394 research outputs found

    Uncovering Cooperation in Housepit 54, Bridge River, British Columbia, Canada

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    There is a significant amount of literature regarding the theory of cooperation, as well as ethnographies and data from modern populations that clearly show cooperation, yet it is difficult to tease that information out of the archaeological record. My thesis will focus on floors IIi to IIc of Bridge River’s Housepit 54 in British Columbia, Canada, which extends from the Bridge River 2 period to the Bridge River 3 period and includes two incidents of resource stress and one of resource plenty. These times of fluctuating resource availability should result in the population utilizing different approaches to social organization. By examining different measures of wealth and privatization, it may be possible to determine the level and mechanisms of cooperation the ancestors of the modern St’át’imc Nation engaged in at different times in the village’s history. If successful, this method could be used in other areas of the world to similarly determine when cooperation was a beneficial strategy and which mechanism was the most useful

    Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) Test-Retest Reliability in Children

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    Objective—Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) are short-latency muscle potentials measured from the neck (cervical VEMP; cVEMP) or under the eyes (ocular VEMP; oVEMP), which provide information regarding function of the saccule and utricle, respectively. VEMPs are reliable when performed in adults; however, reliability of VEMPs in children is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine the test-retest reliability of c- and oVEMP testing in normal control children. Study Design—Prospective. Setting—Hospital. Patients—Ten adults, 14 adolescent children and 13 young children with normal hearing. Interventions—c- and oVEMP testing were completed across two test sessions in response to air-conduction 500 Hz tone-burst and impulse hammer stimuli. Additionally, oVEMP was completed using eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions. Main Outcome Measures—Intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the reliability of c- and oVEMP outcomes. Results—When using air-conduction stimuli, c- and oVEMP amplitudes are reliable across test sessions in normal control children and adults. With impulse hammer stimuli, cVEMP amplitudes showed high reliability; however, oVEMP amplitudes showed low reliability in both eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions. Comparison between eyes-open and eyes-closed oVEMP conditions revealed shorter latencies and higher peak-to-peak amplitudes in the eyes-open condition. Conclusions—In this small cohort of normal control children, cVEMPs are reliable using air-conduction and impulse hammer stimuli and oVEMPs are reliable using air-conduction stimuli in the eyes-open condition. oVEMP in eyes-closed conditions were less reliable compared to eyes-open conditions and resulted in a large number of absent responses

    Evolution of the Okvik/Old Bering Sea culture of the Bering Strait as a major transition

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    Great transitions are thought to embody major shifts in locus of selection,labour diversification and communication systems. Such expectations arerelevant for biological and cultural systems as decades of research hasdemonstrated similar dynamics within the evolution of culture. The evolutionof the Neo-Inuit cultural tradition in the Bering Strait provides anideal context for examination of cultural transitions. The Okvik/OldBering Sea (Okvik/OBS) culture of Bering Strait is the first representativeof the Neo-Inuit tradition. Archaeological evidence drawn for settlementand subsistence data, technological traditions and mortuary contextssuggests that Okvik/OBS fits the definition of a major transition givenchange in the nature of group membership (from families to politicalgroups with social ranking), task organization (emergent labour specialization)and communication (advent of complex art forms conveying socialand ideological information). This permits us to develop a number of implications about the evolutionary process recognizing that transitions mayoccur on three scales: (1) ephemeral variants, as for example, simple technological entities; (2) integrated systems, spanning modular technology tosocio-economic strategies; and (3) simultaneous change across all scaleswith emergent properties.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Human socio-cultural evolution inlight of evolutionary transitions’

    Information literacy curriculum mapping in the health sciences

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    Instructional medical librarians are uniquely positioned in a context governed by multiple instructional frameworks emerging from librarianship and the professions with which they liaise. Yet very little literature exists on medical librarians’ use of curriculum mapping to align their instruction with these frameworks. This review illuminates the current state of curriculum mapping in medical librarianship.We searched five bibliographic databases for articles published between 2010 and August 2021 and centred on information literacy(IL)curriculum mapping within a health sciences university context. Studies were included based upon pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were extracted using an instrument developed primarily a priori, with some codes developed emergently in response to preliminary review of the data.We included 127 studies focused on curriculum mapping, of which only 24 included structures which might be considered “curriculum maps”. Across all 127 studies included, The Association of College & Research Libraries’ Information Literacy Competency Standards for Libraries for Higher Education was the most-used ILframework, though versions of evidence-based practice were used more often, with a great deal of diversity and incomplete reporting on how these frames informed instruction of discrete concepts and skills. Within the 24 articles containing figurative curriculum maps, the same diversity of concepts and incomplete reporting was present, with librarians mapping IL frameworks to classroom activities more often than learning outcomes or competencies.Development of curricular maps aligning discrete IL concepts and skills with different disciplinary contexts is needed to provide instructors with a modular structure they might implement in their own contexts. To further the identification of best practices, future research should examine existing curricular maps made by librarian

    Mechanotransductive feedback control of endothelial cell motility and vascular morphogenesis

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    Vascular morphogenesis requires persistent endothelial cell motility that is responsive to diverse and dynamic mechanical stimuli. Here, we interrogated the mechanotransductive feedback dynamics that govern endothelial cell motility and vascular morphogenesis. We show that the transcriptional regulators, YAP and TAZ, are activated by mechanical cues to transcriptionally limit cytoskeletal and focal adhesion maturation, forming a conserved mechanotransductive feedback loop that mediates human endothelial cell motility in vitro and zebrafish intersegmental vessel (ISV) morphogenesis in vivo. This feedback loop closes in 4 hours, achieving cytoskeletal equilibrium in 8 hours. Feedback loop inhibition arrested endothelial cell migration in vitro and ISV morphogenesis in vivo. Inhibitor washout at 3 hrs, prior to feedback loop closure, restored vessel growth, but washout at 8 hours, longer than the feedback timescale, did not, establishing lower and upper bounds for feedback kinetics in vivo. Mechanistically, YAP and TAZ induced transcriptional suppression of myosin II activity to maintain dynamic cytoskeletal equilibria. Together, these data establish the mechanoresponsive dynamics of a transcriptional feedback loop necessary for persistent endothelial cell migration and vascular morphogenesis

    Deposition, Accumulation, and Alteration of Cl(-), NO3(-), ClO4(-) and ClO3(-) Salts in a Hyper-Arid Polar Environment: Mass Balance and Isotopic Constraints

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    The salt fraction in permafrost soils/sediments of the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) of Antarctica can be used as a proxy for cold desert geochemical processes and paleoclimate reconstruction. Previous analyses of the salt fraction in MDV permafrost soils have largely been conducted in coastal regions where permafrost soils are variably affected by aqueous processes and mixed inputs from marine and stratospheric sources. We expand upon this work by evaluating permafrost soil/sediments in University Valley, located in the ultraxerous zone where both liquid water transport and marine influences are minimal. We determined the abundances of Cl(-), NO3(-, ClO4(-)and ClO3(-)in dry and ice-cemented soil/sediments, snow and glacier ice, and also characterized Cl(-) and NO3(-) isotopically. The data are not consistent with salt deposition in a sublimation till, nor with nuclear weapon testing fall-out, and instead point to a dominantly stratospheric source and to varying degrees of post depositional transformation depending on the substrate, from minimal alteration in bare soils to significant alteration (photodegradation and/or volatilization) in snow and glacier ice. Ionic abundances in the dry permafrost layer indicate limited vertical transport under the current climate conditions, likely due to percolation of snowmelt. Subtle changes in ClO4(-)/NO3(-) ratios and NO3(-) isotopic composition with depth and location may reflect both transport related fractionation and depositional history. Low molar ratios of ClO3(-)/ClO4(-) in surface soils compared to deposition and other arid systems suggest significant post depositional loss of ClO3(-), possibly due to reduction by iron minerals, which may have important implications for oxy-chlorine species on Mars. Salt accumulation varies with distance along the valley and apparent accumulation times based on multiple methods range from approximately 10 to 30 kyr near the glacier to 70-200 kyr near the valley mouth. The relatively young age of the salts and relatively low and homogeneous anion concentrations in the ice-cemented sediments point to either a mechanism of recent salt removal, or to relatively modern permafrost soils (less than 1 million years). Together, our results show that near surface salts in University Valley serve as an end-member of stratospheric sources not subject to biological processes or extensive remobilization

    Multimodal Imaging Nanoparticles Derived from Hyaluronic Acid for Integrated Preoperative and Intraoperative Cancer Imaging

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    Surgical resection remains the most promising treatment strategy for many types of cancer. Residual malignant tissue after surgery, a consequence in part due to positive margins, contributes to high mortality and disease recurrence. In this study, multimodal contrast agents for integrated preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and intraoperative fluorescence image-guided surgery (FIGS) are developed. Self-assembled multimodal imaging nanoparticles (SAMINs) were developed as a mixed micelle formulation using amphiphilic HA polymers functionalized with either GdDTPA for T1 contrast-enhanced MRI or Cy7.5, a near infrared fluorophore. To evaluate the relationship between MR and fluorescence signal from SAMINs, we employed simulated surgical phantoms that are routinely used to evaluate the depth at which near infrared (NIR) imaging agents can be detected by FIGS. Finally, imaging agent efficacy was evaluated in a human breast tumor xenograft model in nude mice, which demonstrated contrast in both fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging

    The influence of habitual endurance exercise on carotid artery strain and strain-rate in young and middle-aged men

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    Central arterial stiffness is an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk that can be modified by exercise training. However, conventional local measures of carotid artery stiffness display conflicting responses to habitual endurance exercise in young and older adults. 2D-Strain imaging of the common carotid artery (CCA) quantifies circumferential deformation (strain) of the arterial wall across the cardiac cycle, which is more sensitive at detecting age-related alterations in CCA stiffness than conventional methods. Therefore, the study was designed to examine the relationship between habitual endurance exercise (running) and CCA 2D-Strain parameters in young and middle-aged men. Short-axis ultrasound images of the CCA were obtained from 13 young nonrunners (23 years [95% CI: 21-26]), 19 young runners (24 [22-26]), 13 middle-aged nonrunners (54 [52-56]) and 19 middle-aged runners (56 [54-58]). Images were analysed for peak circumferential strain (PCS; magnitude of deformation) as well as systolic and diastolic strain-rate (S-SR and D-SR; deformation velocity) and group differences were examined via two-way ANOVA. PCS, S-SR and D-SR were attenuated in middle-aged males when compared to young men (all P ≀ 0.001). PCS and S-SR were elevated in young and middle-aged runners when compared to nonrunners (P = 0.002 and P =0.009 respectively), but no age*training status interaction was observed. In contrast, there was no influence of habitual running on D-SR. Habitual exercise is associated with comparable improvements in CCA 2D-Strain parameters in young and middle-aged men, but the age-related decline in PCS and S-SR may be more amenable to habitual endurance exercise than D-SR

    Distinct gut microbiomes in two polar bear subpopulations inhabiting different sea ice ecoregions

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    Gut microbiomes were analyzed by 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the southern Beaufort Sea (SB), where sea ice loss has led to increased use of land-based food resources by bears, and from East Greenland (EG), where persistent sea ice has allowed hunting of ice-associated prey nearly year-round. SB polar bears showed a higher number of total (940 vs. 742) and unique (387 vs. 189) amplicon sequence variants and higher inter-individual variation compared to EG polar bears. Gut microbiome composition differed significantly between the two subpopulations and among sex/age classes, likely driven by diet variation and ontogenetic shifts in the gut microbiome. Dietary tracer analysis using fatty acid signatures for SB polar bears showed that diet explained more intrapopulation variation in gut microbiome composition and diversity than other tested variables, i.e., sex/age class, body condition, and capture year. Substantial differences in the SB gut microbiome relative to EG polar bears, and associations between SB gut microbiome and diet, suggest that the shifting foraging habits of SB polar bears tied to sea ice loss may be altering their gut microbiome, with potential consequences for nutrition and physiology
