the framework of the project PINV115-149 with the financial support of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)- Paraguay, with resources del FEEI and with the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency, the Generalitat Valenciana and "Multicenter Project of Multidisciplinary Training in Cancer and Application of Electronic Health Record (EHR)", and co-financed with ERDF.Arevshatyan, S.; Burriel, V.; Boscá, D.; Reyes Román, JF.; Pastor López, O.; Yoffe, I.; Denis, RMC.... (2020). An Application of an EHR Based on Conceptual Modeling to Integrate Clinical and Genomic Data and Guide Therapeutic Strategy. Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. 53(1):17-30. https://doi.org/10.18004/anales/2020.053.01.17-030S173053

    Molecular profile in Paraguayan colorectal cancer patients, towards to a precision medicine strategy

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    Somatic mutation analysis and evaluation of microsatellite instability (MSI) have become mandatory for selecting personalized therapy strategies for advanced colorectal cancer and are not available as routine methods in Paraguay. The aims of this study were to analyze the molecular profile as well as the microsatellite status in a series of advanced colorectal patients from two public hospitals from Paraguay, to introduce these methodologies in the routine practice to guide the therapeutic decisions.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI